The Elements of Harmony

by MarcellusMiro66

Chapter 11: "...A Time To Be Awesome!"

Back in Canterlot, a troubled and tormented trio of perviously proud princesses sat in their scoria-style straitjackets, neither deciding nor daring to face their similarly shut-down subjects, whose high hopes in the day (or days) would be swiftly saved were fading and fading fast. The Mane Five were just five of the final few who found faith, keeping the peace amongst them despite being deprived of any magic, any weapons, or anything that could be proved of use at the moment in addition to themselves being faint of their fate. As Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy (with the help of the Wonderbolts) focused of lifting the spirits of the people with lighthearted jokes and general levity, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash (with the help of Big Mac, Cheerilee, and Shining Armor) focused on the foals, specifically their younger sisters (or sister figure in the latter's case). The Cutie Mark Crusaders themselves were trying ("trying" being the key word) to remain hopeful and spread that hope among their friends. It touched the hearts of their older sisters while simultaneously stabbing them and twisting them around, knowing they alone were responsible for this madness.

From a few feet, a chained-up Chrysalis watched the demonstrative display with downright disdain, often retching in revulsion, but she knew that any kind of love would keep her at bay for a few more days, "I don't know how you Equestrians suffer through such a saccharine sickness."

"That saccharine sickness," Cadance growled in anger, "is how we Equestrians survive, Chrysalis...not unlike you and your Changelings. But even I can't help but feel sorry for them for supposedly being merely acolytes following your example."

"Well, dear," Chrysalis chuckled bitterly, "you should reward yourself a medal...or a crown, rather...because that's precisely what the Changelings are and exactly what your flaw is."

"What is?"

"In spite of your reputation of giving and spreading love, you were quickly prone to anger during our first meeting. The moment you spotted me in your room, your treatment was akin to a stranger in a familiar land. Slow to answers, fast to fighting. You thought of me as nothing more than a foreign hostile...and something less than a familiar stranger."

"What...what are you talking about?"

"Dare not to listen to her lies, Cadance," Luna narrowed her eyes at the Changeling Queen, "This Changeling Queen knows nothing about us Equestrians."

"Wait a minute..."

Having listened to the conversation thus far, Apple Bloom leaned against the bars of the cage, wanting to know more, "Queen Chrysalis, are you saying that you...weren't always a Changeling?"

Glancing back and forth between the youngest Apple and the Changeling Queen, the rest of the prisoners nervously awaited the answer of the question...


...but it was given not by the Changeling Queen herself, but rather the co-Princess of Equestria, whose facial expression was one of pain, sorrow, and reminiscence, "But not only was she a pony herself... Chrysalis was my friend."

The jaws of Luna and Cadance dropped in utter shock as the prisoners gasped all the same.

"She was one of the many villains Luna and I faced prior to the former's banishment on the Moon. Back then, she was not Queen Chrysalis, but...just Chrysalis. She was just a scared mare who wanted to save her family and a princess who wanted nothing but the best for the kingdom. But we embarked to the kingdom under the impression that Chrysalis was a conqueror and fearmonger, a smokescreen conjured by the real ruler of the Changelings at the time. We masqueraded as two travelers in search of shelter, hoping to be granted access and inflitrate the kingdom. As days bled into weeks and weeks bled into months, I realized that Chrysalis was not the villain the Changeling King made her out to be, but when the day came to was too little, too late."

Surprisingly, Chrysalis did a far better job than Celestia and Luna combined at hiding her pain as the memories of that dark and tragic day resurfaced at full speed. It was made clear as crystal to Cadance now that the latter had been in full denial unlike the former, no doubt her coping mechanism towards grief.

Celestia continued on regardless, "The Changeling King had turned each and every one of her subjects into his own, including her family...who did not survive the process. When Luna and I finally reached Chrysalis during the invasion...she had shut down. Driven mad by vengeance, Chrysalis let herself become infected with Changeling blood and overpowered the King...whose victory was short-lived as her wrath overcame his cunning. She herself was overcome with bloodlust as she mercilessly tore down his remaining loyalists before banishing me and Luna from ever arriving from her new kingdom."

As Celestia completed the chronological creation of Queen Chrysalis, the prisoners processed the parable just as Chrysalis rapidly recalled it. It was a distant memory for sure, but she considered it to be rather bittersweet in her own opinion rather than ultimately tragic like Celestia made it to be. While she knew that the death of her family's murderer would not bring them back in the slightest, she could rest well also knowing that the murderer would not be brought back either, considering the spells she used to ensure his demise.

"Did the both of you even consider the possibility of talking her down?" Sweetie Belle tilted her head. This time, the amused snort of the Changeling Queen answered her.

"Celestia and Luna should be grateful that my last act of purity consisted of their banishment to begin with," Chrysalis's deadpan tone masked a justified bitterness, "It prevented them from witnessing me turning into the monster they made me as...and from turning into those same monsters I would've made them as..."

Back on Celaeno's skyship, the group was gathered in the kitchen/dining room as the female parrot with a green apron and false tail tip, revealed to be Lix Spittle, served the crew their daily dose of "fast food".

