//------------------------------// // Act 16: Renshū // Story: The Eight-Six Duo // by Fujimi200SX //------------------------------// I don't deserve this. Takumi thought. Even if I do deserve it, I don't like it. What the hell did I do to deserve it? "Takumi?" Luna quietly asked. Takumi didn't do or say anything. "I know this is a touchy subject, but we have to know. And please, answer truthfully." "..." "Have you... had suicidal thoughts?" Takumi could feel both sisters shudder at the question. He never thought anyone who had lived a millennium would have such emotion. Much less towards him. "Well... I can't say I haven't had them," he answered. He felt the sisters wince. "I've had them a couple times so far. Except I don't know if I'd ever be able to actually do it." "Takumi... please, if you need anything, somepony to talk to, perhaps somepony you can keep secrets with," "Or if you simply need a hug," Celestia added. "We are both here for you. We care about you." "I know you do. But... I just... hm..." Takumi didn't know what to say. They once again sat in silence. It was terrifying in a way. Anything could happen. "Where's Cadance?" Takumi asked. "I believe she is in her room." Celestia replied. "Mm..." EEEEEEEE! A yellow Mazda FD3S flashed in front of his eyes, drifting as if it were going around a hairpin before disappearing. Screw it. Might as well ask. He thought. "Do we have Elysiums?" The sisters were surprised at the sudden question. "Yes. Alicorns do. Why?" Celestia asked. "What can we do with them?" "Well, we can do about whatever we want," Luna explained. "We could create an entire fantasy world, all without affecting the real world. Mostly." Takumi sat silent, taking in the information. "Hm." "Any particular reason why you asked?" "I mean... hmm..." He sighed. "It's gotten so boring. I don't like sitting around. I wanna do something." "What would you like to do?" "Well, at night I would run Tofu Deliveries. During the day I moved packages around. At least, I did back in-" He paused for a second. "...m-my world..." "Ah. So you are solely a delivery boy." "Used to be. Now I don't run anything. Sore wa totemo taikutsudesu..." "Um..." The sisters looked at each other, wondering what the hay Takumi just said. "What was that?" Luna asked. "What was what?"- "That language. Is that from your world?" "Oh. Sorry. That was Japanese. I said 'It's so boring'." "Huh. How interesting." Takumi settled further into the pillow. It felt nice. Elysium... He thought. I'm not religious by any means, but I know that people of immortality chosen by gods were sent there. Supposedly. Is this Elysium? I mean, I'm immortal, and this place does seem to be some sort of paradise. But... I just... no. It can't be Elysium. It can't be... He could barely think straight. Too many things were going on. He was some kind of god, in a different world, he was immortal, all of which he did not want. Or deserve. He didn't know when, but his vision went dark after some time. "WOOOHOOOO! GO RAINBOW DASH AND SCOOTALOO!" Itsuki watched the 60s Open Wheeler rocket by at 30MPH, stupid fast for a homemade go-kart powered by electricity, and cheered as Scootaloo flew through the central intersection. He also watched as Rarity and Sweetie Belle rolled by in a swan-kart, Rarity rather rudely blocking the ENTIRE ROAD with a pair of swan wings. Also Rarity was driving for some reason. Last he checked, the kids were meant to drive. Not the adults. The same was happening with AppleJack and Apple Bloom. They were in an 'Old Fashioned' kart that had wooden wheels, a shoddy design, and was horrendously slow. He could have pushed his 86 as fast as it even as a human. Judging by the look on both Apple Bloom's and Sweetie Belle's faces, neither were having a good time. The derby had been going on for a little while now, ten to fifteen minutes maybe, with Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash leading the race by a full two laps. It was expected considering the latter of the two had built a kart specifically designed with speed in mind. The other racers had built theirs to be generalist cars. Like they were trying to win multiple medals. Scootaloo steered the kart through a chicane while Rainbow Dash watched the wheels. She was impressed at how the wheels were effectively riveted to the kart, with zero amount of play in them. "Hey Scoots, try drifting through this next corner!" Dash yelled. "Drift?!" "Steer right, then hard left! Get ready to countersteer! DON'T BRAKE!" "Oh! Alright! If you say so!" Scootaloo put the accelerator to the floor as they approached a hard left corner. Ponies cheered but grew alarmed at her speed, some even began running out of the way. Dirt flew high as Scootaloo swerved right. She then threw the steering wheel left which offset the Kart's balance and caused the rear to lose traction and kick out. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash screamed as they skidded towards the outside. A pony sitting on one of the haybales fell over backward as the rear of the kart came inches from the haybales. The kart regained traction and flew out of the corner at speed. "Holy crap did you see that!?" One pony asked. "I think they were trying to kill me!" The pony who fell over exclaimed. "Wooohooo! Great job Scootaloo!" Dash yelled. "That was awesome!" Scootaloo yelled back. "LAST LAP FOR SCOOTALOO AND RAINBOW DASH!" Cheerilee yelled through a megaphone. "LAST LAP FOR SCOOTALOO AND RAINBOW DASH!" "Oh shoot seriously!?" Dash yelled. Itsuki was surprised. They were leading by a full THREE laps now! "Good god they're really bookin' it!" Scootaloo, feeling confident, drifted through another corner. Both she and Dash laughed and the crowd cheered as the kart slid sideways and exited the corner with speed, passing another racer. The crowd loved the way Scootaloo handled the kart through the corners, loving how she specifically cost her time to have fun. It was great. "GO GO GO! YOU CAN DO IT!" Itsuki yelled as the pegasi rocketed past him. Scootaloo and Dash grinned as they flew through the central intersection, other racers zooming by in other directions. "AND SCOOTALOO AND RAINBOW DASH TAKE FIRST PLACE!" Cheerilee yelled as they flew across the finish line. "WOOOHOOO!" Itsuki yelled as he unfurled his wings and flew across the makeshift track, he'd been practicing flying and was able to keep stable in the air, over towards the pegasi as they pulled off the road and jumped out. "Nice job you two!" He congratulated as he landed. "That felt GOOD!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Drifting around those corners like a maniac felt WAY better than getting Most Creative! Ohhhh I wanna do it again!" "I'm sure it did! Nice driving." Dash said. "Thanks!" "Hey, maybe next year I could join in," Itsuki suggested. "Maybe you could. Except you'd need a-" CRASH!!! Everything stopped as the thunderous sound of splintering wood and crackling electricity filled the air. Everypony's attention shot to the intersection to find a large cloud of dust that slowly dissipated to reveal a MASSIVE wreck between every other racer on the field. "Holy shit!" Itsuki yelled in surprise, earning several glares from nearby ponies. Within seconds, an American-styled Ambulance pulled in next to the wreckage and a few paramedics began helping the racers out. "Sweet Celestia..." Dash slowly said. "A few seconds earlier and we would have been in that crash... N-Not that it would have damaged us or anything. We're pretty resilient to pain. But our kart would have gotten destroyed..." Itsuki stared off at the crash, taking a step back as the racers climbed out of their karts. "I'm gonna need a phone..." "Mm..." Takumi rubbed his eyes and sat upon his bed, looking around. "Wait a minute." He looked and saw that he was still an Alicorn, but now in his room. His room. The one on the second floor of Fujiwara Tofu Shop. His eyes darted around. Everything was exactly as he left it when he went to challenge Nightmare Moon to a battle. "Holy shit..." He noticed his phone on the nightstand, a silver Nokia 2110, and experimentally grabbed it with magic. It surprisingly levitated into the air. Seeing this, he hovered it in front of him and turned it on. 86 Missed Calls "Damn..." BANG! The clattering of dishes came from downstairs. Takumi decided to put the phone in his pocket and climb off the bed, making sure not to disturb anything that would suggest someone had been there as he exited the room and walked down the stairs. He glanced at the living room. It was your typical Japanese 90s middle-class living room. A short coffee table with a Television in the corner, with a few shelves containing various items. Suddenly, the phone began ringing. Not his. A white phone on the wall. He just about screamed when an old Japanese man walked into the room. The man