Sonic X: Dawn of Super Blue (prequel Special to Worlds Collide)

by SonicStreak5344

Special: Dawn of Blue;

Special: Dawn of Blue;

Location: Planet Mobius around a dense forest in the east;

It was another beautiful peaceful day on Mobius once again. The birds were chirping, animals were busy foraging for food, and the gentle wind blew through the trees as their branches swayed in the wind. Nothing could seem to spoil the peaceful moment at this time.

That is until a certain light blue streak running faster than the speed of sound race by kicking up dirt and branches as the wind howled like it was in a hurricane. The blue streak happened to be none other than Sonic the Hedgehog the fastest thing alive on Planet Mobius and its legendary protector. Today Sonic was busy with the usual hero work as he raced down through the grassy ground of the forest he was presently in as the blue hero was on the trail of the last Chaos Emerald. The other 6 emeralds were already found and luckily were in Sonic's possession with none in Eggman's greedy grasp. However, there was still one more to find and once Sonic finds it he would be able to go Super Sonic cause recently Eggman is up to his usual plans again. Tails told the blue hero go and find the last one before the egg shaped mad scientist launches his new hairbrained scheme in trying to concur the planet and build his Eggman Empire.

Sonic kept running until he came a stop in a clearing that was in the middle of the forest before he said to himself with a confused look on his face as he scratched his head, "That's weird? Tails said the last Chaos Emerald was here in this forest. Better double check just in case."

The blue hero soon reached into his quills and pulled out the cyan chaos emerald from them as the emerald's brilliant cyan colored light shone through the forest. Sonic began to walk when the chaos emerald he was presently holding started to flash like it was picking up something nearby, but there was only one thing that could cause the emerald to flash like this and that was another Chaos Emerald. Not to mention the way the emerald was flashing meant the last emerald was close by.

Sonic grinned and said to himself knowing he was on the right track, "Looks like I'm getting close to the last one! Better find it, so I can get back to the others and help scramble Eggman's new plan!"

The blue hedgehog then sped off in the direction he was going in with the chaos emerald out to help detect the last emerald. As Sonic kept running the cyan chaos emerald kept flashing as the last one was getting close until it glowed brightly at maximum brightness. That meant one thing. Sonic was right on top of the last chaos emerald.

Sonic came to a stop and looked around the area he stopped in which was surrounded by trees and a few dead trees until he saw a constant glowing green light coming from a empty log from a dead tree. The blue hero smiled and exclaimed as he put the cyan chaos emerald back into his quills, "There it is!"

The blue hedgehog raced over to the log and pulled out the source of the light from the log with his right hand. The source was the green chaos emerald which happened to be the last Chaos Emerald and now Sonic had all 7 emeralds in his possession. Now all he had to do was head back to Tails and his workshop and stop Eggman's new scheme as Super Sonic.

However, fate had other plans for Sonic and the Chaos Emeralds.

As Sonic brought up the green chaos emerald up to his face he grinned said to himself knowing that all the emeralds were now found, "Well all the emeralds' are now collected better get back to Tails and the other before the party starts without me!"

But Sonic spoke too soon when the green chaos emerald began to glow brightly than normal blinding the blue hero as he exclaimed in shock at what was happening, "Hey?! What's happening?! UGH!!!!"

Before he could say anything else the green chaos emerald glowed even more and caught Sonic in the light and everything went a greenish white. When the light disappeared the spot Sonic was in was now empty as the blue hero had vanished into thin air. However, the blue hedgehog hero was about to be dragged into a fight that he didn't expected to get into and unlock a new powerful form.

(Sonic X US Dub Intro Starts;)

(Sonic X US Dub Intro Ends;)

Location: Unknown;

The next thing Sonic knew when he opened his eyes again he found himself on the ground in an unfamiliar mountain range with dark clouds above in the sky. He soon quickly got to his feet and looked around to take in his new surroundings, but to his confusion this wasn't Mobius. Sonic had been around the world and seen many places and people while battling Eggman and his robots, but this place was new to him and it didn't seem right to him. Not to mention something didn't feel right as well like there was a major commotion going on.

As Sonic looked around noticing the scenery around him said to himself with the perplexed look on his face, "Whoa! Where am I? Don't remembering seeing mountains earlier when the..."

Sonic stopped in mid sentence as his eyes went wide as he remembered how he got here. The chaos emeralds! He hoped that they weren't lost when he was brought to this strange place. The blue hero quickly put a hand into his back quills and felt the 6 emeralds he had with him. He let out a sigh of relief and said to himself relived that he still had the 6 emeralds with him, "'phew' For a few seconds I thought I lost all the Chaos Emeralds!"

Suddenly Sonic remembered something as the thought of the last chaos emerald that he found just moments ago flew into his head before he exclaimed in dismay, "Oh no! I forgot the last one! Where is it?!"

The blue blur looked around the area and on the ground until he at last spotted the last chaos emerald on the ground next to a pile of rocks. Sonic bent down and picked it up with his right hand and knew he had to get back home to help his friends stop Eggman. The only way back to Mobius was by chaos control and since Sonic had all 7 emeralds he could travel back to his home planet without a problem and go Super Sonic too. Two birds with one stone. Sonic was about to bring the other chaos emeralds out from his quills and induce Chaos Control when heard a loud boom from the far side of the mountains.