Lix Spittle quickly stirred the contents of the pot as she bitterly chuckled to herself, "Today's special: Gruel with gruel sauce!"

The crew's cheers was a combination of genuine energy and lukewarm energy. Twilight's group, meanwhile, was frightened and/or disgusted at the unholy sludge that the crew considered food, but the unicorn herself kept her focus squarely on the plan and course for Mount Aris. Sunset wanted to ask her if she was going to eat, but she stopped herself upon realizing her answer; even if she had the time to stop and fill her stomach, she would not take her chances at eating...that. Surprisingly enough, though Photo Finish had no such reservations as her hunger outweighed her judgment and the potential health concerns as she dug in along with the rest of Celaeno's crew, a fact that Apple Cobbler noted as she picked at her own bowl and watched her Earth Pony messily ate away.

"Photo in the world are you able to stomach whatever this is down?"

"The side effect of epic adventures," Photo Finish retorted, "Now you see what they can do to your head?"

Noticing her own bowl was cold, Starlight at the very least used her magic to heat up the food and added some spare seasoning, which she passed over to Apple Cobbler for usage. Taking a few bites, Starlight shrugged and happily dug in, "Nope. Not really."

"So..." Twilight slowly looked up from her map, "You're taking us to Mount Aris?"

"Might as well do something right before we suffer the Storm King's wrath," Celaeno picked at her food, not feeling particularly ravenous, "It was either that or..."

"Throwing us overboard as per his commands?" Flash smirked.

"It's really nothing personal, folks," Boyle smiled as he served Smolder another bowl, "We're just following orders."

"It's okay," Twilight Velvet smiled.

"Totally understandable," Night Light nodded.

"I know this may feel prodding," Smolder looked up from her food, "but I'm getting the distinctive feeling that before the Storm King, you weren't always delivery guys."

"And gals," Lix Spittle rolled her eyes, "These uniforms aren't exactly doing us any favors."

"But yeah," Celaeno noted with sorrow and reminiscence, "We used to be much more...adventurous."

Seeing her gaze had turned to a nearby Storm King banner, Smolder looked closely to find another had been hiding behind it. Sitting up and ambling over to it (her leg having marginally healed), Sunset rushed over and supported her as she lightly lifted it up. The both of them gasped in shock as the second banner was that of a that looked vaugely familiar to Trixie.

"Hey...Trixie believes that we passed by him in the desert!"

"No way!" Smolder laughed in surprise and amazement as she turned to be Celaeno, "You used to be pirates?!"

"I'm pretty sure that the Captain moniker was a dead giveaway," Sunset noted in amusement.

"And we prefer the term "swashbuckling treasure hunters"," Mullet shared it as Starlight shared a bemused expression with Trixie.

"So pirates."

"SQWAK!" The wall-eyed, beanie-wearing parrot known as Squabble/Murdock smiled and squawked in response, unintentionally frightening those closest to him.

"And if you're going to ask why, don't bother, kid," Celaeno sighed, "You should already know the reason."

"Actually..." Smolder rubbed her chin in contemplation, "Putting two and two together, I was actually going to give you all a choice: either you can let the Storm King tell you who you are and how you live for the rest of the their days...or you can disregard him, take back what he stole from you, and..."

Tearing off the Storm King's banner to reveal their own, Smolder then threw it down in a defiant manner, " awesome again."

Her words striking a particular nerve within Celaeno's crew and the captain herself, it also struck one within Twilight, whose eyes comically widened in over-the-top horror.

"Smolder, I don't think this is a good time for a—"

I know the world can get you down

"—song," Twilight facehoofed herself as Sunset offered an apologetic smile and pat on the shoulder.

Things don't work out quite the way that you thought
Feeling like all your best days are done
Your fears and doubts are all you've got

As Smolder's lyrics struck that particular nerve with Celaeno's crew again, the Captain showed no sadness but instead acknowledgement as she contemplated her words before being interrupted by Smolder's change of attitude.

But there's a light shining deep inside
Beneath those fears and doubts, so just squash 'em
And let it shine for all the world to see
That it is time, yeah, time to be awesome!

Noting the song's catchiness in addition to the inspirational message, Sunset led the rest of Twilight's group with aiding Smolder with the musical sequence. With Flash and Twilight eventually joining in at her insistence, the both of them banged their hooves in sync with the music.

Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!
Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!

Exchanged confused glances with her crew, as if they wondered if this happened often, Celaeno felt the urge to sing along with her.

[Captain Celaeno]
You've no idea how hard it's been

When she did, Twilight's group provided back-up vocals in addition to the instrumental.

(It's time to be awesome!)

A smile slowly but surely grew on Celaeno's face as she faced an equally smiling Smolder, whom she suspected was part of her plan after all.

[Captain Celaeno]
This dull routine we've been forced to do

Smolder glided over and placed a claw of reassurance on Celaeno's shoulder as her smile grew.

Don't let them rob you of who you are
Be awesome, it's all up to you

The spirits of Celaeno and her crew close to being lifted, the Captain briefly turned away to face a hidden shrine, a treasure trove of her crew's greatest finds. In the center of it all was a picture of herself donning her old uniform and a smile of pride...and hope.

