What happens to Golly?

by Golly4Ever

Reach Out and Touch Somepony

It was a warm, sunny day in Canterlot where Ms. Cheerilee was with her class on their annual field trip to the castle’s prison-statue garden, discussing the various inhabitants and the arbitrary meanings assigned to them. It was time for the group to move on when Astral, a curious young blank-flank unicorn, hung back and got a little too close to the infamous statue of Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow. While most ponies viewed the statue as a whole, Astral couldn’t help but feel sympathy for Cozy and her story as told by Cheerilee. There was sadness in the old mare’s voice as she discussed the statue's history. Astral was unable to see the villainy in the scared little filly at the top of the monument. She gazed into its wide, fearful, and unblinking eyes as they stared out at those who had cast her fate so many years ago.

This statue…’ thought the small purple filly. It was once a living being. Everything in the garden used to live, possibly love; used to feel. The longer she stared, the closer of a connection she felt. ‘She’s just as old as me.

Astral was saddened. Her first instinct was to cry out from an indescribable pang coming from deep inside her very core. She could hear it. It was a faint voice, lost, looking for a way out. It was in her head. The longer she stared at the statue before her, the clearer she could hear it call.

Astral shook her head, blinking her eyes. It was then that she discovered she had unconsciously approached the statue and even put her hooves up on it. ‘No.’ It wasn’t in her head. It was coming from outside; from the statue itself! She could sense it. It was calling out, not to her, but to anypony who could hear and possibly even answer; anypony who would listen. Astral used her magic to spark a tiny link with the young voice she could telepathically hear crying from within the statue.

Anger, loneliness, fear, sadness. Dark. Cold. Regret, lost, confusion. One at a time, one after another, all at once… The torrent of emotions that had flooded into Astral was a shocking surprise and almost too much to take in. Feeling dizzy and momentarily dazed, Astral jumped back, breaking her link with the statue. She shook her head clear and looked up at the frozen filly's face from her newfound perspective.

"What was that?" she asked herself in a whisper. The statue didn't answer. Astral didn't notice that nopony else was around. The class had left her behind, again. The fur of her coat stood on end as a chill ran down her back. Whatever it was, she had to have more. She demanded it.

Astral stepped back in and closed her eyes, concentrating harder. Not just any unicorn could do what she could. She had only ever pulled off a deliberate telepathic connection to another pony just a few times before, and never had it been anything more than mostly an overall insight into what the pony was feeling. This was new territory for her, but she just had to know. The tip of her horn lit up and the link was made once again.

"Um, hello?" Astral’s telepathic voice was a glimmer of light in the darkness of a stone prison, a beacon of hope, far off in the distance, seemingly just out of reach.

The crying abruptly stopped with a gasp, settling into a much softer sob. "H-Hello? Is somepony out there? What's happening? Where are you? Who are you?” It was the voice of the statue. It was Cozy Glow. Astral was sure of it. “Where am I?” asked Cozy, the voice of her thoughts filled with panic.

Astral replied with her own set of questions. "Cozy Glow? Is that you? Is it true what they say about you? Did you really do all those bad things years ago? Why?"

Cozy took a moment to calm herself down and settled a little bit, but sounding angry tried to shift the blame. Her thoughts had shifted from a suspicious sad and sorrowful tone to sharp and spiteful."It's all Chrysalis and Tirek's fault. I wanted to make friends but they forced me to be bad. It was-"

Astral interrupted. "No. I can feel it when you lie to me. I see... your intentions. But you're not a bad pony, I can feel that too.” A great deal of effort had to be put into not being distracted by the fascination of such a clear connection; it was like a new drug, and Astral needed her fix. The outside world had been completely tuned out. It was just her and Cozy now, together in the infinite, cold darkness of the stone prison. There was no light, no color, and no form, just pure thought, and emotion.

The two sat in telepathic silence for a moment before Cozy’s sobbing returned, this time with a more sincere feeling of only sadness and regret.

Keep talking.

My name’s Astral Bell, but everypony just calls me Astral. Why’d you do all those bad things?” Her mental voice remained calm and curious.

The sobbing quieted down and slowed to a stop.

"Cozy?" asked Astral.

"Because, friendship... is power," said Cozy, slowly.

"But why would you need pow-" Astral was interrupted by the feeling of a small rock striking her side and an outside voice calling to her.

"Astral? Astral! Hey Blank Flank! Are you going to pray to that statue all day? Ms. Cheerilee says it's lunchtime. C'mon, hurry up already! We’re gonna leave you behind again and I'll eat your lunch!" said a classmate.

The link was broken. Astral took one last look up at Cozy Glow before trotting off to rejoin the group. It would not be the last time she made the connection to the only pony that would willingly talk to her.

Cozy was left with Astral’s question. "Why do you need power?" she thought to herself. It echoed in her mind for days, weeks, possibly moons, or even years on the outside. In stone, the concept of time tended to fade after a while. Every moment alone became an eternity. Somepony was out there, though. It was a warm voice in the cold of the never-ending darkness of her stone prison; a kind voice. She yearned to hear it once more.