//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Baltimare // Story: Yugioh: Reunion // by ShootingStar25 //------------------------------// "I can't believe how big this house is," said Twilight as she was using her duel disk to talk with Isaac. She was moving the camera around so that the boy could also see. "Yeah, it's a rather decent-sized place," said Isaac. "By the way, did you take a look upstairs?" "Yes, I love it!" said Twilight. "My own private dressing room/closet." "That's what's it was supposed to be, but I know you'll put your books in there," said Isaac. "Maybe," smiled Twilight sheepishly. "Well, I'm glad you got a chance to see it. I've got some last-minute things to do. I should be home the day before my duel." said Isaac. "Alright then, take care, honey," said Twilight as she blew a kiss to her fiancé as the call ended on Isaac's duel disk. "So she's already starting to move her stuff in," stated Juniper as she was sitting next to her client. "Yeah," answered Isaac. "And you haven't told her the document yet?" "I want to do it in person. I want to see her genuine reaction, plus I've been busy with all this training and catching up that I'll only be home the day before my duel," said Isaac. "I wish nothing but the best for you two. Especially if you two are going get married," said Juniper as the pair continued their flight. The day began with Isaac leaving his hotel suite from Manehattan. With the information given to him by Rarity, the boy was able to know the location of his athletic friend. The plus side was that she and her team were wrapping up their season, as they would be competing in Baltimare for the championship match. So to commemorate the event, they had contacted the World Champion to take part in an exhibition duel. Hours passed, and soon, the flight descended as the wheels touched the runway as the plane slowed down. The exit opened up as the pair now grabbed their bags. They got on the bus that Juniper requested for them as they placed their bags in the compartment on the side as they boarded the vehicle and were on their way. They arrived at the place; they thanked the bus driver and tipped him. The pair now entered the place as they grabbed their keycards and entered their rooms that were next to each other. The morning came as Juniper was talking with her client. "Are you all set?" asked the girl. "Just about," said Isaac as he put on his cap and watch. The pair now left the hotel as they were heading over to the stadium. The big game was going to be taking place tomorrow night as well as the exhibition duel. So today, the pair was going to hopefully see Rainbow and her team as a way for the boy to catch up and give her some news. They arrived at the stadium as from the outside, it was massive. It was used to holding several events over the years, but it was still impressive. They made it to the gates as the security saw them and let them in without hesitation. The pair kept on walking as they came to one of the many sections of the stadium as they were taking it all in from the inside. Tons of LED screens, speakers, the many seats that would be filled for tomorrow's game. For Isaac, being a pro duelist and competing in duels in big-time venues, this was normal for him. "There she is," said Juniper as she pointed down to the field. While Isaac couldn't get a full view of his friend, he did see her rainbow color hair that stood out even a mile away. He smiled as they began to make their way to the field. On the field were several people as they were practicing for their big game tomorrow night. Spitfire was having her team of all-stars run some last-minute practice drills. All around, her teammates were hard at work trying to get themselves ready for the game in less than 24 hours. One of the players happened to be a girl who had rainbow-colored hair. She was standing in front of a goal as she had the ball at her foot. "This is it. The final shot of the game, one point to win it." said the girl to herself. She was imagining herself in the moment. "The spotlight is on you." She then began to take a few steps back as she let out a breath and closed her eyes. "When Rainbow shoots, Rainbow don't miss." The girl spoke her little catchphrase as she opened her eyes. She then began to charge forward as she looked to kick the ball in. Isaac made his presence known as he got the attention of Rainbow's teammates as they all gasped. He put his finger to his lips as he made sure that Rainbow didn't notice he was here. The girl was too lost in her own mind that she brought her leg to kick the ball when... "Hey, Skittles!" shouted Isaac. "Huh?!" said Rainbow as she completely missed the ball and fell hard. Spitfire and her teammates couldn't help but laugh at how easily the World Champ was able to get their MVP of the team off her game. He gave them all fistbumps as he now walked over where Rainbow was lying on the ground spread out. "Who's the asshole that called me..." Rainbow then paused what she wanted to say. She sat up and saw who was in front of her. "No shot! This is... it can't be..." Isaac could see that Rainbow was trying to process the situation. He took this time to examine the girl as it seemed she also grew in the time frame. Playing sports for years had really done wonders for her body. His eyes traveled down her body, tracing her curves, and taking in every detail. Her body was slender but still had some nice curves. After her upper torso, Isaac could trace her form inwards, then as he moved down to her hips, the form moved out again. While he couldn't tell from her backside, he could easily tell she had nice hips and some really lovely legs. Nice sporty thighs that were shown off so nicely. "Hey, my eyes are up here!" shouted Rainbow as she didn't like that Isaac was examining her like a piece of meat. Though she did blush a bit at the thought of her friend checking her out. "Sorry, just... you've grown from the teen girl I last saw," said Isaac as he extended his hand out. "And you're still the same dumbass geek from before," smiled Rainbow as she grabbed his hand as he pulled her up. "Nice to see you, Dash." "Nice to see you, Isaac." "Hey, Crash. You gonna make out with your boyfriend?" mocked Fleetfoot. "He's not my boyfriend!!" shouted Rainbow to her teammate while turning red. "You sure, cause the way he was looking at you. Seems he likes what he sees. Why don't you turn around and bend over to give him a nice view?" taunted Spitfire as all the other players laughed. "Shut up!!" shouted the girl as she turned her head away as even Isaac was laughing. "Simmer down, Crash. We're