//------------------------------// // Prologue- The Beginning to Any Story // Story: History Re:Written // by ForbiddenFan12 //------------------------------// Equestria - Just after Discord's Banishment As the rainbows died down, and the statue stood where a once chaotic monarch stood before, Two ponies, one embracing the day, with her white coat, and tri-coloured mane, let out a sigh of relief as she watched the land bleed back to normality from the hill where the statue stood. Her companion, sporting the colours of the night, stood with a smile, her hair flowing in a gentle breeze as she looked up at the taller one. The pretty stones they carried, floated back into their bags on their sides, and with it... Came the time to finally sit down, and rest as the land returned to normal. And as they rested their legs, and tended to the scuffs they sported, high up, further away than anything else... Was a room, where a tall, white furred, red maned being sat, her hooves on the floor, and her haunches planted in a plush chair as she looked at a transparent screen, watching the two, rather, recently ascended Goddesses, rest as she clapped her hooves a bit. "Well now, that went very well! I knew those two were good candidates for Alicorn hood!" She said with a cheerful voice, before she winced as the internal stings of her body, and her stomach hit at once. "R-right right... heir to the Creator's Keyboard... I need to get that started before it's too late..." She muttered to herself, and looked around the stark white room, that held drawings, mostly foal made, hung around, details of Equestria's History behind them. And with a sigh, the mare allowed the keyboard to vanish as she sat up, and jumped from the red, plush arm chair, and on the floor. A carpeted, white floor that made the mare sigh from the plush feeling, as she danced in place for a second, before entering a door way, and into a corridor, where she walked down it, feeling the heat of the sun below the... place she lived, and the coolness hit her. These halls always had issues with keeping heating, but she digressed. She wasn't going to be around much longer. Maybe five, or six years tops. Meaning, she needed to plant the seeds to keep the world below, from being torn apart, finish up the problems that the older Creators pushed aside, that the mortal beings below, brushed aside, thinking they dealt with it. But, it was when she entered the kitchen, and pulled a bit of sliced bread, cherry jam, and unshelled, peanuts, did she pause. Equestria was now in the stages of being a kingdom. Discord, her titan of chaos, had fulfilled his current purpose. To unite the three tribes under the banners of the newly ascended goddesses, Celestia and Luna. A pair of sisters she found one day, surviving with the Unicorn tribes that were just about to cause a second windigo storm to come. 'They just barely survived the first one, one storm that was caused by two fillies caught stealing from an earth pony's shop.' The current Creator mused, as she bit into her sandwich, before sighing. "Accusations, paranoia that was present... those ponies barely managed to survive that first storm... for how long? Forty? Sixty? Some hundred odd years? She forgot, because after that storm... Discord was created to stop another from happening... Then the Alicorn sisters ascended to prevent another try. And even then... despite the two events, it wasn't until the Elements came from the tree, that the quarrels stopped all together. 'Sometimes I can't wait to stop worrying, and just... feel nothing... but I can't leave them defenseless... I need that prodigy made. Well, after lunch, maybe I can work on that... or I could also just yank a filly fro- no... That's how the first iteration of Equestria fell...' The Creator mused, before sighing as she finished her simple lunch, and magicked away the mess as she turned around. "Guess I better get started... No time like the present." She declared, as she marched back to her chair. The minute she sat down, the keyboard came to life and the Creator, willed a hand to form from her magic, as it tapped away at the board. Soon, a small, filly size pony was being made, white fur, as similar to her own, but... with a black mane, and tail. The filly had her eyes open, and within the blank white slate, the Creator hummed before she nodded to herself, as pink, soft eyes came to life within the white. Along with the pupil, the Creator nodded to herself, as she set the filly down, and went back to typing. Soon, after a bit of debate, wings came to life on her project's side, along with a few memories, key memories for Creators, filled the filly's life. Along with them, came the fleeting memories passed down by the creators before her, and even a few of her own. "A pegasus mare, shall be my successor, and now, I shall wait until she's developed, and ready to accept her responsibilities. Now then, shall I give you a few personalities, or shall I see what develops first?" She asked herself, before chuckling. "I do suppose, we can wait... Forbidden Heart. Five Years Later It was getting harder by the day to not wince in passing pains. Her body felt old, weak even now. Her mane had sported a grey stripe a few weeks after Forbidden Heart was brought into Creator-hood. Now it was almost a greying red mane she had. Her fur, colours and all, remained the same, but... she felt tired. Tired, and glad that she was able to get the three tribes to unify. They even were splitting off in mixed groups. A few, sporting apple, orange and fruit based marks, left to the only source of river for farm life. A nice, semi lush area near a river, further south of the main mountain that several seem keen on staying at. Even if a few parties left to go explore the land. Or if she saw right... Some left to go explore as a group, solving problems and such. Starswirl was odd to her. She almost put him against her Titan of Chaos, but if the pangs of envy and jealousy she felt within his group was true... It would have been for naught. Thus, she was glad that, while not wanting the jobs at first, The two goddesses were now the new Founding Princesses of Equestria. 'Surprised that Platinum mare allowed them to.' She mused with a chuckle, only to cough a bit as she turned her attention away from the creation of Equestria, and back to the little filly, reading, and frowning at books she saw. "Fast?" The filly asked, as the Creator smiled when she heard the mispronunciation of her name. A smile that quickly vanished as the filly asked a simple question. One that gave her an inner strength. "Why are these mortals tarnishing this lovely world?" The filly asked, before shaking her head. "I mean, Fast... They take, kill, eat plant life, and don't give back." the filly asked, as the Creator sighed. "Because without it, the land would simply overgrow, break, and destroy itself without anything stopping it." The Creator returned, just for the filly, Forbidden heart to frown again, questioning the logic. "Oh... but, I don't get why we help then, why we create problems..." She then asked before "Fast" could elaborate. That question did leave her stumped. And with it not being answered, Forbidden went back to reading, enjoying a snack of a juice box, said box itself half eaten, and a sandwich of cucumbers, The crust, minus the first bite, untouched. And with it, "Fast" was pulled from her thoughts, as another pang hit her form. "My successor... I'm afraid we don't have much time left, we're going to have to speed up your training. Okay?" She asked her filly, who stopped reading, and nodded with a genuine smile. "Okay!"