//------------------------------// // Reflection. // Story: A family at heart // by Babycord //------------------------------// Music? Check. Drugs? Check. An easily accessible escape route in case the police decide to show up? Check. With this in mind, Pinkie watched with glee as people dance, drink, and did other things that aren't exactly appropriate around her. The pink woman herself was busy drowning a glass of an alcoholic substance. While the taste wasn't exactly pleasant, the way it made her body tingle was something she heavily enjoyed. With that said however she cast a glance beside her. Thankfully, Heart was still close by. His eye was closed and his body moved in time with the music. A relaxed expression on his face. This was the side of her brother that she enjoyed. The side was relaxed with little to no worries at all. Unfortunately, moments like these were few and far in between. Not that neither side didn't enjoy them. Rather it was fear and worry that constantly held him back. Her brother cared about her and the rest deeply. However, that care also comes with thoughts of abandonment. Not that Pinkie nor her sisters would do such a thing, but it was more so due to him having clinged to something that showed him love and kindness. After all his life before just like the rest wasn't exactly a happy one. Though that little common fact they all shared is what she believed brought them together in the first place. ("Ah yes, well a little girl can dream can't she?") Rolling her eyes pinkie decided to ignore the comment in her head. Instead, the pink female looked over and saw an empty table not far from where they stood. Nodding to herself she grabbed Heart's hand. Leading her brother to a place where they can both start to really enjoy themselves. The music was loud, too loud. This meant that the chances of them hearing one another was slim at best. Still, Heart decided to try and say something anyway. Munch to his sister's amusement. "THIS PARTY IS PRETTY AWESOME!" He screamed. Hoping that it alone would be enough to be heard through the music and the crowd. Luckily for him, Pinkie wasn't the type to disappoint. "AWW, THANKS I HAVEN'T THROWN ONE OF THESE IN A WHILE!" Heart nods. Once they reached the table pinkie went through her pocket before pulling out her favorite type of party drug. Moondust. The said drug was well known and distributed in the city. Once used it can bring extremely high bouts of euphoria, as well as an intense high. It can also heighten one's senses for a short amount of time. However, it aslo had a knack for making one feel invincible. Like nothing on planet Earth and or beyond can hurt you. ("Ugh here we go again".) Opening the bag pinkie poured a large amount of its powder-like contents into her hand. Once done the woman then lifted her hand into her face before breathing deep. The effects were immediate. A strong surge of joy, as well as euphoria, surged through her. Breaking the locked caged that kept true happiness. She was happy, she was pinkie, and that's all that mattered. Not the scars on her back that refused to heal nor the thoughts refused to go away. She was free, she was pinkie. ("You're just too pathetic sometimes, makes it much harder to hate your guts sense you want to make my job a whole lot harder than it needs to be". Pinkie laughed. She didn't care. All she cared about was having fun with her brother by her side. ("At least you have priorities"( Looking over at her brother Pinkie saw him inhale a small amount of the substance. This was good. While Moondust wasn't exactly deadly even in high quantities Pinkie didn't want to take the chance. ("Wow some twisted role model you are".) Giggling again Pinks grabs his hand. "LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!" Heart shrugs, grinning. Leading him to the dance floor Pinkie began to dance. Her body moved in time with the beat. However, Heart who didn't like dancing in crowds merely nodded his head. Even with this in mind Pinkie still found great enjoyment. However, it soon became clear that Pinkie's moves gained the attention of a few guys here and there. Rolling her eyes the pink female ignored them. Choosing instead to focus on the person that matters. After all most guys here are only interested in a quick fuck. She didn't want that. No, she wanted to be free, free from pain, and free from those who oppress her even within her mind. She wanted to feel something, anything. She needed to know that this was real, that she was real, she had to be real. "Pinkie?!" Or was she just crazy? That's what everyone told her, her entire life. Her parents, her sisters, the people who ran that godforsaken orphanage. No! None of that mattered now. What mattered was the present and her new family. The one's who never sought to use burning met-' "PINKIE!" The woman blinked. Looking down at her brother she saw the look of concern in his eyes. No, it shouldn't be that way! He was here to have fun not worry about her. ("Well you don't exactly make the fun part easy".) Shaking her head Pinkie smiled. She was fine! they were fine. Grabbing Heart's hands the high woman began to laugh as she spun them around on the dance floor. This seemed to do the trick since it didn't take him long to laugh along with her. The two continued to spin around. As they did so Pinkie stared into his eyes. In them, she saw excitement, joy, and another emotion Pinkie never took for granted. Love. He loved her. Not the romantic type of love that can easily fade away and never return, but the type that formed over the years they spent together. Once more solidifying the relationship they had with one another. He was her brother, she was his sister, no more no less. It made her have a sense that was both fulfilling and downright depressing. It wasn't sad because he cared about her, no it was sad because not once in her entire life did she see the same emotion in her parent's face. She hated them. ("No surprise there".) No, it wasn't a surprise, but it was something that Pinkie will never forget. