//------------------------------// // Back home in blue // Story: A family at heart // by Babycord //------------------------------// Why are you here?" There was a blink of confusion. "Excuse me, sir?" "Why are you here?" Sergeant Low Sound asked. Staring at the teen before him with a mix of confusion and something else that was hard to decipher. In response, the youth stared at the veteran before him with confusion. However even with that, he tried his best to answer. "I committed a cri-' "I'm aware" Low Sound started before the teen was able to finish his sentence. Upon seeing that the boy was still confused the veteran sighed. Turning the munch older individual reached for a stack of papers that were neatly placed behind him. Going through them for a moment it didn't take the old man long to find what he was looking for. Turning back around it was revealed that he was looking through a folder. The teen tensed. Clearing his throat the veteran began to speak. His deep, raspy voice was the only thing that filled the normally quiet space around them. "Heart Felt Harmony, around 15 years of age, Heart Felt has been sent to High Moon boot camp due to an assault case that involves an individual by the name of Prince Blue Blood." Low sound raised a brow. It wasn't every day that you hear about someone whose name sounds like they belong in a high-class society. "Along with assault you also have a lengthy criminal history that includes but aren't limited to, resisting arrest, seven cases of petty theft 12 cases of auto theft six home invasions two cases of insurance fraud, and over a dozen illegal gambling charges, most of them being with an individual by the name of Rainbow Dash. The old ex-soldier watch as the teen began scratchings his arm. An odd tic that happens every time he found himself in an uncomfortable situation. Having his crimes read out loud brought out an odd feeling to his chest. Shame? No that was something he dealt with in the past long ago. No this wasn't shame, but it was something almost equally unpleasant. However, before he could piece it together the old man's voice him back to reality. "When I read this along with everything else, including the fact that you once actively participated in a turf war I thought that I was dealing with a bad seeded youth with an attitude problem." Heart lowered his head. "But I was wrong." Heart Felt eyes went wide. Upon seeing the teen's expression Low sound sighed. The veteran almost wish that it was that simple. After all, if that was the case from the very beginning then the teen could end up rotting in a ditch for all he cared. After all people in similar positions were nothing but a leech on society. Unfortunately, that's not what happened. Instead of a wannabe tough guy or something, similar Low Sound met an individual that made him question his very beliefs, And that terrified him. "Tell me how long have you been here?" Heart Felt pause. The old man waited. Low sound of course already knew the answer to his question. even with that in mind said he did it to more or less prove a point to both Heart Felt and himself. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long to receive an answer. "A year sir." "Do you know what exactly transpired within that one year of your stay?" It sounded like a question, and it sort of was but he didn't give the kid a chance to speak. "In that one year alone you saved 14 individuals from suicide made friends with nearly everyone in the camp including the staff and practically risked your life protecting a dear friend of mine from a wild animal attack, saving not only his life, but the possibility of his only flesh and blood becoming an orphan." Silence. For a while, both Low and Heart stood in each other's presence. Both of them had different expressions on their faces. The veteran's thoughts while conflicted was completely hidden by his usual unpleasant-looking demeanor. Heart Felt on the other hand looked both bashful and incredibly confused. This was due to him not being able to wrap his head around the words coming out of the older man's mouth. Yeah, he did well sure, but it wasn't like that automatically meant he was a good person at heart. While he wasn't exactly proud of the things he did he didn't exactly feel regret either. The main reason is that the world itself was complicated. It was full of rules, regulations, and political discourse that He barely understood. The laws of nature for some reason didn't apply to the beings that it alone created. As such everyone including himself ends up going against those rules and becoming nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites trying to make sense of the world around them by applying their twisted sense of right and wrong. Adding variables that Heart Felt gave up following long ago. Now in a world full of humans going against themselves and nature, only one thing made sense. Family. A group of individuals that were related in one form or another. This group often had a close-knit structure that involved being a part of each other's