The Librarians and The Summoned Cat

by Dragon Shimmer

The test and dungeon

Ember leads the dragon duo on the tour of Dragonland. There is a lava pool on the top of the volcano and some of the zone that has a round circle. Sunset knows that is the zone where dragons are fighting each other. When leading the dragon duo, she sees the familiar orange dragon is running to her.

"Smolder," Ember yells at her, "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, I'm just bored." Smolder sighs in boredom and turns to the dragon duo. She realizes the orange dragon with a red horn immediately, "Hey, I know you. You are the one who saved me from the sword."

Sunset whistles, "Well... no problem about that. So... you are Smolder, right?"

Smolder nods, "That's me," then she turns to the purple dragon, "And who is this dragon? Seems he is not mature yet."

Sunset gives Spike a pat while Spike feels so hurt about this. Sunset coughs, "This is Spike. He has lived in the pony society his whole life."

"Eh, nice to meet you," The purple dragon rubs his head, "I hope I have no trouble with others."

"Maybe..." Smolder rubs her chin, "I don't know though cause many dragons here do not feel comfortable when you are around."

"I see." Sunset turns to the blue dragon, "How about we continue?"

"Sure," Ember is going to guide them as she turns to Smolder, "You can tag along, Smolder."

Smolder nods as she walks beside the dragon duo. When Ember is guiding them, many dragons look at Sunset in admiration while the dragonesses look at her in jealousy because of her beauty. Sunset feels weird about them. When the dragons look at the purple dragon, he receives many glares of them, making Spike feel nervous.

After 15 minutes of touring, the group sits on the rock while Sunset just goes outside to have something to eat. When she comes back, she puts down many fruits.

"Wow," Spike takes a coconut, "You really know how to collect the fruit."

"Well, I have encountered worse." Sunset rubs her head, "Just enjoy the lunch cause... I don't know what time it is." Then she turns to Ember, "Anyway, why do the dragons around here look at me weird?"

"Because... You look good." answers Smolder as Sunset tilts her head, "What? You look so good that I can feel jealous. Don't you see that?"

"Eh... no?" Sunset shakes her head, "I don't care about how I look though. That's why I never use makeup."

The others don't know what to say about this dragon. Sunset looks to the left and sees that the dragons are racing each other. After 15 minutes, a gray dragon is walking to the group, which makes Ember faceclaws as she knows who this is. The gray dragon looks at Sunset and smiles, "So... you are a newcomer here?"

"Yes, it's me." Sunset stands up, "And you are...?"

"My name is Toddy." The gray dragon points at himself, "I am a dragon in this land."

"Nice name," Sunset shakes his claw and smiles. "You really tough, don't you?"

"Not that tough." Toddy waves his claw, "Anyway, what are you doing here? You seem not like the dragons that come here."

"You guess right," Sunset picks an apple and points at the dragon, "I come from Ponyville, Equestria, and I come here to search my friend's real parent"

Sunset points at the purple dragon as the gray dragon turns to him. Spike smiles nervously as the gray dragon nods. "I see. So, that's why he doesn't have a wing. I can see that."

The orange dragon tilts her head, "Huh, wings and mature are very related? I didn't know that."

"Honestly, I don't know who his parents are either, but... maybe I can help him to have wings." Torch rubs his chin, "The condition is simple. Pass my test."

"I see." Spike smiles, "I will do your test."

"That's the spirit," Toddy turns to Ember, "Hey, can you lead him to the test? Oh wait, the duo had come here from the long road, can you lead him to somewhere to rest. "

Ember nods and turns to Spike, "Follow me," The purple dragon walks with the blue dragon as Smolder goes with Ember.

Torch sighs in relief as Sunset gives him a giggle, which makes the gray dragon confused, "What's so funny?"

"Nice disguise, dragon lord," Sunset gives him a smirk as the gray dragon is surprised, "I don't know who teaches you that spell but you don't be in that size, don't you?"

"Not a simple dragon," Torch shakes his head and sighs, "You are the first one who can see through me," then the grey dragon sits next to Sunset, "you really make me curious, Sunset. It's true that I used to ask a pegasus to sink me down, and of course, I can be back to the original form."

"A pegasus?" Sunset rubs her chin, "Look like Buttercube has a lot of mystery here."

"How did you know her name?" Torch is surprised, "I promise that I will keep that secret."

"Well..." Sunset stands up, "Time to check your test to see how a dragon can have wings. See ya," then Sunset walks away.

The grey dragon follows her, "Wait, you don't know where it is?"

Celestia and Luna are trying to make a wall but they have failed a lot of times. The Sisters are lying on the floor because of tiredness while Noleg just sits beside the campfire and roasts his fish. The Sisters look at the cat and are surprised when the cat can do it. Noleg takes the roasted fish and eats it happily.

Luna looks at her sister, "You really got a smart cat."

Celestia retorts, "That's not my cat," and turns to the blue cat. Luna gives her a smirk as Celestia glares at her, "I will collect the fruits, you stay here to watch the campfire."

"Sure, sister," Luna giggles, "Have fun being chased by timberwolf."

The white alicorn huffs and walks into the forest while Luna laughs, making Celestia annoyed enough. When the white alicorn is collecting the fruits and herbs, she sees big holes on the left of her. Feeling curious, Celestia decides to walk closer to the hole. Suddenly, the hole is bigger and Celestia is falling down.

