//------------------------------// // Second Account, Recording One // Story: Her Eyes Reflect The Stars // by Lynwood //------------------------------// A crisp click. "This is investigator Close Look with the Dodge City division. Case—" A yawn. "Case One-Two-Five, interview three. This recording is for the purpose of analysis at a later date. As a note, this interview is being conducted at, um... approximately one-thirty AM." A throat being cleared. "Sorry about that." "Well, we're here and the tape's running, Lily. Why don't you explain why you're here for the record." "Again?" "It's–" "It's proper protocol, yeah, yeah, I know. Okay, um, I came back because I, um... I remembered." "Despite your insistence to the contrary five days ago." "Wait, it's been five days?" "It has. Is that a problem?" A short pause. Slightly quickened breathing. "I don't know. Maybe. I'll... I'll explain it in a bit." "Then, by all means, continue." The squeaking of a wooden chair on linoleum. "Alright. I'm back because I remembered. I remembered Her, in a dream." "Her?" "The Mare." "You'll have to be a bit more specific–" "The Long-Legged Mare. She was there. She looked like my mother, at first." "Wait, slow down. Who is this 'Long-Legged Mare?'" The quick tapping of a hoof on wood. "I, um... I don't know. She's tall, too tall. Like the princess, but wrong. It's hard to explain." A short silence, then the scratching of a pen on paper. "I don't think I understand, but please continue." "She's the one who led me into the forest. I thought it was my mom. At first, She looked just like her, but as we walked further, the ground got wetter and She got taller and Her mane didn't fall down Her neck right–" "Lily, are you okay?" Quick breathing that steadies after a moment. "Y-yeah, I'm alright. I kept following Her, and She kept talking to me in my mother's voice, but it was just the same phrases over and over. 'Stay close to me, dear,' and 'my, it's a lovely day.' Stuff like that, and She never responded to the questions I was asking so I just stopped eventually. The ground got wetter and muddier and the trees changed. I remember how scared I was when I realized we were in the swamp." "The swamp?" "Yeah, the swamp past the forest. It's supposed to be three days' walk, but I eventually realized She tends not to care about that sort of thing." "I don't understand." "I don't either." A throat clearing. "We came to this hole in the ground. I could tell it'd been carved out of the rock a long time ago, with a cave at the bottom. Inside, it was almost pitch black, but there were these symbols painted on the walls. I only remember one, it was like a bunch of circles, like— here, gimme that pen." "Alright." The hurried scratching of a pen on paper. "Like that. She led me to the biggest one, and then she stopped, and-and she finally turned around and looked at me, and I looked at her eyes and her eyes repeated." "Repeated? Lily, are you alright?" "They repeated too far back into her head and then she— she opened her mouth and she said—" Panting. A pony struggling to breathe. "Lily, can you hear me?" "She said— she looked right at me and she said—" A clattering racket of wood on linoleum and the meaty thump of a body hitting the floor. "Lily!" Quick hoofsteps and a soft patting. "Lily, can you hear me?" Hoofteps at a quick pace. The rustling of paper. "Oh, this is not good, this is not good." A crisp click.