//------------------------------// // Chapter 13 // Story: The Griffin War // by QuarterNote //------------------------------// The atmosphere was tense in the throne room of Castle Lorrein. Nobles and military officials stood in small groups, urgent whispers and idle chitchat forming point and counterpoint in the air between the throne room's gilded pillars. Hoofbeats echoed off of the spotless tile floor as courtiers shifted their stances nervously or walked around to talk to other ponies, every eye and ear flicking occasionally to the throne room’s massive doors. The guards stationed around the walls of the throne room mirrored the courtiers’ nervousness, though they handled it with an air of professionalism, their spears remaining in place, only the occasional turned ear showing any anticipation of the king’s arrival.   Sandstone and West Wind stood close to the end of the throne room opposite the doors, off to the left of the throne, a masterfully carved wooden chair that stood at the top of a series of steps at the end of the thick, soft red carpet that traced a line down the middle of the room from the doors to the foot of the stairs leading up to the royal seat.   West Wind retained an air of military professionalism, remaining stock-still with his eyes locked on the doors to the throne room. The knight was dressed in his armor, the plate and mail repaired and cleaned and the hauberk he wore underneath it proudly depicting the sigil of the Brotherhood of the Watchtower, mimicked by his chestplate. Sandstone, though bathed and cleaned like West Wind, was dressed a great deal plainer. His hoof sword was strapped to his leg and he only wore a blue-and-white quartered hauberk, his sand-colored mane doing its best to keep itself in front of the earth pony’s eyes despite all his efforts to part it.   “When will the king get here?” he asked West Wind out of the side of his mouth. The Chapter Master kept his eyes trained on the doors as he answered in a similar manner.   “He’s most likely on his way. Be patient, Sandstone. The court scribe said that we’re the first order of business, so we can tell him as soon as he arrives and opens court.”   Sandstone nodded in understanding and did his best to mimic West Wind.   ***   King Shining Star of Prance hated getting ready for court. He hated the heavy, cumbersome trappings of royalty, hated the grandiose spectacle that was the norm when he arrived in the throne room. The unicorn king sighed as he felt his wife settle the purple and cloth-of-gold cape around his shoulders, covering his sword-and-shield cutie mark as he looked at her. “Do I really have to wear all of this?” he asked for the umpteenth time.   Queen Aurora of Prance chuckled, the sound like the sound of wind among bluebells to his ears. “You would think that you would have gotten used to this before you took the throne, Shining.”   “I didn’t like it even while I was prince,” Shining Star grumbled as she levitated the crown that was his badge of office off of its cushion on top of the armoire in their room, settling it on the light brown, mop-top of a mane that Shining Star was proud to call his own. “It’s mostly going to be military matters anyway; the generals and the nobles that do the actual fighting aren’t going to care what I look like.”   “But the common ponies do, dear,” his wife replied, turning his head gently with a hoof to have his blue eyes look directly into her hazel ones. “They need a pony to rally behind. And you need to look strong and in control.”   “I just wish that looking strong and in control didn’t involve dressing like a clown,” Shining said, a small smile flickering around his lips as he looked back in the mirror while his wife clasped the cape together with the golden chain at its collar. Shining Star sighed as he felt the soft fur of the cape settle around his neck, looking back at his wife. “How do I look?”   “Silly like always,” she replied with a laugh. She kissed his cheek, then moved down to nuzzle his neck. “Good luck.”   “I’ll be back soon,” Shining Star promised, nuzzling her back. She backed away and Shining Star walked towards the doors to his chambers, lighting his horn and enfolding them in the golden magic of his horn.   ***   “He’s coming,” West Wind muttered as two double-wide columns of guards marched through the doors of the throne room.   “How do you know?” Sandstone asked, watching the column split as the guards lined up on either side of the carpet that rolled up from the door.   “That’s the Crown Guard,” West Wind said, nodding at the guards as the doors to the throne room shut again. “They’re all exclusively unicorns drawn from the greatest warriors in Prance, given the finest training in arms and sorcery, and given armor and weapons forged by the finest smiths. They’re tasked specifically to guard the king and his family, and Castle Lorrein itself. Where they go, he’s never far behind. I’ve heard that only five join each year because of how strict the requirements and training are.”   Sandstone watched as the second column marched through the first group, splitting into two lines on either side of the carpet. All of them were armed with elegantly forged (yet still deadly) halberds, and clad in plate and chain barding. The champrons on their heads clad their horns in metal coats, as well as protecting the top sides of their heads from injury. The rest of the armor that they wore was colored silver with gold trim, the rearing pegasus that was the symbol of Prance emblazoned on the chests and flanks of their armor. It covered them from the tips of their noses to their hindquarters, and each guard carried himself with an air of confidence and courage that Sandstone envied.   