My Little Superstar Saga

by Starlight Fan

Going Up Against Cackletta and Fawful

The Skies above the Mushroom Kingdom

Mario and Luigi were in the belly of the Koopa Cruiser when the megaphone went off.

“Hey! You! Down there in the ship's belly! Mario and...what's-yer-name! Green guy!” The Koopa in the megaphone spoke. “Mario! And...Mr. Green Mario Brother Guy! Look alive down there, will you two? We're about to arrive in the Beanbean Kingdom! Open your suitcase arrange your stuff, and get ready to roll. Then report to the deck. Pronto!“

Mario and Luigi make their way to the deck, and pass the photo alley but they're suddenly stopped by another one of Bowser's troops.

“Hey there, you two.” The Photographer Koopa said.

Mario and Luigi hear him and face the Koopa.

“You mean us?” Mario asked.

“Yeah! You two mustached dudes!” The Photographer Koopa called out. “You're about to enter the Beanbean Kingdom, so you have your passports with you, right?”

“Uh yeah, here they are.” Luigi said taking the passports out of the suitcase and handing it to the Koopa.

“Ah so these are your passports but...hey there aren't any photos!” The Photographer Koopa pointed out.

“Oh is that a problem?” Mario asked.

“Of course it is, these won't get you into the Beanbean Kingdom! No sir, no way, no how!” The Photographer Koopa explained.

“Oh no.” Mario and Luigi said in worry.

“Don't wig out about it, though. If we take your pictures here, you should be just fine. Since the Great Bowser has called you to the deck, I'll let you two cut the line.” The Photographer Koopa reassures the Mario Brothers.

Soon Mario goes in line first and the Koopa takes his picture as Mario flashes a big thumbs up.

Luigi takes his photo next and flashes a big thumbs up like Mario.

“Great! I've taken passport photos for both of you! Aren't we all happy now? Happy all around!” The Photographer Koopa said giving Mario and Luigi their passports.

Mario and Luigi continue their way to the deck, they see a barrel in the way and roll it down, ergo breaking it, alerting one of the Koopas.

“Hey! Watch it, you clumsy oaf! Don't break the Great Bowser's cargo! It's important stuff!” The Koopa lectures.

“But we have to go to the deck and this barrel was blocking our way.” Mario explained.

“The deck?” The Koopa said “The deck's just up ahead.”

“Thank you for telling us.” Luigi said happily.

Mario and Luigi move the next barrel out of the way as they see another Koopa trying to catch two Goombas.

“Come here you.” The Koopa says as he tries catching the Goomba but the Goomba was too fast for him.

“Hahhh... Hooffff... Haarfff...It's too quick! I can't catch it...And I have to get ready for Beanbean immigration...” The Koopa said out of breath.

The Koopa then notices Mario and Luigi.

“Oh! It's Mario and...Mr. Greenie! Can you two help me out? I need to catch these Goombas.” The Koopa explained.

“Sure we’ll help you out.” Mario replies.

Mario then jumps on the Goomba.

(Battle: Goomba)

Mario jumps on the Goomba twice angering him, so the Goomba decides to charge at Luigi but Luigi saw it coming and counterattacks by jumping on it’s head wearing it out.

(Battle Over)

Soon the Goomba was put in a barrel by the Koopa after he pressed the red button.

“Hoo thanks, now can you get the other one?” The Koopa asked.

Mario and Luigi soon head to the other Goomba and begin fighting it.

(Battle: Goomba)

Mario jumps on the Goomba, after he did that the Goomba then runs toward Luigi hitting him.

Luigi then jumps on the Goomba, this time the Goomba targets Mario, but Mario counterattacks by jumping on it wearing the Goomba down.

(Battle Over)

The Koopa soon picked up the Goomba and put him on the ground and then pushed a button trapping the Goomba.

"Hoo thanks, now I'm ready." The Koopa proclaimed.

Mario and Luigi continue on and notice barrels blocking the path, they then notice a crane and a exclamation point block and get an idea.

"Are you-a thinking what I'm-a thinking?" Mario asked.

"You mean using that-a crane to move the cargo?" Luigi implied.

"Yep that's-a what I'm-a thinking." Mario nodded.

Mario then hits the exclamation point block and the crane begins moving, it then comes down and grabs Luigi and carries him up to the deck.

"Uh oh! Looks like the crane mistook you for cargo...That looks...uncomfortable. Hey! Since you're up there, why don't we use you as a lookout!" The Koopa nearby said.

Mario then pushes the barrels and it took a while but he made it to the deck where Bowser and Luigi(who was still being carried by the crane) were waiting for him.

A Koopa then shows up and begins speaking "Your Rancidness! We will soon pass over the border between the Mushroom and Beanbean Kingdoms."

"Hmm! Nice work! You can go back belowdecks. Now." Bowser commanded making the Koopa leave.

Luigi spots something with the binoculars and begins to freak out.

"Eh? What's with all the hoopla?" Bowser asked.

A green, explosive orb hits the ship and makes Bowser repel backwards hitting Luigi making him fall off the crane.

"Roar, what now?" Bowser said angrily.

Cackletta suddenly appears in her rocket throne "Eeyah ha ha ha ha! Who would have thought that you'd catch up to the Great Cackletta in even a hundered million years?"

