A family at heart

by Babycord

Not a stalker.

"Fuck that was good".

"I'm glad that I could be of service dear" Rarity smiled.

The man who Rarity has yet to know the name of despite knowing him for a good amount of time nodded. Pulling up his pants as he did so. Sitting up Rarity tried her best to make her hair look smooth and even.

"How munch?"

Rarity hummed. Taking a moment to twist a knot out of her hair. It wasn't an act that she thoroughly enjoyed, but over time she learned that it often comes with her line of work. Whether she liked it or not.

"I think 850$ will do quite nicely".

Nodding the unnamed individual was quick to give Rarity her payment for the night. Once it was received she wasted no time in getting everything she needed before leaving. She knew that staying any longer than necessary was to munch of a risk. Not that she wasn't prepared, but she rather not push her luck. Especially when dealing with someone she barely knew and didn't interact with outside of business. Doing so might give the wrong impression and might cause some rather unpleasant situations. That was something Rarity didn't want to risk happening. Not for a third time at least.


Rarity paused. Turning her head away from the door she looked over at her client.

"Yes, dear?"

She smiled. The sight itself was dazzling, to say the least.

"Same time next week?"

Rarity mentally cringed, Feeling a wave of disgust wash over her. However, even with that said her smile never faltered. "It would be my pleasure dear".

She winked.

The man nodded.


Who was Rarity?

The long purple-haired woman herself thought she knew, but now? She wasn't so sure.

There was a time in her life where she had dreams. Dreams that she wanted to achieve no matter the cost. She wanted to be known for her stunning creativity and her knack for all things fashionable. She wanted her face to be known worldwide. To be the very idea of fashion itself.

Fame, fortune, power, she wanted it all.

Or at least she thought she did.

Perhaps it was fate that intervened. Or maybe it was her having to realize just how foolishly that dream truly was. Or maybe it was none of those things. Maybe it was God telling her that her path wasn't one full of glory and colorful dresses. If that's the case then Rarity didn't know who she hated more.


Or herself.

After all, she was the one whose dreams had gotten in the way of what mattered most. Now with that precious part of her gone Rarity felt numb. She had one chance in making everything right and she blew it all because of a false promise. Now here she was, walking down the street in the middle of the night while wearing a dress that was more than a bit too high for her liking. Not like that type of thing matters now anyway. Not when she showed and did much worse things. Not when she has no one but herself to blame for being in this situation in the first place. She came to the two of them hoping for a better life, only to get nothing but the clothes on Her back in return. Though if Rarity was honest with herself part of her knew that her dream wasn't going to come true, and yet like a naive little girl she tried anyway.

For a moment Rarity briefly wondered about what her parents might say. Only to shake her head upon realizing that none of that truly mattered now.

What did matter was getting home safe and sound.

Perhaps when she gets there she could ask Heart if he wanted to help paint her nails. That would give the two a munch-needed moment to talk. The last time that happened was while the young boy was heading off to court. The expression on his face was something that Rarity would never forget. Nor the nasty look that the female judge was giving him. One of these days Rarity will end up on that judge's front doorstep. The so-called visit won't exactly be a pleasant one.

"That's if I can find the rude bitch" Rarity mutters to herself. The cool night air feeling remarkably pleasant against her skin.

Rarity was by no means a violent individual. With that said however when push comes to shove she'll act first and feel guilty about it later. When it came to the judge well, that was just one of those rare moments that violence seemed much more preferable. Of course, Rarity knew that her actions had consequences. However, if things go south she had no problem serving another sentence. Only this time she had a feeling that it wasn't going to be a short one.

Behind Rarity, someone whistled.

Rolling her eyes the woman simply ignored it.

If there was one thing that Rarity realized while working it was that humans were nothing more but a bunch of sexual creatures. Male and female alike. Though said nature was helping her get paid in the first place. With this in mind Rarity couldn't exactly fault the primal behavior that existed within them all, including herself.

She could however feel disgusted at herself and the actions that her clients had her perform. The sheer amount of kinks and fetishes she encountered over the years both amazed her and made her sick to her stomach.

"At least my night was a short one."

Walking down the street Rarity couldn't help but feel as if she was being watched. With this in mind, she began to look over her shoulder. Upon doing so she spots a white vehicle not that far from where she stood. Now, this wasn't exactly a cause for concern, but the feeling in Rarity's gut told her otherwise, plus she's been around these parts long enough to tell when she's being followed.

Looking back Rarity reached into her purse.


Glenn had one job.

Keep an eye on one of the members that killed his boss and report back to Gabby if anything strange happens. Unfortunately, that meant that he couldn't take revenge on the bastards that killed Gilda. As such he decided to do things a little bit differently.

His plan?

