//------------------------------// // Games of the Heart // Story: The Love of a Family // by Asterid //------------------------------// Chapter 6 – Games of the Heart Scootaloo, Applebloom and Spike left their respective parental figures behind as they made their way through the apple orchard towards the Carousel Boutique where Sweetie Belle and Rarity called home. Hearing the soft breeze rustle the leaves above them, Scootaloo sent up a silent prayer to all four princesses, asking that her new mother-to-be would be able to train her to fly on her own. She loved riding her scooter around the town, but the sky sang its siren song to her, goading her to soar amongst its cloud covered expanse. Looking in front of her, Scootaloo paid close attention to her best friend and her kind-of-brother. Looking from the outside, it was easy to see that the two cared deeply about each other. The young dragon lavished his attention on the smaller filly, even as they walked along in silence. Applebloom was no less obvious, the spring in her step and the happiness that seemed to just shine out of her as she walked next to her purple paramour.  I hope I can find that someday, Scoot said, Dash has Twilight, Spike has Applebloom, even Pinkie Pie has that Cheese guy. And all I can think of is cuddling that cute marshmallowy Unicorn. Exiting the orchard near the road leading to the boutique, Applebloom looked behind her and saw her best friend trailing behind them, occasionally scuffing her hoof in the dirt, her head hung low. Turning to Spike, Bloom nudged him with her shoulder and gestured behind them. “I’ll run ahead and get Sweetie Belle; you guys catch up ok?” She said, running ahead. Slowing down to catch up to Scootaloo, Spike cleared his throat to get her attention. “Everything ok there, little sis,” He asked, clasping his claws behind his head, “Looks like somethings got you down.” “Little?” Scootaloo said indignantly, “You’re like 5 minutes older than me. Besides, our moms haven’t made it official yet, so technically you’re not my brother.” As the orange filly stuck her tongue out at him, Spike couldn’t help but laugh at how cute she was acting. “Your deflecting,” He replied, “What’s wrong Scoots?” “I’m jealous, ok?” She replied, a blush staining her cheeks, “Not of Applebloom having you, she’s been trying to catch herself a purple dragon for a while now. I just want to be able to have what you and Bloom have.” “And you want it with a squishy white Unicorn correct?” Spike said, raising the spines over his left eye. “Hey now,” Scootaloo said, poking the larger dragon, “Only I can call her squishy. She’s all soft and fluffy.” “Ok, I’ll tone down the teasing.” Spike said with a laugh, throwing his claws in the air, “Seriously though, why don’t you just tell her how you feel about her?” “What if she doesn’t feel the same way?” Scootaloo replied, her eyes going wide, “What if she thinks I’m weird and doesn’t want to be my friend anymore? What if she runs all over town telling everyone that I’m some sick perv and everyone decides to form an angry mob and run me out of town? What if-“ Reaching out quickly, Spike clamped his claws around Scootaloo’s muzzle as she continued mumbling out her panicked reasoning. “Slow down Scoots.” He asked, trying to calm down the little orange bundle of energy, “Jeez, you’re as bad as mom when she gets on a tear. Listen, Sweetie Belle isn’t going to stop being your friend if she doesn’t feel the same. Things will be awkward, but it will get better. Also, it’s not like you three are still running the Gabby Gums articles. You’re not gonna be run out of town. Now, relax and let your big brother help you.” “You’d help me?” Scootaloo mumbled around Spike’s claws, “How?” “Catch some dirt and listen to the master,” Spike said, brushing some non-existent dirt from his shoulder, “Here’s what we’re gonna do….” ******* Walking up to the door of the boutique, Applebloom couldn’t help smiling to herself. She knew something was wrong with Scootaloo and had a fairly good idea what it was. Little did her best friend know, Bloom was in on some secret info that would lift her little orange heart higher than Rainbow Dash’s cloud house. Knocking on the front door of the boutique, Applebloom could just barely see her handsome knight in scaly armor helping his little sister through a fairly intense panic attack. As the door was flung open, Applebloom found herself gripped in the lime green aura of Sweetie Belle’s magic as she was dragged inside the shop. “AB help,” squeaked the high-pitched voice of the white Unicorn as she rummaged through a chest of clothes Rarity had designed. “Whoa, simmer down there Sweetie Belle,” Bloom drawled, “What’s got a bee in your bustle?” “You know what,” Sweetie hissed, “Scootaloo is right down the street talking to Spike and I’m panicking because I haven’t had a chance to talk to her about my crush and she’s always so cute and cool and amazin and I wanted to wear a nice dress when we hang out and….help.” Pulling a paper bag from one of Pinkie Pie’s surprise part emergency