Defranan The Cursed World

by watbebe


Rainbow Dash awakened.
It seems like she had fell asleep on a cloud again, however she did not recognize where she was.
"It must have been a moving cloud" thought Rainbow.
She flew down to the ground and inspected the area, it seems there wasn't much around but the air somehow smelled differently, less fresh.

Rainbow set out to explore, after some time she found a strange looking stone house.
"Where there are houses there are ponies" Rainbow thought.
Upon trying to open the door, she noticed it was locked for some reason, so she knocked on the door.

"I have payed already this month", came the answer.
"Im sorry mister you must be mistaking me for someone else" yelled Rainbow Dash back.
Finally the door opened, but what Rainbow looked at was nothing she had seen before yet spoke her language.
"What the hay" Rainbow said with large eyes, after taking a few steps back she inspected it more thoroughly.
"What are you?" they asked in precisely the same moment.

Rainbow started talking "I am a pegasus my name is Rainbow Dash, what are you?",
"I am Alfred my race is human, fascinating i have never seen anything like you before".
"Well i think im lost, i fell asleep on a cloud and i ended up beeing here" Rainbow said,
"Well come in I'll give you somthing to eat and then i'll show you a map" Alfred said.

Rainbow together with Alfred entered the house, it was pretty standart except the fact it was made from stone like in Canterlot.
After they had eat Alfred showed Rainbow the map, however Rainbow din't recognize anything on it.
Alfred said "maybe you come from a different world, but the question is how did you end up here".
"I come from Equestria" Rainbow said, "Nope never heard of it in my life" replied Alfred.
After that the two went searching for the spot rainbow entered the world.

as they walked it seemed to become darker and darker the closer they got to where Rainbow first awoke.
"This is it" Rainbow said in the darkest night she had ever seen,
"Yes there is definetly somthing here, i can't see a thing" Alfred said.
"I'll fly up" Rainbow said as she flew up with high speed, a moment later Rainbow was back in Equestria,
Only problem Alfred was here too.