Pinkie Pie Meets Murder Drones

by SonnL

A Crazy Encounter

It’s a wonderful day in the town of Ponyville. Inside her crystal castle, the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, was studying a magic tome in her library while her assistant, a baby dragon named Spike, was dusting the place.

Ponyville’s famous party planner, Pinkie Pie, had arrived to deliver a box of pastries to Twilight.

“Hey Twilight! Whatcha doing?” Pinkie greeted her friend with her usual smile as she placed the box of pastries on a table.

“Hello Pinkie,” Twilight greeted back. “I’m studying this ancient tome that Star Swirl discovered and lent to me. And guess what?” She then formed an excited grin on her face. “I just found a spell that can create portals to other dimensions!”

“Really?!” Pinkie shot up. “You can create a portal to another dimension?!”

Twilight’s horn lit up and after some focus, a large glowing blue circular portal emerged in front of her.

“I did it! I created a portal!” Twilight exclaimed excitedly.

“Whoooooooooooa…” Pinkie’s eyes widened with awe.

“So what dimension does this portal lead to?” Spike wondered.

“Let’s go find out!” Pinkie jumped up.

“Wait Pinkie! You can’t just-“ Twilight tried to stop her, but it was too late.

Pinkie had jumped into the portal and it closed right after she went through it.

“PINKIE!!!!” Twilight and Spike shrieked after their friend had gone off to who-knows-where.

After going through the portal Twilight created, Pinkie found herself in a dark desolate world with snow everywhere. As she observed her new surroundings, she discovered that she was in what appears to be remnants of a civilization with tall ruined buildings.

“This place looks depressing.” Pinkie commented flatly. “What do you think, Twilight?”

She then turned her head around and noticed that Twilight and Spike were not with her and the portal that sent her to this world was nowhere to be seen.

“Twilight? Spike?” It took her a moment to realize how dire her situation was. “OH NO!!! AM I GOING TO BE STUCK HERE?!!!” Pinkie screeched.

She then spent the next several minutes breathing in and out heavily, but she calmed herself down eventually.

“Wait a minute. Maybe it’s not completely hopeless. Twilight will rescue me. I’m sure she will.” Pinkie assured herself. “But first, I need to see if I can find help in this world.”

She then spent the next hour wandering in this winter-struck wasteland, hoping to find any signs of life.

“Hello… is there any creature here?” Pinkie called out while hoping that whatever she finds will be friendly.

Suddenly, something dropped down at incredible speed and landed in front of Pinkie, with the impact of the landing creating a huge snow cloud. Pinkie stood still, waiting for whatever landed in front of her to reveal itself. As the snow cloud cleared up, she then saw a strange bipedal metallic being. It has short silver hair parted to the left and it wears a black winter coat with a fur collar, a black cap, and a black headband with five sections of neon yellow lights. It has a pair of sharp metal wings with each wing possessing several long blades, a pair of arms with each hand possessing three razor sharp claws, and a long tail with a yellow glowing syringe attached to the end of it. As for its face, there is a neon yellow cross in this "><" shape on where the eyes should be and its mouth showed several jagged teeth.

The being in front of Pinkie took a short time to observe her with its scanner. The scanner identified Pinkie as: unknown lifeform with abilities beyond comprehension. The strange being’s wings and claws then retracted and each of its hands now showed four fingers. Its mouth no longer showed jagged teeth and the neon yellow cross on its face is replaced by a pair of yellow neon eyes.

“You’re a… biological lifeform?” The being spoke in a male-sounding voice.

“Uh… hi.” Pinkie waved her hoof with a nervous smile.

“This… this is incredible!” The being exclaimed excitedly. “I never thought I’ll find a living animal in this place! I mean… this exoplanet was supposed to be devoid of all organic life after its core was destroyed. And… did you just talk?”

“My name is Pinkie Pie.” The pony introduced herself. “Do you have a name?”

“I am Disassembly Drone Serial Designation N.” The being introduced himself. “But just N is fine.”

N then noticed that Pinkie was taking a close look at him.

“You appear to be made of metal.” Pinkie said.

“Well I am a robot, so I’m mechanical.” N explained.