just messing with you," said Thunderlane. "So what brings you on by Mr. World Champion?" asked Soarin. "Or should we call you by your proper title, the Prince?" asked Misty Fly. "Okay, first of all, I didn't ask for that nickname," stated Isaac. "It just sort of happened, and second of all, I'm actually doing a bit of training on my own." "What kind of training?" asked Misty Fly as he and Rainbow now walked back with the other members. "Special training." answered the boy. "AHH!!!" said the team minus Rainbow. "We get it." "Plus, as it so happens. You all have a game tomorrow night. And since it's not only the finals but your last game of the season, I've been asked to put on an exhibition duel after the game." "Exhibition, huh?" said Rainbow. "Yup, especially since I have a championship duel coming up in about 4 days. But I did also want to come here to announce something. For the exhibition duel, they're allowing me to choose my opponent. So... you want the challenge, Dash?" "Wait, what?!" said the girl as she looked at Isaac. "You always were determined to take me on during high school. And you never did complete your promise that you would beat me in a duel. So, how about now? Think you got what it takes to finally beat me?" taunted Isaac. "Ohh, Crash. Don't tell me you're gonna be a little bitch now?" taunted Spitfire as she too wanted to see the girl in action. "She ain't got what it takes to beat the champ. She couldn't even make that goal." mocked Fleetfoot. Soon the others all did their own taunts as Rainbow was getting fed up. "I don't back down from any challenge. You understand, geek!!" shouted Rainbow as she got in the face of Isaac. "I can't tell you how long I've waited to settle the score between me and you! What's that little tagline that people like to say with you? 'You come for the Prince; you best not miss'. Well, I got a little mantra of my own, and it goes like this: When Rainbow shoots, Rainbow don't miss." Isaac smiled smugly as he saw Rainbow still had that competitive spirit in her that he admired and loved. "So you best believe I accept!" said the girl staring at her friend. Both duelists had a serious look on their faces as they stared at one another. Eventually, Isaac had a small smile on his face as did Rainbow as both let out a chuckle. "I can't wait to see this," said Thunderlane. "Well, I think we've got enough practice in," said Spitfire as she blew the whistle around her neck. "Alright team, time to hit the showers and call it. Tomorrow's the big day." "Yes, captain!" said the team as they all gathered their bags and towels as they went to wash up. "Hey, Crash. Take the rest of the day off. Spend some time with your little 'boyfriend' before you two try to kill each other for tomorrow's duel." "He ain't my boyfriend!" shouted the girl to her captain. "Yeah, sure." taunted Spitfire. "And champ, if you get the chance. Make sure you tap that ass," winked the girl as she left. That comment made both Isaac and Rainbow turn red as they looked away for a bit. "Don't get any ideas, geek!" shouted Rainbow as she turned to look at Isaac still having red on her face. "Chill, Dash. You forget Twilight's my fiancé." "Right. Anyways, give me a few minutes to wash up and I'll meet up with you by the entrance," said Rainbow as she grabbed her bag and went to the locker room as Isaac and Juniper left to wait for their friend. After a couple of minutes, Rainbow had met up with the two and changed out of her uniform. She had her bag over her shoulder as she was in her usual attire, which consisted of pale, light grayish cerulean pants and a black t-shirt. "Ready to hang out?" asked Isaac. "Yeah," exclaimed the girl as they stopped by the team's stay in Baltimare as the girl dropped her bag. "So any plans?" asked the chromatic girl. "Not really," answered Isaac. "Well, thankfully, I took the liberty of researching some incredible sights for us to visit," said Juniper as she showed off her tablet to the pair. "That's why I love having you as my agent." smiled Isaac as he planted a kiss on Juniper's cheek as the girl blushed a bit. "Anything you want to do though, Dash?" "Well, I heard there's a motocross show happening tonight." said the girl as it was the one thing she really wanted to see. "Well according, to my tablet, the show doesn't start until 6 pm. So we got time to see other things," said Juniper. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go have fun!" exclaimed Isaac as he began to walk with Juniper following behind her client. "Still the same boy from high school," said Rainbow as she smiled and went after the pair. The first thing the pair did was they stopped by a video game store as they all entered inside. Apart from the occasional gathering of people who saw Isaac as well as Rainbow and asked for an autograph, the trio was allowed to not be bothered by the fans. They were now playing some consoles as it brought back memories for the two friends from their high school youth. The competition got a bit heated as the pair managed to draw a crowd of people, including some of the store owners as Isaac and Rainbow were engaged in a battle for the ages. They were currently playing a first to 10 as right now the score was tied with each person winning nine individual games. Both were going with the fighter they knew best as jab after jab was traded. Spot dodging, blocking with shield, and combos were thrown out as both were in the danger zone of being defeated. The percentages at the bottom in the red showing just how close this was. In the game, Isaac's character blocked Rainbow's three-piece jab as he then grabbed her character and threw her backward. His character then began to chase after her as it jumped into the air and looked to hit the final attack off the stage, but Rainbow recovered immediately as her character hit his as it allowed her time to get back onto the stage. Now she landed and chased after Isaac's fighter as he dodged to the side when Rainbow's went for mid-air attack. About another 2 minutes passed of each other trying to get a final attack in while also avoiding getting hit. The high pressure and tense situation, as well as atmosphere, was on full display. Both players were making a few mistakes, but can you blame them? Eventually, it came to the final closing moments of the fight, as Rainbow grabbed Isaac's character and threw forward as she dealt a hard attack as it sent his character sailing to the left and would have knocked him out, but Isaac used the analog stick of the controller to input some DI of his own that barely saved his character as he stopped Rainbow from