A Bit Of Logic

by Starlight Fan

All Bottled Up

Starlight was currently running to the kitchen, she noticed that there was a red cloud coming out of her horn and it was really freaking her out.

Starlight finally made it to the kitchen, and was roaming through the pantries, she hardly noticed Spike was in the kitchen as well.

“Hey, are you doing okay?” Spike asked.

“I will be, once I use this bottle to contain my anger.” Starlight told Spike.

“Wait? What?” Spike asked before noticing the storm cloud.

“Oh you mean the storm cloud emanating from your horn.” Spike said lightly facepalming himself.

“Yeah that, this has never happened before. I don’t know what my magic is going to do. So I’m going to contain it before I do who knows what to Trixie.” Starlight explained.

“Starlight maybe you should just talk to Trixie, it’ll probably make your anger magic disappear.” Spike said.

“But she might not wanna be my friend if I tell her.” Starlight whimpered.

“If she can’t handle the fact that you feel anger towards her for something she did wrong she isn’t a good friend.” Spike told Starlight.

Starlight sighed before speaking, “You’re right Spike. I shouldn’t hide this from Trixie. I need to tell her the truth. But there is the matter of the map.”

Spike began to think before snapping his fingers and getting an idea, “I can ask Discord to find it, he’ll likely find it the quickest. You go make up with Trixie while I contact him via letter.”

Soon we see Starlight at the entrance to the throne room, she takes a deep breath before she walked in the room where Trixie was absentmindedly levitating the apple she tried to teleport.

“Oh there you are. For a minute I thought you weren’t coming back and we’re upset with me for some weird reason...” Trixie began before Starlight immediately covered her mouth with her hoof.

“And that’s what I wanna talk to you about. I am indeed upset with you.” Starlight said, annoyed.

“What? Why?” Trixie asked obliviously.

“Why?!” Starlight asked incredulously, “You barely listen to me, the map’s gone and your treating this like no big deal even though you know I can get in a lot of trouble and the worst part is YOU DIDN’T EVEN SAY YOU WERE SORRY!”

“I...I’m sorry. I had no idea you felt that way.” Trixie apologized genuinely.

Starlight’s anger softened and she sighed, “It’s okay Trixie I know your not the best with reading people’s emotions, that’s my problem too, and honestly we both really need to improve on that.” Starlight said.

“Yeah you have a point.” Trixie nodded.

“So, still friends?” Starlight said waiting for a hoof bump.

“Totally.” Trixie gave Starlight a hoof bump.

Soon the map table suddenly reappeared in a flash of light.

“Wh-What how?” Trixie asked in shock.

“I kinda had Spike send a letter to Discord.” Starlight giggles.

Soon Discord opened his rift to speak to Starlight and Trixie, “Yes and your lucky I helped you two, next time Trixie has to fix her own mistakes.” Discord glared at Trixie before getting back in the rift and closing it like a zipper.

“Well this day definitely could’ve gone worse but I’m glad everything worked out.” Starlight smiled at Trixie.

“So am I.” Trixie smiled back.

“Now I just need to do something about that anger magic I have.” Starlight said.

“Wait what?” Trixie asked.