Sonic's ears twitched and looked in the direction of the sound came from and to his surprise there was black smoke in the distance. Then there were more booms which turned out to be explosions coming from that direction too and the blue hero knew what that meant and that was one word. Trouble.

The blue hedgehog knew had to get back to his friends, but he needed to check out what was causing all those explosions and there was a good possibility it could get to Mobius if wasn't stopped in time. Sonic knew this needed to be looked into as he put the green chaos emerald into his quills and said to himself, "I better check whatever is causing all those explosions before whatever is causing them follows me home! Besides sounds like someone is throwing a heck of a party and I hope they won't mind having a party crasher!"

Soon Sonic got into a running stance and blasted off in a light blue streak towards the explosions. He didn't know where he was presently, but he had to guess this world was having major problems of its own right now. Maybe that's why the Chaos Emeralds brought him here to help stop this threat all though he didn't know what he was facing, but there was one thing that Sonic knew very well as the universe always had surprises.

Meanwhile back on Mobius at Eggman's base;

Back on Mobius Eggman and his robotic assistants Decoe and Becoe including Bokkun along with two new assistants named Orbot and Cubot were in a huge hanger with a massive ship being readied for battle. The ship was a new version of Eggman's Egg Carrier which looked sleeker and had more weapon systems installed on it to make sure to swat some unwanted pests that tried to foil his new scheme. The scheme was to use the new Egg Carrier MK 3 to blaze a path of destruction and mayhem across Mobius and take out Sonic and his friends in the processes. The ship was already done and was being checked over for its final inspection.

Eggman looked at his new flagship the mad doc said with a evil grin on his face, "Yes! Soon that meddling hedgehog and his pesky friends will no longer be a thorns in my side when my new Egg Carrier MK 3 is unleashed on the planet! Soon Eggmanland will become a reality and the Eggman Empire will concur the universe! GAH HA AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!"

But what Eggman didn't know was that Decoe and Becoe were muttering to each other as they knew how things were going end up as Decoe said to his silver counterpart, "I can't believe that Doctor Eggman is actually trying to take over Mobius with a plan like this. Things won't go the way we hoped as usual when Sonic and his friends come and stop us."

Becoe then said to Decoe knowing their track record in trying to destroy Sonic and his friends, "More like asking for disaster sounds better. That hedgehog would cream us from the start if he had all the Chaos Emeralds with him!"

Bokkun then chimed in saying in agreement with the two older assistant robots, "That is if Sonic hadn't collected them already besides should one of us tell Doctor Eggman this is a bad idea."

Orbot who was listening on the conversation floated up alongside the trio and said to them knowing they had a good point, "I'll say. This plan is going to backfire on our faces like the last plans that the boss tried against Sonic and his friends. I still have burn marks from that scheme to cause an eruption, so we can grab a Chaos Emerald a while back!"

Bokkun, Decoe, and Becoe nodded in agreement as the memory of that miserably and humiliating plan came back into their robotic minds. The experience was well something they wanted to forget not mention they were almost melted into molten metal thanks to the lava of the volcano. Not to mention the embarrassing moment where Eggman was fried extra crispy after his newest robot blew up in his face thanks Sonic and his pants were burned off showing his underpants. That had to be the most humiliating moment of his entire evil career.

But then Cubot said to the 4 robots in a cowboy accent as his voice chip was malfunctioning again much to Eggman and the other 4 robots' dismay, "Well don't worry about that partners! I reckon will get little blue varmint good this time!"

Decoe was about to say something to the dimwitted cube headed robot assistant when the computer console beside him beeped. He went over to it say that the final adjustments done to the Egg Carrier MK 3 were finished and the ship was now ready to take off and readied for battle. The yellow robot then said to Eggman with a excited tone of voice, "Doctor Eggman! The final diagnostics on the Egg Carrier MK 3 is finally finished! All systems are at peak shape and optimal at their highest settings!"

Eggman evilly chuckled and said to his robotic assistants with a devious grin as he liked the news, "He he he he he he he he! Good now let's get this show on road! We a planet to concur and an empire to build! To the ship boys we got some pests to crush!"

Decoe, Becoe, Bokkun, Orbot, and Cubot gave their evil creator a navy salute and said to him as they were ready get on board the Egg Carrier MK 3, "Aye aye Doctor!"

Several minutes later the top of the massive hanger's top roof opened up and ascending out of the hanger was the Egg Carrier MK 3 with all its systems on line and fully operational. On the bridge of the ship Eggman was in the center in seat that meant just for him while Decoe and Orbot were at stations on the left while Cubot and Becoe were at station on the right busy putting in commands for the ship as Eggman said out loud, "Ok Egg Carrier MK 3! Heh he take off!"

Once Eggman said that the back engines of the massive ships ignited propelling it forward to an unsuspecting population. But what everyone not even Eggman and his robots knew was that Sonic wasn't presently on Mobius dealing with an unknown threat. However, when he returns the blue hero would be in a new powerful form that no one could imagine.

Back with Sonic...

