The last day

by professor space n time

"Oh! it's you!"

"Oh! It's you! You're late." he said with a smile looking her crawl slowly but stady towards him.

He lad learned that it was a "She" about nine billion years ago when a scientist or "Betreshkut", how those cockroaches called them, was examining her. To that point he had been carrying her in a necklace with a sphere made of stainless titanium filled with salt, he was trying to find a way to get rid of his own curse without having to take the painful part of the deal.

He chuckled and stared at the sun, his eyes hurted, but he didn't care. Going back to the sky, the dark red sun was hiding slowly, staining the whole sky red, purple and black "It reminds me of that tale, Dagon? I think that was it's name, written by some H. B. Lovecolt. "The sun was blazing down from a sky which seemed to me almost black in its cloudless cruelty..." It seems appropriate, most of the atmosphere burned, I don't know, maybe eight or nine billion years ago, after those insects accidentally discovered fire and the extremely oxygen-rich atmosphere caught fire." it hurted to breathe after that, well that was maybe ten or twenty thousand years after the smoke dissapeared.

"It's funny to think that this all started because I wanted to be with her forever, imagine my surprise when she died just some millennia after" He felt some weight in his heart as he saw that light purple color form at the rim of the horizon. Speaking of the sun, it looked darker and bigger every day and it had already consumed the first planet, how was it called?, Marecati?, he couldn't remember the name of none of them. "Funny to think that no species was ever able to go to the stars, what a waste. It would have been a lot of fun to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To go where no pony had gone before! Ha! Ha! I may have lived this long, but I still am that little colt who would go to the store each week to get his 'Star Trek' comic." He then started to whistle the tune he heard each time he saw the tv version of it, it was curious how he had forgotten things so important but could not forget things so small and trivial "THIS IS CETI ALPHA FIVE!" He screamed doing his best Coltalbán impression "*Sigh* Ceti Alpha six exploded six months after we were left here. The shock shifted the orbit of this planet and everything was laid waste. 'Admiral' Kirk never bothered to check on our progress..." He could continue for hours, but for the first time in what felt like forever he didn't want to waste too much time.

"As I said before, You're late. Our sun is dying and soon it will destroy this system, and I believe that includes me as well. I mean, if a solar flare killed Luna a supernova will surely kill me, I think. . ." Luna, a name so sweet but bitter at the end, like dark. . . How was it called? it was brown and sweet and fruity, made out of some nut and milk and sugar. it didn't matter, nothing did. Luna, princess or queen of something he couldn't remember died when her sister Radiance went insane due to a carcinogenic tamor that appeared close to her brain. He was there when the Alicorn burned her sister alive, some said she flew for hours even though the only thing left of her head was a deformed, black skull. Radianc- No, Celestia ('yes! I finally remember' he said to himself) died shortly after when her brain was crushed by the tamor. Lizards ruled during that period, they weren't dragons, not even related to them, they were descendants of tortoises, he was lucky during that period because the being they worshipped as a god had been his pet once "Little T" he said out loud just to heard that name again, the "T" standed for Theodore, the name of a friend of The Doctor "Egat'ruk Thet'ugna Sigmertijg'l" When he thinked about him he would call him Doctor, but when he talked about him he would call him by his name, a name he had told him right before fading in time, a name that now didn't matter because the silence and the weeping statues had perished eons before the Doctor came into his cave agonizing. It didn't matter because there was no being left between the dozen stars left that would call for his name, no species chasing after him with only hate in their insectoid valves that couldn't be called hearts, no "Vwoorp! Vwoorp! Vwoorp!" sound in the void, no nothing.

"I've never been sure of when exactly it all became so boring" Maybe it was when the civilization prior to the prior to the prior to the one prior to the last one looked just as Equestria but with some cat-like creatures who spoke with chirps and songs, or maybe after the Morlocks were exterminated by the then violent Eloi, or maybe it was just some centuries after She died "TJ-Te-Twe" He couldn't remember her name and that was what hurt the most, he loved her as if it was the first time he saw her, he could rememember the first time they talked, the day he said "I love you" with a shaking voice, their first date, their wedding, the night in which they gave their virginty to each other under a sky full of stars that seemed infinite, the day their foa- wait, no, they never started a family, the day she died in is hooves. . .

