(NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress)

by zodia

Chapter 22: Double Trouble

It's been a year since Chrysalis, and you still can't believe that you were able to wield magic, you thought that maybe it's because of your unicorn counter part.
As usual you just went on your normal day, and went to school, but when you got there you saw that Rainbow wasn't their, she was always first to arrive "Huh... I guess I got here first" you said, then you just sat down.

The first class session starts and Rainbow was still nowhere to be seen "Maybe she's just late" you said in you mind. The second, and third session past and now it's Recess "Where is she?" You said, then Hearty Fan, approached you.

Hearty looks worried "Have you seen Lazuline, anywhere she's nowhere to be seen" said Hearty Fan.

You got shocked "Same with Rainbow, she was never late..." You said.

Then Zack tap you on the back "Hey... What are you guys doing?" Asked Zack.

You and Hearty sigh "We'll... I'm sure you noticed this morning that Lazuline and Rainbow wasn't here today" you said.

Zack smiled "You don't have to worry... I already gave the letter to the teachers, Rainbow and Lazuline are on Las pegasus... What did not the two of you know about this?" Said Zack.

You and Hearty git shocked "Las Pegasus... Their all the way in the middle of this continent" said Hearty Fan.

You put your hands on Zack shoulder's "Why... Are they their?" You asked.

Zack stared at you "Hmm... Can't tell you, she told me not too... I also hand her 7m dollars I don't know the reason but I gave it to her anyways" said Zack.

Your eyes widen "7.... Million... dollars.... And you didn't bother to know why?" You said.

Zack giggled "I'm kidding it's only 10k... They just received an invitation to perform... Their a good duo singer remember... I mean you saw it last summer" said Zack.

You sigh deeply "Zack... One of this days... One of this days... I will slap you" you said.

Hearty approach him "Zack... We've known each other for so long... Your lying" said Hearty Fan.

Zack sigh "Fine... They got involved on mafia... Well snips and snails did... And Rainbow said they have to save them... The mafia said to them that... If they want snips and snails back they should gave them 10k... But I have feeling that it won't be that easy and since Lazuline's powers are not with her right now... And it's in this heart locket right here that she gave me... I sent a very reliable friend of mine... And she's Kerfuffle" said Zack.

You got shocked "WHAT!?... and also why Kerfuffle... She's just a fashionista" you said.

Zack giggled "Yes... But she was also a bounty hunter a good one... She hunted me once and I must say im impressed but I still got away though" said Zack.

Hearty Fan sigh wit relief "Well... That's good to hear, that is someone is looking out for them... But still we should follow them" said Hearty Fan.

"Should we tell the others..." You said, Zack and Hearty shook their head no.

You sigh "Okay then... How though I mean from here to their is 1day and 24 journey" you said.

Zack smiled "Will take a plane... I mean a jet a private jet... Well it's not my jet it's torque wrench's Jet" said Zack.

You got shocked "A private Jet?... Umm can I ask you a question... Don't you have any private jet?" You asked.

Zack raise an eye brow "Their expensive... And I don't really use the word rich on my self... I'm just using the treasure's, gems, etc that my parents left me... Well at least that what I'm telling myself but im sure they would be fine with me using all that treasure. So that I can survive and strive like this" said Zack.

You pat Zack in the back "Sorry about your parents" you said, Zack just sigh and picked up his phone to call someone.

Zack ahems "Hello... Hey torque is your jet available right now... It does, well can we borrow it... Oh where going to las pegasus, we have a big problems with our hands... Alright bye" Said Zack.

"So... Are we game?" Asked Hearty Fan.

Zack smiled "Yep... Where game" said Zack.

After the day was over You, Zack and Hearty went to Hope Hollow to meet up with Torque. You drop your jaw when you saw how fancy the jet is "Wow... It's very Rainbowie" you said.

Torque giggled "Isn't she a beauty" said Torque.

Zack pat Torque in the back "You really did a great job here, I still can't believe that you built this from nothing" said Zack.

