//------------------------------// // Elimination round? Passed // Story: The Librarians and The Summoned Cat // by Dragon Shimmer //------------------------------// The minotaur slams the axe down but Spike jumps inside to dodge. The axe has damaged the ground a lot. Spike takes a deep breath and looks at the minotaur. The minotaur lifts the axe and swings to the dragon. Spike quickly rolls on the ground and breathes fire at his tail. The minotaur yelps and quickly takes off the fire. Spike sees the chance and breathes a big fire. The minotaur has no time to react, he takes the fire directly and jumps out of the arena. The medical team has put out the fire as the minotaur. The referee waves the class and announces, "The winner is number 13." Spike steps down and receives a hug from Twilight, "You did it, Spike. I thought you would be crushed by that minotaur." "Yeah," Rainbow Dash punches at his shoulder lightly, "I thought you can't take that minotaur due to your size." Spike gives Rainbow a smug, "At least I am taller than you, Rainbow Dash," Rainbow glares at him. Spike looks around and sees Sunset is reading the book. Spike walks to the orange dragon, "Really, you don't even watch the fight?" "Nah," Sunset waves her claw, "I will be surprised if that minotaur wins though." Then the orange dragon takes out the paper, "Anyway, you two have to pass this round. Only eight competitors passed this round." Twilight and Spike look at each other and feel that something is not right. Sunset continues, "Anyway, you two have to pass this round or I will put you through crueler training." The purple duo gulps when they hear that. Pinkie jumps in front of the orange dragon and yells at her, "Hey, don't be too strict. Those two just joined this competition for the first time. You shouldn't set that goal." Sunset pats Pinkie's head, making her giggle as she enjoys the pat. "You know, those competitors are the ones I can check my progress in the training." Then the orange dragon sees Coral, "Okay, we got a skipping work captain inside this building." "Anyway," Rainbow flies behind the orange dragon, "If I join this competition, I can be in the final," "Wrong," Sunset retorts, "You will be out in this round. No offense." "Hey," Rainbow glares at her, "Why did you say that?" Sunset closes the book and looks at the cyan pegasus, "I ask you a question: Do you ever come to a real fight?" Rainbow Dash rubs her chin, "Yeah, when I fought against the bully to protect the pegasus." "That's just a bully. Not a real opponent." Sunset stands up, "Anyway, just wait for Twilight to fight. Let's see how she can handle that."Rainbow Dash huffs and turns to the arena to see more fights. The guard calls Twilight's number, which makes her feel nervous. Twilight steps up and doesn't see her opponent anywhere. Rainbow Dash sticks her eyes to her friend to see The referee waving his flag to start the battle. Twilight raises her hoof to retorts, "Hey! Where is my opponent? I didn't see them?" The referee explains, "What are you saying? She is here with you." Twilight looks around and doesn't see her opponent. Suddenly, a force lifts her up then slams her down, making her cough. Twilight keeps looking around to see her opponent, but a force right on her chin makes her fly up and lie on the ground. Standing up and feeling panic, Twilight doesn't know where her opponent is. Rainbow is confused too and she asks, "Where is her opponent? Is she using something to make her invisible?" "No," Sunset laughs, "I am surprised to see this one though. Let's see how Twilight can handle her." Many 'invisible' punches hit Twilight a lot. Twilight lightens her horn and starts firing the blast. but no effect. She looks at Sunset. The orange dragon points at her claw. Twilight is confused but a punch at her chest causes her to lie down. Twilight closes her eyes and feels small energy is coming to her. Twilight quickly grabs it by her front hoof and locks it in place. When she opens her eyes, she is surprised when her opponent is too small. The purple unicorn quickly throws it away out of the arena. The referee sees that and waves the flag, "The winner is number 44." Twilight takes a look at the energy. It reveals at a breezie, the one she only hears in the book. "You okay?" "I'm fine," The breezie flies up, "I thought I would become a champion but look like I have to stop here." Then she looks at the purple unicorn, "Good work, I will be looking for a rematch." Then the breezie flies away. Twilight walks to the orange dragon with several bruises as Sunset gives her a smirk, "Surprised?" "Yes," Twilight nods, "I never think that I see a breezie in my life," "What is a breezie?" Rainbow Dash asks, "Is that the thing you just fought before?" Twilight starts to explain, "Breezie is a very small creature in the Equestria. Some of the rumors said that they don't want to meet any creature." "Bet that she gives you a hard fight right?" Sunset smiles, "Well, looks like a hard competitor is out. This round is yours." "Are you sure?" Spike rubs his head, "I am still terrified when fighting that minotaur." Then he received a knock on his head, making Twilight giggle. Spike sits down, "Now I have to take a rest," but the guard call his number and he whines, "Oh come on, let me take a rest," "Not at all," Sunset is using the healing spell on Twilight, "You should get used to it," then she stands up, " I will watch other competitors see if they have a good one for you." and the orange dragon goes away. Sunset is going across the room. When one of the guards says, "Number 50, win.", the orange takes a