//------------------------------// // Rey-2-Go! / Release the Spell! // Story: Super Dream Team: A Power Ranger Christmas // by Lawton //------------------------------// The Dimensional Portal opened in a grassy valley and the Heroes jumped out. “Ok! Where are we, Now?” Kaito asked. “I think we’re in the Digital World from the Digiverse.” Said Zayto. “What’s the Digiverse?” Spike asked. “A Dimension with a secondary world called the Digital World where lots of digital monsters called Digimon live in peace.” Said Zayto. “Like the Pokémon in the Pokéverse, They can have special attacks. But, They don’t evolve. Instead, These Digimon combine together to form bigger and stronger Digimon. This power is called Digi-Fusion.” “Digi-Fusion!?” Gasped Ash. “Wow! I wish our Pokémon can do that, Too.” “Pikachu!” “That would be great.” Replied Serena. “Brax Braxien.” Suddenly, There was a huge rumbling sound form all over the place and it’s making the ground shake. “Whoa!” Quivered Twilight. “What’s happening!?” Quivered Kaito. Just then, A Large Mammoth like Digimon stomped right in front of them! “There’s your answer.” Said Spike scared. It’s not just one Digimon. Lots of other Digimon of many kinds formed up into an army! A big black lion Digimon jumped across the army Digimon one by one before roaring on top of our heroes. The lion Digimon sniffed on Twilight and Spike. “Hmm! Smells almost human.” He growled. “Who-Who are you!?” Shivered Kaito. “The names MadLeomon and I’m gonna eat you all for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!” Roared MadLeomon. Just then, A big Fire ball hit MadLeomon on the face. “Aaaagh! What!?” Everyone turned behind them and saw a kid with goggles on his head right next to a small red T Rex Digimon along with two more resembling a robot beetle and a drill lion. “There’s no way you’re destroying these heroes and getting away with it!” Shouted the kid. “Right! What he said!” Replied the R-Rex Digimon. “And you are….” Kaito asked. “My names Mikey Kudo.” Said the kid. “And I’m Shoutmon!” Added the T-Rex Digimon. “The future king of the Digital World!” “Of course!” Zayto realized. “That’s Mikey Kudo and his partner, Shoutmon. Along with the other Digimon, Ballistamon, and Dorulamon! They’re all the Fusion Fighters battling against the Bagra Army to save the Digital World.” “Awesome!” Gasped Twilight. “Shoutmon! Ballistamon! Dorulamon! DIGIFUSE!!!” Shouted Mikey as he held up his device called a Fusion Loader. “It’s Morphin Time!” Shouted Tyler and Raito. “Dino Charger, Ready!” Shouted Tyler, Chase, Koda, Riley, and Shelby as they clicked on their Dino Chargers and pulled them into their morphers. DINO CHARGERS, ENGAGE! “Energize!” Shouted the Dino Charge Rangers energizing their morphers. “UNLEASH THE POWER!” “TOQ CHANGE!” Shouted Raito, Maru, Mio, Hikari, and Kagura as they installed the trains into their morphers.