Torque ahems "Okay... I will let you guys borrow this, but you have to promise me, not to dmg anything on it... And also no using the bathroom in this, it's not done yet" said Torque.

Zack giggled "Dont worry... Will be fast, where just gonna pick those girls up... Also if Sunset calls you just tell her I'm doing an important business, let's leave our phones here we don't want them tracking us" said Zack.

You and Hearty agreed "To be honest I'm to afraid to tell Twilight that, I know that she put a tracker on my phone" said Hearty.

You scratch your head "Wow... That's probably, because of what happened back then" you said.

Hearty sigh "Yeah... Though it's better if she just told me" said Hearty Fan.

Zack hop into the jet "Come one guys, let's get them already... I promised Trixy that I will help her with her tricks later 10:00 pm for her show" said Zack. You And Hearty we're amazed on how nice the interior is.

An hour later you and your friends reached Las pegasus "Where here everybody, we will be landing completely anytime now" said Zack, as the Jet slowly got close to the ground.

When the jet has landed you and Hearty Fan immediately get off "Next time... I'll fly" said Hearty Fan as he puked.

Zack laughed "Come one its just a little loop de loop... 5 times in a row" said Zack.

You just sigh as you hold your stomach "So... Where are they anyways?" You asked.

Zack hooked his head "No... No idea actually... But that why where here... To find out" said Zack.

Hearty Fan pat you in the back "Dont worry they'll be fine those two are not normal girls" said Hearty.

You sigh "Yeah... I know but I can't still help it, to be worried" you said.

A couple hours later You and your friends are looking around in the city, and since you, Zack, and Hearty have been looking for a while all of you decided to split up, and meet up by the docks by 7pm "*gulp*... Rainbow where are you" you said, worryingly.

After looking around for a while you finally found them, but it looks like they are being guided by three scary men into a stadium "I better call Zack and Hearty" you said, you called Zack and Hearty Fan and told them everything you saw, and then they immediately rushed to your location.

You point at the stadium "Thats where they brought them" you said.

Zack scratch his head "A stadium... I think, I know why they went their" said Zack.

"Why!?" You said.

Zack sigh "We'll this is las pegasus if they want to pay something... They have to work for it... They will be working for them, but of course it's no ordinary job. It's gonna be illegal that's for sure" said Zack.

Hearty sigh out of nervous "Then what do we do... How do we get in?" Asked Hearty Fan.

Zack shook his head "Something that... I wish I don't have to do... Hearty, get a tuxedo, and a dress that you think will look cute on me" said Zack, as he gave his credit card to Hearty.

You scratch your head "Seriously... Your gonna do this?" You said.

Zack sigh loudly "Look those people are a bunch of idiots and not to mention there way into attractive ladies" said Zack.

You giggled "So you do see your self pretty attractive, everytime you crossdress" you said.

Zack looks annoyed "Shut up you pervert, you nosebled when Rarity made me wear a one piece swimsuit" said Zack.

You coughed "I... Got nothing to say on that" you said.

Hearty giggled "She made you wear a swimsuit" said Hearty, teasingly.

Zack sigh "Just get a tuxedo and a dress... Even though I know I hate it" said Zack.

After a couple minutes later Hearty got back from the store "Hey I got tuxedo and the dress" said Zack.

Zack blushed as he take the dress "Why... It's so blue... And flowery" said Zack, as he shivered.

Hearty smirked "You said pick a dress that you think will look cute on you" said Hearty.

Even though you know Zack said that something will look good enough, you zipped your mouth "Yeah... You said that" you said.

Zack looks confused as he was blushing "I... Did? Curse me then *SIGH* lets just get this over with" said Zack.

After a couple minutes later all of you are ready to attend a party "So... How do I look" said Zack.

Hearty covered his mouth "Can Twirl and smile" said Hearty.

You smacked your self in the face for being attracted to him "Can we just get this over with... Seeing you in that feels so wrong, you look more elegant than Rarity in her best dressed and better looking than our girlfriends" you said.

Zack looks disgusted "Let's just go" said Zack.

Hearty sigh "Maybe picking that dressed is bad idea"

You pat Hearty in the back "Should we tell him that... Those stockings looks great on him" you said.

