//------------------------------// // chapter 2 // Story: Sisters forever // by Bestfluttercordfan //------------------------------// The next day at school. Diamond Tira "oh look who it is it's the blank flank that's also a orphan laughs no wounder your parents gave you away your useless and worthless  you know now I think about it the reason why  no pony has adopted you is because your  ugly. Diamond Tira said. Scootaloo" you take that back. Scootaloo said with anger in her voice. Diamond Tira "no. Diamond Tira said with a smirk. Then scootaloo  stood up and punched diamond Tira right in the face and a lot of blood came gushing out and diamond Tira even lost some adult teeth. Diamond Tira " owe that hurt Diamond Tira whined as blood kept coming out of her nose. Scootaloo "maybe next time you will keep your mouth shut. Scootaloo shouted at diamond Tira then scootaloo walked away. At wounder bolt practice. Spitfire" crash hello earth to crash. Spitfire said as she was waving her hoof in front of rainbow. Rainbow dash " yes ma'am what is it. Rainbow dash said. Spitfire "I need you to pay attention to what I'm saying ok. Spitfire said. Rainbow dash" Ok I'm sorry ok I was thinking if I should  adopt a sister or not because I always wanted a sister. Rainbow dash said. Spitfire "well you can think about that after practice. Spitfire said. Rainbow dash" yes ma'am. Rainbow dash said. At the orphanage. Marry "so how was your day at school? Marry asked as scootaloo walked in. Scootaloo" it was fine. Scootaloo said with a little anger mixed with a little sadness in her voice. Marry "that's good. Marry said. Scootaloo" I'm going to go take a nice hot bath ok. Scootaloo said as she walked towards the bathroom. Marry "ok scootaloo when you get out dinner will be ready. Marry said. Scootaloo" ok. Scootaloo said as she shut the bathroom door. 5 minutes later. Marry "dinners ready. Marry said. Scootaloo" Ooo yummy this looks delicious. Scootaloo said as she sat down at the dining room table. Marry "well glad you like it. Marry said as Scootaloo takes a big bite out of the piece of lettuce that was on her plate. Scootaloo" this food is delicious. Scootaloo said. Marry "I have a idea want to play battle ship or Uno. Marry said. Scootaloo" battle ship. Scootaloo said. Marry" ok battle ship it is. Marry said as she walks over to the cupboard and pulls out battle ship and then she puts it in front of scootaloo. 7 minutes later. Scootaloo "good night marry. Scootaloo said. Marry" good night scootaloo. Marry said as she tucked scootaloo in.