//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - The Abandonment // Story: Stolen Childhood // by MistyShadowz //------------------------------// "W-what?" The cold, Autumn breeze swept past, ruffling the untrained feathers of the Pegasus filly. Dark clouds above blocked Celestial's glorious sun, with a dark and eerie fog. Any noise from passersby's chatter or hoof steps were drowned out by the pouring rain accompanied with the crackling of thunder. The floor of clouds was left unshaken by the heavy rainfall from nearby cloud stations. The ponies in the rain though couldn't say any such thing. Ponies, out in such a weather, scampered off to their respected homes for shelter. While most sensible ponies would do this, two remained out in the cold, wet and almost abandoned streets of Clouds-dale. The younger Pegasus filly, had tears streaming down her cheeks. Her multicolor hued mane was wet and silky, laying on her side. Her small, cyan wings were drooping on her sides, her feathers dampening in the hard, cold rain from above. She stared up at her mother with pleading eyes. The other, older mare, stood with a firm, orange-eyed gaze rested on her daughter. Her fire red hair, normally swept up and looking like a literal fire, now lying flat against her head, waterier then fiery. Her sleek, teal wings were soaked from the pouring water. "I said. Stay. Here, and don’t. Come. Back." Her voice was low and strict, had little to no traces of care nor love in them. The filly's eyes went to the size of pin pricks, as she managed to register what her mother meant by, 'Stay here' and 'don't come back'. Tears started falling more and more as she thought about those words harder. Though, those tears were lost to the rain. She returned to her pleading look as she gazed up at her mother, "Please... what did I do? I'll... I'll... fix it, I promise... please, mom" She pleaded, between sobs. Her mother shook her head agitatedly. She pulled out something from under her wing and gave to the filly, who reluctantly took it from her mother, "What you did, you cannot fix Dash. Read that when you feel... like it, just be warned, it is not the most fun thing ever written", Firefly said, using her wings to air-quote the word 'fun'. Dash stared down at the letter, perplexed by what was written inside. By what her mom it wasn't something she'd like. The letter was soaked wet, makes sense, it was hidden under a wet wing. It had her family stamp, a lightning bolt jolting out of a cloud. She shot her head back up at her mother, who had begun readying herself for flight. Her aerodynamically trained body rinsed - attempted - off the water, her wings managed to get free from the wetness and somewhat returned to their sleek selves once more. "Wh-what about d-dad? He... he wouldn't be h-ha-" The filly managed out through her sobs. She was not long after cut off by the older mare. "He would never know." She stated as she stretched out her wings and flew off, leaving an astonished and heartbroken filly behind. She fell to the floor in a heap of tears. Did her mother just abandon her? Was she left to fend for herself? What kind of mother does that? Why did she do that? Did she fail her that much, to have earned this? What could she have done to be abandoned by some pony who's supposed to love you no matter what? Where was her father through all this? Why would he never know? Dash was quite close with her father, of course he'd know, he'd also care... right? That's what she thought about her mother, and look where that ended her up. Crying from heartbreak out in the middle of nowhere, thousands of miles from home, where no pony knew her, huddled up in a ball. Was there a place worse than this for one's pride? She sat up and leaned herself on a wall nearby. The somewhat warmth of the cloud wall was all that comforted her that night. She hadn't moved from her place the next Morning, hoping that this whole thing was just a practical joke, and that her mom would come back for her, and take her home. But the day went uneventful. Just as the sun had rose that morning to declare that a new day had officially begun, it drifted down the horizon to call forth the dusky night. Fortunately, no other rainstorms were called in that day nor for the night. The filly was left starving the whole day, didn't move from her place, and stayed there watching the day unfold before her. Mares and stallions rushing off to work, little fillies and colts being bustled in to their school flight-bus, the senior citizens watering their plants. She saw it all, though none saw her. She was left forgotten by all in the world. She was nowhere near home, had no sense of direction and knew no adults that could help her. Sitting there she watched not only the day unfold but the mischief ensues. Little fillies and colts running around planking one another, setting up pranks on neighbors, scaring away any birds that dared venture up that high - the birds that weren't birds of