lives. Now Heart himself had lost his true family long ago. Having been born in a place full of addiction and self-torture. As such he was sent to a place when he was young filled with others just like him. It was within that place in a surprisingly short amount of time that he had found those who were more than willing to accept him among their chosen circle. Among it, he met and befriended those whose misfortune and inner suffering were munch like his own. Together they formed a bond that mimicked what they all lost and desired. A family. It was because of family that Heart did what he did. After all, they couldn't stay in the place that inhabited broken souls like themselves. At least not for long. Not if they wanted to stick together, And so they left. Leaving they're once called asylum into a form of an ever forming yellow sphere. For you see those who run a place of far gone souls are just as far gone and just as empty as the rest of them. However, their trail of heart ship only lessened. For even with being able to count and trust one another they still had to deal with the reality constantly shifting around them. In part, they wanted nothing to do with the world that cursed them so. However, even with that in mind they still need its necessities if they wanted to survive, and so they did the only thing they could. They reacted, And as such, that reaction brought Heart Felt to where he stood today. His crimes many and his hooves covered in a mix of blood and dirt. There was no justification for the actions he knew to be true, even with that in mind he felt no guilt. Why feel guilty about trying to survive? It was how nature itself functioned even at its basic level. Things could have been different that munch was true, but at this point in life, there was no need to think about what-if scenarios. You can't change the past nor can you change yourself if you lacked the motivation to do so. "I'm sending you home." Heart Felt blinked, apparently having zoned out for a good minute. Even with that said Low Sound's words echoed in his ears. This information alone nearly causes him to go into shock. However, doing so now especially in front of the veteran would not turn in his favor. So instead Heart bowed his head. Thanking the man before him a million times in his mind if not more. The strength to do so vocally was not inside him. Even so, he hoped that Low Sound was born with the gift of being able to read minds. That gift seemed to be true considering that the way that the old man rolled his eyes. 'Just hurry up and pack your things, I've already called someone to pick you up not long ago, and from the sound of things, she sounded very preoccupied, at least until I mentioned your name." Bowing his head once more Heart Felt quickly made his exit. An expression so wide and giddy that the stoned face man before him couldn't help but crack a smile. Once the door was shut Low Sound's smile faded. Opening a drawer the ex-soldier reached inside before pulling a lighter out of its contents. Lighting it Low Sound leaned back into his chair. Inhaling the poison into his lungs he took a moment to breathe thinking. Letting out smoke the man who practically lost everything due to a war that never came smiled. "I made a huge mistake didn't I?" silence was the only response he received. In that ongoing silence, Low Sound laughed quietly at himself. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""'''''''''''''''''''''"""""""'''""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''''''""""""""""""""''''''''''''" The sound of the door slamming open with enough force to leave a dent in its structure gained two individuals' attention. One was a girl with cream-colored skin, hair that was green on one side and black on the other with a set of matching orbs to match. The girl also wore a white jumpsuit with a long black line that goes down tbe middle of her breasts to between her legs and ended near the bottoms of her feet. The girl wasn't exactly pretty by normal standards. Instead, nearly everything about her had this tomboyish feel to it. Including her expression. Besides the girl was a boy. Said boy had a munch older appearance. He had red-colored skin, yellow hair, and a pair of velvet-colored eyes. Like the girl, he also wore a white jumpsuit. His was practically identical in design. The boy also had a somewhat tense aura around him. An aura that promised pain in the worse way possible. As the two glanced over towards the door tense and expecting the worse a figure emerged. This figure was short, skinny, with practically no meat on him at all. The figure had light brown skin, even darker brown hair, and a single yellow eye that stared at the two. His other having been covered up by black cloth-like material. However, one eye alone was enough to convey his barely contained excitement. He wore an outfit similar to the other two. However, unlike them, his were munch shorter sleeves. Revealing scars on his arms and legs. Some looked to be self-inflicted, While others didn't. The figure laughed. The