"You! You're the fiend who stole Peach's voice! How dare you pull off such a cool, evil plan?" Bowser reprimanded the bean witch.

"Eyah ha ha ha oh I dare." Cackletta laughed as her partner Fawful appears in his headgear.

"And now I'm going straight back to the Beanbean Kingdom so my next plan can take root! I have no time to chat with the likes of you!" Cackletta monologues.

"Fawful take care of this." Cackletta commands as she flies away.

“Eyah ha ha ha ha.” Fawful laughed “I am the great Cackletta's most best pupil, who is named Fawful! I am here, laughing at you! If you are giving us the chase, just to get your silly princess's voice, then you are idiots of foolishness! Princess Peach's sweet voice will soon be the bread that makes the sandwich of Cackletta's desires! And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!”

Fawful fires an orb at Bowser, knocking him over.

Mario and Luigi look shocked at what just occurred and walk up to Bowser.

“Get up Bowser.” Mario said, worried.

“Come on we need to defeat Fawful.” Luigi said, scared.

Soon they looked the other way and saw Fawful was gone.

Fawful then flew behind Mario and Luigi with his headgear and began laughing “Eya ha ha ha ha!” Fawful laughed frightening the Mario Brothers.

“Next is the turn of you.” Fawful laughed.

(Boss Battle: Fawful)

Mario and Luigi begin with their battle poses.

Fawful shoots an orb at Luigi but he dodges the attack.

Mario then jumped on Fawful’s headgear, damaging it.

“Fink Rat!” Fawful yelled before blasting another orb at Mario which he dodged.

Luigi was next and he also jumped on Fawful and damaged his headgear making it break.

Fawful soon tried to ram at Mario but he ended up jumping and hitting Fawful instead.

Fawful tried doing the same thing to Luigi only to have the same results.

Fawful began to sweat knowing his attacks weren’t working but then he smirked.

“You may have won the battle for now, but the war of Peach’s voice will end up in loss for you.” Fawful vowed.

“HEADGEAR!” Fawful said while pressing a button on his remote.

Soon another vacuum helmet shows up and Fawful puts it on his head.

“I HAVE FURY!” Fawful yelled.

(Boss Battle Ends)

“Bah! Now is when the talking stops! I do not have the time to stop and smell foul roses such as you! One fell swoop is the way I will deal with you fink-rats!” Fawful rants before using his headgear to blast the Koopa Cruiser which made Mario and Luigi scream.

Soon Fawful flew away and the Koopa Cruiser then exploded.

We then cut to a binocular sighting, from who, we don’t know yet.

“General Starshade! A massive explosion has been sighted! Confirmation! I need confirmation!” The voice said.

Soon a red and green shooting star began going down and then it crashed, “Impact in Stardust Fields, Emergency Emergency.”

We then see Spike piloting an airship by taking the steering wheel.

“How long are we gonna be traveling for, I’m booooored.” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Calm down Rainbow Dash we should be getting there soon.” Starlight rolled her eyes.

“But I wanna kick Cackletta’s butt already, this would be so much easier with the Elements Of Harmony.” Rainbow Dash scoffed.

“Come to think of it why didn’t we bring the Elements in the first place?” Spike asked curiously.

“Who knows how long we’ll be in the Beanbean Kingdom for, by then the Tree Of Harmony could die.” Twilight said, “That’s why we’re leaving them home.”

“Well when Twilight puts it like that it does make sense.” Fluttershy said.

“I guess this will have to be a bit harder than usual.” Applejack sighed.

“Hey what’s that bean lady doing in a chair heading straight towards us.” Pinkie Pie asked pointing to Cackletta in the distance.

“Well we’ll are these the little ponies who are trying to take Celestia’s magic back from ME! HA! I laugh at this foolishness!” Cackletta laughed.

“So you’re Cackletta, return Celestia’s magic back to us and nopony gets hurt.” Twilight narrowed her eyes.

“Eyahahahahahaha, oh you foolish alicorn I don’t back down so easily. In fact it is very rude to be heading to the BeanBean Kingdom uninvited. Perhaps some banishment is in order.” Cackletta smirked.

Cackletta soon zapped Spike with her lightning powers causing him to fly to the back of the ship, to which he barely holds onto, “Spikey Wikey!” Rarity screamed in horror before the airship soon began going off course.

“Rainbow Dash, Starlight, you and I will hold off Cackletta somepony else take the wheel and the rest of you save Spike.” Twilight demanded.

“Aye aye princess.” Pinkie Pie saluted bravely before running up to the wheel and holding onto it.

We soon see Rarity running up and levitating Spike to the ship.

“Thanks Rarity.” Spike sighed in relief.

“Don’t mention it.” Rarity nodded.

Soon we see Rainbow Dash flying up to Cackletta making her spin around in her chair.

Soon Starlight and Twilight began blasting magic from their horns but Cackletta recovered from her shock and began using her Lightning to counter the attack. Cackletta soon smirked before she stopped using the lightning bolts and flew downwards.

Twilight and Starlight were confused by this but soon Cackletta zapped the ship, causing it to light on fire and causing it to tumble down.

And then it exploded as it made impact with the ground.