Finally, the doors opened again, allowing a third double-wide column to enter, this one composed of twenty earth ponies wielding golden trumpets. Lining up on either side of the doors they lifted the trumpets to their mouths and blew a brazen fanfare, their cheeks puffed out enormously as the loud notes filled the room. A herald that had accompanied them inside began speaking as the trumpeters finished.   “Presenting his Royal Majesty, King Shining Star of Prance!”   “That’s him,” West Wind muttered softly. Sandstone watched the doors in awe as Shining Star made his entrance. The king walked with a strong, self-assured air, his blue eyes fixed on the throne at the other end of the room. The courtiers on both sides of the room immediately bowed as he entered, giving a loud cry of “Long live the King!” as they did. Sandstone and West Wind bowed as well, Shining Star walking past them and beginning to ascend the steps. The king turned and firmly planted his haunches on the throne, before nodding at both sides of the room.    “Rise, all of you. Today is not a day that we stand on ceremony.” With that his horn lit up as he shed the cape and crown of his office, allowing his mane to fall freely down both sides of his neck as he stood up and descended the steps again. “Scroll! Who is first?”   The court scribe, an earth pony with a deep blue coat, black mane, and glasses, adjusted his spectacles and looked down at the scroll that he held. “First is Chapter Master West Wind of the knights of the Brotherhood of the Watchtower, along with his aide, Sandstone of Watchover.”   “The Brotherhood of the Watchtower…” Shining Star muttered. He looked at West Wind as he and Sandstone presented themselves to him. “You are both from Watchover, then?”   “Yes, Your Grace,” West Wind said, inclining his head. “We bring a message from Viscount Steadfast.”   “And what would that be?” Shining Star asked, raising an eyebrow.   West Wind took a deep breath. “He apologizes for not being able to hold, my king. Five days ago the army of Lord Sharptalon of the Griffin Kingdoms breached Watchover and took it within a night. This young stallion and I are the only ones that managed to escape.”   There were gasps all around even as the king waved his hoof around to silence the room. As the noise died down he sighed. “I had hoped that they would hold longer.” He looked back up at West Wind. “Did the Viscount manage to escape?”   “No, sire,” West Wind replied, regret heavy in his voice. “When the gates were breached he fought beside me with great bravery and skill, but he was taken during the retreat. If His Majesty would allow me to hazard a guess…”   “He does,” Shining Star replied, nodding at West Wind to continue.   “I would surmise that the Lord Viscount is no longer with us.”   Shining Star hung his head and sighed once more. “It’s a shame. Steadfast was a fine warrior, and an even finer pony.” He looked back at West Wind. “Thank you for bringing the news to us, Lord West Wind. I can only imagine how hard it was to abandon the city to its fate, even under the orders of your lord.”   “Thank you, Your Majesty,” West Wind replied, bowing. Shining Star nodded at the two that they were dismissed, and as the two earth ponies backed away he looked around the room. “Is that all for immediate business, Scroll?”   “Yes, my liege,” Scroll replied, nodding. Shining Star nodded back.   “Good. Let’s get military matters underway, then.” He raised his head and spoke again, loudly. “The Crown recognizes Heater Shield, Master-Of-Arms, and the Lord Commander Hyperion, Captain-General of the Enlistment Corps.”   A grizzled earth pony stepped forward, walking up the carpet towards the king. He was covered in scars that were clearly visible through his brown fur, a black cloth eye patch covering his right eye. He favored his left front leg, limping on it. Sandstone could see a massive scar that worked its way around half of the entire leg, as if it had nearly been cut off in a past battle. Following him out was a sky-blue pegasus, his mane and tail an icy bluish-white that matched his eyes. He was younger than Heater Shield, but had the hard look of a pony that had seen a great deal of battle.   “Here, Your Grace!” both ponies called as they came to the front of the throne room, both bowing, then rising as Shining Star bid them to stand.   “Alright, since you both have duties that require you to work in concert I thought it prudent to ask both of you for updates at the same time. Hyperion, you may speak first.”   “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Hyperion said, inclining his head. “The recruitment drive is still going well; many of the recruits are displaced refugees from areas around Watchover, as well as several villages that were located in the plains near the western border with the Griffin Kingdoms. Many of them have joined up for the prospect of revenge against them.”   “And how many have you recruited since I gave you this duty?” Shining Star asked.   “Around five thousand, sire.”   “And how many does that leave Lorrein with?”   “We’re approaching thirty thousand ponies, sire.”   “Heater Shield, are they properly equipped?”   “The smithies are barely able t’ keep up, but aye m’lord, we’re keepin’ up with the numbers.” Heater Shield nodded at Hyperion. “Th’ Lord Commander’s been very patient with m’ smiths ‘n I.”   