hitting his fighter again and then recovered as his fighter hung on the ledge. At that moment, Rainbow had her character throw out a side special while she jumped in the air, anticipating Isaac's fighter to jump. The boy jumped up as he did a side special of his own to delay his fall just enough to avoid getting hit by Rainbow's side attack. As he landed on the stage just as Rainbow's fighter landed as to which she spot dodged thinking Isaac would attack, but instead he grabbed her and instead of throwing forward, backward, or even upwards. He did a downward throw which flung her character into the air as she air dodged to avoid an attack but instead Isaac had his character charge up his side smash as it hit Rainbow's character as she was but inches from touching the ground as the camera zoomed in on the final hit for 2 seconds as her fighter was sent zooming off the screen as it was over. "GAME!" said the screen as the fighter's pose was done, with Isaac being the winner. The crowd cheering for the boy all let out noises as the ones who wanted Rainbow to win all groaned. They all soon disbursed. "Motherf!@@#$!!" shouted Rainbow as she was angry. After Rainbow let out a temper tantrum, the trio left to explore more places. They stopped by a library as Rainbow made a groan. "Ughh, why are we here? This is more Twilight's place," stated the athletic girl. "Then I guess you don't want to check out new Daring Do books that you haven't read yet?" asked Isaac. "I read all of them, geek. Twice!" shouted the girl. "Alright then, so much for wanting to see if they have the definite edition," said Isaac as that comment got Rainbow's ears to perk up. "Definite edition?" said the girl looking at her friend. "Oh, you didn't know. They remade one of the popular books in the series. Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone was such a huge hit they remade the book, but this time A.K. Yearling added some extra content that she didn't put when she first wrote it down." said Isaac with a smug expression "Then get the hell out of my way!" shouted Dash as she shoved Isaac and Juniper to the side and ran inside the library leaving a trail of smoke behind her. "Never change, Rainbow. Never change." chuckled Isaac as they entered. They entered the library as Rainbow wasted no time in dragging Isaac with her as Juniper was left to browse some books of her own interest. The pair found the edition as Rainbow felt like wanting to squeal in excitement, but she kept herself under control. In the end, Rainbow read through all the books with full glee, reading parts that she never knew would be awesome(in her own way). After that, they then moved on to some food stands that were near the central square. Rainbow took an interest as she wanted to try to make a few different protein shakes that she wanted to try and more for future workouts. They visited some more places as they passed by a park in which Rainbow began to show off her skateboard skills as both Isaac and Juniper leaned against the street lamp as the girl put on a show for the kids. "Hey, Rainbow. We need to leave if we're gonna make it for the motocross show!" shouted the boy. "Right, later, kids." said the girl as she handed the board and helmet back to the girl who she borrowed from. They made it to the arena where the show was taking place. The roar of the crowd could be heard two blocks down as it was packed to the rafters. Rainbow was expecting them to be going through the entrance, but Juniper used their connections to get the three of them a private skybox to watch the show with people to serve them. Rainbow couldn't help but hug the two as she raced towards their box. "Isaac always gets the coolest shit," said Rainbow to herself as she saw the private skybox as there were a few people dressed in suits ready to fetch anything the guests asked for. "There you go, again. Mooching off of my stuff," said Isaac with a smile. Everyone then took their seats. Sure enough, the Motocross show known as the X Games began. The riders showed off stunts and dangerous tricks for people's entertainment. Isaac looked over to Rainbow as she had the purest of happiness on her face as it was enough to get the boy to crack a smile. About an hour and a half of watching the show, the trio had just exited the VIP booth and were heading out of the stadium. "That. Was. Awesome!!!" shouted Rainbow as she got excited. After that, it was now nighttime as the city was lit up by the lights from buildings and the cars in the streets. The trio had managed to stop by the place where the team was staying as Rainbow grabbed her bag. Juniper was kind enough to book a room for Rainbow to stay at their hotel as they had made it back. Isaac was with Rainbow in his hotel room as the pair was catching up with the other. "This has been the best day ever!" stated the girl as she sat on the boy's bed. "Glad you enjoyed it," stated Isaac as he sat down in a chair. "I haven't had this much fun since..." "Since we were still students in high school," said Isaac as he finished Rainbow's train of thought. "A year and a half makes a difference," said Rainbow as she could feel the time skip since they all went their separate ways. "It feels just like yesterday we were battling evil magic and dueling against tough foes." "Keep in mind, I'm the one who had to deal with most of that shit," said Isaac. "Not everything, alright. Remember the cruise ship, I was the hero that day." "Bullshit!" shouted Isaac. "I know you meant well but,... why did you act out like that on Spring Break?" "Well," said Rainbow, "I wanted to fight and save the day and stuff." "Are you sure?" asked Isaac as he crossed his arms. "Well yeah, of course," said Rainbow as she smiled. However, the moment he flexed his right eyebrow at that, the very thing Rainbow recognized as she widened her eyes in surprise. She then sighed and lowered her head. "Fine, I wanted to have an excuse to use magic so that I could save the day because..." said Dash, which Isaac noticed. "Why?" "Because I was bored, okay?!!" exclaimed Dash. "I didn't have anything else to do because I was on a ship in the middle of the ocean with nothing to do!! Everything was slow and I wanted excitement. Plus at that time, we didn't have that sort of adventure for a while. So I was looking forward to it happening." "And you thought you could entertain yourself... by ruining it for everyone else?" said Isaac. "Well, I..." said Rainbow, until Isaac gently placed his hand on her shoulder, signaling her to be quiet about it. She noticed that instead of having a stern and angry look, he had a look of concern