Merrywood Times

by Someoneirrelevant

Chapter 2 - Ideas

Chapter 2 Ideas

Argyle woke up slowly. He heard the noises of a few bustling ponies from outside along with birds and other various noises. This was what he woke up to almost every day, it wasn’t bad, just a bit annoying. He got up, rubbing his eyes and looking out upon his room that was still as cluttered as it ever was. The sound of hooves came into hearshot and there was a knock at the door. 

“Argyle, Breakfast in 5! also we both have something to tell you!” They said, And trotted back down the hall.

Argyle sighed. He slowly made his way to get up and ready himself for whatever his parents had to say to him this morning. Nothing personal against his parents, but they usually had some way to make things awkward. Especially after he dropped his latest truthbomb of:

“Oh hey, I’m thinking of leaving Maretime bay and exploring the unknown, I wanna go see some deadly creatures! You know, like Dragons and Unicorns and stuff!” 

No doubt they were worried for good reason, but denying the thought only made him more anxious for when he would finally be able to actually do it. Go off on his very own and see the world! To him it was heaven, to them it was hell. In their minds Maretime bay was the only safe haven. To Argyle it was a fancy cage. 

Argyle went to the bathroom and tidied up his appearance, he walked down the hallway and instantly heard the sound of plates clinking on the table. His Father Silver Sun was sitting down with a large plate of pancakes. His Mother Beatrice went to sit after putting His own plate down on the table. They were both staring at him with a look of nervousness and anticipation for him to sit. He complied with these looks and sat down at the table with his parents. 

Beatrice broke the silence first, “So Argyle, my sweet star, me and your father were both thinking about what you said a few days ago about leaving town….” She immediately looked at Silver to speak next, needing backup. 

“Um, yes son, We were both talking and we think that you aren’t quite thinking this through. It would be different if you wanted to get your own place and job. You are still underage after all, we think you should reconsider” Silver said

Argyle was angry but not surprised, of course they would try and stop him from going. This was bound to happen. He considered what to say back. 

“Mother, Father, I understand your point of view, but I’m a bit confused, you can’t stop me from leaving once I turn 18” He said 

“Yes.. We know. We are setting you up with a job over at Canterlogic. We think that once you get a little more responsibility you’ll reconsider” Said his father.

“Sweet star, we think that this’ll be good for you” Said his mother.

“Really? You both are going to apply for a job without even asking me first?” Argyle said angrily .

“Actually, it’s already yours, we spoke to Phyllis about it and her father agreed to give you a job” His mother explained. 

That damn Phyllis, she probably thinks that she can convince me to stay. I’ll probably end up as her assistant or something stupid like that. 

“No” Argyle said annoyed, and quickly got up to go outside. He needed some air, this was ridiculous, he didn’t want to do any of this. He just wanted to go see the world. 

“Hey, where are you going! You can’t just say no and leave!” Said his mother

“Just watch” he said as he opened the door and walked out. He didn’t know where he was going, but he was going to go, maybe even out of town. Maybe a little farther than before. He heard the yelling of his parents from the house, but he ignored them. He trotted down the path, earth ponies were walking and chatting together. Little ponies with action figures playing, and fillies with chalk drawing on the pavement. Older ponies with stands holding freshly baked goods and drinks. 

As he walked the lighthouse caught his eye for the second time. He had never really noticed it all that much in all his time being in Maretime Bay, but lately it called to him. It was such a ways out of town as well, he decided that’s where he would go. The lighthouse. The only place where he might get some time to himself. He began to walk faster, then trot, then gallop. His taste for different scenery had awakened and he thought he might see the entire town from the lighthouse grounds. He was excited. 

As he neared the end of his journey up the hill he began to feel tired, he began to walk once more, taking in all that the area around the lighthouse had to offer. He plopped down right in front of it, sighing. 

He finally looked up at his prize, the entire town of Maretime bay, perfectly framed by the sea and forest behind. He looked out on his small town, never before had it looked so tiny, it was really just a big circle that went around again and again. He chuckled to himself. That’s what it felt like sometimes, just going around in circles, never truly going anywhere, just staying in one place for eternity. He thought to himself for a while, with the morning air that was cool and nice from the sea, the landscape in the background surrounded the bay. It was really only less than 1% of what the world had to offer, and that made him want to leave even more. 

It hit him for a moment. He had no money, no house, no job. How had he ever thought he could just get up and leave all of a sudden once he turned 18, he didn’t even have a penny to his name. No supplies, no way to go without most likely getting lost or dead in the process. He needed a map or something, but where would he even find one? It’s not like anyone had even left the town for more than 5 minutes. There wouldn’t be any maps around. 

There was a creak and the opening of a door from behind, “Young man?” Asked a voice. Argyle quickly turned his head to the voice. 

“Hello, I'm surprised to see such a spry young man near my old tower, I don’t see many faces up here” Said an old stallion who had obviously seen many days in his time.  

"Really? Well they are missing out, the view is amazing" Argyle said 

The old stallion walked over and sat directly next to Argyle. "My name is Solar wind, what's yours boy?" He asked 

"My name is Argyle sir" He said 

"Argyle eh? Why did you come on up here to my old tower?" He asked 

"Well, my parents wanted me to do something I didn't want to, so I came up here to get some quiet" Argyle said

"Haha, a tale as old as time my boy, I bought this here Lighthouse because I thought it would be a nice change of pace when I was young. Now I'm old and the dang thing is falling apart!" He laughed 

"I've been trying to sell the thing for 5 years to live in town for retirement, but no one wants to live this far out of town, to be honest it's not that far to me but I think I'm biased"  He said chuckling 

"How much are you going to sell for?" Argyle asked 

"For as little as possible! I've wanted to move for 5 years now, it would be a miracle if anyone wanted to buy it now" 

Argyle looked at the sky "Hey mister Solar, when it's night can you see the stars from the tower?" 

"Of course I can, why wouldn't I be able to?" He said 

"I can't see any stars in town, only a couple" Argyle said 

"Is that so.." Solar said 

"Do you know why the lighthouse existed in the first place? I mean it isn't even functional anymore" Solar said 

"No, why?" 

"I got these old books in the lighthouse, those from the last owner. A lot of rich reading lemme tell you. One of them said that this town used to be a bustling trade center, with travelers from everywhere coming into the bay. It needed a lighthouse to guide ships, but alas, no ships come round anymore and the lighthouse ceased function" Solar explained

"You mean to tell me that there might be entire CIVILIZATIONS that we aren't even in contact with anymore???? How have I never been told this!" Argyle angrily yelled

"Oh yes, lots of things are lost to time, including knowledge. Lucky I still have those books eh? I'll probably leave em for the next owner though, if there is one " He said 

"Hey mister Solar, I need to go. I'll be back though" Argyle said as he quickly got up. 

"Leaving an old man to get up by himself? Haha how rude" 

Argyle was barely listening as he began to trot back into town, feeling the cold wind and excitement on his face. 

That young man, he has potential. 

"I hope to see you again then, Argyle" 


Argyle opened the door to his house went up to his parents, and simply said 

"What's the pay and when do I start?"