wore everyday attire and was in his 40s, with his eyelids so closed it was an enigma as to how he could see. The man picked up the phone. "Fujiwara Tofu Shop. ... Oh, it's you. No, I still haven't seen him." Takumi felt his heart instantly begin to ache. "Bunta..." He mumbled. "No. Nothing. I haven't seen the car anywhere." Bunta waited for a reply from whoever he was talking to. "Every lot?" Takumi got closer, straining himself to hear whoever was on the other end. "Every lot." A man on the other end replied. He sounded like he was in his forties. "Me and my colleagues have checked every AE86 in Japan and even China. None of them is yours." "Masashi Suzuki..." Takumi slowly said. Bunta sighed. "That boy..." "Bunta, you and I have been hoping beyond hope that he's ok. That he's just run off and hid somewhere." Masashi began. "But I'm sorry, I think It's time we start considering the possibility that he's-" "It's not like him to run off." Bunta interrupted. "I've been in contact with everyone he and I know. We and the police have scanned every last bit of Kanto and Nagano and haven't found a single sign of him. Not a single record of him leaving by rail, air, or water has been documented. Something's wrong. Something else has to be happening." "What are you suggesting? The supernatural?" Bunta let out an angry sigh. "I don't know. It's a little early for that. Just like It's a little early for you to be giving up on the search." "How? We have the best investigators in Japan on this. And with not a single sign? Not even Sherlock Holmes could find Takumi with this lack of a lead." "It hasn't even been a week. I won't let all those years of training him to be the fastest driver in the world go to waste. If he really is gone, then damn it if I don't try to do something about it." A glimmer of hope rose in Takumi but fell when he remembered his situation. No amount of technology Japan or his entire world had would help find him. A sigh came from Masashi. "Alright, fine. I wasn't going to give up you know. I was just saying that we should consider the possibility." "Yeah yeah, sure. Listen, I gotta get back to work, alright?" "Alright. See you later." Bunta hung the phone back on the wall. He put his hands to his sides, looking at the ground. "That boy... something's wrong. He couldn't have disappeared like this without something else being at play. Another factor." He shook his head. "Maybe I am suggesting the supernatural. Except I-" he paused before quietly mumbling the following words, breathing shaky. "If he is gone..." He balled his fists. "Hmph. No. He's alive. I know he is. Just gotta find out where." Takumi watched as his father walked through a curtain and into the shop, hearing him greet a customer. He smiled. A juvenile Luna lay in front of Takumi, watching him sleep. A piece of paper with some writing sat on the bed next to her. "Takumiii..." she cooed when she saw him stir. "Mmm..." She gently booped the white Alicorn on the nose as his eyes slowly fluttered open. "Oh... hey Luna." "Hewwo." Takumi's tilted his head. "Wait what did you just say?" Luna giggled. "Hello, sleepyhead." "Oh." Takumi yawned. "Hi. H-How long was I out?" "Thirty-Two minutes." "Really?" "Mhm. After eleven minutes, my sister left to attend to her duties. After sixteen, you started mumbling." Takumi smirked and sat up. "Did I?" Luna did the same and nodded. "I began writing your mumbles down, but I do not think I got the wording right. You were speaking in your language. The only thing I understood was 'Suzuki Tahda-... tah...da..." "Tadashi. I said Masashi Suzuki. Sorry." "Hm." She tilted her head in wonder. "What were you dreaming about?" Takumi smiled. "I was dreaming about my father." "Your father? Bunta, right?" "Mhm. It was one of those weird... dreams where I'm some invisible being looking at my world. Happening in real-time." "Hm. How interesting. I sensed that you were in a dream, but I refrained from entering because it felt... odd." "Wha-do-you mean?" "It felt... unstable, but stable at the same time. I cannot quite explain it. I have never seen or felt it before." "That's... hm." "So, what happened? What was your father doing?" Takumi sighed. "He was on a call with Masashi. A friend of his. Apparently they've got the best investigators in Japan looking for me." Luna quietly gasped. "Oh no..." Takumi's ears drooped. "They've searched every bit of both Kanto and Nagano, and