As he became fixated on that "special" night something moved beetween his legs "Ok, maybe it was after I stopped having sex" he joked "Nah, it was her, wasn't she? my only wife, my little book, eh . . . larvae?, somethig by that line"

He looked the sky once more, the sun was about to hide completely, but there still was enough light. He looked up and saw the little stars left "Light takes so long to get here that i'm sure those stars have been dead since I lost you in Mount Everfest" He looked at her, she was maybe two or three meters away, still crawling, he had memorized each spot on her slimey body and each milimiter of her shell "I don't think I ever said that you were beautiful my dear. You know I never gave you a Nickname, I just couldn't think about something fitting, and also. . . I don't know your name, it feels wrong that I don't know it, after all this time. . ." He thought about all those fantastic and exciting moments in which he would turn around and see her about to reach his leg, about to fall in his head, about to break through the wall of the cave closed by time.

He was getting quite emotional now and tears had started to run "God. . . I think about everything I did to you, the metal box in Mareana Trench, The bomb, The vault, the mineshaft, the acid pool, the necklace. . . I actually used it because it felt exciting, to have death so close but so far, I didn't now when you would scape." He felt remorse sink in his stomach "*Sniff* L-Look. . . I-I, I just want you to know that i'm sorry, for everything, for condemning you to this, to follow me to the end of everything. I-I am such an idiot for starting this, if I hadn't shaken his hand I would have died in some years and would have reunited with my little cuddly alicorn after some small millenia. oh God. . . what did I do? Why? WHY DID I DO IT?!!!" He said in rage kicking the rock closer to him, then he looked the moon and he crumbled once more "Every night we would stand at the balcony of Cantertrot palace and see the moon rise" the only thing left of her was a cuarter of a sphere that had some round edges, the rest of it had scaped Equus gravity or crashed into the planet as an asteroid.

"Have I told you that I once had a heart attack? for just a second I could see them, all of them. I was so close to hugging her, my purple ball of love. . ." he just sat there and wept for several minutes.

She was just centimeters away from his hoof "You know. . . It's nice to share a sunset with someone again, even if it's you" he then picked her up, feeling the first liberating waves of agony "Specially if it's you. Because I love you, I love you so much" he gave her a gentle kiss and then collapsed on the reddish sand, his body felt more and more asleep, cold and distant, while all pain disappeared, his sight was clouded, everything melted into a beautiful white and before him a meadow appeared that would have made the gardens of Canterlot look like a desert, and on a hill were all of them, he began to run while his new ethereal body felt more and more solid. He saw her running down the hill with tears in her eyes, they found themselves in an embrace that felt eternal, in a good way. Feeling something soft, something warm, something alive was a blessing, then he looked into her eyes, those orbs were the only thing in the world that he really cared about "Twilight..." He said with a trembling but happy voice, being able to remember was beautiful, so beautiful "Twilight, I love you" he said with a trembling voice, then he kissed her in a way that had never been seen, a kiss that concentrated all the love accumulated in countless ages. slowly they broke the kiss and smiled at each other

"Come with me, I'll take you home"

She slowly crawled to the edge of the cliff and stared at the small red line that was the only visible part of the sun, even though she didn't have any of the necessary organs she was sure she was crying, she felt so sad but so happy, so weird. . .

She was thinking about him, she would never see him again, and that was frightening, the only thing that hadn't changed, well it changed and it meant it was over.

As the sun finally dissapeared on the horizon a bright, burning flash appeared and started to devour everything on its way, as she felt the burning heat devour her flesh she thought about him and as the last atoms dissapeared she, or the little part of her that was still conected to that realm of existence felt happy to have been there with him on The last day.