Equestria Girls The Abandoned Factory

by SomePonyy


The girls stepped into the innovation wing. "This place is getting more and more scary!" Fluttershy said. "I really think we should turn back!"

"Come on Fluttershy! The fun is just starting!" Rainbow scoffed. Rarity rolled her eyes.

"You act like Fluttershy's the only who's scared."

"Okay that was one time only and that wasn't me being scared!" Rainbow said trying to defend herself. "It's called having having a fast reaction!"

"Alright, we can go with that." AppleJack rolled her eyes at Rainbow. At the corner were two yellow bins with a pile of boxes behind them. There were some toys scattered around the floor. They did not look in the best condition. Not surprising as the factory had been shut down for decades. There was a flight of stairs that led to an upper level of the innovation wing and there was a yellow VHS player.

"Hey look! Another VHS player!" Pinkie pointed out. "I wonder if we need a yellow VHS tape?"

"Ah think so, Pinkie. But let's worry about that later. Right now we gotta figure out where the hell we are," AJ said.

In the upper section there was a machine that required 4 small power generators that would make some big claw on the ceiling move. One was already on the floor next to them. Twilight picked it up and plugged it onto the machine. Rainbow used her speed powers to locate and find all the other three and put them on the machine. Besides those three she also found another handcanon. So now she had duel hand canons. Unknown to any of them Huggy had been watching them from the vents and slipped out of view before they could see them. They did hear the noise of the vent shut.

"What was that?!" Fluttershy yelped.

"Ah don't know, Shy but whoever...or whatever it was it's probably watching us." AJ said. "Come on." There was a door that led to a vent. It required both the red and blue hands to read. Rainbow opened the door using them and the girls and Spike went inside. The vent way was dark and the conveyer belt that they were walking on hadn't been moving since it shut down. As they walked down the vent, they were caught off guard when they came tumbling down.

"WOAH!" They all shouted as they tumbled on top of one another. There was a door that said 'Do Not Enter' but AJ simply broke the door down using her super strength and broke the door down. It led to another section of the vents. This time, the conveyor belts do work and are moving them along the way. As they were moved down a bunch of pieces of plastic arms and legs fell on the floor. Fluttershy screamed in fear and Rarity nearly jumped. A few more of these 'jumpscares' and they were finally in the toy making room. "These must be wear they make the toys..." Sunset observed as they looked around. Spike started to sniff the machines.

"This place hasn't been used in ages!" He pointed out. There was a sign with a red button on it that said 'Make a friend'. There was a big closed door that wouldn't open unless a toy was put on the stand next to it. They found pieces of a toy cat and put it on the conveyor belt so a toy could be made. It went through all the machines until it was done. When it came out, they took the toy and used it to open the big door. The big door began to open and they all went down the hall. The doors on either side of the hall were locked Rarity approached the end of the darkened hall. She turned around and looked at the girls.

"Alright, girls. I think we should head on back now. I do believe the storm is over."


"Fluttershy, that's not very nice of you to call Rarity hideous. You know she's very sensitive about her appearance." Rainbow said.

Fluttershy shook her head. "I'm not talking about Rarity I'm talking about t-t-t-t-that!" The other finally noticed. Huggy was right behind Rarity with his gaping smile showing his razor sharp teeth.

"Okay, Rarity. I don't want you to panic but...just slowly walk forward. Don't look back."

"Don't look back? Why not?" She asked confused. She looked behind her to be met with Huggy's terryfying grin. She screamed in terror and all the other girls and Spike ran out the room. There was another vent way they could use but they had powers too! Should they fight or run?