(NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress)

by zodia

Chapter 26: Zackodia and Pinkie

Monday, graduation is just right around the corner. You and Pinkie pie got assigned on decorations and baking, you don't really know why, since you can't really bake, so you told pinkie that she can handle the baking and you'll take care of the decorating planning.

While you were writing a list of things that your going to need to decorate the gym for graduation, you noticed that Pinkie was looking at something out the window, so you decided to check it out, and see what she was looking at "Huh... Are you starting at Zack and Sunset?" You asked Pinkie.

Pinkie smiled, then she pulled out a photo album, out of her back pack "You know, me and Zack we're inseparable... Well used to be, but now he's got a girlfriend and im happy it was Sunset... But I cant help but to get jealous sometimes *giggles*" said Pinkie.

You scrab her back and smiled "Would you like to tell me more" you said, as you look into her eyes.

Pinkie put a big smile on her face "Oh noy, where should I even begin" then she started, to flip the pages of the photo album "Here this picture, this is the first time Zack came into our school" said Pinkie Pie.

[Pinkie's perspective and naration]
I was a little afraid to approached him at first, because he seems like his always glaring. But when I tried to talk to him he gave me a warm smile "Hi... What can I do for you?" He asked me, of course I was surprised since I didn't expect him to be so gentle and his voice was quite soft.

I showed him my camera and "Zack is it, I was wondering if you I could take a picture of you" I asked, he smiled and gave me a nod "Well can you pose a little for me, and smile" I said.

After I took a picture he asked me "What is that for?" He asked, I can tell from his eyes that he was very curious.

Then I showed him this "Well it's for this a year book, though I still don't know what kind of description on im gonna put on your pic, for some reason a lot of students wanted you to be in it" I said, he was confused.

Zack scratches his head, and touch his chin with his fingers "What could be possibly the reason they wanted me to be in it?" He said, then all of sudden, flash pop out of nowhere and answered him.

"Well the reason is, you were one of the coolest guy here in school also you also have been nominated to have the most attractive face, above Rarity, also despite being a guy, you earned the most beautiful person here in school" said Flash.

Zack laughed as he pat Flash in the back "Your very funny, that just ridiculous there's no way" he said.

Then he just walked away, though to me he's laugh was not a real laugh... I can tell he was in pain back then.

Then 2 months later, after we defeated Sunset I noticed that Zack was leaving the gym, so I followed him that night, he went to Sunset shimmer I hid to see what's gonna happen, and if I remember correctly this is what happened.

Zack started picking up some bricks and help Sunset shimmer fixing the entrance, Sunset stopped for a moment "What... What are you doing?" She asked, Zack looked at her and smiled.

"Helping you of course... It's nice to see turn yourself around, well standing around here won't finish this door" he said.

Tears started to fall from Sunset's eyes and down to her cheeks "Dont you hate... are you not afraid of me... I turned all of our classmates into a mindless zombie, and I turned into some kind of monster" said Sunset.

Zack pat Sunset on her head and said "I was never under your spell... Since, im just like you" said Zack, followed by a soft smile.

Sunset's eyes widen, and she looked at him in the eye "Your also a pony?..." She said, Zack nodded and smile.

I was also shocked, to be honest with you I thought he was just an another vegan, turns out he was also a pony just like Sunset Ahimmer and Princess Twilight.
After princess Twilight left, we all also went home, leaving Zack and Sunset behind, then tomorrow morning when we all got back the entrance of the of school is completely fixed and brand new.

We all just went on our day like nothing happened though, all of the other students are still very upset about every bad things that Sunset has done. We can't really blame them since it is pretty bad, but Me, Rarity, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, we all stayed by her side and guided her, Zack also did the same thing, he helped her coped with her issues and problems.

Then when Summer break comes, Zack comes very often to sugar cube corner and keeps ordering mint float delight almost everyday. Well he also ordered a few cup cakes on the side, but his always alone. So one day I decided to prepare his usual order early and give it to him, he was shocked but he appreciated it. I sat next to him, and told him that I know what he is.

