MLP G5 but it's written by me

by TPC-2k16

Short Story #3: Zipp and the Microwave

“I’mma hungry. I’m getting a snack from the fridge.”
Zipp Storm stands herself back up, her just so blatantly sitting on the floor of the royal palace’s throne room, and walking on over down exactly twenty-seven corridors before finally arriving at the royal palace’s royal kitchen.
“Aha! There ye art thy fridge!” Zipp speaks sounding in old ponish.
Opening the fridge up, all Zipp can see inside though are nothing but pictures of Hitch Trailblazer.
“What the? These aren’t the types of snacks I’m looking for.”
Just now, Pipp Petals comes walking into the royal kitchen. Walking in as robotic as a robot pony would walk.
“Hey Pipp! Why are there nothing but pictures of your pony crush waifu in the fridge?!"
“I’m not acknowledging that last part of your question," Pipp quickly brushes aside, “And I did it because I thought they could use a little ‘cool down’ time.”
“That still doesn't explain why you still did this!"
“Well geez, if you want a snack so bad, why not try the royal pantry?”
“Oh yeah.” Zipp remembers, somehow forgetting the existence of the royal pantry.
The two sisters go on their own way. Zipp walking over to the royal pantry and Pipp walking over to... wherever she’s going.


After rummaging in the royal pantry for the past two hours, Zipp had finally found the snack of which she desires.
Microwaveable box pasta.
Getting out a microwavable safe bowl and opening the box pasta up, Zipp dumps the whole box of pasta into the bowl, then after reading the instructions on the back, takes a measuring cup filled with one and a half cups of warm tap water and pours it into the bowl, mixing it right after.
After she mixes the pasta and the water together, Zipp brings the bowl over to the microwave, opening it up and placing the bowl exact center of the glass turntable plate, then finally shutting the door hard and pressing into the appliance the time needed to cook.
Only, when she pressed the start button did the microwave not at all start.
Hm.” Zipp, curious, presses the button again, still nothing happening.
She presses it again and still nothing’s happening.
After about the fiftieth time and still the microwave not working, Zipp boldly comes to the conclusion of...
“Microwave machine broke.”
Then an idea comes to her.
“If microwave machine broke, then I’ll just have to make a fire to cook my pasta.”
Ten minutes later, Zipp had gathered up all the newspapers and magazines she could get her hooves on and arranged them all in a pile in the literal center of the royal kitchen.
“Alright, fire time!” Zipp appears in her hooves two rocks of flint, and spends the next two hours aimlessly trying to start a fire with them.
After about the three-hundredt and fifty-eighth try of banging together two rocks did she finally get a spark.
That spark would indeed become into a fire... eventual big fire that would not only smoke up the whole kitchen but the whole palace as well.
Though Zipp wouldn’t know about that now as she placed her bowl of now soggy pasta onto a cooking stand over the fire.
“Alright, so, the instructions say one minute and fifty seconds, so that should mean that I have to cook this pasta for one minute, fifty seconds but times ten, which is... eleven minutes and fifty seconds.” Zipp strugs at the math she’d just calculated.

(Eleventh Minutes, Fifty Seconds Later)

“Finally, my pasta is done!” Zipp rejoices, carefully lifting the bowl of cooked pasta from the cooking stand with a washcloth.
“At last.” Zipp places the bowl onto the counter, grabbing a fork out from the royal utensils’ drawer, and ready to dig in (after waiting five minutes of cooling).
Zipp grabs her fork, and is about to finally eat her snack until...
...both her mom and sister abruptly interrupt her eating. Two firefighter ponies right behind them.
“What did you do?!?!” Queen Haven and Pipp both shout at Zipp, her staring at both of them, looking in awe.
Uuuuhh..., pasta?”