they've looked at every single 86 in all of Japan and even China to try and locate mine." He sighed. "I wish I could just... tell them." "So do I." "Mm... but..." He smiled. "My father still believes he'll find me. And I don't know why, but I have this weird feeling that he will." "Really?" "Yeah. Really. My former boss, Yuichi, always said that I was just like my father. Stubborn. And with the kind of BS my father has been able to pull sometimes, he just might find me." Luna laughed. "Stubborn. An interesting trait. Did anything else happen?" "No. My room was the same, exactly how I left it when I went to battle Nightmare Moon, so... yeah." "Hm." There was silence. Takumi stared at the bedsheets while Luna stared at Takumi. Her eyes drifted down to the clipboard, written with mostly jumbles of letters she had solely written based on what she had heard. It felt weird to write such near-deplorable inscriptions. Knowing this, she had an idea. "Takumi?" Their eyes met each other. "Hm?" "You said you wanted something to do, right?" "Yeah. I did." "Well... could you please teach me your language?" Takumi was surprised. "Teach you... my language?" "Yes. Teach me how to speak in Japanese. It might prove interesting and possibly a little fun to speak to each other in a language unknown to Ponykind." "So... well, the thing is, I don't think I'm the greatest teacher." "I am sure you will do well. You do know your language and its Equish counterparts, after all." "I... guess I do." Luna nodded. "Now, the first thing I want to know is, how would I say... 'I will be unavailable for tonight'?" "... Kon'ya wa go riyō itadakemasen." Luna sat more dumbfounded than she had ever been in her life. What in Equestria did she just hear? "Oh my gosh..." She slowly said. "Yeahhh... you haven't learned a new language before, have you?" "I have. I had to learn new Ponish. Thankfully it was not very different from old Equestrian." "Ok, is it Ponish or Equestrian?" "Both." "...oh." "It confused me too. Anyways, you are... alright with teaching me, right? I do not want to be a burden on you." Takumi sighed. "It is not like I have anything better to do. And as you said, it may be fun." Luna giggled. "It seems my speech may be rubbing off on you." "Hehe, yeah, I guess it is." I can't believe I am going to be teaching someone, especially a freaking Princess, the Japanese Language. He thought. "Anyways, let us begin." 6:56PM, Circuit Of Equestria 20 Corners, 3.426 Miles in Length, 30 Minutes from Seaddle, the Circuit of Equestria sat in a field near the gorgeous Rocky Mountains. Though it wasn't the most popular circuit around despite its name, it still gained top ten in the most visited circuits of Equestria. Tires squealed as cars hammered around corners, all of different makes and models. It mostly consisted of Honda CIvics ranging from the EG to EK series, though other cars such as a fifth-generation Corvette and a Lancer Evo VI were there. Among this small fleet of amateurs, one car rocketed around the track faster than any of them. A purple Nissan S14 Silvia Autech. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The car gripped around a right curve, its engine revving loudly as it passed a Lancer Evo and braked, swerving into a left corner. The Evo followed it through, even catching up on the exit. However, the S14 was focused on the track and not the Evo. The S14 braked and easily lost the Evo through the corner, using advanced slip angle technique to carry speed through the corner before exiting. The Evo, try as it might, could not follow the S14 through and ended up spinning out. A minute later, the S14 pulled into the pit lane, stopping. Spitfire, who was wearing her Wonderbolt outfit and goggles, got out. "So THIS is where you've been all day." A male voice said. Spitfire looked up to see Soarin and Thunderlane flying overhead. "Spitfire, this is why you gave the Wonderbolts a day off?" Thunderlane asked as he and Soarin landed. "Yep." Spitfire grabbed some jackstands and lifted the S14 off the ground. "I think you're taking this race a bit too seriously." "I'm just leveling the playing field is all." She began changing out a tire. Soarin was surprised. "Leveling the playing field? You're practicing professional techniques. The kid may be fast but he's still a kid." "Well excuse me for wanting to practice without screwing over my reputation as the Captain of the Wonderbolts. Where