Stories Better Left Unwrittenn

by Sparkle_Pen

The Plot

Chapter 3
The Plot

Sparkle Pen heard a faint scratch of a quill that night on paper. It had to be late because it was still dark. But she was too tired to move, too weary to open her eyes even. She stayed sleeping but able to hear that quill write, weave a story together using words and sentences. It was a beautiful sound to behold.

Much later, the black pegasus awoke and stretched, eyes widening to the great glow of the Equestrian sun. That is, if it were up. She blinked and opened her eyes, looking towards her window. The sun wasn't up......
That was...... strange....... So very strange......
Slowly she rose, sliding from her bed to go the the window and open it. The panes separated as she pushed them open, looking up at the dark moonless sky. It was at least eight o'clock, the sun should have been up by now. Certainly Celestia wasn't late.....

Who knows? Maybe miss Sun has decided to take a day off?

The voice was there again, but much closer than before. Much closer to her then ever before. As if someone were standing right next to her. Her heartbeat quickened, a cold chill going down her spine. Her eyes went to her left and she saw with her eyes, a stack of neat papers. Quill in the ink as if it had been used just prior to this.
Walking over, she looked at the first page.
"Grimdark: The Dark Journey By Sparkle Pen", she read then shook her head rubbed her eyes and looked again. The words read the same as before. She had....... No.......
The black pegasus ran down the stairs in a frenzy and opened the door. Fog covered all of Ponyville, a thick blanket settling down and blocking the sight of everything ground level. She could hardly see her hoof in front of her face.
The silence was deafening, instilling fear into the heart of any pony who heard it. She took a step back, closing the door and breaking the chain of fear. At least for a little while.
"It's happened again....." she groaned, climbing the stairs again.

And what would that be? Being left behind by all the inhabitants of Ponyville because no one really likes you?

"No. I wrote in my sleep again....." she said, gritting her teeth at the voice's sarcasm, "This happened before when I was a filly. Usually a pony's cutie mark talent is something that's active all the time. Mine however, my power to make stories reality is only done when I'm asleep."
"The last time this happened, I almost destroyed Equestria in it's entirety. It was saved because I didn't finish the story. It was open ended, giving time to correct what I did. Afterwards though, everyone forgot about what had happened. Everyone except me....”

Ponies had walked and talked, anyone that was missing or had died, their existence had just been erased. It was a terrifying power, one she hadn't told anypony about. No pony knew but her.
“I have to get those pages! If I can figure out what happens, I might be able to change the story....” she said, coming to the room. Her heart stopped, the desk was empty of everything. No stack of papers. No ink or pen. Nothing.
It had all been there not seconds ago! Her crimson eyes went to the bed and she saw her saddle bag sitting there with a piece of paper on top of it. It looked like a page out of the story.
Slowly the black pegasus went over to the bed and picked up the paper.

Chapter One
The world had become dark and dangerous. She'd done it again, wrote a story of malice and violence, a story that would change the fate of Equestria. There was no mistake this time. It was finished in it's entirety, from beginning to end. Ensuring the fate of this peaceful world would soon become dark. Darker than the attack by Nightmare Moon. More twisted than the attack by Discord.
However there was one way to stop the onslaught. There was one way to save her peaceful, virgin dimension. To do this, she had to go through the story she had made. She had to find the truth to why she had made it. She had to fight her darkest fears, had to pass many obstacles to get what she needed. And to do this, she had to read the first page of the first chapter, placed on her saddle bag.
Inside the saddle bag would be her quill and ink, her Luna plushie to give her strength when she felt she could not go on and the first piece of the puzzle. Only then could she make her decision wheither to go on or wait for fate.
What will our heroine choose?

Sparkle Pen stared at the paper, reading it again and then a third time. So she had made another loop hole for herself. Only she could save the populates of her country from the monstrous creation she had written up.
It was her choice, the story had said. But of course, if she said no there would be no story at all. All those pages wouldn't exist.
“Like I have a choice,” she said, peeking in the saddle bag to make sure everything was there.

You know the saying. Finish what you started right? After all, this is all your fault. And it will be all your fault if the virgin dimension perishes before I get a crack at it first.

There was another thing that piped her interest. Why was Equestria called the virgin dimension? Both in her story and by the voice in her head. It only added to the mystery of the whole ordeal.
“Hey voice,” she said, “When you say dimension, are you implying that there are different Equestria's?

Now aren't you clever? How long did it take for you to figure that one out all by yourself? Shall I throw you a sugar cube for being the clever little mare?

God, talking to yourself was getting harder to do these days huh? Creepier when the voice kept throwing insults at you.

This dimesion is the original, unpolished, uncorrupted state of Equestria and all neighboring states. However there are other dimension in which many different things have happened. I came here, I think it was after your first attempt to destory the world. After all, it was an impressive show. Beautifully written for a filly, a bit sloppy in places. Like letting everypony else save the day.

It made since. The mysterious voice came a couple nights later, whispering in her ear and frightening her up until she got use to how obnoxious it became.

I do wonder though, since this world has been corrupted by your hoof.....

Wonder? Wonder what? Before she could ask though, it was silent. Not the normal silence she was use to but the dead silence experienced by the characters in a horror film.
“Voice?” she called. There was no answer. Either it was ignoring her..... or it was gone. She truly felt alone now but shook it off. Who needed that voice anyway? Some silence would help her think.
Sparkle Pen walked down the steps of her house and to the door. With a deep breath in, she opened the door.
And screamed.