Follow the white chick around and when an opportunity presented itself take out her and whoever else stood in his way.

An eye for an eye.

Staring out the window he saw the prostitute pull out her phone. Now, normally this would be cause for slight concern however the anger Glenn felt overrode his common sense. As such he didn't think much of it.

That turned out to be a big mistake.

Glenn watched as the woman began talking to whoever was on the other line. The anger and need for vengeance continuously grew for every moment that passed. He needed this. He needed to avenge the person that saved his family from bankruptcy long ago.

Suddenly the woman stopped.

Upon seeing this Glenn went ahead and parked a few distances away from her. As he did he saw her hang up the phone. Snorting Glenn leaned back against his seat. He assumed that she was waiting for a ride of some sort. Good, that meant he had an opportunity to take her out. As soon as she opens the car door he'll ride over there and put a few bullets in her, and in whoever's sitting in the front seat. A two for one special, he liked the sound of that.

Now all he had to do was wait.


"Knock! Knock!

Startled by the sudden noise Glenn jumped. Looking over at his driver's window he saw a figure standing outside. Confused Glenn looked back at the girl he was following. Only to realize that she hadn't moved from her spot. With this in mind, he figured that he still had some time on his hands.

"Can I help you? Glenn asked as he rolled down his window.

The figure before him looked to be a woman of a decent age. She had orange skin and a pair of dark green eyes. She wore a white tank top and a pair of orange shorts. However, what got his attention the most were her medium size jugs. Now if Glenn was a sucker for anything it was a girl with a good size cleavage. As such the woman before him had his full attention almost immediately.

The woman smiled.

"Yes, you see I was wondering if there was a reason why you were following my sister around".

Glenn blinked. His mind was too preoccupied with not-so-pleasant thoughts about the woman before him. Unfortunately, that meant that he was currently a bit slow on the uptake.


Suddenly he felt cold metal being pressed against the back of his head.

He froze.

As he did he heard a feminine voice from behind him speak up. Her voice was filled with energy and excitement. What exactly caused her to be so excited in the first place he didn't know, but he hoped that it wasn't the prospect of blowing his brains out.

"Yeah! And by sister she meant Rarity, you know the one that you've been following around and staring at for the past 20 to 30 minutes? That Rarity. All though with that said I have to ask are you a stalker? Because Rarity doesn't like stalkers. The last one ended up as dog food for our big boy Spike. Oh! And there was this one time where we chopped one's di-"


Upon hearing the tone of the orange woman's voice the person behind Glenn went quiet.

"Sorry about that, she tends to ramble from time to time".

Glenn merely glared.

If she was affected by this she sure didn't show it.

"Now imma keep this simple, why are you following my sister?"

He didn't respond.

The woman shrugged.

"Okay then, imma just have my pink companion here shoot you in da head and call it a day".

She was serious that munch Glenn knew. However, he also knew that regardless if he told her the truth or not he'll still end up dead. He also knew that the others wouldn't even bother with avenging him. At least not when Gabby is in charge.

Well, all except one.

Suddenly an idea came to mind.

If he was going to die he might as well pin two groups against one another.

"I was planning to kill her".

The reaction was immediate.

The orange-colored woman tensed, eyes wide.

From behind him, Glenn heard a gasp of shock.

He couldn't help but grin.


His answer was immediate.

"Because one of you killed my boss named Gilda".

Upon hearing said name the orange woman blinked in surprise. A moment later a look of realization spread across her face. Looking down she muttered one single name.

"Rainbow Dash".

Glenn nodded. 'That's right, and because of her my friends are itching to get revenge".

Her eyes narrowed accusingly.

"Your lying".

"Maybe I am, maybe im not, the question you should be asking is, is it worth the risk in not taking it seriously?"

She glared.

Glenn's grin grew wider.

The two stared at each other for a long moment. Trying to figure the other out.

For her part, Apple Jack could tell that the person before her wasn't being as truthful as she would have liked. She knew that he was holding back a crucial part of information, but at the same time, he had a point. AJ had a family to look after and as such she couldn't just simply turn the other cheek. At least not when it came to something like this. Plus there had been times when she made wrong assumptions in the past. That alone meant that she couldn't exactly trust her gut 100%. Either way, she was not the type to take a risk of this magnitude. In this type of situation, it was better to be safe than sorry. Plus even if they weren't planning revenge now that didn't mean that they won't do so in the future.


Upon hearing the worry in Pinkie's voice she sighed.

"Kill him, and once your done call the others and tell them to prepare".

"Prepare for what?"

AJ stared into the man's eyes. The expression on his face now was that of pure childlike glee. It was clear that he won and they both knew it. Regardless upon hearing her sister's question she uttered one single word.