and worry; even care in his eyes. He released her shoulder as he sat down next to her and spoke. "Do you wanna know the real reason why Twilight arranged the yacht cruise for Spring Break?" asked Isaac. Rainbow didn't know how to answer that which made him break the ice. "Twilight arranged the trip because she wanted not just for you, but for us to take a break from everything. Magic stuff, dueling, high school, etc. In case you forgot, we were just a few months away from graduating, Dash. About to go on our separate ways, and Twilight wanted us to relax and make some last-minute memories." Rainbow put her head down a bit even more as she listened to her friend. "Everyone deserves to have a break and spend some time with each other. It's why I'm spending my days before my duel with each one of you. Cause I want to get away from my duties as World Champ. I want to see my best friends. I miss them! I miss you, Dash." Rainbow slowly looked away as she listened to the boy. "Twilight arranged the trip for us to have fun. But because of your own obsession and paranoia, you were so obsessed with using magic just to play superhero you failed to notice that you ended up hurting your friends. When I play the hero part, was I doing it to feed my ego? Was I doing it so that I could be the center of attention?" "N-no." said the girl, still looking away. Rainbow let out some sniffles that were building up as she turned around and kept her head lowered. For now, thinking back, she felt ashamed for what she did. Isaac placed his hand on her shoulder, gaining her full attention. "I know you meant well, and you tried to help fix things when danger happened. But it's not up to you or me to do everything on our own," said Isaac. "I mean, even heroes need to take a break every once and a while. You need to trust that things will work themselves out in the end. You spend too much time worrying about the bad things that might happen; you'll miss out on all the good things that are happening." For Isaac, that last line rang true. "You gotta do that shit. Pull out the cliché 'feeling' line." said Rainbow looking at her friend with tears slowly falling down her cheek. Isaac brought his hand to wipe the water from the girl's eyes as he cusp her right side. "It's what I do," smiled the boy. "We should never take the things we have in life for granted. Some things may have an end, which we know is very sad. That is why we gotta learn to live life to the fullest in the time we have. And in the end, you'll look back at all of this someday, and you'll realize how good of a life you really had." Isaac made sure to also direct his attention to the fourth wall when he said that. Once again, Isaac was doing the thing he did best. Being the hero by helping those around him. Rainbow couldn't take it anymore as she ended up hugging him tightly. She kept shedding tears as Isaac just sat there with a look. "I know you don't like talking about your feelings. But you know what that makes you if you do?" said Isaac, reassuring his friend, "Just like everybody else." They broke the hug as she wiped her tears and looked down, "But I'm not supposed to be, am I?" He held up her chin with his hand, making her look at him. "Everyone fails who they're supposed to be, Rainbow. But the measure of a true person, even from time to time, a hero, is how well they succeed in being who they are." Rainbow couldn't help but smile, and say, "I really missed you, geek." "Missed you too, Skittles," said Isaac. The two friends looked at each other. "I love you for who you are, Rainbow. I don't wanna change anything about you." Rainbow wiped her eyes again, and Isaac smirked. "Are you crying again?" "No, you dork, just got something in my eye..." She said, laughing a little before she looked at him with a genuine smile. "Wow, after all that, and you're still trying to preserve your cool image?" Isaac said in a teasing tone, trying to get her back to the good old Rainbow Danger Dash. "Oufh!" As Isaac was laughing, Rainbow leaped at him like a hungry cat, pinning the boy to the bed as she pressed her lips against his. The boy's cap had fallen off when the girl tacked him to the mattress. She almost gasped into the kiss, as if not believing she just did what she did, but then refused to let go as Isaac felt her press harder against him. They weren't sure how long the kiss lasted, they had lost track of time, but it was long enough for Rainbow to gasp as their lips departed. "You're a dork." Kiss. "And you're an idiot!" She kissed Isaac again and again until he took her hands in his and smirked. "I love you too, Rainbow." She blushed, and Isaac chuckled, planting a peck on her lips before he sat up with her on his lap. "I think it's time we get to bed," said Isaac as Rainbow let the boy up and tossed him his cap as he put it on. "Right, tomorrow is the game. And then, it's our duel. I meant what I said earlier. When I shoot my shot, I don't plan on missing." said Rainbow with a determined look. "Then I looked forward to beating you," said the boy returning the same look to his friend. "Now, mind leaving so I can take a shower?" "Yeah, I got it. I'm not a pervert like you. Remember that one time back at the house we shared?" asked the girl. "First of all, that was a mistake. You knew I was the only one in the house since the others all left for the day, yet you still left your door unlocked when you finished your shower. It wasn't my fault that you left a bar of soap on the floor in the hallway, and I slipped in while you were changing." said Isaac. "And second of all,... you got a nice ass," smirked the boy. "Go take your shower, bitch." said Rainbow with a playful smile on her face as she flung a towel at Isaac as it covered his eyes. The two pals let out a laugh as Rainbow was making her way out of Isaac's room and to hers as the pair was glad they got to hang out and reunite with each other. The next day came as it was the day of the big game. During the day, Isaac and Juniper were doing a small TV appearance. After they finished up, they now grabbed a car as they went to go pick up Rainbow. She had sent a text to the boy saying that she was at the local Health and Fitness Center. It was where people gathered to do a variety of athletic activities such as workouts, swimming, etc. Isaac had exited the car as he went to go fetch his friend. He entered the place and looked around until he spotted Rainbow by the workout equipment. She had just finished her last exercise as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead and took a sip from her water bottle. Isaac couldn't help but gawk