//------------------------------// // Interruption and plans // Story: A family at heart // by Babycord //------------------------------// , Knock! Knock! Twilight groaned. Opening her eyes the youth blinked. As she did so she realized that her head was currently resting on Rarity's shoulder. Meanwhile, the white gem had her back against the wall. Her eyes closed and her mouth slightly parted as she snored. A small line of drool rested itself near the outer corners of her mouth. Upon realizing this Twilight smiled slightly before closing her eyes. Her mind slowly drifted itself back into the land of drea- Knock! Knock! Groaning Twilight sat up. Be careful to not disturb Rarity from her slumber. "Knock! Knock! Getting to her feet the purple teen slowly began to make her way towards the door. Passing a few sleeping forms in her wake. For example, there was Pinkie Pie who lay sprawled out on and off the couch. A pillow was the only thing that separated her head from the cold wooden floor. On the woman's face were various words and symbols that were drawn while the pink girl slept. A party hat having found its way right over her eyes. Next to her was the massive purple beast that resembled a dog. Said, creature like pinkie lay sprawled out on the floor. With his back to the ground, Twilight saw his sturdy hind legs kick lightly every few seconds. Presumably dreaming about chasing rabbits through the field, or something to that nature. Rainbow meanwhile slept while pressing her back against the walk munch like Rarity. The only difference is that a large bottle of beer was held in her grip. Her eyes had been covered with the hood of her jacket. Far off from Rainbow in a chair, AJ was munch the same. Only she had two bottles instead of one. Not far from them near the door were the sleeping forms of three individuals. Fluttershy, Derpy, and Heart Felt. The yellow woman herself lay with her head to the floor. A small but content smile on her face. On the right side of her was Derpy. The grey-skinned youth had seemingly chosen to use one of Fluttershy's arms as a makeshift pillow. Heart Felt however chose the woman's stomach as a good resting place. The one-eyed youth lay there with his head facing the ceiling. A smile that wasn't much different from Fluttershy was spread across his face. Knock! Knock! Stepping over her siblings Twilight grabbed the handle that was connected to the wood structure. With a tired and exhausted sigh, she pulled it open. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In life, Twilight Sparkled classifies herself as many things. A high-level genius, a seeker of knowledge and truth, a firm believer in the serpent brotherhood, and the future dictator of planet Earth were only a few of many, but despite this, there was one thing she wasn't, And that was someone who liked being disturbed. "I hope that there's a logical and sound reason for your visit, let alone the fact that you disturbed my REM cycle". Twilight glared at the tall individual before her. The said individual was a well-dressed middle-aged man. In height, he stood slightly above Twilight who for her part stood around average height. The man aslo wore a pair of glasses as well as an expression that told her that he wasn't pleased to be here. "I'm here to collect on this month's rent that's passed due". "It' hasn't been paid yet?" "Isn't that what I said?" "I see, wait here for a moment". Once the door was closed Twilight then turned her attention towards a certain cyan female. Stepping over her siblings once more it didn't take her long to reach her destination. In that short time that she was talking to the person outside their home Rainbow went from sleeping against the wall to on her stomach while on the floor. At least until Twilight kicked her. Now, normally a kick to the side would be a cause of alarm for anyone. Fortunately, Dash wasn't just your average person. Instead, she simply opened an eye before having it focus on her purple Sister. "What?" Rainbow questioned. Her voice was more so annoyed than anything else. At this Twilight merely crossed her arms. "Landlord is outside, apparently the monthly payment that's required for us to live here wasn't received." They have all agreed long ago that they would take turns paying rent each month. The only ones who weren't expected to do so were Heart and Derpy. The former has been deemed too young to handle that type of responsibility. While the latter wasn't capable of handling such a task while on her own. It so happens that it was Rainbow's turn to pay. Upon hearing Twilight's answer the cyan woman mumbled something about old people being dick heads before reaching into her pocket. A few moments later Twilight was handing the money. "I assume that this is all you require?" She asked. Secretly asking anyone eldritch deity that would listen to make the man vanish befor her. Or at the very least have a bird shit on him. Unfortunately, neither of those things happened. Instead, the man merely nodded before telling Twilight to keep it down since he was receiving noise complaints. Twilight merely nodded before watching the man leave. Once he was out of sight she closed the door. Returning to her original position beside Rarity Twilight sighed. The man at the door was named Sunshine Smiles. Unfortunately, his name was the exact opposite of his personality. While interactions between him and her family were brief they were never pleasant. The only reason that the man continued to bathe in her brilliance was the fact that killing him would be rather difficult. That and the simple fact that they didn't want to risk losing their home. If that wasn't the case he would have already been six feet deep long ago. Or perhaps he would end up a sacrificial lamb. She yawned. Well, in anyway case there wasn't much to be done by dwelling on the matter. Laying her head on Rarity's shoulders Twilight closed her eyes. Letting familiar darkness consume her being. It wasn't long before she was in the land of dreams. Those dreams quickly turned into nightmares. