//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: The Origin of Princesses // by StoryBirth //------------------------------// Prologue Forbidden love seems to be a powerful thing. In the world of humans, it's the base of Romeo and Juliet, arguably the greatest love story of all time. Perhaps there's something about that spirit of rebellion that people and ponies alike seem to be attracted to. But in the world of ponies, it's the beginning of an epic tale that changed everything. One forbidden love led to a tale of abandonment, survival, betrayal, war, triumph, failure, and the creation of the Equestria that everypony knows. It all started with a pair of ponies who seemed to meet by only fate. The same fate is what sparked their love. It started before Equestria was created and all ponies were split into three enemy tribes: the unicorns, the earth ponies, and the pegasi. Almost all relationships between two of these tribes were hatred. I say almost always because this particular pair was the one exception. It started when a certain unicorn by the name of Daylight was blindly exploring a forest. Now, something odd about this mare was that she usually one for more sophisticated life, like most unicorns. Her pale coat and bright yellow mane wasn't suited for the wild forest. Maybe it was a sudden need to explore that drove her to explore, but by the time of the fateful moment, her desire to explore led her to become completely lost. As if the world was adding insult to injury, a stormcloud had come and unleashed everything it had onto wherever the young mare was. The scenario was dire, and Daylight was lost, expecting to die from the cold, some wild creature, hunger, or a combination of the three. All that she could do was cry out for somepony out there to help. Anypony. Fortunately for Daylight, there was a pegasus nearby who heard her screams of distress. This young stallion by the name of Nightingale heard the call and believed it to be the most beautiful voice he had ever heard. The dark blue pegasus dashed over to the scream almost as quickly as Commander Hurricane would have. Immediately, he kicked away the clouds to clear the skies for her damsel in distress. The two fell in love at first sight. The pairs of green eyes locking at once and peering into each other. Nightingale led his dearly beloved out of the forest with ease, since he had flown over the forest too many times to count. Before he entered the boundaries of the unicorn kingdom, he fled, promising to meet Daylight again.  And lovestruck Nightingale kept his promise. He came in the night. Blending in with the darkness around him, he met his dearly beloved almost nightly at her home. In secret, they would carry out their affair unknown to anypony else in either kingdom. It was said that they loved each other more passionately than any two ponies in all of the history of Equestria. For about a few months, that is. Like most young love, the passion between Daylight and Nightingale was strong, but shallow. After only three months, the pair engaged in an argument that tore them apart. Instead of a loving bond that sealed them together, there was a searing hate that paralleled the two tribes. The two forgot about each other as quickly as they came together. Some time later, many noticed that Daylight was pregnant. She never revealed who the father was, and later on claimed it to be a miscarriage. But it wasn't. In secret, she gave birth to a set of twins. But there was something strange about these two foals. They had the horn of a unicorn and the wings of a pegasus. Of course, Daylight had to raise the two foals in complete secrecy. If they were discovered, then it would cause an outrage amongst the entire unicorn tribe that there was such an interaction. And so she raised them, naming them Luna and Celestia. She raised them for a few years, teaching them about the world, and implanting her ideas of equality among tribes and how, being the first alicorns, they were destined for greatness. The two sisters got along very well, despite their close quarters, developing a sisterly bond that seemed unbreakable. One day, the pegasi launched an attack against the unicorns. Nightingale was chosen to lay siege to Daylight's manor. At this point, Nightingale was more willing to make amends for their quarrels years ago. Daylight told him about their children and asked Nightingale to try to lay off the siege. But it was too late. The house was already burning down, and Daylight had already been killed. Knowing that the home was no longer safe, the pegasus flew out to the woods where the two lovebirds first met so that he could leave his children where he knew they would be safe from the society who would tear them to shreds. It was a painful farewell. Nightingale said goodbye to the children he never knew and, with overwhelming amounts of hesitation, grief, and tears, left the children and told them to never return to the world they came from. The two alicorns were free from a society that would call them freaks and more than likely wouldn't accept them. But instead, they were put into the wilderness to fend for themselves, an instinct that was hopefully inherited from their father. This is their story.