//------------------------------// // Chapter 28: Graduation // Story: (NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) // by zodia //------------------------------// Just one more day and all of you will graduate, you and your friends are preparing for tomorrows graduation day. Even Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are getting really busy, Zack the school president and Hearty Fan the school founder are also very busy for tomorrow, while you and the rest of the gang are busy for a very special one last rainboom performance, again for tomorrow's graduation day. Rarity stretched her arms and yawn "I can't wait for tomorrow graduation day, I stayed up late making this costumes for our last performance for tomorrow" said Rarity. Fluttershy giggled "Me too, I can't for tomorrow though I hope its not our performance" said Fluttershy. Rainbow sigh and smiled "Ofcourse its not our last performance we could always join competition or are own concert" said Rainbow. Then all of sudden someone entered the music room "Are you guys really that famous to already have your own concert" said Agua Lazuline. Pinkie ran to her and hugged "Your back, Your back, I missed you so much" said Pinkie pie. You got confused "Wait you two are close" you said. Agua approached you "Why, do you really think I'm that cold... Pffft I'm just kidding well Pinkie and I do hang out, anyway how are ya?" Said Lazuline. You smiled "I'm good what about you?, how was your business trip" you asked. Lazuline took a deep sigh "Thank God, it went all, I almost lost my patience on that one company... They think that there better than us even though there company is dying" said Lazuline. Rainbow also approached masculine "Can't say I didn't miss ya, say wanna hang out with us" said Rainbow. Lazuline blushed and smiled "Yes, I would like that" said Lazuline, then you pat her in the back "Hey wanna join us for tomorrow's last performance of the Rainbooms here at Canterlot university" you said. Lazuline smiled "Really? Can I?" Said Lazuline. "I don't see why not, I mean the more, the merrier right, plus it is always nice to have friends as a member," said Apple Jack. After rehearsing a couple times all of you decided to take a break, you decided to go at the faculty room to check in Zack and Hearty, and also to give them some snacks. When you got there you saw them arranging some papers and also writing something on them "Hey guys, are you two almost done?... Oh also Lazuline visited and she'll be performing with us tomorrow" you said. Hearty smiled "Great to know that she's visited, and don't worry where almost done" said Hearty, you thought that there gonna be surprised but there not. "Do you to know already know that she's back?" You asked. Zack giggled "Yeah, Hearty and I picked her up in the air port, and she did say that she might take visit here today" said Zack. You sigh "And you didn't bother to tell us" you said. "Well she did say she wanted to surprise all of you soo, we didn't say anything" said Hearty Fan. You sigh and smiled "well I brought you guys some drinks and snacks, I'll just put them down here" you said, then you say goodbye to them, and went back to the music room. And when you got there Twilight immediately asked you "Hey are they on there way here?" Said Twilight. You shaked your head "No, but they said that there almost done" You said. And a couple minutes later Zack and Hearty Fan finally joined you guys on practice, and all you are able to perfect your performance for the big day tomorrow "Alright, all we have to do now is wait for tomorrow, and lets give it our all like its our last gathering" said Sunset shimmer. And on that afternoon you and Rainbow went to the school's gymnasium, "Hey Rush do you remember, this is where you confessed your feelings for me" said Rainbow. You smiled softly "How could I forget, it's one of the happiest day of my life" You said. Rainbow held both of your arms "Back then when i found out what those carvings means, I thought that it might be just a coincidence or you purposely agreed to go with me their to give me a hint about what your feeling, but it turns out both of us didn't know what those carvings meant. And I hope we stay like this forever, cause I want to be that woman that you will bring to the alter someday... The one that you will marry someday" said Rainbow. And on that moment you kissed her on the same place where you both, found out about what your feeling on one another "Rainbow Dash, I promise you this, i will do everything just for us not to be apart, and I will always protect you no matter what, even if we grow old i will always be there by your side" you said. Then tomorrow morning, the graduation started, every students looks like there excited but also sad that there time on the school is over, the school that is once just a high school and not it has a college building and buildings for elementaries, and now it known as Canterlot University, a free School for everyone. Names are called one by one, each students have there own speechess lf goodbye, including you. And now it's time for your performance a performance that will give courage and determination for the future colleges students and high school students, as you guys perform you and your friends can't help it but to tear up since this day is your final day at Canterlot University. To all of you, your adventures felt like yesterday, every moment of your lives as students you used them as a boost and energy on your song that borough everyone into to tears, you gave everything you've got on that performance. Because tomorrow is the start of a much bigger step on all of your lives.