Our Inner Demon

by BlueDiamond

Chapter 3: Anon-A-Miss is Born

All of the Rainbooms went to Applejack's room with their sleeping bags and pajamas.
"Applejack, weren't you a bit harsh on Applebloom? She just wanted to make cookies.." Sunset said.
"Well, maybe, but we always do that fer the holidays! Now, let's choose which movie to watch..."

As the girls debated whether to watch a horror movie or an animated one, a certain red-haired girl in sweatpants listened, furious.

Applebloom listened to what Applejack had said.
But we always do that fer the holidays!
Anger pumped through her again, but she decided to focus.

Concentrate on your plan, Applebloom.
Keeping her face as neutral as possible, she entered the room.

The girls were in Applejack's room, doing sleepover stuff you've expect from high-schoolers. Sunset, Rainbow and Applejack were playing a game called Tirek's Revenge with Sci-Twi watching with interest. Pinkie was writing an entry on her private blog on her laptop on the bed while Rarity and Fluttershy were on the carpet, painting their nails and discussing the type of shampoo they used.


They girls looked up to see Applebloom, with an unreadable expression on her face. She then looked to Applejack.

"Can we make some cookies now?"
"Applebloom, I told ya, today I'm spending time with mah friends." Applejack said without looking up
"But ya always spend time with yer friends!"
" And ye always spend time with the Crusaders, don't cha?"

"Ooh, burrrnnnnnnnnn!!!" Pinkie quipped from her place on the bed.

But then the girls got a slight shock as a small frown unfurled on Applebloom's face.
"Well, atleast I spend much more time with mah family then ya, Piggly-Wiggly!" She stormed, then before any of them could say anything, she turned on her heels and left the room.

Outside, however, Applebloom's frown was replaced by a mad grin.
The seed has been planted.
She went back to her room.
Now time for phase 2.

Back at Applejack's room, the girls were confused as Applejack become flushed with embarrassment.

"What did your sister just call you?" Sci-Twi enquired.
Applejack sighed. "I was hopin' I didn't have tha say this story again..." she muttered.

Applejack told them how she used to love playing with the pigs, so much in fact, that Granny Smith had affenctionally nick-named her Piggly- Wiggly.

'Applebloom says it when she thinks I need to get off mah high horse and stop being so stubborn. Uh, no offense?" She told Sunset.
"None taken." She grinned. " Although she did look pretty mad when she left."
"Oh well." Applejack shrugged. " Mah sis does sometimes get mad, but, she usually don't do anything drastic!"

Am I doing something drastic?

Applebloom was on her bed, her laptop open on her crossed legs. She went to MyStable and clicked the 'Make New Account' button, but then frowned.

Am I doing this right? I mean, I could just talk to Applejack and maybe she'll listen...

Anger pumped for the third time inside her that day when she remembered how her sister never listened, always making some excuse, like having to do chores or meeting with her friends.

Every time I ask to do something, she suddenly doesn't have time. She never has time for me anymore.

She clicked on the tab that had requirements to fill before making a new account. Applebloom made some fake info, like date of birth, but was stumped on the account name.

What name should I put? I need to make sure that I remain anonymous..
Wait... anonymous? anon a miss? Anon-A-Miss! That's it!

Grinning widely, she typed it in, but then hovered on the 'make account' button, unsure.

Are you sure, Applebloom? What if Sunset doesn't deserve this?
No! She does! Ya wanna know why?
She didn't get any punishment at all for all the pain she's done. She got, like, one week of detention?!
But she had got hated by everyone, right?
She had my sister and her friends. But not anymore.
I've decided. She's gonna pay. If she had got enough punishment, I would have been fine. But she didn't.
She should know that actions have consequences.

She clicked on the 'make account' button, and the page for Anon-A-Miss opened up.
Anon-A-Miss has been started.

Now, the first post is... Piggly- Wiggly.
. . .
I'm sorry sis.
But Sunset Shimmer hurt me.
Hurt you.
Hurt lots of people.
But she never got any punishment for it.
And now has the best life anyone could ask for: positive popularity, happiness, friendship...
It's just not fair.

It's just not fair.

Since the next day was Tuesday, all the girls put their alarm clocks at 7:00, much earlier than they would usually sleep. Applejack was the first one to wake up. She always woke up early, at 5 a'clock atleast. When she dressed however, she noticed one of her friends was missing. Sunset was nowhere to be seen, until Applejack looked out the window and saw her at the gate, sitting down on the snow. Applejack decided to join her. She slowly walked up behind her, her feet crunching beneath the snow.

"Heya, Sunset."

Sunset jumped at the noise, but calmed down when she saw Applejack.

"Hey, AJ."
"What'cha doing?" The blond girl asked her, sitting down next to the fiery-haired girl.

"Funnily enough, my favourite times of the day is when the sun rises and sets."
"Heh, so that's were ye get yer name from, hmm?"
Sunset laughed. " Yeah, that's were I get my name from. My.. mum told me when I was born, I glowed when the sun set." She got a a faraway look in her eyes. " She said I 'shimmered in the sunset', hence my name."
Applejack whistled. " That sounds really nice."
Sunset gave a small smile. " Yeah, it was, until...well..."

"Um, nevermind, Applejack, how about we go inside?"
Both of them stood up.
" Just so ya know, if ya ever need to tell us somethin' ,just tell. Ok?"
"Yes, Applejack." She gave another small smile then went back the path to the Apple house. Applejack followed suit.

All of the girls, after a delicious breakfast of apple pancakes with maple syrup, the girls all went to school, talking happily about how good yesterday's sleepover was. Until-

"Hey, Piggly-Wiggly!"

Applejack turned around and saw a boy their age grinning mischievously. With a fake wave, he trudged up to the school building.

"Wait- wha- How'd he know mah nick-name?!" Applejack was agahst.
"I.. I don't know, darling. " Rarity said.
Applejack felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Sunset, frowning at the boy who had spoke, now in the distance. She then turned to Applejack and said, "Applejack, if you need anything, the girls and I have got your back. Ok?"
The blond girl gave a tentative smile. "Ok."

All day until lunch, Applejack had been peppered with jokes and teasing because of her nickname. She didn't mind that much, but it was terrible nonethenless.
As she went to lunch, she didn't notice a red-haired girl watching her, a small frown on her face.