Pinkie then gasped. “I just met something amazing! So N, want to be friends?”

“That… sounds absolutely wonderful!” N replied happily.

“Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah!!! I just made a new friend!” Pinkie squeed.

“Anyway,” N continued. “What exactly are you?”

“I’m a pony, and I’m not actually from around here. I came from another world. It’s a long story. I’ll be glad to tell you all about it when we’re… not out here in the cold.” An idea then came into Pinkie’s head. “N, I’m sure my friend Twilight will find and rescue me soon. So how about coming back with me to my world? It is tons of fun, a lot better than this gloomy world. And my friends are great too. Twilight would love to meet you. I’ll also throw a making-a-new-friend-from-another-dimension party!”

“That would be great!” N gasped with excitement. “But… there are a few… issues. You see, I need to drink oil to avoid overheating and dying. Also, sunlight can kill me so I can only roam freely during the night.”

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!! The sun can kill you?!!! That doesn’t sound fun at all!!!!” Pinkie bellowed. “But don’t worry! I’m sure Twilight will be able to figure something out. She is a genius after all.”

“That sounds reassuring.” N responded. “However, while I would love to see the world you came from and meet your friends, I’m not sure about leaving this exoplanet. My squad and I were sent here on a mission after all.”

“Wait, there are more of you?” Pinkie questioned.

“There are two others.” N answered. “They are-“

“Hey useless! Just what are you talking to!?” A female-sounding voice interrupted him.

N turned around to where the voice came from. “Oh, here they are right now!”

Pinkie then saw two more Disassembly Drones as N waved to them. One of them has short bobcut silver hair and it wears a black short-sleeved crop coat with a fur collar and cuffs. Its legs are black to the thigh, giving the appearance of thigh-high stockings. The other has silver hair in twin tails tied with black ribbons and it wears a black uniform dress and tie with a yellow shirt underneath. Its legs are black to the knee, giving the appearance of knee-high stockings. Like N, they each wear a black headband with five sections of yellow lights and they each have a pair of yellow neon eyes and a long tail ending in a large yellow syringe.

“Hey V! Hey J! I was just talking to my new friend here!” N spoke cheerfully to the other two Disassembly Drones.

V, the one with short bobcut hair, and J, the one with hair tied in twin tails, quickly took notice of Pinkie.

“What. Is. THAT?!” J asked while pointing her finger at the pink pony.

“Hello! I’m Pinkie Pie.” The party pony greeted the two while waving her hoof.

V and J then scanned Pinkie.

“A biological lifeform?! But how is that possible?! All organic life was supposed to be wiped out on this exoplanet after its core was destroyed!” J exclaimed.

“Whatever this thing is, it displays some level of intelligence and it has the ability to speak.” V added.

“You see, I’m from another world and I came here by mistake.” Pinkie explained. “But I’m sure my friends will come to my rescue. Can we be friends too?”

“Um, we don’t do friends.” V replied.

“But N and I just became friends and I like to be your friend too.” Pinkie said.

“Okay, we can be friends if you do one little thing for us.” V said with a sinister smile.

“What would that be?” Pinkie asked curiously.

V then changed one of her hands into bladed claws. “Let us dissect you!” She said while her mouth showed jagged teeth.

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!” Pinkie shrieked.

V swung her claws in an attempt to decapitate the pony, but the latter avoided the claws by ducking.

“ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!!!” Pinkie screamed.

“Yeah, die.” V answered with a malicious smile.

“Wait! Why are you trying to kill her?! She’s not even a Worker Drone!” N protested.

“True, but hunting Worker Drones all the time can get pretty boring. Besides, it’s not everyday we find something new to kill.” V explained as her eyes become an "><" shape.

V took another swing at the pony with her claws, but Pinkie dodged by doing a backflip and dashed away.

“You’re not getting away!” V changed one of her hands into a machine gun and fired at Pinkie.

Pinkie dodged the bullets while galloping in a zigzag pattern.

“I’M DEFINITELY NOT INVITING YOU MEANIES TO ANY PARTIES!!!!” Pinkie shouted as she galloped away at super-fast speed.