Meanwhile on the unknown planet Sonic was busy racing through small forests blazing past trees and shrubs in blurs of green and brown heading for the source of the explosions that he heard earlier. The blue hero knew that he was getting close to whatever was making those sounds and from the sound of them they weren't as far away than several minutes ago. The sounds were much more louder and clearer compared to where the blue hedgehog found himslef in earlier when he first arrived on this strange planet.

As Sonic got closer and could see clearing up ahead and the sounds were getting clearer and closer, but also he could make out appeared to be voices talking, however, he couldn't make out who they belonged to and they didn't sound familiar. But three of the voices didn't sound friendly while the other ones did and Sonic knew had stumbled onto a fight. The blue hedgehog mentality prepared himself for what lied ahead as he increased his speed heading for the clearing just ahead of him. As the opening got closer and closer Sonic said to himself with a determined look on his face, "Here we go!"

The opening to the clearing outside the forest rushed up to him as Sonic blazed out of the opening and into the clearing. He then used his feet to break hard as dirt and dust kicked up from his sudden stop and took in his new surroundings. There was a large hill on the left side of the clearing with what appeared to be ponies and stallions in different colors and some were even unicorns and pegasi who in human eyes just existed in fairy tales and legends. They looking down at something on ground below and some had scared looks on their faces which made the blue hero concerned. Sonic looked down and saw a group of ponies on the ground with a lavender one with both wings and a horn was looking at a trio that Sonic could tell they were bad news.

The first one was a red and black centaur with a white beard and two black horns on his head. The second one on the left was some sort of insect/horse hybrid that was black with a green crown of some kind on her head and had insect wings on its back and happened to be a female. The last one was a pinkish filly with wings and horn just like the lavender one, but had a evil look on her face just like the other two. Just Sonic's lucky day he would have to take down these three clowns before could go home and they were probably the reason why the chaos emeralds brought him her in the first place. Talk about timing and from the look of things the group in front of the trio could use a hedgehog hero hand.

Sonic soon put his game face and knew had a job to do and said himself with his signature cocky grin, "Ok! I don't know what's going on, but I do know one thing! Time to save the day again!"

The blue hedgehog then blasted off in the light blue streak again heading for the fight. He knew it wasn't Eggman this time, but knew he had to stop them if they found out about Mobius or the Chaos Emeralds which spell disaster. That wasn't going to happen on his watch not after everything that happened in the recent months even to the war with the Metarex. That trio picked the wrong day to be evil today.

(With the Equine group...)

Twilight panted as she tried to get up as she felt tired and worn out from all the fighting she and her friends went through earlier. The lavender alicorn soon to be crowned Princess of Equestria with her friends were battling the Legion of Doom who had absorbed the power of Gridor's bell which was now history. The evil trio were enjoying the sight of Eques' greatest heroes on the ropes and were preparing to finish them off for good. But they didn't know that was about to change real quickly extremely soon.

As Twilight tried to get up Tirek said to his fellow allies, "Let me finish these pests off for good! Say goodbye to the world you fought to protect!!"

But before the centaur could attack everyone heard a unfamiliar male voice yell at the evil trio, "HEY!! HORNS HEADS BACK OFF!!!"

Suddenly out of nowhere a certain hedgehog in his signature spin dash attack blazed past the 5 ponies and the small dragon at super sonic speeds slamming into the trio with devastating force and sent them flying back into rocks on the other side of the clearing completely dazed and bruised. The lavender alicorn was in shock at what she just saw and what came next shocked her even more as the blue spinning ball from before uncurled revealing it was Sonic who saved her life. Twi was trying to put things together as Sonic walked over and held out his right hand and said to her kindly, "You aright?"

Twilight looked at Sonic before she gave him her left foreleg and the blue hero pulled her up to her feet before she said to the blue hedgehog with a thankful smile, "Thanks for saving us. I thought we were finished back there."

Sonic chuckled and said to the alicorn with a smile, "Your welcome. It's a good thing I came along saw you ponies in trouble looks like you could use a hand."

Rainbow who got to her feet and walked for the blue hero then said to him, "As much as I hate to admit it we could really use your help! We're in no condition to fight the Legion of Doom they're too strong."

Sonic looked back at where he sent the the evil trio flying into from his spin dash and said with a grin, "Is that so? Well I can change that! Leave those 3 to me I'll put them out of commission for good!"

Speaking of the trio they slowly rose out of the rocks that Sonic sent them flying into thanks to his unannounced attack on them. To say they were battered was an understatement as they pretty messed up even Tirek was missing some teeth from his mouth. Chysalis then said to her evil companions as she had a black eye and goose-egg bump on her head in a dazed and pained voice, "What just hit us? A meteor?"

Cozy Glow rose up next and she took a major beating like her allies with broken wings and a massive headache to boot as her face slammed face first into a rock and said in a pained tone, "I don't know what it was?! But it was very fast and strong!"

Then Tirek said to the other two now annoyed and wanted to know who was responsible for this outrage and butting on their triumph, "Whoever it is that's responsible for this is going to pay!"

That's until the trio heard a certain blue hedgehog's voice saying to them in a mischievous tone, "Oh! Is that so? Well how about you file a complaint to me in person legion of clowns."

The trio turned around and saw Sonic stand in front of them arms crossed and a cocky smirk on his face. The trio was shocked at the sight of the blue hedgehog as Cozy exclaimed in fear, "What is that thing?! An alien?!"

