//------------------------------// // The Strings That Connect Us // Story: Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Darkness Rises // by Juliaa //------------------------------// It was a sunny day at Hogwarts. Students were coming back from their summer break back to yet another exciting school year. There was Twilight with her friends, Trixie still mad at Rainbow, Zephyr ready to learn and many more. Twilight and her friends have spent the summer hanging out together and enjoying the peace they all needed after the events of the last 2 years. She has been ready to learn new things and take on challenges this year will give them. Or at least she thought she could, but no one could predict what was about to happen. ______ "I welcome you to another exciting year where you will further advance your skills in magic," Dumbledore was holding a welcoming speech. "Ughhh!" Rainbow was bored. "Are his speeches always this boring? It feels like he gives almost exactly the same speech every year just edits it a bit!" "Rainbow shush! Teachers might hear you!" Twilight tried to warn her. "So what?" Rainbow didn't care. "I would for sure like to see them all hate you," Trixie smiled. "Trixie..." was all she could reply. She didn't really care about what Trixie said. After all she has never been dangerous so far and she was still annoyed and mad at Trixie about trying to break up Applejack and her last year. "As you know there have been talkings about a dangerous wizard still being alive but I don't want you to worry about it! If there is any chance she is back you will be safe at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore reassured. Applejack was very confused. She was never up to date with wizard news, "what is he talking about?" "Oh just that there has been a rumor going around that Nightmare Moon is back!" Pinkie said casually. Few students gave her a glare. "The Nightmare Moon?!" Applejack was shocked. "Yes, the dark wizard who tried to take over the world thousand years ago. She was defeated and dissappeared, never seen again." "And why do they think she is back?" Applejack was still confused. "Oh, there has been a rumor someone saw her!" "And that she is collecting an army to take over the world again!" Rarity cut in from her Ravenclaw table. "Well I sure do hope it's not true!" Applejack gulped. "I'm sure it isn't!" Sunset reassured. She has been sitting next to them at their Griffindor table trying hard to listen to the speech from Dumbledore but once she realized they were too loud she decided to join in on the conversation. "And with that I'll leave you to eat and wish you all the luck in the upcoming school year!" Dumbledore finished. "Oh, I am so excited for Herbology this year!" Fluttershy turned from her table to Discord. "Nope, please don't metion Herbology right now," he remembered how he tried to teach it. "Alright, alright," she understood. Everyone continued to eat and later went back to their dorms to unpack and get ready for a new school year. _____ The girls met up later to catch up. "Oh, I feel like this year is going to be even more amazing than last 2!" Rainbow was excited and ready for an adventure. "I just hope this time it will be peaceful!" Fluttershy added. "I'm sure it will be!" Sunset said. "I am glad we have similar schedules! That way we will see each other often!" Rarity smiled. "I can't believe I didn't hear about Nightmare Moon!" Applejack was deep in her thoughts. "Don't say her name!" Twilight warned her in shock. "Ugh, it's just a name!" Rainbow eyerolled. "Forbidden to say!" Twilight reminded her. "Anywaaaay, I trust the professors they will protect us in case anything happens!" Pinkie tried to reassure. Discord came up to them, "like anything will happen! You don't actually believe she is back, don't you?" "I do!" Rainbow raised her hand and Twilight facepalmed. "The year just started, let's not fight over a random rumor!" Rarity tried to warn. "Random rumor that has the whole world scared!" Fluttershy added and Discord held her hand. Everyone went quiet for a few moments before Sunset changed the topic. _____ It was late. Everyone was back in their rooms. Twilight was having nightmares. It were flashbacks from previous years: her brother's betrayal, Cadence, Mel, battle with them, their yelling as they were dragged to Azkaban. How has her life become so complicated in the last 2 years? She suddenly woke up, her heart pounding like crazy. She couldn't go back to sleep so she got up and went to make herself tea. However, she very quickly regreted that idea. She wasn't alone in the corridor. There was a woman standing there, taller than her, cloak covering her hair and face. "Who are you?" Twilight was scared. "Don't you recognize me, Twilight Sparkle?" The woman removed her cloak. Twilight was shocked. She couldn't think of a way to escape, a way to fight her, all she could do is freeze as words "Nightmare Moon" were running through her head. Could this be another dream? "You are the one who shall not be named!" she was terrified. "Say my name, Twilight!" she replied strictly. "How do you know my name?" Twilight was very confused. "Don't you see, Twilight? We are one and the same! You are exactly like me! With same destiny! Same prophecy!" Nightmare Moon laughed at Twilight's lack of knowledge. "I don't understand!" Twilight was getting more and more confused. "You can't escape our bond! Your presence in the wizarding world will be it's downfall! And they shall forever bow to us!" "To us? You are literally insane!" Twilight pulled out her wand with her shaking hand. Nightmare Moon laughed, "You don't think you could ever beat me, child? We will meet soon!" She disappeared and Twilight was left alone in dark hallway. She didn't know what to do or who to ask for explanation. All she could do is go sneak in as quickly as she could to Griffindor rooms to talk to her girlfriend.