Lotus, You Turned Me Into A Cat

by Script Singer

It Was An "Accident"

I awoke to the sound of a knock on my door. I slowly crawled out of bed and walked to my window. I found Lotus Moon standing at my door. I rubbed my eyes as I let out a yawn. 

"Lotus, what are you doing up this early…?" I say as I let out another yawn. 

"I got something to show ya, I couldn't wait 'cause I'm too excited!" Lotus replied. 

"Can't this wait for another… I dunno, an hour or so…? I'm exhausted and didn't get to bed till like one in the morning."

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun! It's a new magical spell that can help with inspiration for your books!" 

I opened my eyes wide as I heard her say that, I've been having a really bad case of writer's block as of late so it intrigued me quite a bit, but then I became suspicious. 

"How do I know this isn't some trick…?" I asked. 

"Come on, would I do anything bad to you?"

I rubbed my chin in thought for a moment, and figured; why not? “I’ll be down in a moment then, just let me get something to wake me up real quick.”

I walked down into my kitchen and opened the fridge, trying to find something to drink that could wake me up. Once I found something, I chugged it down and walked towards my front door.

As soon as I opened the door, I found myself staring at Lotus's horn glowing. The next thing I knew, there was a bright flash of light, then darkness.


I opened my eyes, finding myself staring up at Lotus, noticing she was a lot taller than she was a second ago. I tilted my head in confusion as Lotus couldn’t contain her laughter. “What's so funny?” I asked. Lotus only continued her laughter.

I then looked down and noticed a pair of orange paws in front of me. I jumped back in surprise as I let out a startled scream.

“What the-” I muttered finding the paws were following me. “Get them off me!”

Lotus couldn’t contain it any longer. She dropped onto the ground and started cackling. 

I ran up to a mirror, trying to figure out what happened. I stared in shock at what I saw before me. 

I stared at the fluffy orange cat in the mirror, lifting my paws and blinking to make sure that it was me. Oddly my mane had remained and my tail, while long, thin, and prehensile, retained its colors.

"Confound it, Lotus! Change me back right meow!”

“Aww…” Lotus uttered. “You’re just adorable!” She reached out her hoof to pet me but I just arched my back and swiped my paw at her. “Oh, come here you.” She then picked me up despite my hissing and yowling.

She then started to rub me on my back which caused me to let out a soft purr. I then started rubbing my head slightly against her, but then came to my senses. I jumped out of her arms and let out a hiss. She only booped me on the nose and let out a giggle. I only glared at her in response.

"Oh, come on, just admit you like being a cat." 

I only turned facing away from Lotus holding my head up high, letting out a humph.

I ignored Lotus's chuckles as I got up to go lay on my bed, figuring she wasn't done torturing me, but I found her picking me up in her aura as I saw a pink frilly dress floating towards me. I tried to scramble out of her grasp, but to no avail. 

She then sat me back down on the floor after she put the dress on me and held up a mirror. 

"Aaawwww, just look at you, you're so beautiful!" She said. I only let out another angry hiss as I began chewing on the dress, trying to get it off, but she picked me up once more. 

"Ah ah ah, we're not done yet." I only glared at her as my body slumped into her grasp. She then walked me up the stairs into my room, walking me towards my dresser. She sat me down and then began to rummage through my drawers, probably looking for my makeup. 

I then decided to make a run for it for my coltfriend Jaded’s house. I made a run for the window and ran as fast as I could. I ran towards his house hoping he would know how to fix this mess. I could hear Lotus running behind me, which prompted me to run even faster. 

“Jaded!” I yelled. “Jaded help me!”

Jaded opened the door with a panicked look on his face, quickly turning to confusion. “Did that cat just talk?” he spoke.

“Jaded, you dummy! It’s me!” I grumbled.

Jaded just stared at me for a moment, then picked me up once I had reached him. He then took me inside and sat me on the couch and layed himself on top of me. I could feel the growl growing in my throat. 

“Jaded, let me go!” 

“My little kitty~”

“Well, I guess this is better than being covered in makeup against my will…” I mumbled to myself as I squeezed my way out of his grasp and just curled up on top of him.