[Captain Celaeno]
I feel the light stirring deep inside
It's like a tale still yet to be told

Digging through the pile, she located a black tricorn hat, which she fitted snugly on her head after ripping off her bandanna in the same defiant manner Smolder exhibited, displaying her wild feathered hair in the process.

(It's time to be awesome!)

Celaeno's crew now fully invested in their participation in the musical sequence, Smolder sang along with their Captain, who furiously tore off the Storm King's uniform to reveal her golden-brown longcoat in an act of (you guessed it) defiance.

[Smolder and Captain Celaeno]
And now it's time to break the shackles free
And start living like the brave and the bold!

The rest of the crew cheering them, they followed suit as they dug through the treasure trove to retrieve various accessories that they gave up during their tenure as the Storm King's minions. Tossing more than a few to Twilight's group, they turned to the unicorn herself, who rolled her eyes and smiled, essentially granting her group permission to officially join in.

It's time to be awesome!
Let loose, be true, so awesome!
It's time to be awesome!
Go big, be you, so awesome!

All of them rushing out to the deck of the ship, the combined groups sang and danced to the beat of the music once again. Twilight's group was now clad in garb similar to Celaeno's group as they marched in a conga line. Suddenly, Mullet swung from a rope, carefully catching Starlight along for the ride.

We used to soar through the clouds in the skies

At the same time, Trixie joined Lix Spittle as she displayed a stack of blueprints full of elaborate schemes.

[Lix Spittle]
Elaborate schemes we would love to devise

Meanwhile, Boyle lifted another treasure chest and opened it up for Apple Cobbler and Photo Finish to see.

We rescued our treasure and stored it away

Celaeno joined them as she plucked a very large diamond for them to examine.

[Captain Celaeno]
Saving those gemstones for a rainy day

The eight of them joined the rest of the group, who formed the dual conga lines as they prepared to round off the song. Twilight, Sunset, Capper, and even Flash sang along...even if the latter's "singing" was not exactly up to par.

We see that light filling up our skies

Flying beside Captain Celaeno and handing her one half of the Storm King's torn rule book, Smolder smirked deviously, which the Captain graciously returned.

So take the Storm King's orders and toss 'em!

And alongside Smolder, Celaeno did just that, hurling them overboard as the papers flapped away helplessly in the wind. Her crew then joined Twilight's as the song reached its climax.

'Cause it's the time to let our colors fly

Celaeno drew her sword with a proud smile adorned on her face, one that was reminiscent of her glory days and ensured her legendary comeback.

[Captain Celaeno]
Hey, scallywags, it's time to be awesome!

The two groups then stomped their hooves and claws to the beat of a drum...

Hey! the colors were hoisted...


....and the pirate flag was raised...


...and Squabble headbanged a pile of boxes in the same vein of the drumbeat.


As the outro played itself out, many of Twilight and Celaeno's crew laughed heartily in joy and triumph.

"Come on!" Celaeno urged her crew on, "Let's show these little ponies how it's done!"

"Awesome!" Smolder cheered, "I knew you had it in ya!"

As much as Twilight was delighted to see events had transpired in their favor, though, she could not help but a bad feeling arise in the pits of her guts.

"Captain Celaeno," Twilight approached the Captain, "exactly how far is Mount Aris from here?"

"A few days at the most," Celaeno admitted before smiling in reassurance, "Don't worry, Twilight. We'll make it there."

As Twilight joined Celaeno and Smolder in staring off into the distance, a small smile of her own grew on her face.

I hope so...

On Tempest's own airship (which contained supplies that the Klugetowners graciously supplied to them), the Commander herself stared off into the distance as well, the words of the Storm King flying into one ear before passing out through the other.

"I honestly don't understand why you insist on pursuing this puny, pathetic pony, Commander. We have all three Princesses trapped within their castles and their witnessing citizens to boot. What more do you want besides your horn?"

"This puny, pathetic pony has friends to back her up," Tempest merely replied, "and they're leading us to the Pearl of Transformation. I cannot take any more chances afterwards..."

The Storm King humphed after a moment, "Suit yourself. Just remember who you work for..."

"I don't need you to remind me..."

With that, the call disconnected and the mist dissipated into thin air, leaving only the Storm Guards, Grubber (who was in the process of piloting the ship), and Lightning Dust, who carefully approached her superior, the neck of which still held the still-glowing Alicorn Amulet.

"I don't mean to pry, but...what did happen to your horn?"

"An accident in my foalhood," Tempest softly spoke, "It was one that I never forget. One that made me see the folly of friendship...and the reason behind loneliness."

A uncertain frown decorating her facial features, Lightning Dust released a deep breath before bitterly chuckling, "I guess we're floating in the same boat."

"Your friends turned their backs on you?"

"Something like that."

"Then you know how it feels."

"...Something like that. So about this...Pearl of Transformation..."

"What about it?"

"What is it exactly?"

"I suppose it's a power of limitless potential. It's the reason why we...and they...are here."

Lightning Dust then mimicked Tempest's actions and stared off into the distance with her.

I hope so...