at Rainbow as she wore nothing but a dark blue sports bra and a pair of dark blue spandex athletic shorts that not only hugged her hips and ass comfortably but also showed off her strong legs. "Hey," said Dash while snapping her fingers. "Focus on my eyes, buddy." "Sorry, I couldn't help but admire your physique," said Isaac as he scratched his neck. "Oh, really?" said Rainbow as she now made her way to Isaac as she gave him a seductive look and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Anything else you wanna look at? Maybe feel." Isaac played along with the girl's antics as he wrapped his arms around the girl's body. He then brought the girl in as the two shared a kiss that lasted for a bit. They pulled apart as Isaac gave Rainbow what she asked for as his hands traveled down to her butt and gave her ass a playful smack. Rainbow let out a small gasp as she looked back at her friend. "Well, how does it feel?" asked the girl with a devious tone. "Soft, yet firm. Just as I figured it'd be. You've got a cute butt." answered Isaac as Rainbow blushed. She suddenly placed her hands under her bosom, pushing them up slightly with a playful grin. "Don't let these fool you, I can still kick your ass!" She let out a laugh, and Isaac couldn't help but join in. "You ready to leave?" asked Isaac. "Yup, let's go." said the girl as she fetched her gym bag and followed the boy out of the center as they entered the car as they were on their way to the stadium. People were filing into the stadium as they were looking forward to seeing the game. Not to mention the exhibition duel that was going to take place soon thereafter. The trio arrived at the stadium as Rainbow went to join her team in the locker room as the World Champ and his agent went to their VIP booth to watch the game. After a few moments, the game started as Rainbow and her teammates all came out to the field as they were being cheered. The game was more competitive than it was made out to be. Rainbow and her team were considered one of, if not, the best sports team around. But even they struggled against their opponents. In the end, it came down to the final shot. A penalty was issued as it would determine which team won. Rainbow had approached the ball as she was selected by Spitfire and the others to be the one to score. The chromatic girl looked at the goalie guarding the net. Rainbow saw the girl as she gave her a look. She looked down at the ball as she let out a breath. Dash was now taking a few steps back as she prepared to kick the ball. She stopped a few meters away as she was taking it all in, the roar of the crowd, the high-stakes atmosphere, the feeling of having your entire team watching and counting on you to win. And then there was having one of her best friends in attendance showing his support. All of it, Rainbow was absorbing and letting it sink in. She then started to run forward as she was making her way towards the ball. The girl riding high on adrenaline as she was getting closer and closer. All of time seemed to be moving even slowly as she was about to make her move. She lifted her leg and was about to make contact with the ball. "When I shoot; I don't miss," she said her little mantra as she kicked the ball as it soared into the air. The ball was high in the air as it curved a bit to the right. The goalie also saw this and jumped up to block it. However, it was but two inches from her fingertips as it slipped past her and went into the net as the buzzer went off. "GOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The announcer let out the biggest scream as everybody joined in. Confetti and fireworks went off as Rainbow's teammates also cheered as they ran towards the girl. "I told you! When Rainbow shoots, Rainbow don't miss!!" shouted the girl to the camera. The girl then felt herself being lifted by her teammates as the crowd went even louder. They showed their admiration for the team as the trophy was brought out, and Rainbow lifted it high in the air. Up in his VIP booth, Isaac was clapping his hands at seeing her friend enjoying the moment. "Good job, Dash." Juniper then instructed Isaac to follow her as the pair was now getting ready for the duel. The field was now getting ready as the announcer spoke into the mic. "Ladies and gentlemen, we hope that you've enjoyed yourselves. But we have one final event left, so please give a warm welcome to none other than the World Champion of Duel Monsters. Isaac!!!" said the MC as a spotlight shined down on the boy as he was walking towards the field. "And his opponent for tonight's exhibition duel is none other than the girl herself who made the winning shot. Ms. Rainbow Dash!!!" Another spotlight shined down on the girl as she had changed out of her uniform and into her casual attire. Both duelists met in the middle of the field as they looked at each other. "Hope you saw what I just did, Isaac. Cause I meant it. When Rainbow shoots, I don't miss. And that's not just some catchphrase, it's a lifestyle. My lifestyle." said the girl as pointed her fingers at the boy in the shape of a gun. "Well, you've heard what people say. When you come for the Prince, you best not miss," replied Isaac as he too did the same gesture to Dash. Both duelists then turned around as they took their positions. Both strapped on their small rectangle device as they slid in their decks. Their duel disks activated as it projected a sky blue card tray for Rainbow as Isaac had a gold color card tray. "Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks. Isaac's Life Points: 8000- Rainbow's Life Points: 8000- Turn 1: Isaac "I'll start," said the boy as he drew his card, "I summon Breaker the Magical Warrior(1600/1000)." A warrior in red armor emerged as it wielded a sword and shield. "Then I'll equip him with Bound Wand. So Breaker gains 100 extra attack points times his level. Not to mention that when he's summoned, he gains a spell counter to give him 300 more points. So his attack strength is 2300!" Isaac's warrior raised his sword as it charged up with magic. "I end my turn." Turn 2: Rainbow "My draw," said Dash as she drew her cards. Her teammates were in the locker room as they wanted to see her duke it out with the World Champ. "Time to get this duel off and running, since I control no monsters I can summon this from my hand. Speedroid Terrortop(1200/600)!" shouted the girl as her monster came out, which was a snake-like top that had jaws at the head of it. "Then Terrortop's ability activates when it's summoned, I can add a 'Speedroid' monster from my deck to my hand. And I choose my Speedroid CarTurbo(800/1200) who I