Equestria Girls: Plus Ultra!!!

by TriforceAndroid

Chapter 2: Meet the Rainbooms

"You don't know where you are?" Asked Twilight with surprise. "Are you lost?"

"Um… Yeah," said Izuku. "I you could say that. Can you tell me where I am, please?"

Sunset smiled and nodded. "You're close to Camp Everfree," she said. "If you want, we can take you there."

Izuku blushed a little and nodded. "I'd appreciate that," he said. "Please lead me there."

The two girls smiled at how polite he was and nodded. They gestured with their heads for him to follow and started to walk off. Izuku nodded and followed them. As they walked, he took the time to admire the forest and the night sky.

This is definitely not Japan, he thought. How far away am I from home? Where did that portal come from?

"Hey, are you okay?" Asked Sunset. "You've been silent for quite a while."

"Oh, yeah," said Izuku. "Sorry about that. I was just… Deep in thought, that's all."

"About what?" Asked Twilight.

"Just wondering how far away I am from home," Izuku answered. 

"Well, don't worry," said Sunset with a smile. "Canterlot City is not very far from here. Once the bus is ready, we'll be going back."

Canterlot City, thought Izuku. I've never heard of that before. Am I… In another dimension?

"Ah, here we are," said Twilight suddenly. 

Izuku looked up and saw an open clearing with tents all around. To the right was a lake with a dock that was unfinished. He also noticed some Tikki structures, a cabin, and a few other features. He looked at the entrance and saw a sign that said, "Welcome to Camp Everfree."

"So, this is Camp Everfree," he asked. I guess this is a traditional camp. Not like the summer camp I went to with my friends.

He shivered a little at the thought of summer camp. He was still haunted by the battle that nearly ended his life that night. While trying to protect a little boy from a villain, he had struggled to defeat the monster which resulted with both of his arms being broken.

Sunset noticed his troubled expression and touched his shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked. Before Izuku could answer, her eyes turned white as they glowed. A few seconds later, they stopped glowing and she removed her hand as a look of sympathy filled her face. "I see," she said before walking off with Twilight.

What happened? Izuku thought. Did she… Read my mind? Is that her Quirk?

"Um… Wait," he called out, causing the two girls to stop and look back at him. "Um… Where can I rest for now?"

Twilight looked around before a look of understanding filled her face as she blushed. "Oh, right," she said. "You don't have a place to sleep, do you?"

Izuku timidly shook his head before hanging it in shame. "No," he answered. 

Sunset smiled. "Well, I suppose you could sleep in our tent for tonight," she said.

Izuku blushed bright red. "Um… Are you sure about that?" He asked shyly. "I don't mind sleeping out here."

"Oh, we can't allow that," said Sunset. "We'll let you sleep in our tent for now. Tomorrow, we'll ask Glorious Daisy and Timber Spruce if they can provide an extra tent for you."

Izuku blushed again before nodding. "Um… Okay, then," he said before coming into the tent. "I-if you're okay with that."

Twilight had a blush on her own face. "Sunset, are you sure about that?" She asked. "I don't want him to feel awkward."

"Twilight, it's okay," said Sunset. "He seems very kind and polite. I trust him. Besides," she added while wrapping an arm around his shoulder and grinning a little, "look at that face. He looks so innocent, doesn't he?"

Twilight and Izuku both blushed deeply. "Okay, then," said Twilight. "I trust you."

"Great," said Sunset. "Izuku, can you step outside for a moment so that we can change into our pajamas?"

Izuku nodded while blushing while he stepped outside. I hope that whatever happens here, I'll be able to help, he thought.


The next morning, Izuku woke up as he felt something sniffing and licking his face. He looked up and saw a purple puppy looking at him curiously. He sat up and looked at the puppy for a while. Then he smiled and patted his head.

"Whoa," said the puppy suddenly. "You seem nice!"

Izuku leapt back with a yelp. Then he stared at the puppy curiously. "Amazing," he whispered. "You can talk?!"

"Um… yes," said the puppy. "My name is Spike. I've been able to talk for quite a while now. Are… are you a friend to Twilight and Sunset."

Izuku smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am," he said. "My name is Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Spike."

"Same here," said Spike. "What are you doing here in Camp Everfree?"

"Um… I got lost," answered Izuku. "I met Sunset and Twilight last night and they brought me here."

"Oh," said Spike. "So, you need help getting home?"

Izuku gave another nod. "Yeah," he answered. 

"Well, no worries," said Spike. "I'm sure our friends will be able to help you out. Come on, I'll take you to them."

With that, Spike ran out of the tent with Izuku following him. As soon as he stepped out, Izuku saw a lot of teenagers walking around and talking with each other. To his surprise, they each had different shades of skin that he never thought he would ever see. Some had grey skin: some had blue skin; there were even some with orange skin.

This is definitely a different dimension, he thought. 

"Come on, Izuku," called Spike.

Izuku nodded and followed the purple puppy. As he walked, he noticed the students all staring at him while whispering to each other.

"Who's that?"

"I don't know."