Sonic waved an index finger on his right hand with the same smirk and said to the trio, "That's rude, but if you 3 don't know the name is Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog and I'm here to put you three out of business!"

Tirek then laughed and said to the blue hero with amused look on his face, "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You?! Take us on by yourself! Your just a pintsized rodent that is about to be squashed!"

However, Sonic said to the evil centaur with the same smirk on his face not telling the trio they were way over their heads, "Yeah. That's what you think, but for me that's another story!"

Sonic suddenly jumped into the air in a light blue streak catching the Legion of Doom off guard while the crowd of equestrians watched in shock on how high the blue hedgehog jumped. The blue hedgehog then let loose another spin dash attack as he curled into a ball and charged for Tirek's face landing a direct hit before sending him flying into the rocks again loosing more teeth than before. Chysalis and Cozy Glow were shock at what they just saw and were too preoccupied to notice Sonic coming down from the sky in his spin dash. Sonic uncurled from his signature attack and then yelled at the former changeling queen as he closed in on Chysalis, "Yo Bug face! Heads up!"

Chysalis looked up and saw Sonic who was now close to her and couldn't get out of the way before the blue hedgehog gave her a roundhouse kick right in the face sending her falling to the ground in pain and agony. Cozy snapped out of her daze and started firing magic blasts at Sonic from her horn and one of them hit Chysalis on accident, but Sonic was way too fast to get hit and before she knew it the blue hero gave her a kick to the chest sending her flying into some nearby trees. The blue hedgehog grinned and said to the trio as they weren't doing too well as Sonic was making them look like idiots, "Geeze you three aren't putting up much of a fight! Is that all of ya got?"

Sonic however spoke too soon when Tirek yelled at him as the blue hero was toying with them, "HOW ABOUT THIS RODENT!!!"

The blue hedgehog turned around to see Tirek firing off a massive dark red and black blast at him and let a surprised shout, "WHOA!!"

Sonic jumped out of the way just in time thanks to his reflexes as the blast slammed into a cliff side destroying with a massive boom and rock and dirt rained from the sky. The blue hero saw what happened and that would of been him if he wasn't fast enough to dodge the attack and said, "Whoa close one!"

But Sonic didn't know that that Chysalis fired a green beam at the hedgehog and scored a direct hit on him as he let out yelp, "OIFF!"

Then Cozy Glow came in and gave Sonic a magic blast sending him back before Tirek grabbed him and threw him at the ground sending him skidding across the ground before coming to a stop and Sonic got up to one knee. The crowd who was watching the battle began to worry about Sonic if he can actually win even Twi's friends started to worry too. But Twilight didn't she knew everything along with Eques' future rode on Sonic and knew there was always hope as she said to herself, "Come on Sonic. You beat them!"

Sonic now knew these 3 were pretty tough and no wonder why the main 6 had a hard time with them. Even though he was roughed up a bit from the trio's attacks he was still in this and hadn't pulled out his ace in the hole yet. Then the Legion of Doom began to approach the blue hero as Cozy Glow said to him, "You really thought you had chance to defeat us?! Your fully of yourself we're unstoppable! You can't stop us!"

Then Tirek said to the blue hero as they got closer to Sonic, "Once we're finished with you we'll make sure Eques is shattered and then no one will ever know friendship between others and this world's magic will be our forever!"

Chysalis soon said to the blue hero too, "Once rule this world is ours your world will be next! All the love will have feed me for many years!"

But then Sonic said to them in a calm voice, "You 3 are pathetic."

The legion of Doom stopped in their tracks as the insult that Sonic just said to them hit them hard. No to mention he seemed different for some reason as the blue hero got his feet and said to the trio, "Taking power from others for your personal gain? That's low. You 3 should be taught a permanent lesson! Cause I'm done playing games now it's time get serious! Your never going to get to my world or concur this one at as long I'm around! Oh and also..." Sonic looks up at the trio with determined look on his eyes and to the trio shock Sonic's eyes turned light blue before grinning at them and finished saying, "you don't even know how strong I'm really am!"

Suddenly on cue the 7 Chaos Emeralds appeared out of Sonic's quills and began to circle around him picking up faster speeds and went faster before Sonic closed his eyes and absorbed the emerald's positive energy. Then there was a massive sky blue burst of light and blinded everyone and the wind howled like it was alive. The ground shook violently as if the very earth felt the presence of a being with supreme deity like powers not to mention a force that was mightier than anything the world had ever seen. As the sky blue light shined on Twilight could feel the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds and they were even more mighty than the Elements of Harmony. Not only that their power was growing every second.

As the light kept shining Rainbow said in disbelief as she couldn't see what was happening, "What's going on?! Where is all this strange power coming from?!"

Applejack was about to reply when Spike saw something in the sky blue light which looked like a certain figure inside the light and yelled, "Hey! There's something in that light!"

Suddenly the light disappeared and to the legion of Doom's horror Sonic had transformed, but into a new form of Super Sonic. The form looked identical to Super Sonic, but instead of being golden yellow Sonic's fur was now sky blue and when he opened his eyes they were now light blue just like from earlier. Sonic felt stronger than ever before and felt like he tapped into a massive star, but he knew had to use this power to good use as he rose into the air crossed his arms before sending them out taking the same stance that he took when battled Perfect Chaos as a light sky blue aura ignited around him. Sonic had transformed into a new more powerful version of his normal super and now Super Sonic Blue.

