The Librarians and The Summoned Cat

by Dragon Shimmer

Elimination round

Twilight and Spike are jumping pole to pole to pass the first term. Many water bubbles are shot toward the competitors as many of them get hit and fall down to the 'lava', which makes Twilight more terrified. Spike tries to comfort her and the purple duo goes to the next stage.

The MC introduces to his audiences, "Looks like our competitors pass the first stage. The second stage is hammer swinger." The purple duo looks at the zone and sees many big hammers are swinging side by side, adding many poles that are moving randomly. A unicorn teleports to a pole and he ends up getting hit by the hammer. The MC looks at him, "Oh... that's hurt. I hope he has teeth to eat some pie. Anyway, don't worry about the lava, they are fake."

Twilight and Spike jump on the same pole as the competitors jump and hope they can make it at the right time. Many of them get hit by the hammers. Spike is jumping with Twilight, suddenly he gets hit by the hammer and falls down. Twilight sees that and jumps down to follow the purple dragon. When she just touches him, her horn is lightning and the purple duo is teleported away to the next stage. Many audiences see that and they cheer at them. Spike looks at Twilight, "Thank you."
Then he stands up and the librarians go to the next stage.

When they are just to the next stage, they see a sand field with the finish line on the other side. Twilight looks at the sand to see that anything is wrong. A griffin ran past the purple unicorn, making her cough due to the sand. When the griffin just runs a little, a hole appears under him as he falls down into the 'lava'. The MC introduces, "Oh, that griffin should be more careful next year. Anyway, this is the trap desert stage. We put a lot of traps under the sand."

Twilight takes a deep breath and remembers the spell Sunset just taught last night. The purple unicorn closes her eyes and her horn and front hooves are glowing. Spike looks at her and waits for a moment. Suddenly, the purple unicorn starts walking toward. The purple dragon doesn't know what to do, so he starts following the unicorn. The MC announces, "We have the first winners." The purple unicorn keeps walking without opening her eyes. She is currently dodging the trap and nothing can stop her now. When Twilight opens her eyes, she and Spike are already at the finish line.

Twilight looks at Spike, "What happens?"

"You just walk without opening your eyes and dodging all the traps," Spike looks at Twilight, "Where did you learn that?"

"Well, Sunset teaches me this spell," Twilight rubs her chin, "Firstly, I doubt its effectiveness. Now, it really works. I don't believe it."

"I see. How about we take a rest? Look like we won." Spike points at the competitors' zone. "I hope we are doing good." The unicorn nods and they head to the competitors' zone to take a rest. When they just come in, Noleg is waiting for them as he smiles happily. Spike and Twilight take a seat and breathe. Spike looks at the cat, "I wonder where is Sunset now?"

Cadance is sitting on the chair and trying to decode this paper. It is hard to decode this as this is just the wall of the alphabet. Shining Armor walks into the room and hugs the alicorn to comfort her.

"You don't need to do that," Cadance smiles and looks at Shining Armor, "I am fine. Don't worry,"

"That's just a comfort hug," Shining Armor smiles, "I just deal some burglar in the east."

"East?" Cadance looks at the '*' then look at the opposite alphabet. She finally finds the answer, "Shining, I think I know where is White going to pain."

"You solve it?" Shining Armor's eyes widen as Candance nods, "Where is it?"

"West side," Cadance stands up, "She will paint at the west side of the wall," Shining Armor nods and the couples hurry to go to the west side of Canterlot.

Shining Armor and Cadance run to the west wall of Canterlot with some guards. When they arrive, they see 'White' lying on the bench with the painting behind her. 'White' stands up and stretches her body to look at the couple. The white dragon snaps her finger and the painting is gone, making the couple glare at her.

'White' gives them a smirk, "Why are you coming too late? I am waiting here for you for the entire morning."

Shining grits his teeth, "Why are you teasing us?"

"To hide my true plan, yes?" 'White' sits down and reads the newspaper, "Honestly, you should have a decoder in your team, captain."

"I will catch you if I have a chance," Shining points his front hoof at his eyes, then he points at the white dragon,"Just wait."

"With what?" 'White' give him a snort, "With an incompetent captain like you?"

Shining Armor is going to charge at the dragon but Cadance's left wing is spread to stop him. Cadance looks at the white dragon, "What's your game, White? You are not just painting over the Canterlot, right?"

"If you can figure it out." White puts down the newspaper, "I will give you the hint of the next location. Try to catch me at the right time."

"Another paper," Shining Armor, "I know you are going to put the wall of the alphabet again, right?"

'White' shakes her head, "Not at all, I will put something harder..." Then she stands up, "or the easier. On the way you're losing." Then she points at Shining Armor, "Right now, you don't know. Thanks to me, your captain is going to go home and think a lot. Hold back and you will fail again." Shining grits his teeth and 'White' spread her wings, "That is the hint I give for you. Trying to figure out," and the white dragon flies away, making the couple confused.

Cadance takes out a cassette and looks at her husband, "I have recorded what she said. Let's solve this together." Shining nods and the couple runs back to the castle.