else could I practice?" "..." "Exactly." "So uh, what time did you say it was gonna be at? The race?" "Twenty-Two Hundred tonight." "Oh." "Anyways." Spitfire lowered the S14 onto the asphalt. "I gotta get training." With that, she got back the S14 and sped back out onto the track. Thunderlane was the first to speak as they watched the S14 rocket around the first turn. "Well then." "Maybe I should have brought my Mustang," Soarin said. "Same for my E30. I can't believe Spitfire is taking this as seriously as she is." "Well, he was pretty fast. To be honest, I wonder if... if... wait..." "What?" "Remember Itsuki?" "Yeah? Wait... holy crap- wait a minute!" "Two? TWO!? I just now clocked that we have TWO new Alicorns. Both of em' Stallions, both of em' stupid young! One of which is into freaking STREET RACING! How could Celestia allow this?!" "How come two TEENAGERS get to be Alicorns? Not US!?" "We're gonna need to tell Spitfire next time she changes her tires." Spitfire shifted gears as fast as she could through Turn 2, a right sweeping curve, instantly passing a Civic. What is it with ponies using Civic's? She wondered. I get that they're cheap and the engines are indestructible but there are plenty of RWD cars that you could get for almost as cheap. Can they really not shell out an extra hundred bits? She guided the car through turns 3,4, and 5, which went left, right, then left respectively. She then followed the Evo from before into Turn Six, a hard left turn that diverted from the rest of the track, sticking half a car's length behind as they exited. "Come on! I'm in an Evo!" The driver of the Evo yelled. "How can I be getting served by some dumpy S14?!" Spitfire said nothing as she steered towards the inside of turns 7 and 8, a left-right chicane. The Evo braked too late and understeered, allowing her to pass it through the chicane with minimal effort. "Hmmm..." She steered through Turn 9, a left corner, accelerating out. "I wonder if Takumi and Itsuki are related..." Her speed increased past 100MPH down a straightaway. "I mean, both are Alicorns." The brake rotors lit up as she entered Turn 10, a hard left. "Both own Sprinters." EEEEEEEEEEEEE! "It would make sense. Especially considering their names." She instantly passed a Corvette on the outside and began accelerating again. "And they share pretty similar designs too... Huh. I'll need to ask Takumi at tonight's race." She accelerated hard towards Turn 13, narrowing her eyes. "Whether they're related or not, Takumi is my opponent tonight. And I ain't gonna go easy on him." The S14 lurched as it was thrown into a hard right corner, breaking into a full-blown powerslide. Hours later, the same S14 powerslid around a hairpin on a mountain, accelerating out like a rocket. Soarin watched as Spitfire passed by, stopping a stopwatch in hoof. His jaw dropped as he read the time. He picked up a radio. "Spitfire's going INSANE on the downhill!" He yelled, taking off. "It's only her first run and look at her!" "I see her!" A fellow Wonderbolt replied. "Sweet Celestia! What kind of car is she going up against tonight?" Soarin chuckled. "Even if I was allowed to tell you, you would NOT believe me." "Well, that concludes it." Itsuki watched as Twilight put a few pieces of paper in a bag. "Thanks Itsuki. For telling me about your world." "No problem." He replied. "You have no idea how hard it was to not talk about cars." "Hey, I'm still interested about the fact that our worlds have the same cars. The companies, individual models, even trim levels. So the next time we talk, feel free to talk about the cars of your world." "Well you still have a few manufacturers I've never heard of. Like Ibishu and Civetta." "True." Itsuki stared at the friendship map in silence. For the past couple of hours, he had been giving Twilight as much information as he could. He didn't mind. Rainbow Dash was hanging out with Scootaloo so it wasn't like he was doing anything. Suddenly, he felt something ricochet throughout his body. "Woah..." "What?" Itsuki looked up at a window. "I just got this weird feeling. This weird... nerveracking feeling." "About what?" "Like a big race is about to happen." Twilight quickly sat next to him. "A race? What do you mean?" Don't tell me ITSUKI has some kind of Pinkie Sense! She thought. "Every time a big race happened back in my world, I always somehow knew. Even when it was in a completely different