//------------------------------// // The Small Glimpse // Story: Short Glimpse Into The Life Of A Human // by EggnogMilk //------------------------------// You wake up, and like everyday, the sun is beaming on your young face. And, like how you always do, you get up off your bed and stretch, yawning tiredly. You look out the window and look over the small bit of Ponyville you live in. Your house isn't too large, just two stories like most in this town, but it was enough. You wave at a few ponies, and unlike when you first got here, they smile and wave back, then go on their way to do whatever they were doing. Heh, funny how you got here. You were just 15 when you happened to come across a portal that just so happened to be created by Discord just before he got turned into stone a second time. When you got out of your daze, you saw Twilight and her friends looking at you, seemingly as confused as you. You ended up passing out from the surprise. You chuckle a bit at this memory, finally moving away from the window and moving towards your closet, just across your bed. You put on your usual long sleeved shirt and sweat pants, and go downstairs towards your kitchen. You start brewing some tea as you think some more, mostly about how bitter and angry you were for quite a bit after you got here. You were already dealing with a lot of shit back on Earth, and to be cut off from your friends and family felt like the final straw. Hell, you even nearly tried to help Discord when the Mane Six brought him back, but that's a story for another day. You sip your tea as you sit at your table, thinking back to how hard you worked to get back to Earth. It makes you think of how badly you treated your friends, how badly you treated her. Twilight Sparkle. She was the one that finally got it through your brain how you likely will never go back to your world, and you can't thank her enough for it. That night you ended up crying into her as she just comforted you... something you hadn't felt since you were away from home, which was about a year before. Now you're 18, and you still feel a bit bitter about everything. You've tried to kill it off, but you think it'll never go away. At least you do have your friends, that you hope will never change. After your usual morning tea, you walk outside of your house, noticing it's a bit chillier than usual. You start to walk around the town, trying to keep your spirits up. Your thoughts stay on Twilight, that adorable mare. You'll admit, you have a bit of a crush on her, but you know she likely doesn't feel the same. Still, you feel a bit of a blush on your cheeks when you think of her, and you notice a pep in your step as you walk. She is just... remarkable. You always liked her character on the show, but in person she's always so friendly. Unlike in a few fanfictions she never tied you into a chair and experimented on you, something that you wouldn't mind if she di- ...okay, straying from that dirty thought, you really like her. You've found yourself to be attracted to her, even if your conscious tells you to stay the fuck away because she's a goddamned horse. But, she IS sentient and even more intelligent than you, so it isn't that bad, right? ...right? Straying away from this thought, you try to move your thoughts towards the Lord of Chaos itself, Discord. Realistically, at any point, Discord could've sent you back home. The thought is the biggest reason why you've disliked him for the longest time. He claims that it would destroy the two dimensions the worlds are in or whatever, but you've never believed it. But, really, all that matters at the moment is the happiness of everyone. At least, that's what you've learned in your time here in Equestria. You'll try to keep your friends happy in your time here, that's the least they deserve for putting up with your early self. You start to think back on how... alone you truly were early on here. After meeting Twilight and her friends, you tried living alone for the first month, despite their protests. You really wanted some time alone, and while you did get that, you were... so lonely. You shake your head, trying to get your head away from these thoughts. You end up walking towards a bridge over a small river, and you look over the edge at your reflection. Your thoughts carry you to what you miss most that isn't your family: technology. Yeah, Equestria does have a lot of stuff you had at home, but you desperately miss the music at home. You never really cared for pop or whatever was popular, so you mostly listed to Metallica, Weezer, basically any rock or metal band that caught your interest. You did arrive with your phone, but it broke when you got here, so it's been sitting on the table by your bed, gathering dust. You should really ask Twilight if she can try to fix it at some point... As your deep in thought, you notice a certain purple mare stand next to you, looking happily towards you, her violet eyes immediately captivating your attention. "Hey there, I'm so glad to have found you! Me and the rest of our friends are going to be going on a trip to Appleloosa... want to come?" Twilight asks, looking at you with a calming and happy smile. You feel your heart skip a beat when she says this, but you keep in a blush and restrain yourself. You, of course, aren't going to refuse a chance to hang out with them. "Sure, how long are we going to be there?" You ask, smiling back at her. "Just a few hours at most, Applejack just wanted to help out with their orchard as their having a bit of trouble lately, and we offered to help out. We gotta get to the train station in an hour, come on" she answers with, turning away from you and going the direction of the train station. You follow along, looking at Twilight with a sense of adoration. Yep, life is good currently.