Starlight Runs Away

by Starlight Fan

Starlight’s Conscience

Starlight was in her cave, it was currently raining so she stayed inside the cave to avoid getting wet. It was very cold out, she almost thought about going back to Twilight as she missed her, Spike, and the others but she thought against it.

“No I need to stay here, it will prevent me from harming anypony else.” Starlight shook her head.

Are you sure about that?

“Huh what’s that?” Starlight asked.

It’s your conscience.

“O-Kay then.” Starlight said weirded out.

Listen Starlight, you need to go back home, your friends likely miss you very much.

“Please they’re probably relieved. I’ve done too many bad things and this is the only way I can ensure they’re safe.” Starlight protested.

Starlight you can still redeem yourself, you have potential to do so, you just need to try harder.

“Are you sure conscience, because every little thing I do seems to make things worse.” Starlight said “I’m just a burden.”

You’re not a burden, if you were, you wouldn’t have people that care about you.

Starlight thought back to her many memories, memories with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Trixie, Spike, and Twilight.

“They do care, don’t they?” Starlight said tearing up.

Yes they do care. Starlight this isn’t right you need to go back.

“You’re right, I do need to go back.” Starlight said before she almost ran out of the cave until she realized it was still raining.

“Riiiight after it stops raining.” Starlight sheepishly chuckled.