//------------------------------// // Moonlight. // Story: A Guard's Candy // by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler //------------------------------// King Sombra's P.O.V: Today was the day that Moonlight would return, and I was both happy and worried. I was happy because Moonlight was going to come back, and the thought of what she would do if she found out about Candy worried me. She would think that I betrayed her, and things like that. I wasn't eager for a fight. So, I decided that Flash would take care of Candy, as the two got along well. I teleported to where Flash should be now, guarding Candy. Flash bowed, and I started, "Flash, today Moonlight is going to come back from her trip, and I don't want her to get the wrong thoughts after seeing Candy, so I want you to take care of Candy, and if she needs anything, then give it to her. Do you understand?" "Yes, your Majesty.", he replied. I then teleported to my room to make things...tidier. Flash Sentry's P.O.V: "Yes, your Majesty.", I replied, and the King teleported away. A maid arrived with Candy's breakfast, and I knocked on her door. Candy's P.O.V: I was drying my mane when I heard a knock on the door. "You may come in.", I said, and the door opened, showing Flash. I smiled, "Good morning, Flash." "Good morning, Candy.", he replied. Putting the tray on the table, he told me, "This is your breakfast." He was about to leave when I asked, "Would you like to eat some?" Seeing the look in my eyes that said he must, he sighed, "If you don't mind." "I don't mind.", I told him. Flash Sentry's P.O.V: I had just finished eating, and was now drinking some water. “Can I ask you something, Flash?” Candy spoke up all of a sudden, catching me off guard. “Sure.”, I replied. “Why did you become a royal guard?” Candy was curious, yet formed an expression of sympathy seeing the look on my face. “You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to.” My shoulders shrugged in response. “There is not much to tell to be honest. Like many, I saw it as an honorable job, keeping others safe and the pay was good. Plus, I thought it would be like an adventure.” Now, I could not help but sigh. “I owe that other Solar Guard my life. I think her name is Sunset Shimmer.” A hoof wandered to my chin. “There were some rumors that she used to be Sunbutt's student, but I never paid much attention to them..” “Do you know her?”, Candy asked. “Not directly. After we escaped, she said she had to save her family and find a way to keep them safe from the solar guards. I think she managed to do so, that in my own panic, I never once checked on her…” I trailed off as I began to get worried about what could've happened to Sunset. “I hope she managed to save her family, her family shouldn't suffer." Trying to change the topic, Candy said, "As for me, I became a nurse, as I was very good at reports.” She pointed to her cutie mark, which was a notepad. “My mother was a doctor, so I took after her, saving lives. Another reason why I became a nurse is because it's a good job.” In response, my lips formed a proud smile. “A honorable act of you.” King Sombra’s P.O.V: Slightly tensed, I walked towards the entrance of the castle, forcing a smile as the door opened and a green batpony mare walked in, escorted by a few guards. “Moonlight, it's nice to see you again.”, I started. She pulled me into a hug. “Same, Sombra, I missed you terribly.” “Me too, but how was your stay?” I asked as we walked through the corridor and she grinned. “To be honest, it was great. Sugar Belle showed me some of her specialties, I played some games with Party Favor, and even got taught how to use skis by Double Diamond.” Moonlight told me with glee in her voice , causing me to smile. “I'm glad you had fun, dear.”, I smiled. “And you?” She sounded eager. “Oh, nothing much, everything was mostly quiet while you were gone. Apart from making sure that everypony was happy, there was nothing to do.” My eyes darted around, something she took notice of with a worried expression. “Were you attacked?”, she asked. “No, just…”, I started to say but she cut me off. “You know our rule, no pain, no lies, no secrets, and no spies.” Her voice raised slightly and I sighed, lowering my head. “Of course. A few days ago, we got a refugee, a unicorn mare called Candy.”, I told her. I waited for her reaction to this news. As I feared, her purple eyes went wide and she paced rather quickly towards Candy’s room and I tried to keep up. With slight force, Shade threw the door open, facing Candy with outright hostility, who shivered in fear upon seeing the angry batpony, with Flash doing the same. “You…You dare to come here and try to take Sombra away from me?!” Moonlight yelled loudly, her eyes blazing with dark magic, Candy was cowering in the corner and so did Flash who was standing in front of her protectively, completely taken over by fear. “N-no…-P-please…”, Candy started stuttering. “You can consider yourself lucky that I'm not going to throw you into the dungeon right this second!" , my mare hissed and stormed out. I could only look after her in shock, never expecting to see her so angry. “S-s-sorry…” A whimper made my ears twitch, my eyes looked with pity at Candy, who buried her face in her hooves. “I am…sorry…” Realizing she was blaming herself, I gently kneeled down to her, a weak smile forming on my face. “Shh…calm down, Candy, this is not your fault. Moonlight just has a hot temper. I'm sure that she'll be fine in a few days." I just hoped that would be true.