“This one is slippery. This should be fun.” V then spread her metal wings and flew after Pinkie.

J also spread her wings and prepared to take flight as well but noticed that N was standing idly.

“Don’t just stand there you idiot! AFTER THAT THING!” J ordered.

As Pinkie galloped for her life through the snow-covered wasteland, V pursued the pony and fired her machine gun, trying to get a hit on her target. Thanks to her amazing agility, Pinkie kept evading the bullets, not suffering a single scratch.

“Try dodging this!” V then changed her weapon into a missile launcher and fired several missiles at the fleeing pony, and Pinkie appeared to be engulfed by fiery explosions.

Once the smoke cleared, V scanned for any signs of her target and found hoof prints leading into a nearby building. She also did not find a speck of blood on the ground, indicating that Pinkie got away unscathed.

“Grrr. Why is this thing so hard to hit?!” V spoke in a frustrated tone.

Inside the building, Pinkie was hiding behind some rubble and catching her breath.

“Oh Twilight, please get me out of here.” Pinkie whispered to herself. She then heard metallic footsteps.

“Come out come out wherever you are… You can run, but you can’t hide~.” V said in an eerie tone.

With her scanner, she located Pinkie. V switched her weapon to a laser cutter and sliced apart the rubble that Pinkie was hiding behind, but the pony managed to dodge the laser. Only the tip of her mane got cut off.

V then utilized a pair of arm blades and dashed towards Pinkie. “I am so going to enjoy ripping your guts out!” V said with a murderous expression.

Pinkie suddenly pulled a cake out of her mane and threw it at V’s face, catching the Disassembly Drone off-guard.

“What is this?!” V screeched.

Pinkie proceeded to pelt V with more cake as she threw them at rapid speed until the Disassembly Drone was completely covered in cake. When V wiped the cake off her, she saw Pinkie aiming a light-blue cannon at her at point blank range. As V wondered where the cannon came from, Pinkie fired it, covering V in confetti and launching her into a wall.

The party pony then galloped out of the building. J tried ambushing her by dive-bombing at her. Pinkie dodged J’s attack by rolling to the side. J then attempted to slice Pinkie with her bladed claws, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t land a single hit on the pony. After many failed attempts, J tried stinging Pinkie with the yellow syringe at the end of her tail. Pinkie avoided the syringe, grabbed J’s tail, and used it to immobilize J by wrapping the tail around her.

“This isn’t over! We’ll get you eventually! You hear me! This isn’t over!” J bellowed as Pinkie fled.

After running for a long time, Pinkie went into a towering spire filled with scraps of metal. There is also a large metal pod with spider-like legs.

Pinkie took a moment to rest, hoping to have lost her pursuers. Her respite was short-lived when N flew in and landed in the spire. N slowly walked towards Pinkie while having his metal claws and wings spread out.

“N, you’re not going to try to kill me too, are you?” Pinkie asked with a saddened expression.

“Sorry Pinkie, it was nice talking with you, but I need to prove that I’m not useless.” N said regretfully.

“Uh, N… I can tell that you’re not like the other two. So… is there any chance that we could… you know… still be friends?” Pinkie spoke while showing puppy dog eyes.

N was actually having second thoughts after seeing Pinkie’s eyes, but V and J soon arrived at the spire.

“You won’t escape this time.” V snarled as she and J approached the pony with killing intent.

Suddenly, a large blue circular portal appeared beside Pinkie and pulled her in. Once the pony went through, the portal disappeared in a bright flash.

“It’s gone. Oh well, guess it’s back to hunting Worker Drones.” V grumbled.

J and V then spread their wings and flew off while N gazed at the spot where he last saw Pinkie with sadness in his eyes.

Back in Twilight’s castle in Ponyville, the Princess of Friendship has successfully retrieved Pinkie safely.

“Pinkie! Thank goodness you’re okay! I was worried something terrible could happen to you!” Twilight gave her friend a tight hug.

“You must have gone to… somewhere cold.” Spike said as he noticed the snow in Pinkie’s mane. “What was that dimension like?”

“I… I don’t want to talk about it.” Pinkie said sadly as she took her leave.