Rainbow Dash is taking a nap on the cloud. The work today is easy for her so she has finished it early. Now it is boring for her because nothing to do. When she opens her eyes, she sees the pink pony is in front of her. Rainbow Dash falls off the cloud as Pinkie just bounces on it happily and giggles.

Rainbow Dash rubs her head, "Pinkie, what are you doing here?"

"Looking at you when you sleep," Pinkie jumps down the cloud, "How about we go together this time."

Rainbow Dash tilts her head, "To where?" Pinkie takes out the paper from the arena and gives it to the cyan pegasus. After Rainbow reads the paper, she stands up and looks at Pinkie. "This is so cool. Why didn't you give me this sooner?"

Pinkie bounces around her, "Because you were sleeping?" Rainbow Dash blushes as Pinkie glees, "I also heard that Twilight and Spike are participating in the arena."

"What?" Rainbow flies up in the sky and puts her face near Pinkie, "No way. Twilight will never sign up for that kind of competition. And why am I not joining?"

"Let's get going," Pinkie heads to the Diamond Dog mine, "We will cheer them up, and we will take all our other friends to come to the arena." Rainbow glees and quickly flies to the Diamond Dog mine. Pinkie Pie watches her flying, "Well, that was unexpected. Now I have to invite others."

Twilight and Spike are walking to the main hall and try to look at the board. When they find that they are inside the next round, they hug each other and jump happily. Nolegs smiles as he jumps down to celebrate. The purple duo heads to the competitors' zone. Going inside, they see a minotaur sitting in their seat.

"Hey," Twilight yells, "That's our seat,"

The black minotaur retorts, "Is there any rule that this is your seat," the black griffin comes to him and smacks him, "Oh sorry, Feather. I don't know if you are waiting too long."

"Sorry is not enough, Bull," Feather looks away from him, "You know the price."

"Fine," Bull stands up and walks to the purple duo, "Anyway, you two are really good when you come to this round."

Twilight and Spike are sitting with each other as Spike retorts, "Thank you. You must be the minotaur that wants to fight with us."

"If we even meet each other in the arena," Bull sits down with Feather and starts to introduce, "My name is Bull and this is my 'girlfriend', Feather."

Twilight and Spike smile as Feather blushes, "Hey! I am not your girlfriend."

Bull looks at Feather, "Eh, you are a girl and you are my friend. So I can call you as 'girlfriend', right?"

Feather smacks his head with a hat and looks away from the minotaur. Twilight and Spike giggle as Twilight starts to introduce, " My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my assistant, Spike."

"Nice to meet you two." Bull looks around, "I hope you two can walk deeper in this arena."

"They will," A voice comes from outside. All of them look toward the door. When the door is opened, Sunset goes inside into the room and smiles, "They will go deeper. Don't worry about that."

Spike tilts his head, "And how can we go deeper, Sunset? We were nearly eliminated in the preliminary round. "

Feather wonders, "Wait, you are Sunset? The champion of this arena with 15 undefeated battles?" Sunset just nods and Feather rushes to her and takes out the paper, "Can I have your signature?"

"Uh sure." Sunset signs the paper and gives it to the griffin. Feather smiles and sits down immediately as Sunset looks at the purple duo, "So, ready for round 2? I hope you are all ready."

"Uh no..." Twilight smiles nervously, "I never fight in a real battle before,"

"Liar," Sunset folds her claw, "Remember Nightmare Moon, the stallion who control the timberwolf." Twilight only can smiles nervously.

Bull asks, "So, are you going into this competition?" Sunset shakes her head, making Bull sigh in relief, "Thank you. I thought I will never have a chance to be a champion."

Sunset smiles, "Try your best," Nolegs jump on Twilight's back and enjoy her fur. The purple unicorn rolls her eyes. Suddenly, the guard comes inside the competitors' zone and announces that all of the competitors follow the guard. All of the competitors stand up and follow the guard.

When the guard leads them to a small room with many small arenas inside. The guard leads the competitors to a box and asks them to draw their numbers. Spike draws the number 13, making Twilight giggle as Spike glares at him. After that, Twilight draws the number 44 then sits down.

Spike teases, "Look like someone not even luckier than mine though."

"Nice joke," Twilight looks around and sees Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are standing in front of a small arena and watching a griffin and a pony are fighting each other. Twilight sighs, "And our friend comes here to watch us."

Spike is going to say something but the guard calls his number. Spike steps up on the arena as his friends, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are watching him, making him nervous. When he just comes up, a shadow overlaps him and he looks up. A big minotaur is standing in front of him with a big battle axe. The minotaur looks at him and gives him a smirk, "Oh look, a small tiny dragon. What are you doing here, scrimp?"

"Eh... fighting," Spike raises his claw and gulps, " How can you be so big compared to other minotaurs?"

" I have the training to fight against the champion," The minotaur shows his muscle, "But all I see is a red riding hood."

The referee lifts the flag, then swings it down to start the battle. The purple dragon looks at the minotaur and gulps.