"Is he from Canterlot?"

"Look at those freckles. He looks so cute!"

He noticed some of the girls looking at him and giggling. Other girls were blushing and waving at him. The guys were grinning at him and giving him either a wave or a head gesture that said, "Sup?"

By this point, Izuku was blushing a lot. He was not used to this kind of attention. Thankfully, he saw Spike waving at him and gesturing to a group of girls.

He instantly saw Twilight and Sunset waving at him. With them were five other girls.

The first girl had orange skin, freckles on her cheeks, blonde hair tied in a ponytail, and lovely green eyes. She wore a camper shirt with short green sleeves, a jean skirt, a belt with an apple shaped buckle, and boots with three apples on the side.

The second girl had white skin, sapphire eyes, and curly purple hair. She wore a light blue camp shirt, a pair of light purple shorts, light blue socks with three diamonds, and a pair of white shoes.

The third girl had long pink hair, light yellow skin, and light blue eyes. She wore a sleeveless camp shirt, a light blue jean skirt, white socks, and pink-and-white shoes. 

The fourth girl had blue skin, rainbow-colored hair, and red eyes. She wore a camp shirt with short red sleeves, jeans that stopped halfway down her shins, and red sneakers.

The last girl had light pink skin, dark pink hair that was curly, and baby blue eyes. She wore a camp shirt with pink short sleeves, jean shorts, and blue shoes. 

To say that these girls were incredibly cute was an understatement. They were very beautiful to the point that caused him to blush. As soon as Twilight saw him, she smiled and waved at him.

"Hello, Izuku," she said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Um… y-yeah," answered Izuku. "I s-slept quite well. Thanks. Um… are these girls your friends?"

"Oh, yes," said Twilight before turning to the other girls. "Hey, girls, This is a new friend of mine. I'd like you to meet Izuku Midoriya."

The first girl approached him with a friendly grin. "Well, howdy, Izuku," she said as she shook his hand with a strong grip. "I'm Applejack. It's a pleasure to meet you, sugar cube!"

Izuku blushed as she shook his hand. "Um… Yeah, it's nice to meet you too," he said politely. 

"Oh, my," said the second girl as she approached as well. She gave him a very charming smile. "Such a polite gentleman. The name is Rarity," she added while fluttering her eyes and him.

Izuku's face turned bright red, much to the amusement of Rarity. "I-it's nice to meet you too," he stuttered. 

Rarity brought her face very close to his own. "Your eyes are a very nice shade of green, darling," she whispered. She then stroked his shaggy green hair. "Quite an adorable boy, aren't you?"

Izuku felt like he was gonna faint from how close Rarity was to him. Luckily, before he could faint, a very soft voice spoke up.

"Um… Rarity," said the voice. "I think you're making him too nervous."

Rarity backed away and saw how red Izuku's face was. "Oh, dear," she said. "I am so sorry about that, darling." She looked a little ashamed. "I think I went a little overboard. Please forgive me."

"O-oh, it's no problem," the green-haired boy stuttered. "I c-can never hold a grudge against a good person."

Just then, the third girl approached and gave Izuku a very cute and heartwarming smile. "Are you okay?" She asked in a very soft and sweet voice. "I'm so sorry about Rarity. She can be a bit… flirty. Anyway, my name is Fluttershy. I'm so glad to meet you, Izuku."

Izuku smiled while blushing. "I-it's nice to meet you too, Fluttershy," he said. "Like I said, I hold no grudge against her. Thanks for that. Y-you're very nice!"

Fluttershy giggled adorably. "Thank you," she said. "It's very nice to make a new friend."

"You said it, Flutters," said the fourth girl as she approached with a confident smile. "Sup? My name is Rainbow Dash, the captain of every sports team at CHS. I hope you've got talent, buddy."

Izuku simply smiled at her before nodding. "If it's possible, I'd like to try out for some of the teams," he said. "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," she said. She gave him a big grin. "I think you and I are gonna get along just fine."

Suddenly, a pink blur ran to Izuku and crashed into him, causing him to crash. The next thing he knew, he felt a pair of arms hug him tightly. "Awe," said the voice that belonged to the pink blur which turned out to be the fifth girl. "Look at that face of his. It makes me think of a cinnamon roll." She began to nuzzle his cheeks. "Hi, my name is Pinkie Pie. I love parties, pranks, sweets, and making people laugh. What's your favorite color? Is it green? I bet it is because you're wearing green. Are cinnamon rolls your favorite sweet? How are you…?"

She was pulled off by Sunset who was giggling at the display. "Easy there, Pinkie," she said. "We don't want to overwhelm the poor guy." She gave Izuku an apologetic smile. "Sorry about Pinkie. She's very energetic when it comes to meeting people."

Izuku looked at Pinkie and chuckled. "Oh, it's okay," he said as he got up. "That was the most cheerful greeting I have ever received. It's nice to meet you, Pinkie."

He gave the Rainbooms a very warm smile, causing them all to blush. They all had the same thought going through their heads: Dear god, he's so cute!!!