sound itself was genuine that in itself wasn't anything strange. What was, was the single lone tear that slowly fell from his cheek. "Im going home." The two companions looked at one another before turning their gaze back towards the one-eyed youth. "Well" started the girl after a few moments of nothing but dead silence. An amused smirk formed on her face. "Looks like someone has some explaining to do." """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Thus here I am" Heart Felt finished. Having spent a little over five minutes giving his companions a play by play at what transpired after his sudden departure. As he was doing this his friends helped him pack his things. The task alone didn't take long considering Heart packed very little in terms of belongings. "Well ill be a deformed monkey's uncle your one lucky bastard." Daisy Lane stated. The young having placed herself right next to the one-eyed youth. The space between them was practically nonexistent. This meant that the teen was so close that Heart could smell her breath. Thankfully it seemed as if Lane took a breath mint not that long ago. Almost as if she planned this type of scenario ahead of time. Upon seeing this Shaky Ground merely rolled his eyes at the display. It was clear to him along with everyone else at camp that Daisy had certain affections towards Felt. Whether the teen himself knew of that little fact remains unknown. At least to the ones he didn't trust. Ground included. "Thanks, Daz" Heart smiled happily at the girl. This caused her to blush near instantly. However, before she was able to respond Felt turned his attention towards their munch older companion. His smile turned playful. "What are you looking at stone head? Cat got your tongue?" Upon being insulted Shaky smirked back. "At least I'm not a one-eyed orphaned freak like yourself." "Says the one who was abused since the age of five." "At least I had pussy." "Your lost your virginity to your mother tell me how does that feel?" "Oh yeah?! Wel-' Rolling her eyes Daisy zoned out of the conversation. Choosing instead to simply let her mind wander. As she did she thought of many things. Manly about Heart Felt's inevitable departure. While it saddened her that he was leaving. Daisy also couldn't help elated at the prospect of him being able to leave and see both tbe outside world and his family once more. At first, Daisy felt jealous. After all, even though he was an orphan munch like herself he still had people that cared and loved him. Despite this, however, over time, her jealousy was replaced with different feelings. Feelings that the young girl at first had trouble processing. Over time though the more time, she spent with him the more she began to understand him and herself. Suddenly a loud booming voice cut through not only her thoughts but the conversation between Heart and Ground. "HEART FELT HARMONY REPORT TO THE GATE!" The trio looked at one another. After a moment the one-eyed youth grinned. Showing off a pair of pure white teeth. "Looks like my ride is here." Ground merely grunted. Under normal circumstances, the big youth wasn't much for physical contact. The only time it ever interests him is when he needs to get rather hands-on when it comes to the people that piss him off. That alone is one of the main reasons that got him stuck in this hellhole in the first place. That and a certain someone that was wronged while in his presence. In any case, while he wasn't a big fan of touching or getting touched he also knew that this could very well be the last time he saw his friend again. With that said. Heart Felt jumped as two massive arms wrapped themselves around him and Daisy. Pulling them both into a strong near brush-crushing embrace. Looking up Heart saw Ground looking everywhere else but at them. His expression mimicked that of stone. Which meant that neither he nor his female companion can tell what he was thinking. Heart smiled. Beside him, Daisy merely rolled her eyes. "Boys" the female muttered half-heartedly. A smile threatening to spread across her lips. Not much was said after that. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Walking through the gates armed with only a plastic bag Heart couldn't help but shake with excitement with each step he took. Not only is walking away essentially a free man, but his freedom also meant that he was free to see and embrace the ones he loves the most. Speak of which. "RAINBOW!" There in front of him standing beside an SUV was the one the only Rainbow Dash." Said, individual wore a pair of short jeans and a white short-sleeved hoody. On her nose was a piercing that looked to be made of literal gold. Not only that but on both of her arms is a tattoo that closely resembled a strange-looking tree. Said tree also had nine glowing stones. The stones themselves each resembled a different color. Said colors were blue, yellow, purple, and so on. "It's about time!" Rainbow grinned. Her arms open in an inviting hug. Not wasting a second Heart practically ran over to her before leaping into the embrace. Having not expected that Rainbow nearly lost her balance. Fortunately, the blue woman managed to regain her footing. Laughing Rainbow ran a hand through her brother's hair. "Looks like someone missed big sister Rainbow" Dash teased. However, there was something in her voice. A breathlessness that comes from barely keeping your emotions in check. The tightness in the embrace also told Heart Felt all he needed to know. "I missed you to Dash." Heart Felt Rainbow tense up for just a monument. A second later a low content sigh left the tomboy's mouth. Closing his eyes Heart let the embrace, as well as his emotions, take him into a world far from this one, and from the sound of Rainbow's breathing, he wasn't alone. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""'''''''''''"'''''''""""""""""""''''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Since when were you able to buy a car?" "Since when did I decide that buying was my style?" Rainbow Dash smirked. In response, Heart laughed. Even if what she said alone didn't exactly classify as a joke. The two none blooded siblings were busy driving around the town. Heart Felt suggested this since it's been practically a whole year since he's been around the city itself. "So we're are the others?" Dash snorted. "Like I'm telling those losers you're out, naw I rather keep you for myself for a little while longer." Upon hearing those words Heart immediately tensed, expression going from light-hearted to dark in a matter of seconds. "Im not some object that you can hoard all to yourself." "That's not what I mean-! Rainbow paused. Taking a deep breath the cyan woman willed herself to relax. If there was one thing about Rainbow Dash that you needed to know it's that the young woman herself had quite the temper. So much so that at times people questioned if she was sane. The fact that she was also known for having a violent streak didn't help matters either. Or the fact that over the years she managed to rack up a body count. "Look, I haven't seen you in over a year and I know that as soon as we get home the others are all going to want to spend time with you, so I figure that now is a good time as any to get ahead of the game." Heart stared at her. "What?!" She snapped, temper flaring. A second later a feeling of regret washed over her. However, before it could consume her entirely Heart spoke. "Rainbow if you want to simply hang out all you have to do is ask." She shrugs. "Yeah, well as you can no doubt already tell I'm not very good with words." 'No wonder you're still single." He grinned. Rainbow couldn't help but snicker. "Asshole." With a nod mostly to himself than to her Heart looked back towards the road. "So what do you have in mind?" Rainbow grinned. """""""""""""""""""'''""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Knock! Knock! "Honey, can you get the door?" "Yes, mom!" Soarin called out. Turning off his control Soarin wasted little time in answering the door. The young man figured that behind said the door was either one of two things. One the pizza he ordered. Or two Jehovah witnesses. He preferred the former over the latter. However, instead of either of those things, Soarin was met with a person he thought he would never see again. "Rainbow Dash?!" "Hey Soarin" she smiled. Beside Rainbow Dash was a person he had never seen before. However, from the way, the kid looked at him and who he was standing beside it was safe to say that he wasn't a pushover. "I thought you were dead" Soarin muttered. Images of police sirens and a figure covered in blood flashed in his mind. "Eh" Rainbow shrugged. "Turns out the bullet missed its mark by a couple of inches, it still left a nasty-looking scar though, think I should try to tattoo over it?" Soarin opened his mouth to respond. However, a look from Rainbow made him realize that the question wasn't for him. The kid beside Dash seems to mull it over for a few seconds, before shrugging. "Might hurt, but I don't see why not." The woman merely hummed in acknowledgment. After trying and failing to speak Soarin finally manages to get a few words out. "Wh-what are y-you d-doing here?" Rainbow grinned. "Oh you know, I just thought it was finally around the time where I get my revenge, after all, you're the one who decided to pull the trigger." Soarin's eyes went wide. "Wha-!' However, before he could even finish his sentence a blue fist connected against his face. Looking down at the unconscious body before him Heart wondered to himself out loud. "for a person that's supposed to be as tough as you Rainbow, he sure doesn't act like it." "What can I say? It's a gift." Felt chuckled. "Yeah, a gift for a fully grown man who still lives with their mother, speaking of which." As if on Que a voice can be heard from further inside the house. "Soarin? Is everything alright?" The two looked at one another. "Not it!" The youngest said quickly. Rainbow muttered a curse under her breath. """"""'''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''''''" "DON'T MOVE!" Dash screamed. Everyone in the store immediately