Shining Star smiled. “Very good. Both of you continue with your current duties until further notice.” He waved his hoof to dismiss them. “The Crown now recognizes Duke Chevalier of Normane.”   Duke Chevalier made his way from the crowd of courtiers, striding confidently up the aisle towards the king. Chevalier was a unicorn, and for the uninitiated could be the king’s twin. A butter-yellow coat and elegantly combed brown mane framed his deep blue eyes, the gold laurels that made up his cutie mark also fully emblazoned on the robes he wore. “I am here, Your Majesty,” he said, kneeling before the king. Shining Star bade him to stand, then looked to the side, towards West Wind.   “West Wind, were you appraised of the situation in the rest of Prance before Watchover fell?”   “I was, Your Majesty,” West Wind replied, nodding.   “And what were you told?”   “Viscount Steadfast informed me that two other griffin armies had crossed the border into Prance. One was heading to Alsaddle with a Prancer army moving to check its advance. A second was heading up the Kingsroad, directly this way.”   Shining Star nodded, turning back to Chevalier. “Count Cirrus is in command of the army in Alsaddle. I would normally send you to aid him, Chevalier, but under the circumstances I cannot spare anypony from the Enlistment Corps. I understand that you came here with a force of Normaneic knights?”   “I did, Your Grace,” Chevalier replied.   “How many?”   “Two hundred. I had hoped that Your Grace would have use for them.”   “And I do,” Shining Star replied. His horn sparked, a map of Prance conjuring itself out of thin air. The map unrolled itself and floated down between the two unicorns. Shining Star raised a hoof and with it traced the borders of Lorrein. “The army that even now comes up the Kingsroad will most likely be sending scouts and foraging parties forward. An army that large will most likely have many. I give you and your knights the task of making sure that as many foraging parties and scouts as possible do not return to the army.”   “As you command, Your Grace,” Chevalier replied, inclining his head.   “Good. You will leave immediately. Anywhere you see dogs or griffins, I expect you to attack.” Chevalier nodded and turned, trotting out of the throne room. A number of other ponies joined him, the group quickly moving out of the throne room. Shining Star turned to Scroll as the doors shut behind them. “Scroll, I have a proclamation to send out.”   “I am ready, Your Grace,” Scroll replied, fishing a quill out of a bag. Shining Star nodded.   “Hear ye, hear ye. By order of the King, all ponies inhabiting the province of Lorrein are ordered to make for the safety of the capital. They are to burn everything behind them and to only take the provisions they need, no treasures or nonessential items. By order of Shining Star, Ruler of the Kingdom of Prance, Duke of Lorrein, Lord of the Crownlands, yadda yadda and all the rest of it.”   The noise of the quill quickly subsided as Scroll finished writing the proclamation, rolling it up and grabbing the parchment in his mouth before galloping out of the room to deliver the proclamation to the castle library, where a bowl of dragonfire would send the message to every village in the province.   Shining Star looked around the throne room. “This morning court is now adjourned!”   ***   Sandstone and West Wind watched from the top of one of Lorrein’s walls as Duke Chevalier and his knights marched through the city gates. Normane was one of the more prosperous provinces of Prance, and this showed in the knights’ equipment. All of them wore armor that looked to be on par with that of the Crown Guard, dully shining in the grey light of the overcast sun. Pieces of cloth in Normane’s colors of blue and gold trim hung from various spots on their armor, and many of them carried banners on the ends of their lances. The banners were colored the same blue-with-gold-trim of the cloth on their armor, emblazoned with the Normaneic insignia of a hawk with spread wings over two crossed swords. Chevalier himself was in the lead, clad in the same armor as the knights under his command. Behind him his knights were spread into lines of four abreast, following the unicorn duke in a narrow column as they marched into the forest bordering the open space beyond the city’s walls.   “I hope he’ll be alright,” Sandstone muttered. “As do I,” West Wind agreed as the column began to enter the forest. “The most we can do now is hope for his safe return.”   Sandstone nodded, looking up at the massive thunderhead that had been sent ahead of the knights by a group of weather pegasi. Rain could be seen far in the distance, quick flashes of lightning shooting from the clouds to the ground, into the forest that stretched out as far as the eye could see. Sandstone had heard that the reason for the storm was to slow the griffins down, the rain making the ground muddy and difficult to march through, the lightning making it too dangerous to fly and also to spark fires and strike down trees to delay them even more.   “Come on,” West Wind said, turning away from the view. “We’d best prepare ourselves. We’ll be stuck here when the griffins come.”   Sandstone nodded, dragging his view away as the last row of knights disappeared into the forest. He followed West Wind down the steps, his stomach twisting into a knot as he wondered when the griffins would arrive.