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Voices. Loud noises. Shouting. Lights, why are there so many lights? Then suddenly she was floating. She couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't feel. There was just nothing all around her. No colors, no lights, just an empty void full of absolutely nothing. What happened? Pinkie tried to remember. There was a party, people having fun, a lot of music and everything. She was dancing, having fun with people all around her. She was high of course that wasn't much of a surprise. Let's see... There was someone else with her. Someone she knew for a long time. Someone important. It clicked. HEART! Okay, so she and Heart we're together. They were dancing then she ended up drinking. Heart didn't like that of course. Not because he had a problem with her drinking, but because he feared that someone might put a little something else in it. She didn't want to worry so she only took a sip. Then when he wasn't looking a sip turned into a gulp. Pinkie cringed. Damn it! This was all her fault! She let the music and the overall vibe get the best of her! Okay, calm down. Let's see the person who gave her the drink was a girl not much older than herself. Pinkie saw her before, but from their brief interactions, she seemed decent enough. Okay, so the girl gave her something to drink, she down the whole cup and then, Nothing. Pinkie furrowed her brow. No, wait she remembers now. After that Pinkie and Heart went to get high before going back to the dance floor. After a while, she started to feel a bit dizzy. When Heart saw this he told pinkie that they were going to get some fresh air. The pink-colored woman for her part agreed. After going outside the two spent a few moments looking at the stairs. Heart said something about stairs being a bunch of little mini suns. That alone blew Pinkie's mind. Suddenly the girl she talked to earlier appeared. Only she brought along two of her guy friends. When they came Heart immediately knew something was up. So instead of asking what they wanted he opted to pull out a gun. Only to realize that it wasn't there anymore. The girl Pinkie talked to. There was a moment beforehand where she accidentally bumped into him from behind. Or at least at the time, it seemed accidental. Pinkie herself completely forgot to bring her firearm in case of emergencies. The party having been at the forefront of her mind, along with her brother. There was laughing, cursing, Pinkie suddenly feeling sick to her stomach. Suddenly she collapsed. The World was spinning around her. She couldn't tell what was right from left and left from right. There was a struggle. The sound of someone shouting her name. A scream then, Darkness. No new memories came after that. Pinkie gasped her eyes going wide in horror. A mixture of fear and regret poured into her very soul. She needed to get out of here and find her brother! She needed to-' The void around her exploded. """"''''''"""''''''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Can I get you two anything else?" "No that's fine you've done enough". "It's just highly unfortunate you two found yourselves in that type of situation." "Yeah, stuff happens I guess." "I'm just glad that you know who managed to get you guys out of there." "Me foo Bonnie, me too". Groaning the pink woman opened her eyes. Only blink in confusion upon starting up at a ceiling that she did not recognize. Moreover, she found herself laying on a couch back first. Unfortunately, she aslo had a pounding headache. "Oh looks like she finally awakes". Snapping her head towards the direction of the voice Pinkie Pie found herself staring at someone she hasn't seen in a while. "BonBon!?" Bonnie or BonBon as some might call her smiled down at the younger woman. Besides her eating a box of cereal was Heart, And he did not look happy. "Hello, pinkie" BonBon greeted in a warm tone. Unfortunately, her greeting went ignored. "HEART FELT!" Before anyone could react Pinkie was already on her feet and pulling her brother into an embrace. Felt for his part didn't stop her, but he didn't return the embrace either. Upon realizing that the two needed to be alone Bonnie went ahead and excused herself. Looking her brother over Pinkie saw that he sported a black eye as well as a bruised cheek. Upon realizing this a wave of guilt hit her. She didn't mean for him to get hurt. It was even worse knowing that this was all her fault, to begin with. ("Yeah, I'll be honest you could have easily avoided this whole thing but no instead you chose to be reckless. The only difference between you and Rainbow Dash in that regard is that she would have seen it coming a mile away.") Pinkie's eyes began to water. With that said she chose to focus on more pressing matters. "Are you okay?! "Do I look okay to you?!" Upon hearing, anger in his voice she lowered her head. He was angry and he had every right to be. She endangered not only herself but him as well. If it were any one of the others their reactions would have been similar. "I'm so-" Heart raised a hand. She paused. "Look, I get that you can get a little carried away sometimes especially at a party, but what you did was the dumbest shit I've ever seen." Pinkie nodded knowing he was right. "I've told you not to drink it but you did anyway as soon as I wasn't paying attention and look where that led us. While you were too busy being drugged I was getting the life choked out of me. Do you how that feels? The fear?" She choked a sob. He sighed. "I-i tried fighting back I did, but the odds weren't in my favor. Especially considering that one of them had my gun, luckily that shit was only for show." Felt laughed. It was a cold humorous laugh that tore Pinkie's heart in two. "Shaking his head Heart sighed a second time. "In any case, everything turned out alright in the end, those bastards are dead and we managed to get out in one piece". He looked at her. His eyes held a mixture of anger and disappointment. At that moment Pinkie was once again reminded of her parents. "Listen, I won't tell the others what happened out there, but with that said I don't feel like talking to you as of right now. Make no mistake Pinkie I do still love you, but at the same time im deeply disappointed in you." She nodded. His words cut deeper than a knife through skin. With that said the girl knew that she was the only one to blame for putting them in this situation. That fact alone made her want to curl up into a ball and disappear. ("Maybe now you'll stop and think for once."( "Come on, the others are probably worried about us". Nodding her head Pinkie waited until he was in front of her before following him out the room. A single thought played on repeat in her mind. In the end, no matter how hard she tried in some way shape, or form, she was just like her parents, And that terrified her.