//------------------------------// // What Does He Want? // Story: Cressida's Christmas Mission // by VioletRose13 //------------------------------// Freezing temperatures, lights all over town, and every inch of the city was covered in a blanket of snow. Cressida wandered the streets and looked through the windows of the many different shops, hoping to find something. She knew very well that it was dangerous to walk around New York City alone at night, especially for a girl her age and size, but she was determined to find a gift suitable for her father. Unfortunately, she had no luck. Nothing she saw in any of the shops she passed caught her eye. She thought about trying the shopping mall, but the mall always closed early on holidays and Christmas Eve was no exception. She eventually wandered into a small playground; it was empty and she sat down on the swing set. “Gee, this is harder than I thought.” She said to herself. “What do you get for the ninja master who has everything? I don’t have a clue.” Then she started to sing to herself. “What kind of present does he dream about?” She began. “A leather wallet or a singing trout What I should get him is a mystery And if it's lame, will he still love me? What does he want? A DVD or some video games Or maybe one of those new digital frames Something to fit his personality The perfect present is eluding me My friends all tell me that I shouldn't obsess But how can I avoid the stress? I need to know, but right now all I can do is guess What does he want? A set of golf clubs or a tube of grout I don't know, but I'll figure it out Electric Coffee Brewer as seen on TV I only wish I knew what he got me…” She looked up at the night sky. “'Cause I hear it's perfect.” “What does he want?” She buried her face in her hands in defeat. Then Cressie’s sharp ears picked up something going on a little way away. She looked up and headed towards the sound, wondering what it could possibly be. She then saw a small stage surrounded by young children and their parents. Music started to play and people dressed as holiday elves started to sing and dance. “Santa's always busy making wishes come true” The elves started. “And you can bet he's getting ready for you No matter how much he has to do He delivers He delivers, yeah yeah” As Cressie watched, she couldn’t help but start to dance along. This song was very catchy. “In any kind of weather when it rains and snows No matter if there's any icicles on his nose Without a doubt you know he always shows He delivers He delivers, yeah yeah He delivers from his place to yours He doesn't ring bells or knock on doors He delivers in person just because He's the best! He's Santa Claus! Down through the chimney in the middle of the night 1, 2, 3, and he's clear out of sight And even though he's old he does all right He delivers He delivers, yeah yeah” By now, Cressie started to dance her little heart out. “So if you hear some rattling on the top of the roof And if you hear your dog barking, "Woof Woof Woof!" If you peek outside you're gonna see real proof He delivers He delivers, yeah yeah He delivers from his place to yours He doesn't ring bells or knock on doors He delivers in person just because He's the best! He's Santa Claus! He delivers absolutely free He always does it so personally He delivers from sea to shining sea It's a special delivery” “It’s not the florist or the Pizza Man!” “It’s not the plumber or a telegram!” “It’s not even the Handyman!” “But by now… you understand! He delivers from his place to yours He doesn't ring bells or knock on doors He delivers in person just because He's the best! He's Santa Claus! He delivers absolutely free He always does it so personally He delivers from sea to shining sea He delivers from his place to yours He doesn't ring bells or knock on doors He delivers in person just because He's the best! He's Santa Claus!” The song ended and the kids all clapped their hands and cheered. Cressie cheered and clapped along with them before she noticed something else. She turned her head to see Santa Claus sitting on a throne near the stage and the kids were starting to line up around him and a couple of elves. She had another idea. “Santa Claus…” She whispered, hurrying to get in line.