//------------------------------// // The First Story // Story: The Ponyville Voice // by Jh5kPony //------------------------------// Years in the Past... At the entrance to the office of "The Pony Voice" was Proper Syntax, a pegasus pony Journalist. He was fairly skinny, had a cream coat, a dark brown mane, and had a Quill Pen for a cutie mark. A major in Pony Journalism, he had just returned from a site where he was sent to write a story. The owner of the office was a gruff-looking orange unicorn wearing a suit. He had a thick moustache, and had lacked a mane on the top of his head. He was busy with various paperworks, and was also smoking a cigarette. Proper Syntax, nervously, entered the gruff unicorn's office. "Hope ya got something good," he said, cigarette still in his mouth. Nervously, Proper Syntax reached into his saddlebag, and took out a few sheets of paper with writing on them. He presented the paper towards his boss. His boss reads the papers carefully. The Present... Twilight Sparkle began to read the first story written by The Ponyville Voice. She took the paper out of the dusty basement, where there is better light. She got herself a nice cup of coffee, and set herself down next to the fireplace (which, despite being in a tree, never really caused much trouble for Twilight Sparkle). Then, a splatter was heard. Twilight Sparkle sighed in disgust. She only recently cleaned that window, and now somepony just splattered paint all over it. She'd have to go clean it now, otherwise the paint would dry up. She quickly went outside, and hosed-down the splatter of yellow paint. She then took a cloth that was left nearby (Pinkie Pie once said she placed it there in case of cloth emergency) and scrubbed the remaining water and paint off of the window. She then went back inside, and began to read the old publication. The Pony Voice Earth Ponies consider Settling Down in Middle of Wilderness The Apple Nomads, a nomadic subtribe of Earth Ponies, have begun to settle down in various parts of Equestria. Usually, they settle down close enough to cities to access them with relative ease, but a small family of these Apple Nomads had settled down far from most cities. The closest city, Canterlot, is known to be a mile away... Twilight stopped there. This newspaper article was getting extremely boring already. It's no wonder the newspaper writers eventually ceased to circulate editorials, she thought. Twilight Sparkle, while drinking a cup of coffee, took the newspaper to the basement. As she set down the coffee on the desk in the basement, she began looking for where the newspaper belonged, and returned the newspaper back to where it was found. She then exited the basement, and shut the doorway shut. She figured out how to open and close the mechanism successfully. She trotted over to her desk. She was to read a more interesting thing to read. A book on magic. She'd simply just read it. There is, however, one problem. She left behind her mug of coffee back in the basement. She went back to the basement. In the darkness, she began looking for the mug of coffee. Only this time she fell down a second set of stairs in the darkness after descending down the first one. Now in complete darkness, she attempted to scan the area. After bumping into something, she flinched. She lit up her horn-light to examine what was there. She simply bumped into a wall. Night vision was never her strong point. She didn't notice this before, but she noticed an eerie and discomforting set of random writings on the wall. Let me tell you a story of that one time I went to the whistle shop and it blow up not sure why oh look pregnant mare wait she has no husband Frankly she did not want to talk about oh wait why am I blamed for impregnating the mare I didn't do it I saw the mare do things and it was not very good but I saw it I must remember loose lips sink ships my Mother always said oh look a butterfly I like butterflies and oh no critic-critics on my door I better not be so critical I just keep hiding from critic-critics it's okay now they won't get me they won't get me they won't get me they won't get me okay I am bored what do I do now going batshit insane now okay good night. This was already starting to scare Twilight. Twilight shone her horn-light to a different wall. There were rough strokes neatly organized onto a wall. A series of lines in groups of five, except for the last one, which had only 3 strokes. She counted the lines as 138. Somepony was in here for 138 days. As she approached the wall to take a closer look, she heard a slight crunch beneath her hooves. She looked down, and to her horror it was a dead pony. By the looks of it, he was a pegasus pony, who perished in here. A distant, but audible, knock was heard from upstairs. She went back upstairs post-haste, closed the hidden door, and went towards her front door. At the door turns out to be a little pegasus colt. Cream coat, brown mane, quite skinny, and had a feather for a cutie mark. There was also a much taller mare. Also a cream-coated, brown-maned pegasus. Most likely, she was the colt's mother. "I'm terribly sorry, Miss." she said. "I'm afraid Featherweight here decided to play around with buckets of paint again." The mother turned to her little son. "Say you're sorry." "I'm sorry..." said Featherweight. Twilight let out a sigh. "I'll let that slide for now," said Twilight. "But don't do it again, alright?" Featherweight nodded in defeat. In a house in a different part of town, Featherweight was simply watching the stars. It was night-time. Meanwhile, two colts, a short, fat teal unicorn and a tall, skinny orange unicorn, were tossing pebbles onto Featherweight's window with their magic (they've managed to learn magic). Featherweight popped his head outside the window. "Hey Snips, hey Snails..." Featherweight said to them, still feeling defeated from getting into trouble. "Featherweight, wanna try uh, throwing toilet paper onto Sugarcube corner?" said the teal pony (Snips). "Mmmmhh...I like Sugarcube Corner..." the orange pony (Snails) said, stuck in his little world. "Sorry guys, I'm grounded," said Featherweight. "Aw man!" said Snips, in defeat. "C'mon Snails, let's go to Sugarcube Corner!" "Duhhhuhuh Okay..." said Snails, still very much out of his mind. Featherweight got back inside to his room, closed his window, and sat himself on a desk. He took out a little pencil, and began scrawling down these words over and over again. This was his punishment for splattering paint on somepony's window. I will not splatter paint on other people's houses I will not splatter paint on other people's houses I will not splatter paint on other people's houses I will not splatter paint on other people's houses I will not splatter paint on other people's houses I will not splatter paint on other people's houses