can also summon since I control a 'Wind' monster!" Rainbow now had two monsters on her field as her new one transformed itself. "You know what comes next! I tune my Level 3 CarTurbo with my Level 3 Terrortop!" CarTurbo then transformed into three giant green rings that circled Terrortop. "I Synchro Summon and call forth a mystical cross-sword with the power to cut every enemy down to size! Hi-Speedroid Kendama(2200/1600)! I now activate Kendama's ability by banishing my Terrortop from my graveyard, I can deal you 500 points of damage!" exclaimed Rainbow as her monster fired a beam as Isaac simply blocked it with his duel disk. Isaac's Life Points: 7500- "I now end my turn with a facedown." Turn 3: Isaac "My turn," said Isaac as he looked at the field. I know Rainbow didn't bring out a weaker monster than mines on purpose. That's why she threw a facedown; the question is: What does it do? Time to find out. "Now I'll have my Breaker attack your Kendama!" ordered Isaac as his warrior leaped into the air. "You didn't think I wasn't prepared, Isaac? I activate my facedown, Speed Turn! Since I control a 'Speedroid' monster, I can target one monster on the field and switch it to defense mode. Then it loses 500 defense points. So your Breaker has to halt its brakes!" exclaimed the girl as Isaac's spellcaster stopped its sword and then jumped back to the boy's side. "Not bad," said Isaac. "I thought you would have used your Breaker's ability to take out my facedown?" taunted Dash. "True, but my Breaker would have been weaker than your Kendama. Which is why I was hoping to take it out first and then use his ability to get rid of your facedown." "But I knew that and laid a perfect trap." smiled the girl. "Well then, I end my turn." Turn 4: Rainbow "If you keep doing moves like that, this duel is gonna be over," said Rainbow as she drew her card. "I activate Kendama's ability once more, so I banish my CarTurbo to deal you 500 points of damage." said the girl as another beam attack hit Isaac's duel disk. Isaac's Life Points: 7000- "Then I'll have my Kendama attack your Breaker! And don't forget it can deal piercing damage!" commanded Rainbow as her monster zoomed forward and took out Isaac's warrior. Isaac's Life Points: 5300- "Now the other effect of Bound Wand activates, which means I can bring back my Breaker." said the boy as his monster rose. "I then end my turn." Turn 5: Isaac "It's my turn, and I'll sacrifice my Breaker so that I can summon my Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Isaac as his monster disappeared and was replaced by a female spellcaster as she twirled and gave a wink. "Then I play Magic Formula to raise her strength by 700 attack points. Now Mana, attack Dash's Kendama!" instructed the boy as she pointed her wand at the machine and blasted it. Rainbow's Life Points: 7500- "With that, I end my turn." Turn 6: Rainbow "My draw and I play the spell Speedraw. Since I control no cards, I draw 2 cards and then send a 'Speedroid' monster from my hand to the graveyard." Rainbow drew her cards as she selected the monster to send away. "Then I play my Speedroid Maliciousmagnet(0/0). And now my monster's ability activates, when he's summoned I can target one monster you control and I can synchro summon using your monster and mine." "Uh-oh!" said Isaac as he knew what the girl was doing. "So I tune your Level 6 Dark Magician Girl with my Level 1 Speedroid Maliciousmagnet!" shouted the girl as her monster turned into a single green ring that circled Isaac's spellcaster. "Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(2500/2000)!" Rainbow now brought out one of her most powerful synchro monsters as it descended onto the field and roared. "Since my Magic Formula was sent to the graveyard, I gain 1000 life points." Isaac's Life Points: 6300- "You're gonna need them cause I attack you directly with my Clear Wing! Spin Storm Sky Strike!!" shouted Rainbow as her dragon soared into the air and hovered above the stadium. It then descended at high speeds as it spun and collided with Isaac's field as the boy was sent flying. "Ahh!" said the World Champ as he was thrown onto his back. Isaac's Life Points: 3800- "I now end my turn with a facedown." Turn 7: Isaac "My turn," said Isaac as he wiped the scuff near his mouth and drew his card. "I summon Chocolate Magician Girl(1600/1000)!" said the boy as he had one of his lovely female magicians appear on his field as she snuggled her master and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Alright, if you're so confident in your dragon taking me down. Let's see if it can get past her!" taunted Isaac as he placed one card facedown and ended his turn. Turn 8: Rainbow "You mock me?! Please!" shouted Rainbow as she began her turn. "I play U.A. Draft, so by paying 500 life points, I can special summon a 'U.A.' monster from my deck or graveyard. So I summon my U.A. Goalkeeper(1000/2800)!" With a large thud, Rainbow’s monster descended to the field, a massive creature in thick white and orange hockey armor with glowing green lines crossing the pads. It crouched and held its hands out to the side, a red visor over its eyes lighting up. Rainbow's Life Points: 7000- "Now to attack, Clear Wing strike down his magician girl!" commanded Rainbow. "Thanks for that, cause now I activate Chocolate Magician Girl's special ability. Since you targeted her for an attack, I can now bring back a spellcaster from my graveyard, so my Dark Magician Girl is once again in play!" shouted Isaac as a portal opened up in front of him as his top female sorcerer appeared. "And there's more your attack is directed to her, plus she zaps away half of your monster's attack points. And you can't activate Clear Wing's ability!" "Like I didn't have a plan, I activate my facedown, Sonic Boom! So by sacrificing my U.A. Goalkeeper, I can stop my Clear Wing's attack, and then it gains the attack points of my monster," said Rainbow as her dragon stopped its assault as its attack points rose to 2250. "So you expected me to use my monster's ability?" "I ain't stupid, Isaac." "Mmm, debatable." "Shut up!" yelled Dash as the boy chuckled. "You'd think it's funny, well we'll see who gets the last laugh. I end my turn with a facedown." Turn 9: Isaac "My turn, and now I'll activate the effect of my Chocolate Magician Girl, so by sending my Magician's Robe to the graveyard, I can draw an extra card." said the boy as he discarded his monster as he drew the top card. "And since I control a Level 4 or lower monster, I can summon my Mage Annette(1300/1700). And when she's summoned, I can draw one more card. And then I'll play