He didn't had that much reaction and it surprised me, but then I got more surprised when he said "I know, that you knew... I saw you" he said, as he gave me a soft smile.

"How's your day so far?" He asked me, I smiled and took a bite on one of his cupcakes "Well it's great so far... Your our first customer like every morning, just between you and me, Ms. Cupcake actually giving you extra ice cream on your float since your a regular here" he was surprised, his reaction was adorable.

And on that forward we always hang out on my day off's, we will go to the park, prank my neighbors and even going to the beach and having fun. To tell you a secret, don't tell him I told you this but I managed to make him where a swimsuit and went on like that all day on our time on the beach, a lot of guys tried to hit on him.

And even at school we always hang out, though the rest of friends back then our a little skeptical about him. Since sometimes he just pay for the tours that the school planned, the other students were okay with it, but our friends thinks that his just showing off his riches, they don't even know him yet, there immediately believed that his up to no good, like Sunset was before.

And when they found out that I always hang with Zack after school they confronted me about it, "Darling, why are you hanging with that person, his dangerous" said Rarity, of course it got me upset, she doesn't even know him.

"Pinkie it's not that we don't want you to stop hanging around with him, but with all this rumors about him, his just way to suspicious plus they said that Zack has no records or even a birth certificate" said AppleJack, Sunset kept her mouth shut, since she know's what Zack is, he probably also told Sunset not to tell anyone about him being a pony.

"AppleJack's right, its way to dangerous to hang with person with no background" said Rainbow, at that moment I snapped.

"What are you girls even talking about, you don't even know him... Did you know that his parents died when he was still a baby, did you know how much he suffered when the one he called mother died... And did you know how much more people he lost on his life... If you just give him a chance you'll know more about him, you see how much, he cares for his friends. Could you pls, just try to get to know him before you judge him" I said, I just left the room and closed the door behind me. Then I noticed Zackodia he was standing by the door " Did you hear..." But just before I get to finish he pat me in the head and touched my cheek.

As he wipes my tears he said to me "I'm really happy that, I was able to meet you, to get to know you... And even became my friend, im sorry, if im causing you trouble, dont worry Tommorow morning you everything will get better" he said, I dont know what he meant by that, he didn't give me a chance to say something back.

Then the next day he didn't come to school, or even the day after that, he didn't go to school for a whole month. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went to his house to try and get him to comeback with me to school, but when I got to his house, I found him trimming his bushes at his front yard. And of course he immediately noticed me "Pinkie? What are you doing here?" He asked, then he invited me and side and brought me some juice, since he knows that I don't drink tea.

We were silent for a couple, then finally I asked "So when will you go back to school?" I asked, then he looked at me and gave me a soft smile.

"don't worry, I'll come back... I did told principal celestia, that I will gone for a month, since I have an important business trip to go too, with the Lazuline's" he said.

"When will you go back...*ahem* I know that my friends don't trust you yet, and those rumors there aren't true, aren't they?" I said.

Zack giggled "Ofcourse, plus I don't really mind, doesn't really affect me... Doing worry I already forgive them... And there waiting for us in the kitchen" He said.

[Back your point of view]

And it went on for another 30 minutes, it was interesting and good that your able to learn something about your friends in the past "Do you think Rainbow will get mad, if i mentioned anything about that... You know about her burnt cookies and over cooked steaks?... I remember her making me some lasagna, and it tasted extremely sour and swee, not to meantioned over cooked, but i still appreciate it" You said, while holding your laugh.

You noticed that Pinkie is staring at something behind your back, and when you looked back you saw Rainbow glaring at you and giving you a somewhat terrifying grin that sends chills down your spine "Sweety... I'm happy that you appreciate my cooking, even though you don't enjoy it... But you could have just just been honest with me... Now come with me, we have a lot to talk about " said Rainbow, then she just started dragging you out of the room.

As Rainbow dragging you, Pinkie was waving at you, and she mumbled "Sorry, I'm sure you'll survive her wrath" that was what she mumbled, with a nervous smile.