Then the sky blue supercharged hedgehog charged for the Legion of Doom before delivering a massive hit to Tirek shattering his horns with one hit as he slammed into him and flew up into the sky. Tirek then exclaimed in horror and shock at what just happened in front of him as Sonic actually destroyed his horns with one attack, "NOOOO!!!! MY HORNERS!!!!!"

Cozy Glow looked up at the supercharged hedgehog with an angry look on her face and yelled at him, "I don't know where you got that power from or what you become, but it's not going to save you!"

She fired a magic beam at Super Sonic Blue just as Chysalis fired a green beam that combined with it to strike the supercharged hero. But Sonic just countered it with a spin attack as it shattered the beam with no signs of damage. The evil trio couldn't understand what was going on and how did Sonic reach this unknown level of power and if they couldn't hurt him then they would target on the civilians and finish the main 6 and their allies off for good.

The evil trio turned around and fired a large combined blast at the crowd behind them. Twilight then exclaimed as she quickly readied a shield spell to stop the attack, "NO!!!"

Suddenly Super Sonic Blue flew in front of the blast and stopped it in its tracks forming a sky blue barrier around everyone as the blast hit the barrier. As the light shined from the barrier Twilight saw in front of everyone that came to watch the battle and was shocked to see him holding off the attack. Then she said to herself in amazement, "Amazing! I never knew Sonic was this powerful!!"

When combined blast stopped the Legion of Doom exclaimed in shock as they saw Sonic standing in mid-air arms crossed in front the massive group of equines with no damage on him, "WHAT?!!!"

Then Super Sonic Blue exclaimed to the evil trio with the determined look on his face as he still had more where that came from, "You 3 losers can't stop me!"

Everyone was amazed and shocked at what was happening as Sonic in his new super blue form was virtually unstoppable now. Nothing that the legion of doom was doing wasn't even fazing him one bit. They were now beginning to become afraid of Sonic as they realized he was something else that they couldn't defeat. He was way too powerful. They couldn't defeat him even with the power from Gridor's destroyed bell.

The evil trio growled and charged for Super Sonic Blue as Cozy and Chysalis tried to pierce him with their horns while Tirek who somehow regenerated his horns tried to do the same thing. Sonic didn't even move an inch until the trio got closer when faster than the speed of light the supercharged hedgehog managed to grab all three of their horns with his bear hands. Cozy Glow then said choking in complete fear at what just happened, "H-h-h-how did he?!"

Then Sonic focused as the aura around intensified and to everyone amazement and shock all of the evil trio's horns were suddenly disintegrated much to the Legion of Doom's horror. Super Sonic Blue then gained a grin and said to the trio in a mockingly tone knowing it was time to end this once for all, "Is that the best 3 can do?"

Super Sonic Blue suddenly took off into the air in a sky blue streak. The Legion of Doom were now infuriated with Sonic's comment and exclaimed to in utter rage and malice using the last of the power they got from Gridor's bell for one final attack, "GRRRRRRRRRRRRR SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!

They then fired a lot more powerful combined beam at Sonic who was flying towards that full speed grinning. Soon Super Sonic Blue smashed into the beam and was actually cutting through it like butter as he rapidly closed in on his foes. Then the trio exclaimed in complete horror as there nothing they do to stop Sonic, "NO... NO! NO!!! NO!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

But it was too late as Super Sonic Blue smashed into the trio as ground around them broke up from the impact and the sound electricity sparking came as the sky blue super hedgehog scored the final blow. Suddenly the Legion of Doom's bodies glowed azure blue and beams of light shot out every direction screaming unbearable agony before Super Sonic Blue landed behind them in the same stance he was in when he finished Perfect Chaos off. Suddenly in a blast of light the evil trio disintegrated and vanished from sight. Sonic had did the impossible. Not only he gained a new more powerful version of Super Sonic, but defeated the Legion of Doom.

The crowd of equestrians on the hill cheered at Sonic's victory over Equestria's greatest threat even the main 6 cheered too as it was finally over. Eques had a bright future thanks to Sonic and the Chaos Emeralds. But things weren't over yet as the light where the Legion of Doom was vanished showing the trio forced back into their original forms, however, something didn't feel right. All their magic was gone like it was stripped away from them. As the trio looked at each other in shock as their colors were dulled as Cozy Glow exclaimed in disbelief, "What?! Where's our magic?! I can't feel anything!"

Then Super Sonic Blue walked over to the trio and said to them with a grin, "All your magic is gone forever. The Chaos Emeralds not only neutralized the power you three had earlier, but also took away your normal magic since you can't be trusted with it!"

The evil trio gasped in horror at what the sky blue hedgehog just said and Tirek said in disbelief, "You mean that.. we're powerless now?!"

Chysalis then exclaimed at the hedgehog hero as she knew that they would spend the rest of their lives without magic, "You think you stopped us?! We'll destroy you if its the last thing we ever do!"

Super Sonic Blue just grinned and said to them, "Oh yeah. I forgot something to say there's someone from my world that isn't very happy with you!"