prey, that is. Dash had thought about joining them, but decided to wait for her mother instead. Although last night may not have shown it, she still had hope that her mother still cared for her and wanted her back, that she was on her way here to apologize and bring her back home. I mean, a mother couldn't abandon her child for too long, right? Though that seemed to be the case, as the next day went by the same as the one before, and no sign of her mother returning. Her stomach growled demanding that it gets fed immediately. Dash let out a groan before hobbling onto her hooves. She stretched out her little, ruffled up wings, to take flight but failed with her every attempt. Groaning, she made her way out of the little alleyway she was sat in for nearly two days, and made her way across the street. Ponies must be blind to miss me! I mean I have a rainbow on my head, for Celestial's sake and yet no pony seems to even question why a filly's wandering on her own! She thought to herself, as she made her way through town, trying to find some way of getting food. She wondered around town, still not noticing a single pony as merely as face her general direction. Geez! I knew ponies aren't the nicest on the street, but not even bothering to turn my way!? Thoughts such as this remained poking at her mind. Though she questioned all their sanities, she mostly wanted one of them to come up to her and ask her if she needed help. She would much rather admit to one pony that she wanted... no, needed help, than to make some sort of scene, trying to get their attention. She was not risking that humiliation, anywhere, ever. Soon after some trotting she found herself in front of a sweet shop. She licked her lips as the aroma of the shop was let out by some pony who opened the door to that place. It smelled like they were baking cakes, caramel Apples, candy corn and ice cream all at once! It smelled delicious, and to a hungry Rainbow Dash, it seemed like the perfect place to get herself some goodies. She trotted up to the door, which was a few feet taller than her, and slowly managed to push the door open. Once inside she could smell all of the tasty treats being made. Chocolate bars, potato chips, caramel corn, all sorts of cakes and cupcakes, different flavors of ice creams and so much more, melted into a mouth watery sent that filled the entire shop. Taking a good long sniff of the place, she trotted over to the counter and tilted her head up to see everything. Looking back at her wings, she mumbled out a curse at them for not functioning right them. "Howdy!" A chipper sounding voice spoke from the other side of the counter. Dash looked to her sides a few times, when she noticed a stallion stood at the counter talking to the cashier about something. Under him stood a small filly, looking about the same age, maybe older, as Dash. The filly had her long, pink hair over her eyes, and was looking up at the stallion. Her creamed colored wings seemed to be frail and delicate not for the type of flying Dash adored. Her posture alone, looked as though she would scream and run off at the smallest of noises. "Hi" Dash waved a hoof toward the little filly, who let out an 'Eep' before facing Dash. She covered her face with her hair and looked in the other filly's direction. Dash tilted her head, she had never met some pony so shy, they had to use their own hair as a shield. She smiled warmly at the Pegasus, "Hi, I'm Rainbow Dash, and you are...?". Dash heard a little whimper come from the filly but nothing more. She tilted her, "Uh, didn't catch that" The cream coated filly let out something of a mumble. Again, Dash had no idea what the filly said, "Uh, repeat?" She requested. "Fluttershy" it was quiet and almost unheard, but Rainbow managed to hear it to some extent. She smiled warmly at the other Pegasus, who she now knew, as Fluttershy, who in turn gave her a very timid smile in return. "Well, Fluttershy, I like the name, it's pretty and I'm guessing you're very shy?" To that the filly answered by nodding her head. Dash placed a hoof to her chin for a second before she beamed a smile, "Can I call you Shy?" Fluttershy, tilted her head in confusion, "Y'know like a nickname" Again, a look of pure perpetual confusion was left on the filly's face. Dash chuckled at the face, "You look like my dad when I tell him stories about flight school" She beamed. Fluttershy shot her head back and forth, left and right, trying to locate aforementioned father. Dash giggled at that, "He isn't here, silly" She stated as though it was common knowledge, "Ima call you Shy" She declared. As she said that, the stallion who stood above Fluttershy, turn to the filly, "They've got chocolate bars, do you want that?" He asked with a sweet smile. Dash watched the two exchange looks and unheard words. She smiled as she remembered having those sorts of conversations with her father, which she intended on happening again! The last time it happened wasn't going to