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""''""""""""""""" "And then Fluttershy punched him in the face" Derpy finished. A wide grin full of humor is present on her face. Heart who was seated beside her let out a loud almost obnoxious laugh. "Now that's funny!" Fluttershy who occupied Derpy's left smirked in remembrance. Rainbow Dash meanwhile merely snorted. "I'm surprised you even remember that being that this is you we are talking about". Rarity who was busy making breakfast for them all gasp in shock. "Rainbow!" In response, Fluttershy sent a look in the cyan woman's direction. Dash for her part lifted her hands in defense. "It was just a joke geese". "Last time I checked humor wasn't your strong suit" Pinkie pointed out giggling. The woman herself was seated right beside the cyan individual. Dash stuck her tongue out in response. Fortunately, Derpy looked completely unphased by her elder sister's poor choice of words. Something that nearly everyone else was grateful for. Heart however made a mental note to avenge Derpy at a later point. The youth knew that Dash truly meant nothing by what she said however it was better to be safe than sorry. Plus he was just itching for a prank. By the expression, Fluttershy gave him he knew that she agreed. Now all he had to do was wait for the right moment. "Morning!" Aj hollered as she entered the kitchen. eyes red and bloodshot. "Morning AJ!" Both pinkie Pie and Derpy shouted in union. Shortly after that, they looked at one another before bursting into a fit of giggles. "Good morning dear" "Morning sis". "Hello, drunk Jack.". AJ gave a grinning Rainbow Dash the finger. Taking her spot on the table she looked around. Quickly noticing that they were one person short. " where is Twilight?" However, before anyone could answer a voice spoke. "Here". Raising an eyebrow the orange-colored woman looked under the table. Only to see Twilight on the computer while eating a half-bitten cookie. The expression on her face was somewhat groggy. "Is there a reason why you're currently under the table?" "It's dark" was the only response she received. Not that AJ was expecting anything less. "Gotcha." The sound of Rarity's voice drew everyone's attention. "Breakfast is ready!" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "So what are your guy's plans for today? AJ asked. A fork on hand and a bottle of syrup in the other as she looked at everyone present. "Pinkie pie was the first to answer. Her voice is full of enthusiasm as always. "I got another gig going today!" She stated. An eager smile formed on her face. In response to this AJ, Rarity, and Heart Felt congratulated her on a job well done. Derpy for her part merely cheered excitedly while Fluttershy smiled. Rainbow Dash on the other hand merely narrowed her eyes. After all, if Pinkie was going to do a party that meant that other might show up. If that was the case then depending on the situation it could get ugly real quick. "I'll help you out." A mixture of surprise as well as shock ranged through the table. However, it was at that moment that Pinkie did something almost unheard of. She frowned. Just as she was about to speak however Aj beat her to the punch. "I think that Heart Felt should go instead." Upon his name being mentioned, Heart took his eyes off of Rainbow to look over at her. His expression was that of surprise. Normally as a safety precaution, AJ or one of the others would volunteer instead. With the sole exception of Derpy of course. While everyone knew the likelihood of something bad happening while with her pink sister was slim, it was better to be safe than sorry. With that said out of them, all Rainbow would be the least likely to volunteer. At least ever since that incident took place. "I think that would be the best" Rarity said after a moment. Upon hearing this Fluttershy nodded her head. Once it was clear that nearly everyone was in agreement Rainbow merely leaned back in her chair. A not-so-pleasant look in her expression. After that was over and done with everyone else began to share what they planned for the day. "Twilight planned to gather information about mythical creatures that are used to increase one's life span using the Internet. Fluttershy and Derpy are planning to volunteer down at the nearest animal shelter. However, they agreed to take Spike on a walk beforehand. Once he heard his name being mentioned the purple giant himself patted into the room. Rarity meanwhile planned to contact old clients of hers to gain some more money. While Rainbow Dash merely shrugged and mentioned something about taking a stroll through the park. Upon hearing this Rarity sternly told her to not do anything reckless or potentially life-threatening, munch to the cyan woman's annoyance. Last but not least Heart told everyone that he planned on going down the basement and play some of his old video games for a bit. Afterward, he intended on helping Pinkie Pie with the party. That immediately drew the attention of Pinkie herself, and surprisingly AJ. The latter of whom rarely if ever played in the first place. With their daily activities in mind, everyone went about to start the day.