The evil trio raised eyebrows just as a certain puddle of blue liquid formed out out of the ground behind them. Then it started to shudder and started to change shape just as the Legion of Doom turned around and gasped in horror as a certain water guardian monster of the Chaos Emeralds appeared. It was none other than Sonic's old adversary and now ally Chaos and he wasn't pleased with the trio's behavior.

Cozy Glow stepped back in fear at the sight of the guardian of the chaos emeralds and said in fear, "What is that thing?! A monster?!"

Super Sonic Blue just said to the evil trio with the same grin on his face, "Nope. Legion of Doom meet Chaos! Guardian of the Chaos Emeralds!"

In the crowd of equines Discord the god of Chaos of Equestria watched with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna who were watching the scene in shock. The draconequus heard about Chaos and the Chaos Emeralds, but never actually believed the stories were true. He soon said in disbelief at the sight of the god of destruction, "I don't believe it! Chaos does exist and he doesn't look very happy!"

Back on the ground below Chaos advanced on the Legion of Doom before holding its arms out as it channeled the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds that Sonic was using as bright white light ignited from him as it roared out loud catching the trio in it as they let out terrified screams, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..."

The light covered the trio and for a few moments they were obscured by the light until it died down revealing the trio's fate. All 3 of them were turned to stone frozen in terrified positions as Chaos punished them for their actions. Super Sonic Blue smiled at the end result and looked at Chaos before saying to it, "Thanks Chaos. I owe you one."

Chaos just nodded in reply to the sky blue hero before melting away into a puddle of water and disappeared from sight as it traveled back to Mobius. Sonic smiled and heard a voice behind him yell at him, "Hey! Sonic!"

The cyan blue hedgehog turned around to see Twilight running for him along with her friends. When they came to a stop Twi exclaimed to him with amazement at the battle that they just witnessed, "That was incredible! You were able to defeat Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chysalis all by yourself!"

Sonic shook his head and said to her with a smile, "No. You helped me beat them. Everyone did cause I was able to use all positive feelings from everyone that were watching to reach this new form. So in hind sight we all won!"

Rainbow then said to the blue hero as she wanted to challenge him to a race, "Now that's over let's have a race between you and me hedgehog!"

But then the group heard a female voice say to Rainbow, "I'm sorry Rainbow, but Sonic can't stay right now."

The group turned around to see Celestia and Luna along with Discord walk up to them before Celestia continued talking as she said to them, "Sonic has to return to his world not only his friends would be worried about him, but he also has some other matters he has to take care of as well."

Discord looks at Sonic and said to him with a grateful smile on his face, "Thank you Sonic. We would of been in much more deeper trouble if you hadn't shown up!"

Sonic was confused as he looked at the draconequus and said in weirded out tone as they knew his name, "Uh... your welcome. Just doing my job that's all."

But then Luna said to the blue hero with a smile, "For your bravery and heroic actions we have a stain glass window to honor and remember you for you done for all of us. I hope you come back to see it one day."

Sonic nodded in reply before he said to the assembled group with a smile, "Well... I better get home Eggman could be causing trouble right about and my friends would need me!"

But before Sonic could use Chaos Control to teleport back to Mobius Twilight yelled at him, "Sonic!"

The cyan blue hedgehog turned around just as Twilight gave him a goodbye hug and was crying a bit before she said to him, "Thank you... for everything."

Sonic smiled and said to the lavender alicorn, "Your welcome and don't worry I'll come back one day with my friends for a friendly visit."

Twilight looked at Sonic and asked him just saying, "Promise."

Sonic replied to her saying with his signature grin, "I promise!"

Twilight soon let go of the sky blue hedgehog and walked back to her friends, Spike, Discord, and the Royal Sisters. Sonic gave them a thumbs up and a wink before he took to the air and called out loud as he held his hands out, "CHAOS CONTROL!!!"

Suddenly an azure blue light surrounded Super Sonic Blue blinding everyone before it disappeared leaving behind light blue sparkles as the blue hero was gone. Spike walked up to Twilight and asked her with curious look on his face, "Do you think we'll ever see him again Twilight?"

The future princess of Equestria looked down at her little dragon brother and smiled before she said to him, "Sonic will Spike. I know so."

Twilight looked up at the blue sky as the clouds rolled away showing its brilliant color. She knew Sonic would return one day and when that happens he'll find out how much Eques would change. And she would never forget him after all that he did for her world.

Back on Planet Mobius at a nearby Mobian City;

Meanwhile back on Sonic’s world Tails was having a hard time. Missiles from Eggman's Egg Carrier MK 3 were locked onto the X-Tornado and were closing in fast on his tail. It was sure a lousy time for Sonic to go missing at a time like this. Today wasn't their day right now. But that wasn't compared to the problems on the ground as hordes of Eggman robots were marching into a city ready to take it over for their egg shaped creator.

On the ground below in open plaza Knuckles and Shadow were battling Egg Pawns as they dodged punches and gunfire from the robots weapons. When an Egg Pawn fired on him Knuckles ducked before charging for it and sent a punch right into its chest. Knuckles' pulled out his fist out of the robot with a content grin just as the Egg Pawn fell backwards and exploded on impact.

