//------------------------------// // Wait…what? // Story: Jin Ascended // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// A few days after his harrowing experience and about a week after losing his father, Jin wakes up one morning to a tingling sensation on his back and a familiar purple alicorn standing over him. “What, what’s going on?” Says Jin confused. “Why, why am I glowing? Radiating? What’s on my back? Those shouldn’t be there?!” “For putting your life at risk to save your friends and family, you have earned yourself a pair of wings, you’re a princess now, Jin,” responds Twilight. “But, but, I almost died,” stutters the stallion. “You do realize that, right?” “Yes,” responds Twilight. With that, she disappears using a teleportation spell, leaving Jin alone in his room at his house once more. A few moments later, his older brother barges through the door. “Bra… brother?” Says his brother in shock, “you, you have wings! The hell?!” “Yeah, I know, I was thinking the same thing,” responds Jin, “now let’s just go eat breakfast. I’ll tell you about it later, okay.” “Oh, okay,” says his brother with a stutter still in shock. The two head out of Jin’s room and to the dining room for breakfast where the two are greeted by their mother, his brother’s wife, and little Butter. His mother looks at Jin in shock as he enters the room. “When the heck did you grow wings?” She says confused, jaw dropped. “Didn’t grow, earned, apparently,” responds Jin, “I still haven’t wrapped my head around it myself not gonna lie.” He grabs his breakfast before teleporting off to Big Hit to go to work. As soon as he appears, the others gather around him, jaws dropped in shock as well. “Jin, you’re, you’ve got wings,” says RM. In utter shock at the sight, V faints, Jimin bursts out laughing, and the rest just look at him confused. “Why are you still staring at me?” Says Jin looking at V passed out on the floor. “Why are you still staring at me whilst V lays passed out on the floor?” He says, concern in his voice. This snaps the others back to reality and they all go over and stay with V until he comes to. As soon as he comes to, V looks up at his hyung in shock. “Hi Jin, since when did you become a princess?” Says the red unicorn utterly confused. “This morning the princess paid me a visit and blessed me with wings for putting my life at risk to save you colts,” responds Jin finally spilling the beans quite bluntly for him. “Okay! That’s insane! Absolutely insane!” Pipes up the maknae. “You almost died, hyung!” “I know,” responds Jin, “but I guess that makes the sacrifice more apparent in her eyes, more worth the earning of wings.” “Well, she’s not wrong, you did risk yourself for your family and for us,” responds Hobi. “Truth!” Agrees RM. “Let’s just drop the ogling and ooing and just get to dance practice, rehearsals, treat this like a normal day, please,” groans Jin. “Fine, Princess, Your Highness,” responds RM. He then leads the way and they all go and meet in the practice room to work on their choreography. Meanwhile at Jin’s house, his mother, brother, and sister in law have a little chat themselves, all still blown away and astounded by the morning’s events. “How the heck did our Jin become a princess?” Says the fuchsia colored mare still utterly in shock. “I know,” pipes up his big brother, “he told me before he left out for work this morning.” “Then spill,” responds his mother, “please. I beg of you.” “Okay,” responds Jin’s brother, “it’s because he saved us and his friends from harm at the hooves of the Jopok. He put himself up as a sacrifice.” “Yeah, but it wasn’t enough to save your father,” responds his mother. “Mom, dad sacrificed himself to save Jin,” says the unicorn stallion as he goes over and embraces his mom in a hug to comfort her. “You know this. Don’t act like you don’t. Dad dying is not Jin’s fault. It’s his own for dragging Jin into his personal vendetta.” “Fair enough,” responds his mother in tears, “fair enough.” She gets up from the table and goes to her room to continue to cry alone. “Let her go, my love,” says the brother’s wife, “it’s only been a few days since the funeral, give her time.” She then gets up herself and flies off to check on their foal who is asleep upstairs. A few hours later, singing practice and choreography practice wrap up and the seven stallions head out on the town to get some ice cream. As the others walk, Jin and Jimin fly ahead of the group. “I can see why you enjoy flying so much, it’s so freeing,” giggles Jin as he smiles at the pink Pegasus flying at his side. “It sure is indeed!” Says Jimin with a smile beaming across his face. He then chuckles. “You’re a natural for never having wings before.” A few minutes later, the group arrives at the ice cream shop. They each get their favorite flavors before sitting down together and enjoying the frozen treat in the hot summer. “So,” says RM to Jin, “do the wings come with any special duty?” “Yeah, protecting you guys just like I’ve always done, so not too drastic of a change not gonna lie,” chuckles Jin before raising his icecream cone to his mouth with his magic and taking a lick. “Yeah, next to me, you do protect us the most,” agrees RM. He uses his magic to bring up his ice cream and lick it as well. He then goes back to talking. “We’re all still sorry about your dad by the way. How did the funeral go?” “It went well,” says Jin, his eyes welling up with tears, “thanks for asking. Mom is still taking it very hard as she should be. My brother and I miss him, but we’re keeping our feelings in check for our own sake as well as mom’s.” “That makes sense,” responds RM, “but it’s not safe to hold it all in like that. I know that, Suga knows that, we all know that. It’s okay to not always be strong. It’s okay to cry, to let the emotions out.” A few moments later, they wrap up their outing and return to the studios all except for Jin. Instead, the pale coated alicorn opts to teleport back to his home. Once home, he is greeted by his brother. “Done with work already?” Inquires the unicorn stallion. “No, just on a little bit of a break,” responds Jin. He then follows his brother inside. Once inside, the two sit on the floor and play with little Butter. As they do, the brothers crack smiles and crack jokes as they talk as the brother’s wife looks on, a smile upon her face. “We’re glad you’re taking some of your afternoon off for family,” says the brother, “that means a lot.” “Well, I’m glad to be home. Right now, family is what I need the most, both my regular family and my Bangtan family. I never want to be alone ever again,” responds Jin. “Never ever again.”