//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: The Backup Pair // by Mica //------------------------------// Closer to 1pm, there’s a knock on the door. “Hi Pipp!” Even if Pipp weren’t wearing her glasses, she could recognize that voice and clinking of friendship bracelet beads from a mile away. “Izzy! Ohmygosh, what’re you doing here?” “I’m here as part of the Unicorn Delegation for the pancake luncheon thingy, but I wanted to stop by first and say hi!” She stares at Pipp’s glasses with curiosity. “Th…those are new.” “Actually they’re not.” Pipp chuckles to herself. “They look pretty hideous, don’t they?” “Well, if you’re looking for a change…” Izzy pulls out a whole rack of glasses frames, seemingly out of thin air. “I make all my own fun glasses frames! I have heart-shaped ones, I have pink light-up ones, and ooh, ooh, these are my favorite!” The unicorn puts on a pair with thin, black round frames. “Claaaaassy, amirite?” “Izzy, these are nice…but I need really heavy prescription lenses. What you have here are just fashion frames.” Izzy slips off her fashion frames. “Oooh…well why didn’t you say that was your problem!? Unicorns get vision problems all the time, y’know! But since we got magic back, there’s a super easy fix!” “What’s that?” Izzy points to her horn. “Lasik surgery, of course!”