it, it's my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Level 4, Scale 7)!" Isaac now had a field full of female spellcasters as they all looked at their master with looks, apart from his mentalist who gave her usual goth moody look. "Now I activate my mentalist's ability, so since I control 4 monsters, I can look at the top four cards of my deck and add one of them to my hand." said the boy as his duel disk showed his options, and he selected the one he wanted as it slid out for him to grab. "I now end my turn." Turn 10: Rainbow "My turn, and to start, I'm activating my U.A. Draft, so by paying 500 life points, I can summon back my U.A. Goalkeeper!" stated the girl as her monster rose in defense mode. "Then I play Synchro Urgence. So I remove one Synchro monster from my Extra Deck so that I can bring back a different Synchro monster from my graveyard, but its Level increases by one. So I remove my Colossal Fighter." Rainbow's duel disk then ejected her card from her Extra Deck slot as she grabbed it and removed it to the banished compartment. Rainbow's Life Points: 6500- "So I'm bringing back my Hi-Speedroid Kendama and this time it's Level 7. Then I summon Speedroid Fuki-Modoshi Piper(1000/1000). Now I activate its effect, which allows me to excavate the card from the top of my deck equal to the number of 'Wind' monsters I control. So since I currently control 3, I can look at the top 3 cards of my deck. I add one of them to my hand, and the others go to the bottom of my deck." Rainbow's duel disk showed her options as she knew which one she wanted. "I'll pick this one, Speedroid Manufacture! This allows me to add 2 'Speedroids' from my deck to my hand, and I'll choose the two that I just saw." said the girl as her duel disk ejected the cards for her to grab. "Then I'll use those two cards to set the Pendulum Scale with my Scale 1 Speedroid Marble Machine and Scale 8 Speedroid Dominobutterfly!" shouted Rainbow as she placed her cards on the far side of her card tray as the word pendulum in rainbow coloring spelled out in between them to show that she got it to work. Soon both of Rainbow's monsters appeared in columns of light as they had their respective numbers in front of them. "But I'm not done, cause now I tune my Level 7 Kendama with my Level 4 Fuki-Modoshi Piper!" said the girl as her piper turned into four green rings that circled her Kendama. "I Synchro Summon, Hi-Speedroid Clear Wing Rider(3500/2000)!!" Rainbow's newest synchro monster was a motorbike as it was attached to the spirit of her Clear Wing Dragon as its engines revved up. "Now, Clear Wing, attack his Mage Annette!" commanded Rainbow as her dragon took out Isaac's monster. "Then my Hi-Speedroid Clear Wing Rider will attack your Black Robe Mentalist!" said the athlete as her next monster took out the boy's other monster as he lost life points. Isaac's Life Points: 2000- "Ugh!" said Isaac as he fell to a knee as the attack connected. "Instead of sending my Black Robe Mentalist to my Extra Deck, I can place her in an empty pendulum zone." said the World Champ as his monster appeared in a column of light. "I now end my turn." Turn 11: Isaac "My turn, and I'll play Wonder Wand to give my Dark Magician Girl an extra 500 attack points. And then I'll have her attack your Clear Wing!" shouted Isaac. "I activate my facedown, Dicetadium of Fate! First, I target a monster, and I choose your Dark Magician Girl. I then roll a die and whatever number it lands on determines what effect happens. Odd number, I can destroy your monster or even it gains 1000 attack points." said Rainbow as a die appeared in her hand as she tossed it high into the air. The die then fell as it landed on five. "Five, so your Dark Magician Girl is... destroyed!" exclaimed the girl as Isaac's monster was gone. "Not good." "Oh it gets worst, cause I activate my Clear Wing Rider's effect, so I can tribute it to summon out up to 2 Level 7 Wind Synchro monsters, so I'm busting out Hi-Speedroid Puzzle(1300/1600) and Hi-Speedroid Hagoita(2000/1000)!" Rainbow now got rid of her monster as in its place two more synchro monsters appeared. "I'll just play Graceful Charity so that I can draw three cards and discard two," said the boy as he picked up his cards and selected the ones he wanted to get rid of. "I now end my turn." Turn 12: Rainbow "Nothing to help you, don't worry. I'm gonna win this very soon. My turn," said Dash. "I activate the effect of my U.A Goalkeeper, so I switch him out for my U.A. Dreadnought Dunker(2500/1800)." A muscular basketball player in dark blue and black pants and a thick silver and orange chest piece materialized. "Then activate the effect of U.A. Draft to pay 500 life points so that I can summon from my deck my U.A. Strategist(1000/600)!" A monster in a silver uniform with blue and orange stripes, a clipboard under one arm, and a whistle dangling from its neck. The monster raised its head, eyes staring sharply under a white baseball cap, and let out a grunt. Rainbow's Life Points: 6000- "I now tune my Level 3 Strategist with my Level 7 Dreadnought Dunker!" Strategist’s whistle echoed as it turned into six green rings that floated into the air. Dreadnought rose into them as they began to spin. A pillar of blue light shot down through the rings. “I align brains and brawn, coach and player, and call in the unparalleled master of the field!” Rainbow’s duel disk popped open as she grabbed it from her Extra Deck. “Meet a superstar like no other! I Synchro Summon! Rushing in, U.A. Star Player(2700/2500)!” The pillar of light receded, revealing a darkened form floating in the air. Around the field, the lights darkened and spotlights shined on the monster. Clad head to toe in a silver bodysuit with glowing blue and orange stripes up the sides, it hung ominously in the air. The monster raised its head, scruffy blond hair blowing in the wind, and dropped to the ground, landing on its feet. It held a hand to the side, and a pair of orange sunglasses appeared in its fingers; it slipped them on, grinned, and reared up to its full height, arms crossed. "I'm not done, cause I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Then I summon Speedroid Gum Prize(0/800). And with it, I'll tune my Clear Wing with my Gum Prize!" Rainbow's Gum Prize then changed into a single green ring as her dragon flew in. "I combine the two to pave the way for an even mightier dragon! Watch as the essence of that Monster takes shape! Watch as it is forged by raw power! I Synchro Summon! Take flight, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon(3000/2500)!" Rainbow now had a more powerful version