stashes, Bloom shoved it on Sweetie’s muzzle as she started stroking her mane. “Breath Sweetie Belle, breath.” Bloom said, rolling her eyes, “First, Scootaloo isn’t gonna care if you’re wearing some high falutin’ frou-frou dress. Just wear something simple if you feel you gotta. Second, whatcha worried bout anyfer? Scoots would be crazy not to want to be yer special somepony.” “Yeah…your right…” Sweetie Belle wheezed, “Ok, I’m calm. I’m in control. I’m gonna barf!” Rushing out of the main room and into the toilet, Sweetie Belle slammed the door shut with her magic and Bloom began nonchalantly rummaging through the clothes chest on her own, whistling as she worked. Pulling out several choices, she finally landed on a light purple dress and saddle that would well with Sweetie’s pale coloring. Knocking on the door, Applebloom entered when asked.  “So, I found something that’ll look good on ya and should hold up while we’re hanging out.” She said, hanging the outfit on the door, “Now, what I want ya to do now that you got that thar hissy fit out of yer system to clean up a little bit, brush your teeth and get dressed. I don’t think Spikey and Scootaloo are gonna take much longer gittin’ here.” Walking over to the sink, Sweetie splashed some water on her face before grabbing her toothbrush and scrubbing her mouth. “Ib wawn’t a hipfy fip.” Sweetie garbled, glaring at the butter yellow filly behind her. Spitting out the foamy suds, Sweetie reached for the mouth wash and swish a few times to make sure she wouldn’t smell. Turning around, she took in the full view of the outfit Applebloom had selected. Teleporting the dress and saddle onto her small frame, Sweetie had to admit Bloom had made a good decision. “See, yah look great,” the farm filly said, “Now, come on. Spike and Scootaloo are almost here.” “But what if I mess this up?” Sweetie whimpered, “Scootaloo could have her pick of special somepony. And I’m just a magically challenged Unicorn. “ “Ya’ll are great just the way you are Sweetie,” Bloom replied, giving the Unicorn filly a reassuring hug, “Yer a sweetheart and Scoots won’t be able to resist you.” Walking to the front door of the boutique, Sweetie eased it open before stepping through, followed close by Applebloom. Shutting the door took more energy than she would have liked, leaving her slightly winded. Turning around, she saw Spike and Scootaloo behind her, a starstruck grin plastered on the Pegasus’s face.  “Wow, Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo stammered, a blush darkening her cheeks, “You…umm…you look nice.” “You like it?” Sweetie Belle replied demurely, “Bloom helped me pick it out.” “Looks like my marefriend has good taste in dresses,” Spike joked, grinning at the young Earth pony. “Joke all ya want to mister,” Applebloom said, flipping her mane, “I know what looks good.” “So…what should we do?” Scootaloo asked shyly. “Why don’t we go back to the treehouse and play some cards,” Spike suggested, “I found this great game in a book I read the other day that would be perfect.” “Sounds like fun,” the three fillies chirped. Walking quickly back through the orchard, Scootaloo kept sneaking glances at Sweetie Belle. Her crush looked amazing in the purple dress, the fabric making her already pale coat seem to shimmer and shine under the afternoon light. She looked like a little angel. For some reason, Scootaloo had the weird compulsion to drape one of her stubby orange wings over the Unicorn’s back. Arriving at the tree house, the foursome moved a small table and four small cushions so they could comfortably play the game. Pulling out the well-worn pack of playing cards, Spike began shuffling before dealing out the first hand. “Hope no one minds if I deal while we play?” He asked, placing the remaining cards on the table, “It’s a little easier considering I’ve got claws and all.” “That’s fine,” Scootaloo said, gathering her cards in her wingtips, “What are we playing anyway?” “Well, its basically poker,” Spike replied, gripping his own cards, “Except the winner of each hand gets to ask one of the losers as question.” “Um…are ya’ll sure that’s a good idea, Spikey?” Applebloom asked, struggling to hold her cards. “Come on Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said, wrapping her own cards in her magic, “It’ll be fun.” The first few hands went well for everyone, innocent questions being asked between the four friends. It wasn’t until Spike won with a royal flush that he put his plan into motion. “Is there anypony that you have a crush on Sweetie Belle?” He asked with a grin. “I…that’s…why…” Sweetie stammered, tapping the tips of her hooves together as her eyes darted back and forth between the Dragon in front of her and the Pegasus on her left. “Its an innocent enough question.” Spike teased. “Innocent for you maybe,” Sweetie mumbled under her breath, “Yes, there is someone I have a crush on. They are athletic and cool and super dependable.” “They sound…nice.” Scootaloo said, her ears pulled down against her head. As the next hand was dealt, Applebloom couldn’t help