//------------------------------// // Life Before the Light // Story: Life Before the Light // by PPEF1 //------------------------------// It was a cloudy day. A man wearing a gray t-shirt and tan pants, was driving a red car down the street. In the passenger seat was a purple dog who had light green ears and what looked like he was wearing a green mohawk. Oh boy! I can’t wait for what we’re going to do today! While the dog was all excited and happy, the driver had a face that showed no emotion. It may be due to the cloudy day or the fact that he has to keep his eyes on the road. The car parked in front of a tree that was across the street from a park. The driver exited the car as the dog came walking out in front of him. I wonder what we’re doing out here next to this tree? The man pulled out a tennis ball from his pants pockets. Ooh! Ball! Yeah, throw it!  The man threw the tennis ball at the tree. The dog went chasing after the ball. The ball landed a little over a centimeter from the tree. The dog grabbed the ball in his mouth, shaking his head rapidly for a few seconds. That was fun! Do it aga-what the? The dog sees his owner getting into his car, starting it. He then starts driving away. Hey! Come back! The purple dog dropped the ball from his mouth and went chasing after the red car. WAIT!!! But it was too late. The car was off in the distance, leaving the dog all alone. … He left me. He left me. M-maybe he just forgot. No problem, I’ll just wait here until he remembers. The dog sat down, waiting for his owner to return. While waiting, the dog was getting bored and decided to play with the ball provided. He pushed the ball on the floor with the tip of his nose. The dog pushed the ball a little harder and it went rolling over to someone's foot. That someone’s foot was a boy who looked like a high-schooler. He was also with two other guys. The boy picks up the ball and sees the purple dog running up to him. The dog quickly stops running by sliding on his butt and looks up to the three teenagers. “Hey little fella. You wanna play fetch?” Yeah yeah! Throw it, throw it! The boy ‘throws’ the tennis ball. The purple dog starts to run but then instantly stops. Huh. I swear he threw the ba- The boy kicks the dog from behind with strong force. The dog goes sliding against the grassy floor. “Hahahahahaha!!” The teenagers laugh at the poor dog as they walk away with the tennis ball. Hey… ugh… you took… you guys took my ball. The dog was lying on the ground, injured as he watched the boys walk off with the ball. They took my ball, the ball my owner and I play fetch with. I hope my owner comes back. I can’t believe that things could get any worse from here. Just as he said that, it started to rain. Just my luck. The purple dog slowly walked back under the tree, tired, sad, injured, homeless, and owner-less. A rumbling sound was coming from the dog’s stomach. He was getting hungry but no edible resources could be found. Another problem added to the list. The dog, already been going through enough, decided to just hit the hay, starving. *** The next morning, the rain had stopped and the purple dog woke up all miserable. He was still hungry from yesterday so he went walking out for food. Man, getting food is harder than I thought. Back at home my owner just puts a bowl of food for me. He still hasn’t come back yet. Maybe he’s still searching for me. The dog walked further from the tree to find some food. Few minutes later, he was outside of a busy bakery. The door to the bakery opened and out came a little girl carrying a decorated box with her mother. The girl looks down to see the purple dog. “Mommy, Mommy! Can I please feed this dog one of our macarons?” begged the girl. “Well alright,” the mother complied. The girl took out a pink, looking treat, being the macaron, and then bent down on her knees, meeting the dog’s height level. “Here you go!” The purple dog nibbled, then scarfed down the treat. The girl let out a little giggle. “Come on sweetie. We have to get home,” the mother said. “Awww. Okay.” The two walked away from the dog. Aw. It was nice of that girl to give me food when I really needed it. Even though I’m still hungry, I’m not AS hungry. I should probably head back to the tree, just in case my owner is trying to look for me there. As the dog walked back ‘home’, he was greeted by none other than the three boys from yesterday. “Hey! It’s the dog from before! Get him!” The boys start running after the dog. The dog, scared out of his mind, starts booking it back to the tree. Unfortunately for him, the boys were faster and got a hold of him. AHH! Let me go! The boy throws the dog across from him onto the concrete sidewalk. They all start kicking, punching, and just abusing the poor dog. When they were all done, the three boys walked away. The dog was injured, an aching pain on his left-hind leg. OW! Why are these guys doing this to me? What did I ever do to them to deserve this? Why do they hate me so much? Tears came flowing down the dog’s face as questions came running through his head. The purple dog limply walks back to the tree. Owner, wherever you are, please come and find me.  *** Two weeks have passed. The purple dog laid next to the tree, miserable with his fur all messy and dirty. For two weeks the dog had been abused up, down, left, right, 24/7. Though there were people nice enough to provide him with food, it wasn’t enough to outweigh the fact that he had been abused by three different people. While watching the streets, a red car happened to stop by. Out came the dog’s owner. Seeing this, the dog goes rushing up to him, nuzzling his leg. Your back! I’m so glad you came! You have no ide- The guy kicks the dog as he goes flying into the tree, sliding down roughly afterwards. “You’re still here? Pathetic.” The original owner walks back into his car and drives off. The dog painfully watches as the red car vanishes. No… Him too? The dog started crying once again. He hates me too? But why?! Why would he come back just to do that? WHY DOES EVERYBODY HATE ME!?!?! I’m just a dog just!… just trying to live! While crying under the tree, a woman with purple hair, wearing a scarf and glasses, witnessed the whole thing and walked up to the poor dog. “You poor thing.” She picks up the dog wiping the tears coming out from his eyes. “How could he treat you like that?! Come on. Let’s get you taken care of.” *** The purple dog had been treated, nurtured, and fed with proper care, just like the other animals in the shelter. The door to the animal shelter opens and in comes a teenage girl who had purple skin with indigo hair with pink and purple stripes in it. “Hello,” greeted one of the employees. “Hey,” replied the girl. “Looking for a pet?” “Mm-hmm.” “Let me help you. Follow me here, we have a lot of animals to choose from.” The indigo-haired girl and the employee were walking up to the purple dog’s cage. Ooh! Pick me, pick me! The dog peered his face through the cage. The girl let out a giggle after seeing the dog perform a cute act. “Aw. This one’s cute. I’ll take him.” The employee unlocked the cage and handed the dog to the girl. “He’s all yours.” “Thanks.” The girl paid for the dog and exited the shelter. She then took out a blue collar with little spikes around it that had a yellow medallion with a pink heart in the middle and put it around the dog’s neck. “Hmm. I think I’ll name you… Spike!” The girl then walked back home, Spike in her grasp.