of her dragon as it roared even louder. "Four Synchro monsters!" said Dash's teammates as they saw the screen. "One more card, I play Shock Surprise. So I banish my Speedroid Gum Prize and Fuki-Modoshi Piper so that I can destroy your Chocolate Magician Girl and your facedown!" shouted the girl as Isaac's entire field was gone. The boy looked up as he saw Rainbow's team of all-star synchro monsters ready to deal the final blow. The girl standing there with her team smiling confidently. "I told you. When Rainbow shoots, I don't miss!!" exclaimed the girl. "Now... finish him!!" Her dragon heard its orders as it began to lead the charge as her other monsters all raced forward looking to get their own strikes in on the boy. "There's a first time for everything! I activate the effect of my Electromagnetic Turtle. By banishing it, I can end the battle phase!" Isaac's small turtle appeared as it unleashed tons of electricity that paralyzed all of Dash's monsters, and they stopped in their tracks as the voltage was too much to handle. "You just had to ruin it! Just like back in high school!!" yelled out Rainbow as she was this close to winning. "Of course! I'm trying to win also, Skittles!" yelled out Isaac. "I'm gonna beat your ass all over this field for calling me that while the cameras are rolling!" shouted the girl. Turn 13: Isaac "Then I better win this turn, so here goes!" said Isaac as he drew his card. "I play this, Magician Synchro Gate! Now I can synchro summon using monsters in my graveyard or Extra Deck and this spell then turns into a tuner monster so I'll tune it with my Mage Annette and Breaker the Magical Warrior!" Isaac's spell card then turned into two giant rings as they circled Isaac's monster as another new monster was emerging as it was a pendulum synchro monster. "And the one I choose is a scorcher, I Synchro Summon, arise Solis Witch(3000/2700, Level 9, Scale 10)!" The new monster was an adult female who had light blue hair and eyes, a slim figure with ample breasts, long legs, wide hips, and blue waist-long hair that is partially tied into a loop with a spherical clip. She wore a sleeveless dark-blue feather dress with white trimmings, an extremely short dark blue miniskirt, a green bow around her chest with a blue gem in the middle, a translucent purple underskirt, and detached white sleeves with blue and golden trimmings. She wore thigh-high blue heeled boots over white stockings with blue trimmings. Around her neck was a pendant as it was in the shape of a rune has used her magic and made an ax appear in her hand as it shined with relic symbols on it as elemental symbols appeared above her and infused her weapon. "So what? She's still outnumbered four to one," said Rainbow. "Now when my Solis Witch is summoned, I can negate the effects of all special summoned monsters on my opponents and drop their attack points to zero!" said Isaac as his female magician raised her ax as the elemental symbols powered up as she did a slash attack. "Come on, Isaac! You're not that much of a dumbass, my Crystal Wing Dragon can just negate that ability and destroy your monster altogether! Go Reverse Revenge!!" "I know which is why she's not going anywhere. Cause Solis Witch can't be targeted or destroyed by card effects!" said Isaac as his female sorcerer put up a barrier to prevent Dash's dragon from destroying herself. She then did another slash attack was it hit all of her monsters rendering them useless. "You may have weakened my monsters, but I'll still have plenty of life points even if you destroy one of them." "Which is why it's game over for you! I play Magicalized Fusion! So I banish my Dark Magician Girl, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Mage Annette, Chocolate Magician Girl, and Magician's Robes so that I can conduct a fusion summon!" shouted the boy as all of his monsters appeared as their spirits turned into five energy colors. "I Fusion Summon, Quintet Magician(4500/4500)!!" shouted the boy as his powerful wizard descended onto the field with tons of magical energies gathered around it. "Oh, fuck me!" said Rainbow as she knew what was about to happen. "With pleasure," snickered Isaac as it got Dash to turn red from hearing that. "Now, whenever I use five different magicians to summon my Quintet Magician, I can destroy all the cards on your side of the field!" informed Isaac. He snapped his fingers, and his magician cast a huge explosion spell that nuked Rainbow's entire field. "Just do it! Don't embarrass me by prolonging it." said the girl as she put her head down. "Now, my magicians, attack Rainbow Dash directly and end this duel!" shouted Isaac as they obeyed his command and fired one last spell as dropped the girl's remaining life points. Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 0- Winner: Isaac "The winner... Isaac!!" shouted the MC as the crowd cheered. Everybody was on their feet applauding for an entertaining duel from two phenomenal duelists. Dash's teammates also clapped at seeing one of them take the World Champ to the limit. Out on the field, Isaac approached Dash as the girl still had her head down. He put out his fist, to which she did the same. Once the event was over, Rainbow was with Juniper and Isaac standing in front of the bus. "So now that your season is done? What are you gonna do?" asked Juniper. "I'm heading back to Canterlot. Spitfire thinks we deserve a break before we get back into training for next season. So I think some downtime will be nice. Plus, I get to see Pinkie and Aj. Figured I see how Scootaloo is also doing." "She's grown as a duelist, I'll tell you that," stated Isaac. "As for you, geek. You got your duel in a few days. Better not lose, cause I'll be watching." "I'll do my best. I just wish I could have met with all of you. The only one that I haven't seen is Sunset." said Isaac. "Hang on, I think she mentioned where she was. Before we came here, I played our favorite online game together, and she talked about how she was visiting a place called Silver Shoals. Says she wanted to get away from her job." said Rainbow. "Silver Shoals?" asked Isaac. "Here it is," said Juniper showing her client her tablet. "It's a beach that's a nice destination for getaways. It also homes a retirement home for elderly people." "Then I got a flight to catch, thanks, Rainbow." "Don't mention it, Isaac." said the chromatic girl planting one final kiss to the boy's lips as she got on the bus. She sat down and waved from the window, as did her teammates to the pair, as they were now traveling to Canterlot. "Silver Shoals and Sunset is waiting for me," said Isaac.