but smirk at Sweetie’s response, helpful but just vague enough to not alert Scootaloo to her affection. Picking up her cards, she repressed a squeal as she saw that she had an almost unbeatable hoof, aces and eights. She would use this hoof to boost Scoots spirits. After the normal back and forth of calling and raising, Bloom laid down her cards and grinned wide. “Looks like that’s mah win,” She chirped, proud of herself, “Scootaloo, what about you? Anypony catch yer eye?” “There is,” Scootaloo replied dejectedly, “There’s this cute unicorn that I’ve had a thing for for like ever. Too bad she has a thing for someone else?” “Ya’ll never know until you tell ‘em.” Bloom replied with a smirk. As both Sweetie and Scootaloo won the next couple of hands, no burning questions were asked. In fact, the would-be couple seemed to be avoiding asking the questions they needed to. Nodding discreetly to Spike, Applebloom decided that if anything was going to happen, she would need to work with her coltfriend to make it happen. The next round of cards taxed Spike’s ability to bluff. He had only dealt himself a Princess High but was able to masterfully lead the three fillies to fold. Showing off his cards, he set his sites on his soon to be sister and pulled the metaphorical trigger. “Scootaloo,” He began, a devilish smile on his face, “What would you tell your crush if they were here right now?” Grinding her teeth, Scootaloo glared at Spike from behind the safety of her mane. Turning towards him to hide her blush, she practically growled at the Dragon. “I would tell them that I think they are an amazing and special pony to me.” She said, tears forming in her eyes, “And that I wish they would look at me and feel the same mushy feelings that are totally uncool but make me happy anyway.” Floored by the heartfelt words, Spike struggled to deal out the next set of cards, feeling like he had crossed a line and that this hadn’t been a good idea. Feeling a reassuring pat on the leg from Applebloom, Spike steadied himself and continued the game. As Applebloom won the next hand, she zeroed in for the kill. Tenting her hooves on the table, she focused on Sweetie Belle and rolled the figurative dice. “Sweetie Belle,” She said somberly, “Who is your crush?” A pin could have been heard in the silence that followed. Sweetie Belle continued tapping her hooves together nervously while trying to avoid everyone’s gaze. “I can’t,” She whispered, “If I tell you guys it will just make things bad.” “No it won’t,” Scootaloo said, fixing her violet eyes on the Unicorn, “We won’t judge you, no matter who it is. We’ll even help you.” That’s what we’re trying to do right now! Both Spike and Applebloom thought at the same time. “Really?” Sweetie Belle asked, tears gathering in her lime green eyes, “It won’t change things or make them awkward.” “Of course not,” Scootaloo replied, her attention only on her friend in front of her, “You telling us who your crush is won’t change how I…how we all fell about you.” Sweetie Belle focused on the Pegasus and whispered something to low for anyone at the table to hear.  “Ah’m sorry, what was that?” Bloom asked, rubbing her ear with her hoof. “I said that I have a crush on Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle repeated, barely louder than Fluttershy’s normal volume. “You…you do?” Scootaloo asked, her little wings fluttering open. “I do,” Sweetie Belle answered, tears falling from her eyes, “I’ve had a crush on you for so long but could never work up the nerve to tell you. Your just so cool and intimidating. How could a plain little unicorn like me ever catch your eye?” Moving to sit next to Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo quickly wrapped her small wing around her fluffy furred barrel and nuzzled her. “Your anything but plain, Sweetie Belle; you adorable little marshmallow,” Scootaloo said with pride, nuzzling the white filly “Your smart and creative, you sing beautifully and you make me want to be a better pony. Frankly, I’m the one who is lucky that you want to be my special somepony. Leaning into Scootaloo’s embrace, Sweetie Belle enjoyed the warmth and strength that seemed to flow out of the orange Pegasus. Sighing gently, She cuddle as close as she could. “You know what you need to do now right?” Applebloom chirped. “No, what?” Scootaloo asked. “Ask each other to be yer special somepony,” She answered, “Then kiss, consarnit.” “Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle asked shyly, “Will you be my special somepony?” “Only if you’ll be mine,” Scootaloo replied, turning and kissing the filly. It was a short kiss, but for the new couple time seemed to grind to a halt. Fireworks exploded behind their eyes as the pounding of their hearts filled their ears. Separating, Scootaloo leaned her forehead against Sweetie Belle’s and whispered to her. “Best Marefriend Ever.” She said, a wide grin on her face. “Darn right you are.” Sweetie Belle replied cheekily, wrapping her forelegs around Scootaloo’s barrel, “Can’t wait to see where you take me for our first date.”