Shadow soon jumped back towards Knuckles and said to the red echidna with a growl, "Where's Sonic when you need him?! He should of been here by now!"

Knuckles looked back at the black edgy hedgehog and said to him with a annoyed look on his face, "Yeah! And I hope he gets here soon cause we can't hold out for much longer with Eggman's new battleship on the loose!"

Shadow nodded in agreement, but they had to carry on despite the odds. If they didn't stop Eggman here he would gain a major foothold on the planet and concur it soon after that. That is if they weren't going down without a fight.

On the bridge of the Egg Carrier MK 3 Eggman was enjoying the show. Sonic's friends were being overwhelmed by the sheer number of his robots that he built up while building the Egg Carrier MK 3. But to his delight and relief Sonic hadn't shown up at all when he launched the attack on this city. He was curious on where his sworn blue nemesis was, but he was in too much in a good mood to be concerned about Sonic interfering with his plans.

Soon the evil egg shaped mad scientist cackled and exclaimed in delight raising his hands up like a mad man, "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH!!! This is so rich not only Sonic's friends are getting worn out from all the fighting against my robots, but we hadn't seen a speck of blue hair from blasted rodent! This time I win and when Sonic comes back he'll realize that he was too slow to stop my new scheme! GA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!"

Decoe then said to Becoe as they knew their egg shaped leader was getting full of himself again, "I wouldn't be laughing right now if I was Doctor Eggman. Sonic always has the tendency to appear when we least expect it!"

Becoe had to agree as he said to his counterpart, "Your right. He could be here any minute!"

Suddenly in the sky an azure blue flash appeared blinding everyone. Tails was still in the X-Tornado trying to shake the missiles off his tail until he saw the light. He wondered what was going on and what was making that light. But he soon got his answer when appearing out of the flash with a determined and cocky look on his face was Super Sonic Blue.

Tails gasped in amazement and joy before exclaiming his best friend's name, "IT'S SONIC!!"

Suddenly Super Sonic Blue charged forward and let out a battle cry as he wiped out all of Eggman's foot soldiers and the missiles that were locked onto the X-Tornado sending them to the scrap pile, "HHHHEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"

Super Sonic Blue blazed through the air and all the bots and missiles in a sky blue streak destroying them easily before landing on the nose of the Egg Carrier MK 3 with a loud slam. Eggman and his assistants were shocked that Sonic appeared out of a azure blue light and also in a blue version of Super Sonic. Things were about to turn upside down for the mad scientist and his robots once again real soon.

Then Super Sonic Blue said to his arch foe with a cocky grin on his face, "Hi Eggman. What's up? Trying to concur Mobius again like usual?"

Eggman didn't say anything until a evil grin curled up on his face and chuckled saying, "EH HE HE HE HE! Ah, so you finally decided to show up hedgehog!"

Super Sonic Blue chuckled and said back to the mad scientist, "Heh heh. You won't be concurring Mobius this time!"

Eggman who was a bit insulted by the comment then yelled at Super Sonic Blue from the Egg Carrier MK 3's speakers and was out in the open, "That's what you think you sky blue super sap! I don't where you've been all this time, but I warn you if you dare interfere with my glorious plan again I will squash you like a little blue bug!"

But then came a flash of sky blue followed by an explosion with black smoke from the Egg Carrier MK 3 when Super Sonic Blue took it out with one hit as Eggman screamed out loud as he and his assistants were sent flying, "GEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Then out of the smoke Eggman and his robots were sent out of the smoke in Eggman's Egg Mobile heading for the blue sky above them. They kept flying until they were out of sight before a star twinkled at the spot they disappeared and once again Eggman's new scheme had failed miserably. Sonic had saved the day once again.

After seeing Eggman was now gone Super Sonic Blue soon began to head for Tails' workshop just as Tails flew up alongside the blue hero in his new form and said to him, "Sonic! I was worried about you and... where did you gain this new blue version of Super Sonic?!"

Sonic smiled and said to his best friend knowing he had quite a story to tell, "Trust me buddy when we get to your place I'll tell you the whole story!"

(Minutes later at Tails' workshop)

"So let me get this straight. The Chaos Emeralds somehow brought you to a new world inhabited by real mythical creatures from Chris' world's legends and myths and gained this Super Sonic Blue form in that new world and battled an evil trio called the Legion of Doom from taking over the planet. Wow that sure sounds like one heck of a fight.", Tails said as he sat in a chair near a work table with the small tree that was growing from Cosmo's remaining seed. By this time Sonic had returned to his old blue self and had sent the Chaos Emeralds across the planet after super blue transformation wore off and was leaning against the X-Tornado and told his story to Tails.

Sonic soon said to Tails with a smile, "Not to mention Chaos showed up and turned all 3 of them to stone with the Chaos Emeralds' positive energy."

Tails nodded in agreement and soon said to the blue hero, "I would of liked to know more about that world if you got to see more of it."

The blue hedgehog had to agree since he only saw small portions of Twilight's world and wondered what else was there, but that had wait until next time. Right now it was time to kick back and relax after saving 2 worlds from two threats. Soon Sonic got off the X-Tornado and said to Tails with a grin as he walked for the hanger door, "Well when I find a way back to that world we'll find out together buddy! Right now I'm gonna go on a run!"

