EQG Series Finale (original)

by EverythingGuy

Part 2

After a full minute of tumbling through swirling colored lights, the lights suddenly stop and Flash Sentry and Comet Tail land right in front of CHS, much to their confusion. They look around inside and spot Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity amongst the crowds, but they don’t see Twilight Sparkle or Sunset Shimmer anywhere. Realizing the contract worked and thinking they are dreaming, the boys run off to have fun.

After a whole day of doing whatever they want and getting away with it (nothing beyond a G rating) the boys awaken the next day, and head down to the beach. Once there, they roll down a sand hill, and go to a drink stand to get sodas. Comet makes a joke about them being the coolest guys around, and suddenly everyone around them agrees in unison, creeping the boys out. Flash, growing suspicious, makes a random remark about something outlandish and crazy, and everyone agrees with that too. The boys decide to leave, only to be blocked by a pair of tall men, who ask why they would want to when they have everything they want. This is the last straw for the boys, and they make a break for it.

As they run off the beach, everything around them turns from bright and happy to hellish. Soon, the pair are fleeing from monsters, and eventually they burst through some sort of wall, and everything disintegrates. The boys find themselves in the middle of a burnt out field with nothing in sight for miles in all directions. After walking for about an hour, they come across what appears to be the charred remains of a school. They realize, to their horror, that this is the remains of their own school, and run to where their house is. Or was. They find it empty and abandoned, with their families nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, something shoots past in the sky above them. Small, metallic, ball-shaped objects drop from the sky, and sleeping gas shoot out from the metal balls, causing the boys to pass out.

When they wake up, they are in a medical-era cage on wheels, being pulled by their friends Micro Chips and Derpy Muffins, who claim to have believed Comet was dead and do not recognize Flash at all. The pair are being forced to pull the carriage by two figures in complete black, who keep whipping them if they stop. When Flash asks where they are going, Derpy replies he and Comet are being brought to “mayor” Sombra. As they pass through Canterlot, the boys are horrified to see that the city is overrun with magical horrors (think of Gravity Falls Weirdmageddon for a comparison). Real humans are a rarer sight, and the ones that are seen are all slaves to the magic creations. When they reach the city center, Flash and Comet are brought into the building they knew as the Mayor’s office, where they see Sombra and Chrysalis waiting for them. Sombra explains that the boys are very much awake, and that their contract erased the week Flash was born from actual history. In this alternate reality, Flash never existed or proved to Vice Principal Luna that Pony Twilight didn’t wreck the gym, and therefore, Sunset used Twilight’s crown to flood the human world with Equestrian magic, which quickly grew well beyond her control. Sombra and Chrysalis quickly gained control by taking much of the unleashed magic, and as such, not only were they given control on the city, but Celestia and Luna were forced to sign over Canterlot High to them too. When the week ends, Flash and Comet will cease to exist. The boys deduce that the magic used in the contract must be Equestrian in origin.

Flash has a hard time believing that him never being born could have caused all of this to happen due to his unimportant self-viewing, but he doesn't have time to thought process it all. He and Comet escape with Derpy and Micro, who agree to help after Flash proves he knows them by telling them things he knows about them. Showing them the contract, Derpy and Micro help the boys find a hidden exit clause, the effects of the contract can be reversed if Flash shares "true love's kiss" with someone he loves romantically. Flash and Comet balk at this. They explain to the other two everything that happened in the normal reality, and firmly state there is no way Twilight would ever like Flash that way, let alone kiss him. Derpy encourages Flash to try anyway, as it is the only way for them all to get their lives back.

The foursome follow some distant fleeing figures and come across the resistance, a group of many humans fighting back against Sombra, Chrysalis, and their followers. Among the resistance are now former Principal and VP Celestia and Luna, many of the former students of CHS, the boys' school, and Crystal Prep, Comet's older sister Coffee Cup, and, much to the boys' huge surprise, Flash's mother Spring Blossom and the Human Sunset Shimmer. Leading the resistance are the alternate Rainbooms (except Pony Sunset, of course). Coffee Cup embraces Comet tearfully, believing he was dead, just like Micro and Derpy. Flash, meanwhile, is overwhelmed at the sight of his mother, and collapses.

When Flash comes to, he explains who they is to Coffee. She reveals that magic users attacked her and Comet’s family two years before, leaving her the only survivor. Comet is devastated that Moondancer and their parents are dead. Seeing that he, Comet, Micro, and Derpy need fight training, Flash asks Twilight (who has a scar across her face) to train them with her friends, and Twilight agrees. Immediately after Flash leaves Twilight’s hut, which she shares with her dog Spike and two other girls, he is approached by the alternate Timber Spruce, who threatens him to stay away from Twilight. Flash simply says he will and walks away.