The white alicorn stands up and looks around. She sees a hall of ancient ruin as there are many torches along the side. Celestia is not sure whether she will continue this thing or not. Looking behind, she finds that there is a stair that leads outside of the ruin. Celestia looks back and then she decides to go outside.

"Ouch..." the white alicorn feels hurt as she just falls from the high ground. Celestia sighs and tries to walk out of the dungeon. She lies down and breathes. She sees Luna is walking toward her and carries her to the camp.

"Ouch... ouch ...ouch. Easy sisters," whines Celestia as Luna is wrapping the bandage around the wound.

"You make me worry sick, Tia." yells Celestia, "What are you doing for a long?"

"Eh..." Celestia smiles nervously, "I just fall into a dungeon, I guess."

"A dungeon?" Luna's eyes widens, "You serious?"

"I'm not sure." Celestia rubs her chin, "I just woke up a while ago. I... don't know how long it is," and she feels someone is wrapping on her backhooves. Looking back, the white alicorn sees Noleg is wrapping a bandage.

Luna giggles, "You got a good cat."

Celestia rolls her eyes and takes a roasted fish to eat while Noleg keeps wrapping Celestia's wound. When Luna is trying to pet the cat, Noleg simply slaps her hoof away. The blue alicorn huffs as she turns back to their 'house' to figure out how to make a wall.

After 2 hours of resting, Celestia manages to stand up and sighs in relief while Noleg just climbs her back and rests on it. Celestia looks at the cat, then turns to the blue alicorn, "Hey Luna, how about we explore that dungeon?"

"You think that's a good idea?" Luna tilts her head, "I don't know if something dangerous is inside like giant spiders, giant slime, traps ..."

Luna is going to tell more but Celestia puts her hoof on her sister's lips to stop her, "Luna..." Celestia pats her back, "You just play too much board game."

"Please, sisters," Luna huffs, "Careful is safer, and if you want to go there. I will go with you but we have to prepare."

"Maybe you're right," Celestia goes back to her tents and prepares some tools, Luna does the same. After 2 hours, the alicorns come out. Celestia smiles, "Are you ready?"

"Huuya," Luna laughs. Celestia leads Luna to the dungeon with a blue cat on her back.

Twilight's friends are trying to calm Twilight down as the purple unicorn is panicking when she hears about Spike going to Dragonland. When the purple unicorn is going to teleport away, Rainbow Dash quickly blocks his horn while Applejack is holding her down.

"Calm down, Sugarcube," Applejack tries to calm the purple unicorn down, "Spike goes with Sunset so he will be fine."

Twilight is trying to yell, "What if Spike lost somewhere and..." but Rainbow Dash puts her hoof on Twilight's lips as the purple unicorn is surprised. Twilight takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down. When she feels relaxed, she nods and sits down on the sofa, "Sorry girls, I'm just panicking cause this is the long time when Spike gets away."

"Look, you just calm down." Rarity puts the tea on the table, "He is not going alone, but anyway..." Rarity puts her front hoof on her chin, "I don't know much about dragons. Maybe this is the chance you learn about them,"

"You're right. This is the best chance to understand them," Twilight hugs Rarity, "Thanks Rarity, I will prepare to go to Dragonland," then the purple unicorn teleports to her room. Rarity looks at Applejack in confusion. After 15 minutes, Twilight with saddlebags walks downstairs and meets others. "So... who wants to go to Dragonland to meet Spike?" Everyone, except Fluttershy, raises their front hoof to volunteer. Twilight glees and goes out of the door without saying anything.

The others look at each other in confusion as they sigh. They know that Twilight is very over-excited as they follow Twilight to Dragonland, except for the yellow pegasus.

Spike is standing at the gate as others are sitting beside the gate. When the gate is opened, the purple dragon slowly walks inside.

"Good luck, Spike. Hope that this is not a lie." Sunset turns to the gray dragon, "Right?"

"Why should I lie?" retorts Toddy, "This is just a test, and you should participate inside it."

"And why should I do that?" Sunset points at her wings, "I have wings you know."

"To watch him," Toddy points at Spike, "I don't want any dragon hurt inside."

"Good reason," Sunset rubs her chin, "Fine I will join him."

Sunset follows Spike inside as the gate is closed. When Sunset walks to the room and meets Spike in a room as Spike waves to Sunset. Looking around, the dragon duo sees many arrows are going to fire and many blades are swinging side by side. Sunset shakes her head in disappointment as Spike is just nervous.

Meanwhile, Toddy, Ember, and Smolder are watching them from the high ground and waiting for the dragon duo to start moving. Toddy is confident in this test because it is not easy.

Sunset turns to the purple dragon, "Well, this is like a 'walking to the park' test."

Spike tilts his head in curiosity,"You think so?"

"Yes, it is a good time to relax though," Sunset starts walking as the purple dragon follows her," So, by your look, what are you thinking about this stage?"

"Compares to the arena, this one is easier," Spike dodges the blade, "I thought it more challenging."

Sunset closes her eyes and smiles as she dodges the blade without looking. The test seems easy to them as Sunset doubts that the gray dragon is lying again.