MLP G5 but it's written by me

by TPC-2k16

Short Story #2: Sunny and Hitch's Childhood Memories

“Hey Sunny.”
“Hello Hitch.”
“Wanna go for a trip down memory lane? And by trip, do I mean only going and looking back at one memory from both of our childhoods.”
Okay. But sure, why not.” Sunny, after agreeing, does she immediately start giggling to herself.
“Alright. What’s so funny now?” Hitch says in a serious tone of manner.
“Nothing, it’s just, remember that time back when we were kids and...”

(Sunny and Hitch’s (for one time only) Trip Down Memory Lane)

“Hey Sunny? This is gonna sound totally embarrassing but... can you help me with my homework?! I forgot to do it.”
A younger version of Hitch Trailblazer asks of his childhood friend, Sunny Starscout.
“And don’t worry, Sprout isn't around,” Hitch goes to whisper into Sunny’s ear, “He’s at the dentist getting a cavity removed.”
“What? Just one, or are there more?” Sunny snarkly whispers back.
The two foals immediately burst into laughter. Laughing together as two childhood friends would.
After they finally find the unfunniness of the joke, Sunny goes to a much more serious tone of body language.
And why do you need my help with your homework? In the first place?”
“Uh, well you see, I kinda forgot to do it. I was, uh,” Hitch lowers his head down in embarrassment, “I was playing with my mom’s garden hose a little too much.”
“You know this homework was assigned months ago. Did you even read your book, let alone begin reading it?”
All Hitch gives as an answer is an awkward smile and a nervous expression.
“Well I..., you have the rest of the day off now, do ya?”
All Sunny can give is a disappointing facehoof.


Since today is apparently the day where Sunny helps Hitch out on his book report, the two foals had gone to the Maritime Bay Public Library. To help with their concentration.
“Okay so, do you have the book that you were supposed to be reading?” Sunny asks, the two foals sitting at one of the work desks.
“Uh huh!” Hitch happily exclaims as he brings up onto the work desk a copy of the book ‘The Apples of Wrath’.
Sunny looks at the book with a concerned expression. “This is the book you’d said that you were gonna do a report on?”
“Yeah. Problem?”
“It’s just, that book of yours is awfully way advanced for ponies our age. You couldn’t have picked a simple Colt Bredhann novel?”
“I wanted to impress the teacher.”
The two look at one another in silence.
Sunny nervously thinking of what she can do while Hitch just stares off into space.
“That’s why I came to you, Sunny,” Hitch breaks up the silence between them, “I know I’m not the most smarty smart of ponies, but you are. When I don’t know what to do, I know you know... of what to do, wait, let me rephrase that-”
“It’s okay Hitch. I know you’re not the smartest. And thanks for what you just said. I mean it.”
Hitch smiles brightly towards Sunny.
“Now, let’s open this book up and write you the most best -est, amazing -est book report Miss Freeilee has ever seen!”
And so, the two ponies open up the book and begin on writing the most best -est, amazing -est book report ever written.
Two ponies as friends, being the best of friends.

(End of the Memory Lane)

“Geez, were we really like that as kids? I mean, at least for me?”
“At least we got that book report done. Even if it took all night. By the way, how did you do on it, again?”
“You know,” Hitch says annoyingly, “Miss Freeilee gave me a D+ and made me bring my parents to meet after school just to tell them how much of a failure that report was.”
Both Sunny and Hitch bust out into laughter.
Laughing and remembering all the other weird stuff they did when they were foals.
Back when their lives were much simpler.