Later on, Flash and Comet approach Human Sunset and after telling her who they are, ask her where she was. She reveals to them that when the Pony Sunset first opened the portal to the human dimension and came through, she was displaced from her home far out into the world of Equestria in a unicorn body. She managed to get back by following the trails of magic caused by the apocalypse, which spilled into Equestria. Having finally found their answer, the boys vow to get her home once they have fixed reality. At that point, the Human Starlight Glimmer, Sunset’s best friend who was with her the day she vanished, joins them, and tells the boys to not worry about Timber. The girls explain that, just like in the normal reality, Twilight and Timber used to be in a relationship, but one night, during a fight with Sombra and Chrysalis’ forces, Timber betrayed Twilight by revealing her hiding ambush position in a tree to save himself, resulting in her scar from Chrysalis.

Over the next five days, while training with Twilight, Sunset, Starlight, and the rest in preparation for an ambush on Sombra and Chrysalis, Flash and Comet bond with the former two respectively, but Flash stops short of making a move, still reluctant. Sunset, Starlight, and Spike encourage Flash to keep pursuing Twilight. At one point, Flash talks to Spring Blossom and learns that her husband, his father Metal Gleam, had signed a contract with the evil couple to save her life, but in exchange for his own. When she sees his and Comet’s contract, Spring deduces that Flash is her son. She also encourages him to pursue Twilight, insisting that he is more important than he thinks. Flash doesn’t seem to agree.

Meanwhile, Sombra plans to use a technique involving a dummy of himself, his pet bull Tirek, and Chrysalis’ enlarged insect army, to lure Flash and Comet out and catch the resistance.

The night of the ambush, with only hours left before he and Comet fade away, Flash, at the others’ insistence, volunteers to help Twilight watch for the approaching enemy. Unfortunately, they are followed by Timber, who attempts to claim that Flash is a spy for Sombra, having spied on him and Comet the whole time. Gloriosa Daisy shows up, apologizes to the pair, and forcibly man-handles her coward brother out of sight. However, his claims about Flash being the cause of all this misery make Twilight uneasy, and she turns hostile toward Flash, who does his best to calm her down. The rest of the resistance is captured by Chrysalis and her bugs, while the Rainbooms and Flash and Comet’s group escape. The boys are forced to reveal the truth about their contract to the Rainbooms. Derpy insists that Flash kiss Twilight, but Flash refuses, saying it won’t fix anything. Twilight gets incredibly angry and accuses Flash and Comet of making things up to get to her, but this makes Flash lash out at her, saying that she isn’t the one who is completely unimportant; he is. This startles Twilight into silence and she is instantly remorseful, but Flash turns and walks away with Comet, Derpy, and Micro, deciding to “leave the hero’s work to the real heroes”. Spring, Sunset, Starlight, and Coffee go after Flash and his group while Twilight and the others go to the city to save the resistance.

Flash and Comet get into a brief physical squabble over signing the contract in the first place, leading Starlight to demand why Flash signed it if he already had a family and best friend. Flash retorts that he thought he didn't matter. The group then hears about a deal Sombra offers to the city, saying if they bring Flash and Comet to him, all their dreams will come true. Flash decides to turn them both in. Spring is hesitant, but Flash assures her he will be fine. Before heading to Sombra and Chrysalis’ building, Flash asks Sunset for the name of her brother, who like Starlight, was also present when she got sucked into Equestria. Sunset replies that his name was Sunburst.

Flash turns Comet and himself in, and Sombra is forced to grant Flash the wish, which he uses to free Comet, the Rainbooms, the rest of the resistance, and all the other enslaved humans. However, when Flash is led to the basement and chained up, he sees that Twilight is captured, since, as Chrysalis puts it, she is “no ordinary human”. Sombra claims that the Timber of the normal reality asked him to get Flash to sign the contract, which Flash scoffs at. Twilight thanks Flash for his brave deed, and he somberly responds that he wasn't there for her when Timber betrayed her. Twilight smiles and says he’s here now.

Hiding inside delivery carts, Comet, Micro, Derpy, Spring, the Rainbooms, and the rest of the resistance storm the castle. In the ensuing battle, Chrysalis’ army is defeated while Twilight and Flash escape and capture the evil couple. As the sun rises, Flash and Comet begin to fade from existence. The two hold hands as they fade, Spring holds Flash’s other hand, and Coffee holds Comet’s other hand. Flash declares that he got to spend the week with Comet, and he got to see his mother again, but the best part was that he got to fall in love with Twilight all over again even if she will never like him the same way, and for him, that’s good enough. Twilight is touched by Flash’s selflessness, and she kisses him just before the boys fully disappear.

The contract, which the boys had kept with them the entire week, suddenly floats upward on its own and starts glowing, to the evil couple’s horror. It then disintegrates, and the alternate reality is erased, making everyone disappear. Flash and Comet wake up in Sombra and Chrysalis’ mansion in the normal reality. They sprint outside and flee down the road, only stopping when they find Flash’s car. Comet calls Moondancer and Cheese Sandwich, while Flash calls his cousin First Base. When they are sure everything is back to normal, boys take a moment to calm themselves and then start off again to track down Starlight and Sunburst.

To Be Concluded ….