look at it and sees a mare is wearing the ninja costume, she is standing in front of a fainted Diamond Dog. Sunset just shakes her head and keeps going. Bull and Feather are taking down their opponents while Spirit is fighting against a pony. After two hours, the round is over and eight competitors are standing in front of the guard. The guard announces that they will fight in the big arena tomorrow. Twilight and Spike feel nervous while Bull and Feather are very excited, while others just stay in shame, then all of them walk out of the arena to prepare tomorrow. The trio is going back to the library. Twilight and Spike are still nervous about tomorrow because the guard said that they will fight in the big arena, which means they will be watched by thousands of creatures. Sunset just gives them smugs and keeps walking. When they reach Ponyville, they see Applebloom is standing on the ball and performing with the circle metal. Twilight and Spike are surprised when the yellow fillies have a cutie mark while Sunset just looks at the cutie mark, then she just walks to the library. Spike yells, "Hey, why don't you celebrate Applebloom for having her cutie mark?" Sunset turns to him, "No need to celebrate because it's just an illusion." then she keeps walking to the library, leaving the purple duo in confusion. When Sunset just comes back to the library, Rarity and Flora are inside the library, making the orange dragon shake her head. Sunset just sits next to them and enjoys the tea. Sunset looks at those two, "What are you two doing here? Practice breaking someone's door?" "Flora did it," Rarity points at the actress, " She knows how to use the lockpick. But anyway, I got a fashion show in Canterlot, do you want to come?" "I'll pass," Sunset sips the tea, "You know I am not the one who enjoys fashion. Heck, I have never done makeup in my life." Rarity grasps, "Really?" Sunset nods and Rarity looks close into her face, it doesn't have any acne, which makes Rarity feel a little bit jealous, "How can you make your face clean even if you don't use any makeup?" "Lava bathing I guess." Sunset rubs her head, "Honestly, I just don't care about my face or not." Rarity just silents as she doesn't want to bathe in lava while Flora just giggles, The earth pony asks, "So, where are you three going this morning? I didn't find you three here." Sunset leans on the sofa, "Well, we were going to Diamond Dog mine to participate in the arena." Rarity grapes, "You mean those ruthless dogs that capture me?" Sunset nods and Rarity faints. Sunset sighs, "That is expected." Then the orange dragon carries her to her boutique to take her home. The orange dragon puts her on the sofa and walks out, leaving the white unicorn alone in her house. Sunset then looks at Flora, "Sorry, I'm not talking with the fake one." "What do you mean?" Flora waves her hoof to retort, "I'm a real one, not an imposter you know." "I didn't tell you that you are an imposter," Sunset punches at Flora's head as Flora slams into the tree. When the earth pony slams into the tree, she turns into the smoke and disappears. Sunset huffs, "That for sending a clone" Flora rubs her head as she is feeling the smash of Sunset even though it is not the real one. Now, the ninja is walking home with Coral. Coral looks at Flora, "What's wrong?" "Sunset knows that I use my clone," Flora huffs, "Can't anything past her eyes?" "I don't know." The captain shakes her head, "But the good news is that she can craft the sword. Now, that dragon wants to make a special sword." "Special sword?" Flora rubs her chin, "You mean the sword can cast any element of magic?" "No," Coral shakes her head, "She wants a sword that can't kill anyone but enough to make them faint." "That... is an impossible one. All the weapons made to kill," The duo walk for a moment until two timberwolves are standing their way. Flora takes out a sword, "We will talk about that after the arena. Now, I want to fight against one of these two, Twilight or Spike." "Sure," Coral puts the halberd to her hoof, "Don't give them mercy, I will enjoy your fight." The timberwolves are charging at them. Flora smiles, "Who knows? I will enjoy the fight with those two." The sword is on fire as the timberwolves are quickly stepping back. The duo charges at the timberwolves without fear. Twilight and Spike are coming back to the library after solving Applebloom's problem. Without Noleg, they don't even know that Applebloom is using a potion to make her have the cutie mark. When the purple duo is going inside, they see Sunset is reading the book. The purple duo sits next to the orange dragon and Noleg jumps on Twilight's belly to enjoy her fur. Spike giggles, "Look like he is very like you." Twilight rolls her eyes and she is taking the book. A knock on the door interrupts them. "Coming," Spike goes to open the door and sees Bull and Feather are standing in front of the library. Spike rubs his head, "What are you doing here?" Bull smiles, "Me and my friend want to battle with the champion once," Sunset puts down the book, "Why do you want to battle with me?" Feather sighs, "Because I don't know how to fight in tomorrow. I am so nervous when thinking about fighting under a lot of audience eyes." "I see." Sunset folds her claw, "But that problem can't help in a battle. So I have to deny it." "Please, I want to spar with you to see what I miss." Feather says in a sad tone, "I joined this arena for 4 years but I never step on the quarter-final." "I see." Sunset stands up, "Meet me tomorrow morning. I will see your problem." "Thank you." Feather smiles, "I'm appreciated."