prefecture. I don't mean with just anyone. I mean Project D." "Project D?" "Really awesome racing team that Takumi was in." "Oh. Wait... so Project D is here?" "No. Just Takumi I think." There was silence as Twilight stared at him. Mometns later, a paper and quill magically appeared next to her. "Dear Princess Luna," Luna began reading aloud. "Where is Takumi right now?" She smiled as she began writing back. "Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle. Takumi Fujiwara is currently taking a shower. He has been for the past hour now." She swiftly replied. Once she sent it, she laid back in the soft and fluffy bed, letting out a sigh of happiness. I shant believe it. She thought. Tonight, I am going to watch Takumi go all out in a real street race. A REAL street race. With Captain Spitfire of all ponies! I had a sneaking suspicion she would be the kind to race, especially after seeing she had an S14, but I never thought half of the Wonderbolts would race! And her saying they raced because it improved their reflexes, that is genius! She looked at the bathroom door, barely holding in her smile. "One of these night-... One of these nights-" Knock Knock Knock Luna sat up and looked at the door. "Yes?" "Sister? Can we talk for a moment?" Celestia's voice rang out from the other side. "Of course." Luna got off the bed and trotted to the door, opening and walking out of the room to find Celestia standing there. "What is it?" Celestia sighed. "I was just wondering what you two have been doing. I never saw you anywhere around the castle since I left you with him several hours ago." Luna bit her lip as she smiled. "What?" Here we go. Luna thought. "Takumi wa watashi ni nihongo o oshiete kuremashita." NAILED IT! Celestia's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she tried to process what she had just heard come out of her sister's mouth. "Uh-... uh... W-What in Equestria did you just say?" Luna giggled. "Takumi wa watashi ni nihongo o oshiete kuremashita." Celestia was one the verge of short circuiting. "Wh-... whaa?" Luna laughed. Seeing Celestia so dumbfounded was adorable! "Luna, what in Equestria are you saying? It certainly isn't Old Ponish." "That is none of your concern, sister." She playfully replied. She sighed. "We have been talking with each other. I have been comforting him." "... Well, where is he now?" "In the shower. He has been for the past hour now." "Oh. Why?" "That I do not know. But I do know what happened after he fell asleep." "Oh?" "He was in his world. As a pony. He watched his father talk with someone named Masashi Suzuki." "Interesting name." Luna nodded. "They have all the best investigators in Japan searching for both him and his car." A sense of worry crossed Celestia's face. "Yeah... I understood the futility in the investigation as well. Though, his father is still holding onto the possibility that he will find Takumi. Even when Masashi said he was not. Takumi said he had a feeling Bunta was going to find him, somehow, so there is something to note." "Hm. Anything else?" "Well... there is one other thing about Takumi I feel you should know..." "And what is that?" Luna glanced around before beckoning Celestia to lean in closer. The elder sister happily obliged, and within a moment they were inches from each other. Celestia was confused. She thought Luna was going to whisper into her ear. "He. Is. Sooo-" She closed her eyes and began tapping her hooves rapidly. "-oooooo SAHFT!" Her eyes shot open as she stopped tapping. Celestia was momentarily surprised before smiling. "How soft are we talking?" She whispered. "You would not believe me." Celestia leaned in a little closer. "Try me." "Softer than you and I." Celestia leaned back in surprise. "You're right. I do not believe you. And how do you know this?" "The other day when we covered Day Court, I hugged him from behind to snap him out of his trance. And when he was asleep earlier, I rubbed his fur a little. I really am not kidding when I say he is softer than both of us." Celestia looked around, biting her lip. She looked back at Luna. "Then perhaps tonight we should invite him for a little... Royal Meeting?" Luna giggled. "Just between the three of us?" "Just between the three of us~" Luna let out a small mewl. "Now." Celestia leaned back. "When shall we do it?" "I wish we could do it right now. However, me and Takumi are going somewhere. We must be somewhere at