froze. While this was happening Felt was already up and over the counter. A gun pressed tightly against the cashier's head. Because of this, it wasn't at all surprising that the woman immediately froze up. "Listen carefully" Felt ordered. His voice was calm and calculating. "All that you need to do is open the case register hand me the money and will be on our merry way, that is if you don't want my friend over there to get trigger happy." The women gulped. Felt gave the woman to collect herself. Once she did so she immediately began doing as he instructed. "Good, good" Felt praised. "The sooner we get this done the better." The woman nodded. Her heartfelt as if it was gonna beat right out of her chest. As this was happening Rainbow walked among the customers. How she moved was like a predator circling its prey. Her eyes took in each person present with a look that terrified them. Of course, Rainbow was currently wearing a mask, hiding her features from view, but a mask or not the aura around her was unmistakable. Make one move and your dead, no more no less. "Done!" Felt shouted. Three seconds later he and his cyan partner burst out tbe door. Getting in and out of tbe immediate area by pressing hard on the accelerator. "THAT'S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!" Dash screamed. Currently, fueled on adrenaline mixed with excitement. She wasn't alone. Beside her Heart was screaming his lungs out. It has been a long while since he got some real excitement. Granted what they're doing was bad that alone he had no illusion of or a misguided sense of morality. Truth be told at times like these he just couldn't find it within himself to care. Perhaps that was more dangerous than morality itself. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''''''''''"""'''''''''''"""""'''''''''''''''''"" "Aye, bro?" "Yes?" "Imma need you to hold the wheel for a few seconds." "Why?" "Because I think I see Gilda." "You mean that girl who punched Derpy in the face because she accidentally bumped into her?" "Yup." "Aim for the eyes." Rolling down the window Dash screamed at the woman. Upon hearing her name being called Gilda turned. Only to widen her eyes upon seeing blue woman with multi-colored hanging a car window. An object that looked exactly like a pistol held in her grip. "THIS IS FOR DERPY!" Dash screamed before firing. Gilda including tbe crowd around her panicked and began to run. Unfortunately one deems it logically impossible to outrun a bullet. As such Gilda including several others were hit in the crossfire. Once again the duo pressed on the accelerator. """""""""""""""'''''''"''''""""""""""""""""""""""""""''''''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Big Dash bitches! The cyan woman shouted before rolling some dice. The end result caused the crowd around her to shout in dismay. Heart Felt who kept an eye out on the other players immediately began gathering their winnings as Dash was too busy celebrating her victory. Once everything was said and done Dash announced that it was his turn to play. Heart for his part shrugged said fuck it and grabbed some dice. His opponents didn't last long after that. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""'''''''''''''"""""''''''''''"""""''''''''"""""""""""""""""""""'''"""""""""''''' "Hey, sis?" "Yeah?" "I just want to say thank you" Heartfelt himself begin to smile as he looked up at the night sky. The air was cool and while the stars were few it still made for a beautiful sight. Thank you can often mean a lot of different words for different people. In this instance Heart Felt thanks doesn't only translate to today's events, but his entire life right up to this point. In other words, his thanks were for various unspoken things. "Thank you for today. Thank you for picking me up. Thank you for being in my life. Thanks for taking the time to love and care for me when I needed it most. Thank you for being you. Rainbow Dash for her part paused. The ice cream she was licking mere moments ago was seemingly forgotten. Silence. For a long, long moment nothing was said. For a while, the two simply stared up at the sky. Or at least until Rainbow snorted. "Thank you is a stupid word." Heart merely laughed at this. "Coming from your point of view? I ain't all that munch surprised." Rainbow Dash chuckled before jumping off the hood. Stretching the mare glanced at the time on her phone. "Welp I hate to say it, but we should be getting back to the others right about now, no doubt the word on the street probably mentioned your release." Heart nodded as the two began to walk. Only for Rainbow to suddenly pause and look back over her shoulder. "Oh yeah almost forgot." Reaching into her pocket the cyan woman pulled out a match. Lighting it she then handed it over to her little brother. "Im too lazy to do the honors." Rolling his eyes Heart Felt merely flicked the lighter over his shoulder. Once done the two began to walk. Intending to hijack another ride, or simply take the bus. Behind them, Soarin screamed as his body began to burn.