Influential Intermission

by Nickyboy5038

Chapter 6 - The Fall Formal

After I successfully got my remote back and situated myself back where my portal would open, I went to the window and looked out, waiting for the scenes to unfold.


Everyone was arriving to the party and I saw the mane six enter with Sunset nowhere to be seen. A little while after the party got started I saw Sunset with Snips and Snails walk up to the school. Sunset had her sledgehammer and ordered Snips and Snails to get Twilight there. At least that’s what I thought she said, she was kind of quiet.

I didn’t want to join in on the party itself, I might mess something up. Plus, I didn’t want to become a mindless puppet when Sunset hypnotized everyone. I lie up here, ready to leave if anything went wrong. Well, anything more wrong than what would happen.

As I expected Snips and Snails came out with Spike, the mane six not far behind. Sunset made her speech and everyone did the whole catch the crown thing. Passing it from one to another, getting it stolen until it ended up in Sunsets hands. She did her whole she-demon transformation and hypnotized everyone. I made sure to look away during that part, just in case. I also opened my portal, so if anything happens that is out of the ordinary I could escape.

Twilight and the rest of the girls did their friendship spiel and defeated Sunset Shimmer. I admit, I did clap a little when they won. It’s a different experience in person! There was one oddity that I noticed that no one else did though. A small piece of the rainbow friendship laser went into my portal. I don’t know why or what it did, but it went in there, and I decided to find out why.


I went into my portal, leaving everyone else to do the rest of the party. I didn’t feel like joining in, especially when some investigating needed to be done. When I arrived back at the navigation room, the rainbow strand seemed to be waiting for me to follow it. I conceded and followed it and it led me to where the box portal would be. It started spinning into a circle and suddenly the portal was back! I could go home!

“Thank goodness for plot convenience!” I shouted aloud! Just when I was about to go back through the portal home it popped and left something. A little rainbow computer chip landed on the ground. “Wat?” I spat out. I picked it up and examined it. It looked a little like an SD card and I silently questioned why this would happen. I thought about a place that it could go. I went to the navigation room and looked around for a slot that it could fit in.

I looked around the room for a while and couldn’t spot anything. That was until I looked on the underside of the navigation table. There were two slots for SD cards and one was already in! It was labeled [TelePorter_1] and the other which was empty was [TelePorter_2]. I carefully slotted it in and the other pad in the room opposite to the School Pad hummed. I stepped over to it and stepped on it. A portal opened beneath me and I fell through only to end up in, my room? I turned around and saw the Box!

I was home! I was very happy that I made my way back. After I got stuck there I was really worried. It was around 11:56 PM and I realized that Twilight would probably go home very soon. I jumped back into the Box and ended up back in the navigation room. I would have to study these things later more extensively when I have the time.

I grabbed a card that I had made earlier just for this moment and went back to Canterlot High. I looked out the window and saw that Twilight and her friends weren’t there yet, I still had time. I jumped down the stairs of the library and ran through the halls to the front. I went through the wreckage that Sunset had caused right towards the portal. Sunset was there and noticed me but didn’t say anything as she was probably still in shock a bit from earlier. I went around the portal and leaned against the base to catch my breath. I waited for the mane six to come to the portal to say their goodbyes.


A few minutes later they came over. I checked my watch, 11:59 PM, cutting it close huh? Before they got to it I quickly ran around and chucked my card through the portal and ran back into the school. Obviously everyone noticed and Twilight yelled something at me that I didn’t hear. Hopefully they don’t chase me and let Twilight get through the portal.

I sped my way back through the halls to the library and up to the portal spot. I looked out the window and saw Twilight and Spike leave through the portal, I checked the moon and my watch. 12:00 AM with the moon about to cover the star. Just in time. Then the star was covered and the long hair, pony ears, and wings disappeared from the five friends. My work here today was done. I went back to the navigation room and back to my house for a well deserved rest.


Spike and I* had a great night, ignoring the Sunset Shimmer she-demon fiasco. We were heading back to the portal with our friends when a strange guy I hadn’t seen before ran in front of it and threw something in. He then ran away towards the school. “Hey! What did you do?!” I shouted after him. He didn’t seem to hear or he didn’t care as he kept running. I had half a mind to run after and question him but I had to go now or wait another 30 moons. I decided against chasing after him in favor of leaving now. I said my goodbyes to my friends here and went with Spike through the portal.
*(I never know if this way of saying it is correct, please inform me if I am wrong.)


I wobbled on my hind hooves and then landed on all four as my friends greeted me back. Everything seemed ok, but what did that guy throw through the portal? After I greeted my friends I looked around and saw a small card in the back corner of the room. I picked it up in my magic and flipped it over. Looking at what was written on it.