Ten." "Ten? Where are you going?" "I was going to show him a little thing in Manehattan. A small event." "Just the two of you?" "He wanted it that way." Celestia stared at Luna before lightly nodding. "Very well. Though if you are going to Manehattan, I would leave..." She eyed a nearby clock. "Now actually." Luna eyed the same clock, putting on a concerned face. "Yes. Once he gets out we will have to 'book it' as some ponies would say." "Hm. So. Once you get back..." Luna locked eyes with Celestia. "Then we can invite him to the Royal Meeting." She playfully cooed. The sisters giggled at that. "Well. In that case, I hope you two have fun at Manehattan." "Thank you, sister. I am sure we will have fun." With that, Celestia left with a smile on her face. Luna reentered Takumi's room and jumped onto the bed, also with a smile. I cannot believe it! She internally yelled. My sister is going to help me with getting Takumi to participate in a bit of... of... Her thoughts trailed off as she looked at the time. "Oh... now that I think about it, we really are going to need to book it there. And the tires are not going to like that... Hm. 'Book it'. I wonder when that popped up in speech." "Why do I have to be such a towel..." Takumi asked nobody as he tried to dry himself off. "I never thought I would ever say something like that. Then again, I never thought I would become a god either, so there's that." It was about ten minutes before he said 'Screw It' and threw in the towel and put his sweater on. It took a moment, but he got it on. Walking out of the bathroom, he immediately saw Luna... hugging a pillow? He wanted to say something, but seeing Luna hugging the pillow in the way she was. She was sitting upright and was gently caressing it. Petting it. Eyes closed with a warm smile on her face. She looked so beautiful. Not to mention adorable. A warm smile crept up his own face as he stepped closer to the bed. Both because of Luna, and a lingering thought he had. Why is it that nobody seems to notice me? After sitting next to the bed, watching Luna caress the white pillow and admittedly wanting her to do the same to him, he decided to see how far he could push his luck. He gently put his forehooves on the bed, then got his hind hooves on it, and scooted over to her. He wanted her to hug him. He really did. The way she gently moved her hooves over the pillow was enticing. He wanted it. Badly. He was no more than a foot away when he reached out and touched her hoof. "EEP!" Luna's eyes shot open and instantly locked onto his own. She had squeaked. She. SQUEAKED. LIKE A TOY. IT WAS FREAKING ADORABLE. Takumi sat stunned for a second before biting his lower lip and cringing. The look of sheer shock and embarrassment was adorable. He never thought he would ever see someone with as high of a stature as her be so surprised. They sat for the better part of half a minute before Takumi opened his mouth. Even with the time that elapsed, Luna's blush was turning redder than 255 0 0 on the RGB meter. "Hello." Luna stared for another few seconds before quickly shaking her head. "Um... hi." "Did I scare you?" "Um... uh..." She looked at the pillow and back. "I was just so... into this..." "How can you be into a pillow?" "Um... I just... like things that are soft... and fluffy..." "You like things... that are soft and fluffy... ohhhhkayyy then." He looked at the clock and saw something that made his ears drop faster than a gearshift. 9:35PM "I was not in there for an hour and a half." Luna regained her composure. "You were" "I was not..." "You were though." Takumi took a long deep breath in, holding for a split second before letting it out. "In my defense... the water felt really good..." "Did it now?" Takumi sighed, closing his eyes. "I cannot believe I spent an hour and a half in there... And I was supposed to be-" His eyes flew open and his pupils shrunk, ears threatening to snap off. Ace - Turn Me On starts playing. "We gotta go." "What?" Takumi jumped off the bed. "We gotta go! Come on!" He ran towards the window and pushed it open. Without missing a beat, he unfurled his wings and took off outside and down towards his 86. Luna looked up at the time and remembered what they were supposed to be doing tonight. They were supposed to be at a race! AT TEN! AND MOUNT BOLT WAS HALF AN HOUR AWAY! "Oh shoot- we really do need to go!" She quickly used her magic to teleport herself out of the room