Tails chuckled and said to his blue hedgehog best friend, "Ok then. Just be careful out there!"

Sonic gave Tails' a thumbs up and turned around before racing off in a light blue streak. He was glad this adventure was over and wondered what was in store for him next. As the old saying goes where ever the wind take you until the next adventure arrives.

Location: Equestria years later after the defeat of the Legion of Doom;

Meanwhile in Canterlot a lot have changed ever since Twilight was crowned princess of Equestria as years passed and technology advanced reaching 21st Century levels. Eques and its allies had modern roads, highways, airplanes, trains, computers, cars, trucks, and many other things including advancements in medicine and other major subjects. The capital city of Eques once had medieval like buildings now sported modern skyscrapers and modern buildings making it a sprawling metropolis with many of the old buildings still standing as lasting monuments to Eques' past.

Canterlot Castle had under gone a few changes with the times too, but it retained its majestic appearance even though a few added additions to it. Inside the castle walking down a hallway showing off stain glass windows depicting important events in Equestria's history was Twilight, but she had undergone a major growth spirt and was now the same size and height as former Princess Celestia with an elegant appearance and flowing mane and tail which grew thanks to her being an alicorn with regalia and all. However, there was someone else with her in the form of a turquoise blue 10 year old alicorn stallion who had a cutie mark similar to Twi's mark, but had a blue star among two magenta stars that represent Twilight's relation with the stallion not to mention similarities from mane and tail. Yep Twilight was mom now as she married her love of her life Flash Sentry and two started a loving family even her friends found their soulmates, got married, and started families as well. They visit Twilight and her family from time to time for friendly visits or friendship council meetings.

For Twilight and Flash they were proud parents of two alicorn children one being Quazelight Sparkle their oldest son around 10 years old in human again and a young daughter named Star Sentry who was presently 8 years old in human age. Today Twilight was showing Quaze this hall that showed the events of Eques' past and the adventures and battles that she and her friends took part in saving their homeland. However, this hall was special cause it wasn't like the other ones as it had stain glass window that Twilight liked.

As they got close to where the window was located Quaze looked at his mom and asked her with a curious look on his face, "Are we there yet mom?"

Twilight looked down at her son and said to him with a smile, "Almost son. It should be just a few windows ahead."

Quaze was pretty confused on what was this window had that made his mom like, but he decided to keep quiet until they reached their destination. The two passed a couple more stain glass windows until finally they came to a stop as Twi turned to her right and said to her 10 year old son, "Look up here Quaze. This is what I wanted to show you."

The young alicorn stallion turned to his right and saw the window that his mom was looking at and said with awe as this one was much different than the other ones he saw, "Whoa! Cool!"

There in front of them was stain glass mural of the final battle with the Legion of Doom below were Twilight and her friends and many inhabitants from changelings, griffons, sea ponies, kirins, hippogriffs, crystal ponies, dragons, and other species looked up towards part of the window that was sky blue. In center of the sky blue stain glass was Super Sonic Blue surrounded by all 7 Chaos Emeralds glowing in their respective colors charging for Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chysalis in their last desperate effort to stop the super hedgehog from taking them down and later punished and turn to stone thanks to the Chaos Emeralds' power.

Quaze never knew this window was here and who was the strange being in the mural in the sky blue light surrounded by those 7 emeralds. He looked at his mom and asked her, "Hey mom. Who's that in the mural? It looks like a hedgehog of some kind."

Twilight looked down at Quaze and said to him with a smile, "That's Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. He came to our world when we needed help in stopping the Legion of Doom for good. This way before you and your sister were born even before I married your dad. But Sonic had to return to his world to protect it from foes back on his planet."

Quze looked at the window and the said to his mom as he wondered, "Will… I ever get to meet Sonic in person mom?"

Twi thought for a moment and before she said to her son, "Hmm… maybe one day Quaze. After all Sonic did promised me that he would come back for a friendly visit with his friends."

Quaze smiled just before his stomach rumbled as he felt hungry as he hadn't eaten any lunch yet. Twilight chuckled and said to her son with a smile, "Heh. Come on lets get you something to eat. I'll ask Uncle Spike to make your favorite carrot clover noodle soup."

That made Quaze excited and exclaimed in a loud yell, "YES!! I'll head for the kitchen while you find Uncle Spike! Later mom!"

Quaze soon took off at fast pace and turned a corner to the left heading for the castle's kitchen where his favorite food was going to be made. Twilight let out a small laugh at her son's antics until she looked back at the mural and said, "Well till we meet again. Sonic The Hedgehog."

Twilight soon turned left and began to walk again leaving the window of Sonic's battle with the Legion of Doom as a standing memory when Eques was facing its darkest hour and a hero from another world heeded the call. Eques will never forget what Sonic gave them and was hope in no matter how much darkness there was light always found a way to triumph over evil. Even now some wondered if Sonic would return to Eques. Little did they know the blue hero along his friends will be transformed into Equestrian appearances and face old foes from Mobius with new rivals, but also an ancient advanced evil alien robot army bent of concurring the universe for possession of the 7 Chaos Emeralds and the 7 Sol Emeralds from the Sol Dimension.

Be Continued in Sonic X Season 4: Worlds Collide...