A Guard's Candy

by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

A guard's past.

Candy’s P.O.V:

Just a few seconds after I had woken up, Flash Sentry came into my room with a tray on his hooves. He put it on a table and said, “Morning, Candy. Here’s your breakfast.”

Even though I was still a little scared, I smiled and replied, “Morning Flash.”

Flash was about to leave, when out of the kindness in my heart, I asked him, “Do you want to share with me?”

He said, “It’s your breakfast, Candy. And also, I’m supposed to be guarding you.”

“I don’t mind sharing. And you must be hungry.”, I replied.

Flash started to say, “I’m not hungry-”, when his stomach decided to say otherwise and rumbled loudly. “I’m still not hungry. I-I had my breakfast not long ago!”, Flash said, blushing.

“Then what was that I just heard?”, I asked.

“Thunder. You heard thunder.”, was his reply.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed to say that you’re hungry.”, I told the embarrassed stallion.

“Fine. I didn’t have my breakfast this morning.”

“Why not?”, I asked.

“Because, I missed my alarm and I was so worried that I was going to be late.”, was Flash’s reply.

“Oh.”, I said. “Then you must let me share my breakfast with you.”

Flash Sentry’s P.O.V:

Candy asked me, “Why not?”

I tried to keep the blush from my face as I told her, “Because, I missed my alarm and I was so worried that I was going to be late.”

Candy’s reply to this was, “Oh. Then you must let me share my breakfast with you.”

I gave up. “If you insist.”

Candy got out of bed and said, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” 

With that said, she headed towards the bathroom. A few seconds later, I heard the shower turning on.


Candy had finished her shower and came out of the bathroom. I could barely take my eyes off her. Her mane sparkled in the sunlight, and her fur shone.

She did look so very beautiful. I heard her saying, “Flash? Are you alright?”

I snapped out of my daze and said, “Yes, I’m fine. Just got lost in my thoughts.”

“Ok.”, said Candy and sat at the table. I did the same, and then we shared her breakfast which was donuts.

We sat in silence, the only sound being that of our chewing, when Candy asked, “Um...Flash? I really want to ask you a question.”

“Ask away.”, I said.

Candy then asked, “How did you become a guard in the Crystal Empire? I mean, you’re from Equestria, and I think I’ve seen you as a Canterlot guard, so why did you leave Canterlot?”

I choked on my food and Candy tapped me. “Are you alright?”, she asked.

I replied, “Yes, I am. It’s just that the question was unexpected.”

“If you don’t mind, could you please tell me?”, she asked.

“Sure.”, I said. I finished chewing and started, “I used to be a guard in Canterlot, but then I left. There was this section in the library that had lots of files. I got curious and decided to look at them. Inside were all the crimes ever done by Celestia. After reading every single file, I quickly shut them and moved away, hoping that nopony would notice. But what I didn’t know was that I was being watched by a guard. That guard, I think his name was Crimson Star, told Celestia about what I had done and I was taken to the throne room. Celestia was going to have me killed, but just before she could cast the spell, a solar guard saved me, teleporting us both away from Canterlot.”

I took a deep breath and continued, “We couldn’t stay in Equestria long, since there were wanted posters with our pictures. When our houses were burnt down by the guards, we decided to go to the Crystal Empire, and to our surprise, we were let in and allowed to live here after being interrogated.”

By then, I could do nothing apart from let the water spill from my eyes. The memories were too painful.

King Sombra’s P.O.V:

With morning approaching, I decided to check on my...guest. My ears twitched at the sound of her voice as I got to the door.

“That must’ve been really hard for you. A kind pony like you doesn't deserve to have had such things happen to him. ” She sounded like she had sympathy.

“I try to bury the memories.'' He replied before I opened the door, my eyes widened in surprise.

They both had breakfast together, and Flash looked like he had been crying. He quickly stood up and saluted, trembling. “S-sir?”, he stuttered.

Candy looked with equal fear at me before I slowly smiled. “At ease. It pleases me to see you two get along well.” I sounded happy and proud.

“Th-thank you, sir!”, stuttered the guard.

“Why don't you give her a tour?” I suggested and he nodded.

“I guess it could help me to know my way around.” The mare commented, ”I just hope my parents and family won’t be too worried about me.”

This made me a little concerned. Unlike Flash, she was not a wanted pony. But I couldn't allow the slaver to get back at her. Nor could it be said how Celestia might react to her stay under my hospitality.

I breathed and said, “Worry not, Candy.”

Flash then took Candy to give her a tour. 

Flash Sentry’s P.O.V:

After I had finished telling Candy my story, the tears started falling. I tried wiping them away, but it was to no avail.
The memories were fresh in my mind now. I remembered waking up in the middle of the night to see my house on fire. 

I tried using water to get rid of it, but it didn’t work. The fire was magical one, and since I was a pegasus and not a unicorn, I could do nothing but watch as my house burnt.

My parents were still there, and I tried to save them. But just as I was flying them out of there, (they were too old) they lost their grip on my hooves and had burned with the house.

I wasn’t even able to have a funeral for them as the solar guards who had set my house on fire had tried to kill me as I flew away.

I was pulled out of those memories by somepony hugging me. I hadn’t realized that I had been saying that out loud, every part of that memory.

Candy was hugging me, and crying too. She said with a voice full of sympathy, “That must’ve been really hard for you. A kind pony like you doesn't deserve to have had such things happen to him. ” 

I replied, “I try to bury the memories.”

Just as Candy was about to say something, the door opened. I jumped up with my spear when I saw it was King Sombra.

I started shaking where I stood. Did he come to punish me for not guarding? I stuttered out, “S-sir?”

Candy also jumped up in surprise and her eyes were wide with fear.

King Sombra slowly smiled and said, “At ease. It pleases me to see that you two get along so well.”  He sounded happy and proud.

“Th-thank you, sir!”, I stuttered.

“Why don't you give her a tour?”, the King suggested, and I nodded.

“I guess it could help me to know my way around.” , said Candy. ”I just hope my parents and family won’t be too worried about me.”

King Sombra said, “Worry not, Candy.”

I then took Candy saying, “Let’s go now.”

She nodded and followed me. She was a little scared of the other guards, but I told her that they wouldn’t hurt her.

Once out of the castle, I showed Candy a statue made out of crystal. I explained, “This is the statue of Moonlight Amethyst Shade, the pony who is the reason why King Sombra isn’t as harsh as before. And she also is the reason why the Crystal Ponies live in freedom.”

“Wow.”, said Candy.

I then showed her other places and told her about it. By the time I had finished, it was night. Everypony slept at night, so it was dark.

Candy’s horn glowed with a light and we found our way back to the castle.

Candy’s P.O.V:

Once Flash had finished showing me around the Empire, night had fallen. It was completely dark, so I did a spell that made the tip of my horn glow.

It was silent until we reached my room in the castle. I said, “Goodnight Flash.”

To which he replied, “You have a good night too, Candy.”

I then entered my room. I decided to have a shower before I slept, since it made me feel good. And, it had been a hot day, even if I was in the Crystal Empire.

I brushed my mane, and then went into the bathroom, turning the warm water on.