Hearty hooked his head "Nope... If you don't want to get punched in the face... I probably will be after this those stockings and garter belt is a partner of that dress... His gonna kill me, I can feel it" said Hearty, as he got nervous.

When all three of you entered the stadium, you can see that the people their are very rich and the foods are look expensive, there even celebrities "I am not expecting this" you said, as you look around, you saw Rainbow and Lazuline along with snips and snails and it looks like their are guards all around them.

You pat Zack "Can we just kick their asses with magic" you said.

Zack sigh "Do you seriously wanna make a scene... Plus I know a couple people here and I'm telling you right now their pretty nasty" said Zack.

"So how are we gonna save them?" Asked Hearty.

You pat Hearty in the back "I think we both know... That Zack will take their attention or distract them" you said.

Hearty Scratch his head "Zack... You know, you don't have to do this, I mean can you even act like a girl, despite looking like one?" Hearty Fan asked.

Zack smirked "Watch me" said Zack, as he walked towards the guards like a beauty queen, when he was at the guards, they couldn't get their eyes out of him.

You gulped "What do you think, there talking about" you said.

Looks like Hearty didn't pay attention what you said "Did Rarity... Teacher him that" said Hearty.

You gulped once more "Probably...did he just bite his lips, don't tell me his seducing them" you said.

Hearty sigh "I think that's our Que... Let's go" said Hearty, then both of you walked around towards Rainbow and Lazuline.

The moment you and Hearty reached them, they immediately noticed the both of you and ran towards you "Rush!" Said Rainbow, then she hugged you.

Lazuline ahems "How did you two find... And who's that?" Asked Lazuline.

You looked at Rainbow she pouting "Who is that huh... A friend of yours " said Rainbow.

You laughed nervously "No... Well yes his our friend... That is the one and only trap of our friend group, Zack" you said.

Lazuline and Rainbow got shocked "Thats Zack!?... Oh my I must admit he looks hot... Really hot" said Lazuline.

You and Hearty noticed that Zack was signaling the both of you "I think he need our help, Rush take Lazuline and Rainbow with you our of here... I'll get him out in this situation... Again, even though the first one is my fault I dared him too" said Hearty.

You, Rainbow and Lazuline was just about to leave the stadium, when the camera and the spot light was on Zack and Hearty "Oh no... That's not good" said Lazuline.

You gulped "What do you mean that's -" you said, but just before you got to finish what your saying, you heard the announcer said something.

"HELLO EVERYBODY... I am very happy that all of you was able to attend our little gathering on the celebration of the 5th anniversary of this stadium, she's still standing after taking different types of disasters... But before we get into more speeches we have a tradition, for the most handsome and most beautiful guest that arrives and just happeneds that their a couple. Every body say it with KISS!" said the announcer.

You face palmed "Good thing Sunset and Twilight is not here to see this" you said.

Lazuline giggled "Oh they will see it... There here, and it looks like they followed you" said Lazuline.

Rainbow laughed nervously "This... Is probably our fault" said Rainbow.

Lazuline and Rainbow immediately went to them and distracted them, while walking guiding them towards the exit, when you looked at screen. You saw it, they actually did it "Lazuline and Rainbow, better keep their mouth shut about this" you said.

Then you followed your friends to the exit, Then after waiting for a couple minutes Zack and Hearty came out the exit "Their they are" you said.

Sunset gasp "Is that... Yuzu!? Why does he dressed like that" said Sunset, then he looked at you.

You just laughed nervously "It's a long story" you said.

Zack just went inside the RV, he looks really embarrassed and pissed, Sunset, Twilight and Lazuline followed Zack, there all still amazed, You smiled "Hearty... How was it?" You asked.

Hearty blushed our of embarrassment "Not gonna lie, his lips are really soft, softer than Twilights" said Hearty.

You laughed "Dont worry no one will find out, come on lets go we still have class tomorrow" you said. Then you and Hearty just hop into the RV and saw your friends making Zack pose.

"His probably dying inside" you said in your mind.