Influential Intermission

by Nickyboy5038

Chapter 5 - Correction & Misfortune

I woke up with a sore back this morning groaning in annoyance. Even though they did have beds here, they weren’t exactly the comfiest things. I remembered that I was still on the moon base and started to get out of bed. I tried to go through my daily routine as best as I could, though it wasn’t great. The shower water was cold, though that was kind of to be expected, along with only freeze dried foods.

Once I was done I remembered about my birds at home. “Oh fudge nuggets.” I silently berated. Now I knew I needed to get back as soon as possible. I wasn’t really sure how I would start getting back anyway. I only mostly studied the teleportation portal remote and I didn’t think that and the box were related at the time. Oh how much time I wasted because of that.

I brainstormed for probably a few hours until I though that the remote and box might be connected somehow. Now I just needed to find a connection. “Maybe it could change to a different frequency for a different portal?” I thought. Now I would just have to find out how to do that.

I went down to the ‘navigation room’ as I had now dubbed. I remembered that Twilight and Spike were still trying to get the crown and I quickly checked my watch. It read 2:30 PM and I thought about what was happening now. “They are probably almost done with school today.” I said to myself.

I decided to fiddle with the remote to see if I could get it to work. I tried for a few hours to no avail. I couldn’t find any way to change the frequency from how the remote was now. It was getting close to nighttime so I decided to retire for the day and continue my work tomorrow.


I woke up and did the routine the same as yesterday, determined to find a way to get back home. Unfortunately I still had trouble finding a way to improve my situation. Eventually it got to around 11:30 AM and I decided to go get some lunch at Canterlot High.

The reason why I decided to get some lunch at Canterlot High is that I could get more associated with everything there. Plus, more people would get used to seeing me, if they noticed. Everyone was probably talking about Twilight right now after Sunset posted that video I assume. Either way I was now waiting in line at the cafeteria and after a little bit I got my food and sat down at an isolated table near the back.

I looked around a bit and saw many of the mane six in blue shirts putting on pony ears. I glanced around some more and saw Spike in the corner near me. Thankfully he didn’t see me yet. I quickly obscured myself from his view and waited for the mane six to start their song.

After a minute or two they started a beat out but I continued eating my lunch and trying to be invisible. Then Spike turned on the music and the mane six started getting up and singing. Thankfully I was far enough away to not get included in the song. Though a headband with pony ears did hit me in the head after I didn’t catch it. I seem to be having more things hit my head recently.

I finished my lunch during the song and slowly made my way out only to run into Sunset Shimmer.


After that video I posted yesterday everyone will have to vote for me instead of Twilight. It was ingenious and everything was going according to plan. I went through the day until lunch when I heard singing on the other side of the doors. I looked through and it was Twilight and her friends! I was very annoyed until the door I was looking through had someone come over and open it.


“Oh fudge nuggets.” I said. Sunset was right in front of me and she did not look happy. I thought very logically and my brain came up with a simple solution. Run. I sped past Sunset slightly bumping her away and weaved around Snips and Snails.

I heard Sunset call after me but I couldn’t tell what she said. I was just running away as fast as I could. I quickly turned a corner and saw the doors to the library. “Perfect!” I ran through the doors and up the stairs to where my portal would be. I reached into my pocket and found nothing. “What?!” I had dropped the remote when I fled! This was very very bad. I had to get it back!


I searched everywhere where I had ran. I couldn’t find it. I went to the lost and found and I couldn’t find it. The only possibility left was that Sunset had taken it. If she pressed the open without knowing where it is it could let almost anyone in! Although no one usually went up there, someone might hear the ominous humming. Especially in a quiet library.

I was walking along the hallway somewhat defeated. I was stuck and I couldn’t get back home. I had lost the remote to get to the base and I had no way of opening the box portal so far. I was doomed. Just then I saw into the gymnasium/auditorium (where ever the fall formal was held). Sunset was talking to Luna in a very “innocent” voice and I knew what was happening. I looked and saw my remote in Sunsets pocket! How would I get it though? Could I just pickpocket it and run? Or would I follow her until a good chance? I decided on the latter in the small time I had and ran away to wait.

After Twilights accusation and Flash saving the day, I knew they would start cleaning up soon. I decided to hide in the sports closet to wait for Sunset and my chance to get the remote back. I could’ve helped with the cleanup but I didn’t want to get noticed and cause suspicion.


I waited in there for about an hour when Sunset finally came in to watch the cleanup and scold Snips and Snails. I waited a bit longer and after Snips and Snails left and Sunsets back was turned I made my move. I snuck up and quickly yoinked the remote and dashed back to my hiding spot as quick as possible. I must not have been sneaky enough because Sunset noticed. She started searching the closet and when she got close to my hiding spot I bolted. I pushed her out of the way and ran back to the safety of the library. Once I got there I could observe unnoticed and wait for the Fall Formal to begin tonight.