and next to Takumi's 86 just as the teen got in and started the engine. She turned into her juvenile form and got in and slammed the door shut just as Takumi put the 86 into reverse and slowly rolled out of the lot, keeping the revs under 2K RPM. The gate automatically opened to let them out. "Woah," Takumi said as they sped through Canterlot. He noticed how well the tires gripped the road. "Did you put new tires on?" "Yes. I did." Luna replied, scared of the fact that they were in the city, speeding. "Well, I did not, but I requested that somepony did so." "Huh. What kinds?" "Um... softs I think. But I am sure we could stop by Ponyville and quickly pick up a set." "Softs... perfect. I can do softs." Suddenly, he hit the accelerator hard, throwing Luna back into her seat. "Luna, close your eyes. I'm gonna go down Akina at 90%." Luna saw the approaching corner and immediately did so, doing her best to block out the G-Forces. EEEEEEEEEEE! A lime green two-tone 1988 Nissan S13 Silvia K's drifted slowly around a left corner, fishtailing a little as it accelerated down a straightaway. At the wheel sat a Japanese man in his early 20s. In the passenger seat, another man in his early 20s. "Hmmhmmhmhm..." The driver hummed as he approached a right corner. The corner suddenly began lighting up. The men was surprised. "Huh. That's odd." The driver said. "I didn't know any of the other members were up here." "Maybe someone wanted to get some extra practice in?" The passenger suggested. "I mean, we're up here already." "Yeah, but I'm the leader of the SpeedStar's and you're my-" EEEEEEEEE! "WHAT THE HELL!!?" They both screamed as a car with retractable headlights FLEW around the corner ahead, inside to outside and heading straight towards them. "IT'S AN EIGHT-SIX!!" The driver yelled as he slammed on the brakes, the AE86 Trueno swerving into the left lane and passing them with mere centimeters to spare. On its right door, they could both clearly make out the Japanese Kanji. Fujiwara Tofu Shop (Private Use) The S13 slid to a stop sideways in the middle of the road, both looking off at the AE86 as it sped away, taillights stalling as it disappeared around a corner. "Takumi?" They both asked in unison. The AE86 entered a right hairpin, slowing and performing an elegant slip-angle drift around the inside, shooting out like a rocket. RingRIngRing! RingRingRing! Yuichi Tachibana lit a cigarette as he answered the corded phone. "Hello?" A second later, he nearly choked on the cigarette. "YOU WHAT!?" Koichiro Iketani drove at the highest speed he dared on the Mount Akina Downhill, head tilted to push his phone into his shoulder. "We just saw him! Carbon Hood, the side lettering, Watanabe Wheels, the freaking LICENSE PLATE?! WE FOUND HIM! HE'S ON THE AKINA DOWNHILL!" "Holy shi-! Uh- Be right there! I'll call Bunta!" Without wasting a beat, Yuichi hung up and turned off the Gas Station's lights. He ran out front and jumped into his black 1994 Toyota Camry V40 and started the engine, quickly pulling out of the gas station parking lot. The AE86 continued flying down the Akina Downhill, passing a few members of the Akina SpeedStars who promptly stopped in surprise of seeing the missing White Ghost. With no cars ahead of him, Takumi braked and drifted into a left hairpin, cherishing how well the tires gripped the road. "Was this road just paved or something?" He asked. "Y-Yes. It was. A little less than a week ago as requested by me." Luna replied, eyes shut. She really did not want to be in the 86 when Takumi was trying to drive almost as fast as equinely possible. Inequinely possible would be the better term. "Hm." The AE86 rocketed down the mountain, slowing down and steering through another hairpin. It passed a black Honda Civic EG6 which promptly slammed on its brakes and did a 180-degree turn, speeding off after it. On Mount Bolt, Spitfire looked at the time. "Where the hay is Takumi?" She asked. "At this rate he won't have time for a prior run by the time he gets here." Takumi was on the Turnpike, driving down as fast as he could. He wasn't going to miss this race if he had anything to say about it. Not a chance in the world. Luna opened her eyes to find them speeding at a blistering 100MPH down a straightaway, a corner quickly approaching. Oh my gosh. She thought. Her eyes widened. Wait! WE ARE GOING TO CRASH! THIS IS TOO FAST! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!