really be the last, last time. She had already made up her mind on that, she was just hungry, that's why she was here. The stallion turned back to the cashier and let the two continue their chatter. "So that's your father?" She asked with a sad smile, as she stared up at him. The other filly nodded; she noticed the smile on the other filly's face but decided that it wasn't her place to pry. Said sad smile withered away and left behind it a chipper one instead, "Awesome" "A-are you g-getting anything?" When Dash shook her head, Shy held out a hoof, which held a chocolate bar in it. Dash smiled at it, licking her lips in anticipation. A thought crossed her mind which stayed and made her cautious, "Don't you want it?" The cream filly shook her head and pulled out another bar with a smile. Dash returned the gesture and took the chocolate from the filly. She held in her hooves, looking at it as if it was the only piece of food that ever existed, although that is the look all little fillies make when they see something like that. "Thanks!" She spoke with a happy smile. Fluttershy, returned the smile, "Welcome, my father gave me two, but I don't really like chocolate that much, so you can have it, I'll give this one to my mom, she really likes chocolate" Dash smiled, her mom absolutely hated chocolate, whenever her or her father would manage to sneak some of it into the house, they felt like they had somehow managed to sneak past a spy agent or something. Rainbow loved that feeling though, so she never minded. "Cool, your mother sounds awesome" She said with sad smile stretched across her face, but before it had time to register into anybody else's mind, she replaced it with happy one. Fluttershy nodded slowly. Things went quiet between the two for a while, when she father spoke up, "I see you made friends Fluttershy" He looked down at the Pegasus, who smiled brightly up at him. "Hi Mr. Fluttershy's father!" She beamed innocently. The stallion chuckled and gave her a small wave. "Now what's your name?" He questioned with a soft smile. Dash looked up at him, and all she could see was her father smiling back at her. A tear nearly slipped out, she didn't know why, but it nearly did. She blinked it away at the nick of time. "Rainbow Dash!" She exclaimed enthusiastically looking up at the stallion above. He gave her a smile before searching the room for a bit, "They aren't here" Dash said with a nonchalant tone, that covered her despair and hatred for that phrase. He tilted his head a bit confused at the prospect, of a filly so young walking around town, alone. "Do they live around here? He asked curious about the filly. Dash gave a cautious nod as her reply. He then relaxed and softened his gaze. Turning his head toward his daughter he asked her to say goodbye for now. She did as request and they said their goodbyes. "Bye Shy!" "Bye" Dash watched the two step out of the shop and saw them leaving in a window. She turned her gaze back at the chocolate in her hooves. She shot her head from one place to another and cautiously, with her head low, she exited the store. She looked around to the hustle and bustle of the morning take effect. On her right was her way back to the alley and on her left unfamiliar territory. Smirking to herself, she turned and started trotting left. If she was going to spend another day out here then she might as well make it interesting, that's what her father would say. Walking through town, she found that this place felt more and more distant and unfamiliar as she trotted. Her wings had completely given up on her, and so she was left to a mere trot. She made her way across the streets, past the shops and finally found herself in front of the park entrance. It was a community place, where anyone's allowed to just trot on in. Shooting her head around, she found that no one had turned to face her. She smirked and walked in. Looking around for the park, she noticed tall and ‘unclimbable’ wall made purely out of cloud. She giggled at the sight, any Pegasus could just lightly flap their wings and they'd be on the other side, it was a very pointless measure for a place where the entire population could simply fly. Making her way to the fountain right in the middle of the park, she sat down on the floor and pulled out the chocolate, seemingly out of nowhere, and began unwrapping it. Her mouth began watering at the mere smell of it, having nothing for the last day and a half, got her stomach wanting anything at all. “Hey kid!” A voice unrecognized by Dash shouted in her direction. Looking up, she saw a big, buff stallion stood at the entrance of the park heading right for her. His teal coat and wings, seemed puffed out and ready for actions, his hooves ready to pounce and attack. Dash shot up to her hooves, and darted her eyes around, nervously. The stallion stomped up to her with a glare cold as ice on his face. He stared down at Dash, causing her blood to run cold. She gulped, what was happening? Was