//------------------------------// // The Meeting // Story: See no evil // by aegishailstorm //------------------------------// The Blackhawk pulled away from the Airport and began its flight back to base, the remaining 3 members of Epsilon 6 were quiet the whole way back. Eventually the Helicopter touched down at one of site 15's landing pads, And the task force disembarked. They were immediately greeted a by a team of 6 medics clad in Class 6BNC Hazmat suits. Flanked by security Personnel. "We're here to bring Corporal Alex in." Said the lead one. Lt. Jackson led the medical team to the Helicopter, where they found the still sleeping form of Corporal Alex inside. Resulting In a Quiet awwww... from a few of the Agents in the back when they caught glimpses of the ponified MTF Operative. "Can it morons'. You're here to figure out what's wrong with him, Remember!?" The Medical Team nodded in approval, before placing Corporal Alex on a stretcher, and speeding him way to the bases infirmary. "You think He'll be alright?" Asked Ramirez. " Don't no, we'll have to wait until the doctors get a look at him." Responded Jackson. The team was approached by several other Medical staff. "We'll be needing to examine you guys as well, Just as a precaution." One quick medical examination later... "The Team sat around the Infirmary beds, Still clad in their gear from the mission. Wondering what was going to happen to their teammate, when a call rang out over the intercom. "All present members of Mobile Task Force Epsilon Six report to Conference room 2-A For Debriefing." The team got off their beds, walked out the door, and headed down the hallway. When they entered, they were greeted not only by Doctor Black, But also by several other researchers. Doctors, Elisa, Dan, Tomson, and Gregory. As well as, to the whole team's surprise, The Site director. "Ho boy, We must be in serious trouble if the Site Director's here." Said Brandon with a nervous grunt. "Greeting Epsilon six, please sit down." Dr. Black asked in a calm fashion. Once the team had seated themselves around the table. The Site director Spoke up. "First of all, as you requested, we've tightened the Cordon around the town to within 1 kilometer of the affected area, and as of now, these 'Ponies' Inhabiting the zone have not seemed to notice, nor make any effort to intervene, or circumvent our forces. The good news is, with help from some of our to hackers over at Kappa 10, we've managed to confirm the cause of this to indeed be memetic in nature, and we have Mobile Task Force ETA 10 on standby." "The bad News is, that this wasn't an Isolated incident, we've found more iterations of this Cognitohazard virus in Servers across the country, and we currently have no solid way of pinning it down. If we don't put a stop to this, we might have millions of young boys and girls, (And Middle aged men) Waking up to a... let's say 'colorful' surprise. We need to find a way to put a stop to this thing." Said Dr. Gregory. The Other doctors than began explaining how the virus worked, and how it gradually began to transform a person the longer they watched. Lt. Jackson butted in. "That's good and all, But what about my corporal? Have you managed to stop his transformation?" "Unfortunately, no, the best we can do for him at this time is keep him under sedation until we figure out a way to save him, or at the very least, his mind." Replied the site director. "Damnit!" He pounded the desk in anger. Just then a call came in over the Director's personal radio. It was one of the officers in charge of monitoring inbound communications. "Sir, You need to see this!" "On my way." Responded the Director. "Dismissed, Epsilon 6, pleasure working with you as always, best of luck to your team mate. "Thank you sir." The 3 members rose out off their chairs, and saluted him as he exited the room. Meanwhile... The CEO of Hasbro was siting at his desk at the top floor off company headquarters, and was getting ready to close up for the day when he suddenly heard a knocking at His Office door. "Come in." He said. What Happened almost made him pass out from shock. Standing there was a horse-like Figure with a dark cloak, with the Insignia of a horse and a planet. Emblazed on their shoulder in silver .The creature approached him, and began to speak. "Greetings, human. My name is Dagaz, leader Of the Ponification of Earth for Humanities Rebirth. Or PER, for short. I have brought you a gift." The CEO rubbed his eyes and looked down at the whiskey bottle sitting on his desk, "I pray that I'm just dreaming." "Oh no human, according to my magical scans, you are fully conscious." The being held out a hoof, and the CEO reached out and felt it. Sure enough, it felt solid and real. "Alright... Mister Dagaz, what is it that you want with me? "Asked the CEO. Oh, Nothing but a simple business proposal, you see, we recently released a new season of My little pony, To great succe-" "Wait, I though that show ended years ago." "Oh, I can assure you, its very much still alive, and it was met with great ratings when it was shown to the public." "Well, anything to make us more money!" "Anyway... As I was saying, it was met with great approval from its many adoring fans, however, it was wiped from the internet for no reason whatsoever. I-we need access to Hasbro's servers in order to get it back up again. What say you?" "Well, I don't see why not." Responded the CEO. "Great. Now, before we begin, I Would like you to watch an episode of it and tell me what you think." The CEO's expression darkened, "Fat Chance, But there ain't a way in hell that I'm watching that." "I'm not asking. "Responded the Creature. Before The CEO Could react, he was pulled to the ground by... Wait, more Ponies?! Well, It's not like this day could've gotten any weirder. He called out for his Security guards but in their place came an earth pony and a pegasi. "Hey there boss!, You needed something- Oh, I see .you're about to watch your first episode. Mind if we join in?" This only caused him to scream louder. "Who are you people, What are you doing to me!?!?!?!" "Don't bother screaming, every last human in this building has already learned the 'Magic of Friendship' And soon you will to. Just watch. And so, he did, and just like so many others before him, He started it off a human, and ended it off a pony. "Great, now that that's done, We can continue with our plan." Unfortunately for this so 'Dagaz' He had in fact not gotten to every humans in the building as he had hopped. and a member of Mobile task force Delta 5, aka, Front runners had been observing as this all unfolded via a tab in the building's security cameras in a janitor closet. And was sending all of his recorded data back to site 15. Meanwhile back at site 15... The Site director and the technicians looked on at the event unfolding on the monitors with a mix of horror, sarcasm, and confusion. "So, you see sir, it is my opinion that these beings pose a clear and recognizable threat to humanity's existence, I recommend that you immediately dispatch supplementary forces to my location, It should be clear from this footage that they need to be put down as soon as possible and- wait, Oh ####ing ####! They found me, Delta 5 ou-." The feed went dark after that. "Get Me Site 19 on the, tell them we're going to be needing to borrow NU 7 "Hammer down for a while. And those Guys form ETA 10. We have a planet to save... again."