he going to hurt her? Was this it for her? Thoughts brewed inside her head, until the last one stuck. He shot her a glare and reached to grab her, but she swiftly dodged his hoof. He groaned and tried again. Her aerodynamic little body was able to swiftly dodge every single hoof he tried throwing her way, “Why you little-” He got cut off by the filly sticking her tongue out at him. She didn't want him saying anything bad, one because she didn't like it when others cursed, but mainly because... she didn't quite feel like being cursed at right then. He shot her a glare that gave her a shiver, then reached down to grab her, to another failed attempt. The filly buzzed her wing, trying to fly away from this, but alas, her wings had completely given up or something, because they just fell to her side. Though they didn't work like they were meant to, they definitely did help her get out of that situation. After seeing that her wings didn't work, the stallion burst into laughter, mocking her inability. She wanted to counter that with ‘Hey! I can fly they're just not working now!’ or something along those lines, but she was glad she didn't as she saw a way out of this predicament. While he was laughing Dash snuck under him and scurried away. ‘Yes! That was close!’ She thought. Her heart was beating faster and faster as she ran far away from the park. “Get back here you little rat!” The stallion’s voice called after her. She shot her head back, worriedly, and saw the Pegasus chasing after her. He had an advantage, he could fly, “Dammit wings!” She cursed them yet again. “Nopony gets away from Cliff Charsher, and definitely not a filthy rat like you!” He shouted after her. She could hear his wing beats getting closer, and she knew she could never out run a flying pony, she could never out fly one either, at least not one, like, twenty years older than her! She had to think of some other way of getting away from this jerk. Shooting her head, she saw a tiny little pipe she could crawl through. It seemed to be connected to something but right now that's the least of her problems. She turned her head and smirked at the Stallion, who recoiled a little at the sudden confidence but managed to keep up with her anyway. She ran and ran, until she finally made to the tube pipeline. She shot her head back, and saw him not far behind. Gulping, she bent down and crawled, as fast as she could, into the tunnel and went further and further inside until she was out of reach. Finally having a moment, she let out a breath of relief. “That was something” She told herself. Looking up, she saw the Stallion’s teal hoof reach inside, and try grab ahold of her. She backed up some more, her breathe getting heavier and heavier as she stared at the hoof in dumbfounded fear. What did this Pony want? She was just a filly sat to eat? When she wanted somepony to walk up to her and ask her something, she didn't mean this! She didn't mean she wanted to be chased and threatened! “Get out here you little rat!” He demanded taking his hoof out. She watched as he wiggled his hoof about trying to free it. When it finally did, he poked his through the tube to face her. Of course, it didn't come completely, and got nowhere near Dash, but it still sent a shiver down her spine. “Nopony makes ME look bad and get away with it! You hear me! The very moment you step one hoof out o’ this place, you’re meetin’ my hoof face to face!” He threatened. Dash gulped, what is happening! All she wanted to do was eat a chocolate and this is where that ended her up! At the end of a tube, shivering from fear, because somepony she didn't even know threatened her! ‘This day is just the worst!’ “L-look... s-sir... I-I don't kn-know what h-happened but... but I'm sorry...” she managed to let out through her ever-growing fear. The stallion had already pulled his head out and was glaring off to some other place. He stepped aside, out of view and she could hear wing beats. They didn't get any further nor closer, they stayed the same. What was happening!? Was this really happening? Why was he chasing her? She didn't do anything to get chases, so why even try making it seem as though she did? She merely snuck under him when he was distracted, that shouldn't do anything to his image. Almost Nopony noticed when she was getting chased but Ponies noticed that silently exchange? Yea like if! And his threats. He really means it? Was he going beat her up if she tried leaving? Is that even legal? No! No, it's not! He'd be put into jail for it or something, right? That this works, right? A groan soon left the filly. This whole thing was bonkers! Leaning on the tube wall, she closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep. She couldn't make sense of anything happening, so why not just sleeping to spear her thought, and also wait for the Pony guarding her self-entered cell to leave, Shutting her eyes, she drifted off to sleep, faster than she thought she would To Be Continued!